public void Example()
            Random rndm         = new Random(0);
            int    nLayers      = 1;
            int    nIn          = 1;
            int    nOut         = nIn;
            int    memCellCount = 11;
            int    nT           = 11;
            double LR           = 0.2;

            LSTMRNN NET = new LSTMRNN(nIn, memCellCount, nOut, nLayers, nT, rndm, 0.6);

            double[] sequence = new double[]
                0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1
            int maxepoch = 20000;
            int iter     = 0;

            double[] output = new double[nOut];
            while (iter < maxepoch)
                for (int W = 0; W < sequence.Length - 2; ++W)
                    Array.Copy(NET.ComputeOutputs(new double[] { sequence[W] }), output, nOut);
                    NET.ComputeInputError(Measure.TminusO(new double[] { sequence[W + 1] }, output), LR, rndm, 1, 10, 5);
                    Console.Write(output[0].ToString() + "   "); // write values

                    if (NET.DROPOUT_RATE > 0)
                        if (iter % 500 == 0)
                            NET.adjust_DROPOUT(NET.DROPOUT_RATE - 0.01);
                            if (LR > 0.003)
                                LR -= 0.002;
                READOUT(iter, nOut);
Example #2
        public void Example()
            Random rndm         = new Random(0);
            int    nLayers      = 1;
            int    nIn          = 27;
            int    nOut         = nIn;
            int    memCellCount = 1000; //256;
            int    nT           = 20;   //50;
            double LR           = 0.001;

            LSTMRNN NET = new LSTMRNN(nIn, memCellCount, nOut, nLayers, nT, rndm);

            string[] vocab = new string[]
            { " squid flax", " zephyr tow", " not the droids",
              " you are", " looking for", " jewel in", " the heart", " of the lotus", " blimp swum", " berg pyramid",
              " I learned this", "at least",
              " by my experiment that if one advances confidently in the direction of his or her dreams",
              " and endeavours to live the life which he or she has imagined",
              " he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours", " He will put some things behind",
              " will pass an invisible boundary", " new", " universal",
              " and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him",
              " or the old laws be expanded", " and interpreted in his favour in a more liberal sense",
              " and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings",
              " In proportion as he simplifies his life",
              " the laws of the universe will appear less complex",
              " and solitude will not be solitude",
              " nor poverty poverty",
              " nor weakness weakness",
              " If you have built castles in the air",
              " your work need not be lost",
              " that is where they should be",
              " Now put the foundations under them",
              " i success published in a masque,", "success published in a masque of",
              " published in a masque of poets",
              " in a masque of poets at",
              " a masque of poets at the",
              " masque of poets at the request",
              " of poets at the request of",
              " poets at the request of",
              " at the request of hh the",
              " the request of hh the authors",
              " request of hh the authors fellowtownswoman",
              " of the authors fellowtownswoman and",
              " the authors fellowtownswoman and friend",
              " the authors fellowtownswoman and friend success",
              " authors fellowtownswoman and friend success is",
              " fellowtownswoman and friend success is counted",
              " and friend success is counted sweetest",
              " friend success is counted sweetest by",
              " success is counted sweetest by those",
              " is counted sweetest by those who",
              " counted sweetest by those who neer",
              " sweetest by those who neer succeed",
              " by those who neer succeed to",
              " those who neer succeed to comprehend",
              " who neer succeed to comprehend a",
              " neer succeed to comprehend a nectar",
              " succeed to comprehend a nectar requires",
              " to comprehend a nectar requires sorest",
              " comprehend a nectar requires sorest need",
              " a nectar requires sorest need not",
              " nectar requires sorest need not one",
              " requires sorest need not one of",
              " sorest need not one of all",
              " need not one of all the",
              " not one of all the purple",
              " one of all the purple host",
              " of all the purple host who",
              " all the purple host who took",
              " the purple host who took the",
              " purple host who took the flag",
              " host who took the flag today",
              " who took the flag today can",
              " took the flag today can tell",
              " the flag today can tell the",
              " flag today can tell the definition",
              " today can tell the definition so",
              " can tell the definition so clear",
              " tell the definition so clear of",
              " the definition so clear of victory",
              " definition so clear of victory as",
              " so clear of victory as he",
              " clear of victory as he defeated",
              " of victory as he defeated dying",
              " victory as he defeated dying on",
              " as he defeated dying on whose",
              " he defeated dying on whose forbidden",
              " defeated dying on whose forbidden ear",
              " dying on whose forbidden ear the",
              " on whose forbidden ear the distant",
              " whose forbidden ear the distant strains",
              " forbidden ear the distant strains of",
              " ear the distant strains of triumph",
              " the distant strains of triumph break",
              " distant strains of triumph break agonized",
              " strains of triumph break agonized and",
              " of triumph break agonized and clear",
              " triumph break agonized and clear",
              " break agonized and clear our",
              " agonized and clear our share",
              " and clear our share of",
              "  our share of night to", };
            int maxepoch = 4000;
            int iter     = 0;

            double[]       output       = new double[nOut];
            double[][][][] TrainingData = Alphabet.InitializeTrainingData(vocab);
            while (iter < maxepoch)
                int[] S = Measure.Shuffle(TrainingData[0].Length, rndm);
                for (int W = 0; W < TrainingData[0].Length; ++W)
                    for (int L = 0; L < TrainingData[0][S[W]].Length; ++L)
                        Array.Copy(NET.ComputeOutputs(TrainingData[0][S[W]][L]), output, nOut);
                        NET.ComputeInputError(Measure.TminusO(TrainingData[1][S[W]][L], output), LR, rndm, 1, 10, 5);
                        Console.Write(Alphabet.Letters[Measure.MaxIndex(output)[0]]); // write values
                READOUT(iter, nOut);