private void moneySaver_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ss.SpeakAsync("Enter what you need in the shelves and let the program do what it can."); Savings savings = new Savings(); savings.ShowDialog(); }
private void dictateBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (tbCommandForPeople.Text != "") { if (openBrowsers) { bool know = false; foreach (var items in browsers) { if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains(items)) { Process.Start(items); know = true; } } if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yes") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yeah") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("jop")) { ss.SpeakAsync("Type name, I will repeat it."); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); } else if (know) { ss.SpeakAsync("I am opnening it."); openBrowsers = false; } else { ss.SpeakAsync("OK"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("OK"); openBrowsers = false; } } else if (cRedirect) { if (startC) { if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yes") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yeah") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("jop")) { ss.SpeakAsync("Excelent! Now, I will redirect you to our programmer learner. If somthing will be wrong, conact me Sir!"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Redirect to learner YT chanell."); Stream stream = new FileStream("programing.txt", FileMode.Append); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream)) { sw.WriteLine("true"); } Process.Start("chrome", ""); } else { ss.SpeakAsync("Allright sir!"); howToProgram = false; beginerProgrammer = false; pythonRedirect = false; pythonRedirect = false; cRedirect = false; startC = false; } } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yes") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yeah") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("jop")) { Process.Start("chrome", ""); ss.SpeakAsync("Click on the download button and download Community version, after successfull download and opening that file type yes."); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("After open Visual Studio - type yes."); startC = true; } else { ss.SpeakAsync("Allright sir!"); howToProgram = false; beginerProgrammer = false; pythonRedirect = false; pythonRedirect = false; cRedirect = false; } } else if (pythonRedirect) { if (startPython) { if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yes") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yeah") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("jop")) { ss.SpeakAsync("Nice. Now I will play video for learning."); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Video loading..."); } else { ss.SpeakAsync("Allright sir!"); howToProgram = false; beginerProgrammer = false; pythonRedirect = false; pythonRedirect = false; startPython = false; } } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yes") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yeah") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("jop")) { Process.Start("chrome", ""); ss.SpeakAsync("Click on the yellow button, after success download and opening that file, type YES."); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("After success download, and opening the program, type yes."); startPython = true; } else { ss.SpeakAsync("Allright sir!"); howToProgram = false; beginerProgrammer = false; pythonRedirect = false; pythonRedirect = false; } } else if (beginerProgrammer) { if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yes") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yeah") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("jop")) { ss.SpeakAsync("Then I will recomand you to learn Python for first language. Do you want to continue?"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("I will redirect you to the python page. <yes/no>"); pythonRedirect = true; } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("done")) { ss.SpeakAsync("Allright sir!"); howToProgram = false; beginerProgrammer = false; } else { ss.SpeakAsync("Nice, so I recomanded to you a C#! I will redirect you to the page from microsoft for IDE to program"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("I will redirect you to the microsoft page. <yes/no>"); cRedirect = true; } } else if (howToProgram == true) { if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yes") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yeah") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("jop")) { ss.SpeakAsync("I am really glad sir! If you want to leave this mode, type DONE."); ss.SpeakAsync("Programming is hard thing, but you can learn it in some way. Tell me, are you really a beginner?"); ss.SpeakAsync("That means you don't know what is array, variable like string, intieger etc ?"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Tell me, are you really a beginner? <yes/no>"); beginerProgrammer = true; } else { ss.SpeakAsync("OK, but you know i can do that!"); howToProgram = false; } } else if (openFile) { if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yes") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yeah") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("jop")) { Process.Start(path); ss.SpeakAsync("Sure sir!"); shutProgramDown = false; problems = false; openFile = false; } else { ss.SpeakAsync("OK"); shutProgramDown = false; problems = false; openFile = false; } } else if (problems == true) { if (cantOpen == true) { ss.SpeakAsync("Sorry I can't shut down it..."); } else if (shutProgramDown == true) { Process[] runningProcesses = Process.GetProcesses(); foreach (Process process in runningProcesses) { foreach (ProcessModule module in process.Modules) { if (module.FileName.Equals(tbCommandForPeople.Text)) { process.Kill(); ss.SpeakAsync("Process was successfully killed."); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Process was successfully killed."); } else { MessageBox.Show("Sorry, I can not find your file..", "Ehmmm.."); } } } shutProgramDown = false; problems = false; } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("processor") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("lag") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("bug")) { problems = false; ss.SpeakAsync("I prefer restart PC, if this not work, you can upgrade your computer. Can I restart your machine?"