public void TestCreateEmptyDatabase() { string dbdir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "test.ldb"); DataBase db = new DataBase (dbdir); Assert.IsTrue (Directory.Exists (dbdir)); Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (Path.Combine (dbdir, "test.ldb"))); Assert.AreEqual (db.Count, 0); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { /* Start DB services */ Core.Init(); var db = new DataBase(Path.Combine(Config.DBDir(),Constants.DB_FILE)); Project p = db.GetProject(db.GetAllProjects()[0].UUID); ExcelExporter ee = new ExcelExporter(); ee.ExportProject(p, "/home/andoni/test.xls"); }
public void TestAddProject() { string dbdir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "test.ldb"); DataBase db = new DataBase (dbdir); ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch pd1 = new ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch (); ProjectLongoMatch p1 = new ProjectLongoMatch {Description = pd1}; Assert.IsTrue (db.AddProject (p1)); Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (Path.Combine (dbdir, p1.ID.ToString()))); Assert.IsTrue (db.AddProject (p1)); Assert.AreEqual (db.Count, 1); db = new DataBase (dbdir); Assert.AreEqual (db.Count, 1); }
public static void StartServices(IGUIToolkit guiToolkit, IMultimediaToolkit multimediaToolkit) { ProjectsManager projectsManager; /* Start TemplatesService */ ts = new TemplatesService(Config.configDirectory); Core.mainWindow.TemplatesService = ts; /* Start DB services */ db = new DataBase(Path.Combine(Config.DBDir(),Constants.DB_FILE)); /* Start the events manager */ eManager = new EventsManager(guiToolkit); /* Start the hotkeys manager */ hkManager = new HotKeysManager(guiToolkit.MainWindow); hkManager.newMarkEvent += eManager.OnNewTag; /* Start the rendering jobs manager */ videoRenderer = new RenderingJobsManager(multimediaToolkit, guiToolkit); /* Start Game Units manager */ guManager = new GameUnitsManager(mainWindow, mainWindow.Player); /* Start playlists manager */ plManager = new PlaylistManager(guiToolkit, videoRenderer); projectsManager = new ProjectsManager(guiToolkit, multimediaToolkit); projectsManager.OpenedProjectChanged += OnOpenedProjectChanged; }
public void UpdateDatabases() { Databases = new List<IDatabase> (); DirectoryInfo dbdir = new DirectoryInfo (DBDir); foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dbdir.GetDirectories()) { if (subdir.FullName.EndsWith (".ldb")) { IDatabase db = new DataBase (subdir.FullName); if (db != null) { Log.Information ("Found database " + db.Name); Databases.Add (db); } } } }
public void SetActiveByName(string name) { foreach (IDatabase db in Databases) { if (db.Name == name) { Log.Information ("Selecting active database " + db.Name); ActiveDB = db; return; } } IDatabase newdb = new DataBase (NameToFile (name)); Log.Information ("Creating new database " + newdb.Name); Databases.Add (newdb); ActiveDB = newdb; }
public IDatabase Add(string name) { if (Databases.Where (db => db.Name == name).Count () != 0) { throw new Exception ("A database with the same name already exists"); } try { IDatabase newdb = new DataBase (NameToFile (name)); Log.Information ("Creating new database " + newdb.Name); Databases.Add (newdb); return newdb; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception (ex); return null; } }
public void TestDBWithErrorProject() { string dbdir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "test.ldb"); DataBase db = new DataBase (dbdir); db.AddProject (new ProjectLongoMatch {Description = new ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch()}); var writer = File.CreateText (Path.Combine (dbdir, "wrongfile")); writer.WriteLine("TEST&%&$&%"); writer.WriteLine("}~4"); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); File.Delete (Path.Combine (dbdir, "test.ldb")); db = new DataBase (dbdir); Assert.AreEqual (db.Count, 1); }
public void TestUpdateProject() { string dbdir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "test.ldb"); DataBase db = new DataBase (dbdir); ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch pd1 = new ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch (); ProjectLongoMatch p1 = new ProjectLongoMatch {Description = pd1}; DateTime lastModified = p1.Description.LastModified; Assert.IsTrue (db.AddProject (p1)); Assert.IsTrue (db.UpdateProject (p1)); Assert.AreNotEqual (p1.Description.LastModified, lastModified); }
public void TestReloadDB() { string dbdir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "test.ldb"); DataBase db = new DataBase (dbdir); db.AddProject (new ProjectLongoMatch {Description = new ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch()}); File.Delete (Path.Combine (dbdir, "test.ldb")); db = new DataBase (dbdir); Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (Path.Combine (dbdir, "test.ldb"))); Assert.AreEqual (db.Count, 1); }
public void TestLoadExistingDatabase() { string dbdir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "test.ldb"); DataBase db = new DataBase (dbdir); DataBase newdb = new DataBase (dbdir); Assert.AreEqual (db.LastBackup, newdb.LastBackup); }
public void TestGetProject() { string dbdir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "test.ldb"); DataBase db = new DataBase (dbdir); ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch pd1 = new ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch (); ProjectLongoMatch p1 = new ProjectLongoMatch {Description = pd1}; db.AddProject (p1); ProjectLongoMatch p2 = db.GetProject (p1.ID); Assert.AreEqual (p1.ID, p2.ID); Assert.IsNull (db.GetProject (new Guid())); }
public void TestGetAllProjects() { string dbdir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "test.ldb"); DataBase db = new DataBase (dbdir); ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch pd1 = new ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch (); ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch pd2 = new ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch (); ProjectLongoMatch p1 = new ProjectLongoMatch {Description = pd1}; ProjectLongoMatch p2 = new ProjectLongoMatch {Description = pd2}; db.AddProject (p1); db.AddProject (p2); Assert.AreEqual (db.Count, 2); List<ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch> projects = db.GetAllProjects (); Assert.AreEqual (db.Count, 2); Assert.AreEqual (projects.Count, 2); Assert.AreEqual (projects[0], pd1); Assert.AreEqual (projects[1], pd2); }
public void TestExists() { string dbdir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "test.ldb"); DataBase db = new DataBase (dbdir); ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch pd1 = new ProjectDescriptionLongoMatch (); ProjectLongoMatch p1 = new ProjectLongoMatch {Description = pd1}; Assert.IsFalse (db.Exists (p1)); db.AddProject (p1); Assert.IsTrue (db.Exists (p1)); }
public void TestDelete() { string dbdir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "test.ldb"); DataBase db = new DataBase (dbdir); Assert.IsTrue (Directory.Exists (dbdir)); db.Delete (); Assert.IsFalse (Directory.Exists (dbdir)); db.Delete (); }
public void TestRemoveProject() { string dbdir = Path.Combine (tmpdir, "test.ldb"); DataBase db = new DataBase (dbdir); ProjectDescription pd1 = new ProjectDescription (); Project p1 = new Project {Description = pd1}; Assert.IsTrue (db.AddProject (p1)); Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (Path.Combine (dbdir, p1.ID.ToString()))); Assert.AreEqual (db.Count, 1); Assert.IsTrue (db.RemoveProject (p1.ID)); Assert.IsFalse (File.Exists (Path.Combine (dbdir, p1.ID.ToString()))); Assert.AreEqual (db.Count, 0); Assert.IsFalse (db.RemoveProject (p1.ID)); db = new DataBase (dbdir); Assert.AreEqual (db.Count, 0); }