Example #1
 internal UICell(TextureID2D[] tid, object tag, TextureID2D overlay, float border = 0, string text = "", Color textcol = default(Color), ButtonPressedEventHandler pressed = null, int layer = 0) : base(tid, pressed, layer, tag.ToString())
     this.overlay = overlay;
     this.tag     = tag;
     font         = DataHandler.Fonts[0];
     color        = textcol;
     this.border  = border;
     this.text    = text;
Example #2
 internal UICell(TextureID2D[] tid, object tag, TextureID2D overlay, float border = 0, string text = "", Color textcol = default(Color), ButtonPressedEventHandler pressed = null, int layer = 0)
     : base(tid, pressed, layer, tag.ToString())
     this.overlay = overlay;
     this.tag = tag;
     font = DataHandler.Fonts[0];
     color = textcol;
     this.border = border;
     this.text = text;
Example #3
        internal static Rectangle getTextureSource(TextureID2D id)
            // Textures are expected to be square
            if (Textures[id.RefKey] == null)
                return(new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0));
            int unitsperrow = Textures[id.RefKey].Width / TextureUnitDim;
            int texw        = (int)(TextureUnitDim * id.WidthUnits);
            int texh        = (int)(TextureUnitDim * id.HeightUnits);

            return(new Rectangle(id.Index % unitsperrow * TextureUnitDim + 1, id.Index / unitsperrow * TextureUnitDim + 1, texw - 1, texh - 1));
        internal UIVisibleObject(TextureID2D[] tid, string id = "", int layer = 0)
            : base(id, layer)
            // Use TextureID to describe the texture.   new VisibleUIObject(new TextureID(
            // int groupIndex   // Filename index in the array Datahandler.TextureFiles
            // , int idx        // Index in the sheet
            //  , int wunits=1, int hunits=1  width and hight units, default 1*1))

            if (tid == null || tid.Length == 0 || !DataHandler.isValid(tid[0])) sprite = null;
                sprite = tid;
                size = new Vector2(tid[0].TotalWidth, tid[0].TotalHeight);
Example #5
 internal static bool isValid(TextureID2D tid)
     return(tid != default(TextureID2D) && Textures.ContainsKey(tid.RefKey));
Example #6
 internal static Texture2D getTexture(TextureID2D tid)