Example #1
        public void TestBlendingType()
            BytesRef pl = new BytesRef("lake");
            long     w  = 20;

            Input[] keys = new Input[] {
                new Input("top of the lake", w, pl)

            DirectoryInfo tempDir = CreateTempDir("BlendedInfixSuggesterTest");
            Analyzer      a       = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, CharArraySet.EMPTY_SET);

            // BlenderType.LINEAR is used by default (remove position*10%)
            BlendedInfixSuggester suggester = new BlendedInfixSuggester(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, NewFSDirectory(tempDir), a);

            suggester.Build(new InputArrayIterator(keys));

            assertEquals(w, GetInResults(suggester, "top", pl, 1));
            assertEquals((int)(w * (1 - 0.10 * 2)), GetInResults(suggester, "the", pl, 1));
            assertEquals((int)(w * (1 - 0.10 * 3)), GetInResults(suggester, "lake", pl, 1));


            // BlenderType.RECIPROCAL is using 1/(1+p) * w where w is weight and p the position of the word
            suggester = new BlendedInfixSuggester(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, NewFSDirectory(tempDir), a, a,
                                                  AnalyzingInfixSuggester.DEFAULT_MIN_PREFIX_CHARS, BlendedInfixSuggester.BlenderType.POSITION_RECIPROCAL, 1);
            suggester.Build(new InputArrayIterator(keys));

            assertEquals(w, GetInResults(suggester, "top", pl, 1));
            assertEquals((int)(w * 1 / (1 + 2)), GetInResults(suggester, "the", pl, 1));
            assertEquals((int)(w * 1 / (1 + 3)), GetInResults(suggester, "lake", pl, 1));

Example #2
        public void TestBlendedSort()
            BytesRef payload = new BytesRef("star");

            Input[] keys = new Input[] {
                new Input("star wars: episode v - the empire strikes back", 8, payload)

            DirectoryInfo tempDir = CreateTempDir("BlendedInfixSuggesterTest");

            Analyzer a = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, CharArraySet.EMPTY_SET);
            BlendedInfixSuggester suggester = new BlendedInfixSuggester(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, NewFSDirectory(tempDir), a, a,

            suggester.Build(new InputArrayIterator(keys));

            // we query for star wars and check that the weight
            // is smaller when we search for tokens that are far from the beginning

            long w0 = GetInResults(suggester, "star ", payload, 1);
            long w1 = GetInResults(suggester, "war", payload, 1);
            long w2 = GetInResults(suggester, "empire ba", payload, 1);
            long w3 = GetInResults(suggester, "back", payload, 1);
            long w4 = GetInResults(suggester, "bacc", payload, 1);

            assertTrue(w0 > w1);
            assertTrue(w1 > w2);
            assertTrue(w2 > w3);

            assertTrue(w4 < 0);

Example #3
        public void TestTrying()
            BytesRef lake = new BytesRef("lake");
            BytesRef star = new BytesRef("star");
            BytesRef ret  = new BytesRef("ret");

            Input[] keys = new Input[] {
                new Input("top of the lake", 15, lake),
                new Input("star wars: episode v - the empire strikes back", 12, star),
                new Input("the returned", 10, ret),

            DirectoryInfo tempDir = CreateTempDir("BlendedInfixSuggesterTest");
            Analyzer      a       = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, CharArraySet.EMPTY_SET);

            // if factor is small, we don't get the expected element
            BlendedInfixSuggester suggester = new BlendedInfixSuggester(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, NewFSDirectory(tempDir), a, a,
                                                                        AnalyzingInfixSuggester.DEFAULT_MIN_PREFIX_CHARS, BlendedInfixSuggester.BlenderType.POSITION_RECIPROCAL,

            suggester.Build(new InputArrayIterator(keys));

            IList <Lookup.LookupResult> responses = suggester.DoLookup("the", null, 4, true, false);

            foreach (Lookup.LookupResult response in responses)

Example #4
        public void TestRequiresMore()
            BytesRef lake = new BytesRef("lake");
            BytesRef star = new BytesRef("star");
            BytesRef ret  = new BytesRef("ret");

            Input[] keys = new Input[] {
                new Input("top of the lake", 18, lake),
                new Input("star wars: episode v - the empire strikes back", 12, star),
                new Input("the returned", 10, ret),

            DirectoryInfo tempDir = CreateTempDir("BlendedInfixSuggesterTest");
            Analyzer      a       = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, CharArraySet.EMPTY_SET);

            // if factor is small, we don't get the expected element
            BlendedInfixSuggester suggester = new BlendedInfixSuggester(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, NewFSDirectory(tempDir), a, a,
                                                                        BlendedInfixSuggester.BlenderType.POSITION_RECIPROCAL, 1);     //LUCENENET TODO: add extra false param at version 4.11.0

            suggester.Build(new InputArrayEnumerator(keys));

            // we don't find it for in the 2 first
            assertEquals(2, suggester.DoLookup("the", null, 2, true, false).size());
            long w0 = GetInResults(suggester, "the", ret, 2);

            assertTrue(w0 < 0);

            // but it's there if we search for 3 elements
            assertEquals(3, suggester.DoLookup("the", null, 3, true, false).size());
            long w1 = GetInResults(suggester, "the", ret, 3);

            assertTrue(w1 > 0);


            // if we increase the factor we have it
            suggester = new BlendedInfixSuggester(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, NewFSDirectory(tempDir), a, a,
                                                  BlendedInfixSuggester.BlenderType.POSITION_RECIPROCAL, 2);     //LUCENENET TODO: add extra false param at version 4.11.0
            suggester.Build(new InputArrayEnumerator(keys));

            // we have it
            long w2 = GetInResults(suggester, "the", ret, 2);

            assertTrue(w2 > 0);

            // but we don't have the other
            long w3 = GetInResults(suggester, "the", star, 2);

            assertTrue(w3 < 0);

Example #5
        private static long GetInResults(BlendedInfixSuggester suggester, string prefix, BytesRef payload, int num)
            IList <Lookup.LookupResult> responses = suggester.DoLookup(prefix, null, num, true, false);

            foreach (Lookup.LookupResult response in responses)
                if (response.Payload.equals(payload))

Example #6
        public void TestNullPrefixToken()
            BytesRef payload = new BytesRef("lake");

            Input[] keys = new Input[] {
                new Input("top of the lake", 8, payload)

            DirectoryInfo tempDir = CreateTempDir("BlendedInfixSuggesterTest");

            Analyzer a = new StandardAnalyzer(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, CharArraySet.EMPTY_SET);
            BlendedInfixSuggester suggester = new BlendedInfixSuggester(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, NewFSDirectory(tempDir), a, a,
                                                                        BlendedInfixSuggester.DEFAULT_NUM_FACTOR);     //LUCENENET TODO: add extra false param at version 4.11.0

            suggester.Build(new InputArrayEnumerator(keys));

            GetInResults(suggester, "of ", payload, 1);
            GetInResults(suggester, "the ", payload, 1);
            GetInResults(suggester, "lake ", payload, 1);