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Can I restart your machine? <yes/no>"); problemsHelp = true; } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("program") && tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("shut") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("close")) { shutProgramDown = true; ss.SpeakAsync("Please write exact name of the progrma or file."); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Please write exact name of the progrma/file."); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("program") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("open")) { cantOpen = true; ss.SpeakAsync("Please write exact name of the progrma or file."); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Please write exact name of the progrma/file."); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("done")) { problems = false; ss.SpeakAsync("Okay, I believe i help you fine."); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("yes") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("jop") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("of course") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("can do")) { Process.Start("shutdown.exe", "-r"); ss.SpeakAsync("Ok, please wait a little moment."); } } if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("have") && tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("problem")) { problems = true; gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Type something like lag/bug/memory/storage etc.."); ss.SpeakAsync("What kind of problem you have? If you want to leave solving problem, type DONE."); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("saving program") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("calculate my savings") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("calculate saving")) { ss.SpeakAsync("I am opening my special software for that, sir."); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Opening Savings..."); Savings savings = new Savings(); savings.Show(); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("hello there")) { ss.SpeakAsync("General Kenobi!"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("General Kenobi!"); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("watch file")) { FileW fileW = new FileW(); fileW.ShowDialog(); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("how to program") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("learn programming") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("learn program") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("want to program application") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("create application") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("create software") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("create a application") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("create a software") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("create program")) { ss.SpeakAsync("If you want to learn how to program, type yes."); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("If you want to learn how to program, type yes."); howToProgram = true; } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("virus") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("check for virus")) { Process process = new Process(); OpenFileDialog opf = new OpenFileDialog(); ss.SpeakAsync("Choose file that you want to scan."); Nullable <bool> res = opf.ShowDialog(); if (res == true) { path = opf.FileName; } var processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("C:/Program Files/Windows Defender/MpCmdRun.exe") { Arguments = $"-Scan -ScanType 3 -File \"{path}\" -DisableRemediation", CreateNoWindow = true, ErrorDialog = false, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, UseShellExecute = false }; process.StartInfo = processStartInfo; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); if (process.ExitCode == 0) { gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("No issues found, you can open file. Can I open it?"); ss.SpeakAsync("No issues found, you can open file. Can I open it?"); openFile = true; } else { gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("I found some problems sir...."); ss.SpeakAsync("I found some problems sir... You can open it, but i dont recomanded to you that. It can be problem in softwers, which has nothing problems, but the source is not verified."); } } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("read") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("show") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("open")) { tbFileOpenInfo.Clear(); allTxt = ""; ss.SpeakAsync("What kind of file I have to read?"); OpenFileDialog opf = new OpenFileDialog(); opf.Filter = "Text|*.txt|All|*.*"; Nullable <bool> res = opf.ShowDialog(); if (res == true) { path = opf.FileName; } if (path == null) { } else { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { ss.SpeakAsync(line); allTxt += line + Environment.NewLine; } tbFileOpenInfo.Text = allTxt; } btnSaveReadingFile.IsEnabled = true; tbFileOpenInfo.IsEnabled = true; gloraSay.Items.Add("You can edit the file."); } } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("thank")) { ss.SpeakAsync("I am trying to do my best sir!"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("I am trying to do my best sir!"); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("how are you")) { ss.SpeakAsync("Thanks for asking sir, I am realy fine!"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Thanks for asking sir, I am realy fine!"); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("play")) { string g = tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Replace(" ", "+"); ss.SpeakAsync("Yeah, i am going to play it!"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Yeah, i am going to play it!"); int y = g.IndexOf("y") + 1; search = g.Substring(y); Process.Start("chrome", "" + search); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("do you know something about")) { string g = tbCommandForPeople.Text.Replace(' ', '+'); ss.SpeakAsync("Yeah of caurse I know, let you see it."); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Yeah..."); int y = g.IndexOf("b") + 4; search = g.Substring(y); string urlAddress = "" + search; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlAddress); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader readStream = null; if (response.CharacterSet == null) { readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream); } else { readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(response.CharacterSet)); } Stream stream = new FileStream("web.txt", FileMode.Create); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream)) { sw.WriteLine(readStream.ReadToEnd()); } response.Close(); readStream.Close(); } webPageCode.IsEnabled = true; Process.Start("chrome", "" + search); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("hello") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("hi") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("hey") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("glora")) { Random random = new Random(); int x = random.Next(0, 7); if (greetings[x] == "Whoops, you think it was lag, nope, it was prank...") { Thread.Sleep(2500); } ss.SpeakAsync(greetings[x]); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add(greetings[x]); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("time")) { ss.SpeakAsync("current date is " + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime()); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add(DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString()); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("how old") && tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("you")) { ss.SpeakAsync("It is not polit to ask about woman's age"); gloraSay.Items.Add("It is not polit to ask about woman's age."); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("detect browsers") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("browser")) { RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Clients\StartMenuInternet"); if (registryKey == null) { registryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet"); } string[] browserNames = registryKey.GetSubKeyNames(); ss.SpeakAsync("I detected " + browserNames.Length + " browsers."); foreach (var item in browserNames) { ss.SpeakAsync(item); browsers.Add(item.ToLower()); } ss.SpeakAsync("Do you want to open some of them?"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Do you want to open some of them?"); openBrowsers = true; } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("current date")) { ss.SpeakAsync("current date is " + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("are you here")) { ss.SpeakAsync("I am here sir, dont be afraid"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("I am here sir, don't be afraid!"); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("motivate me")) { ss.SpeakAsync("Lets do it!"); Random random = new Random(); int y = random.Next(0, 7); ss.SpeakAsync(motivate[y]); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Let's do it!"); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("fine")) { ss.SpeakAsync("I am glad."); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("I am glad!"); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("from") && tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("to")) { int y = tbCommandForPeople.Text.IndexOf("m") + 2; string se = tbCommandForPeople.Text.Substring(y); int y2 = se.IndexOf(" "); int y3 = se.IndexOf(" ") + 1; string se2 = se.Substring(y3); int y4 = se2.IndexOf("o") + 2; string se3 = se2.Substring(y4); int x1 = Convert.ToInt32(se.Substring(0, y2)); int x2 = Convert.ToInt32(se3); ss.SpeakAsync("Ok sir!"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Counting...."); while (x1 != x2) { ss.SpeakAsync(x1.ToString()); x1--; } if (x1 == x2) { ss.SpeakAsync("DONE!!!"); } } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("how are you")) { ss.SpeakAsync("Thanks for asking sir, i am fine, and you?"); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Thanks for asking, I am fine, and you?"); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("reset")) { ss.SpeakAsync("I am reseting myself.?"); tbFileOpenInfo.Clear(); tbFileOpenInfo.IsEnabled = false; btnSaveReadingFile.IsEnabled = false; gloraSay.Items.Clear(); dictateTb.Items.Clear(); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("thank you")) { ss.SpeakAsync("pleasure is on my side " + name); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Pleasure is on my side " + name); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("browser") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("web") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("google")) { ss.SpeakAsync("I am opening google sir!"); Process.Start("chrome", ""); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("I am opening google sir!"); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("close") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("exit")) { if (problems == true) { } else { ss.Speak("See you later!"); //UPRAVIT //this.Close(); } } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("calculator")) { ss.Speak("openning calculator"); //Process.Start("calculator"); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains(".cz") || tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains(".com")) { ss.Speak("I am looking for that page " + tbCommandForPeople.Text); string urlAddress = "https://www." + tbCommandForPeople.Text; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlAddress); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader readStream = null; if (response.CharacterSet == null) { readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream); } else { readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(response.CharacterSet)); } Stream stream = new FileStream("web.txt", FileMode.Create); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream)) { sw.WriteLine(readStream.ReadToEnd()); } response.Close(); readStream.Close(); } Process.Start("chrome", "https://www." + tbCommandForPeople.Text); webPageCode.IsEnabled = true; } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("youtube")) { ss.SpeakAsync("Opening YouTube sir"); Process.Start("chrome", ""); gloraSay.Items.Add(""); gloraSay.Items.Add("Opening YouTube sir!"); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("search ")) { string g = tbCommandForPeople.Text.Replace(' ', '+'); ss.SpeakAsync("Okay sir, I am searching for it"); int y = g.IndexOf("f") + 4; search = g.Substring(y); string urlAddress = "" + search; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlAddress); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader readStream = null; if (response.CharacterSet == null) { readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream); } else { readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(response.CharacterSet)); } Stream stream = new FileStream("web.txt", FileMode.Create); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream)) { sw.WriteLine(readStream.ReadToEnd()); } response.Close(); readStream.Close(); } webPageCode.IsEnabled = true; Process.Start("chrome", "" + search); } else if (tbCommandForPeople.Text.ToLower().Contains("who is ")) { string g = tbCommandForPeople.Text.Replace(' ', '+'); ss.SpeakAsync("Okay sir, I am searching for it"); int y = g.IndexOf("s") + 2; search = g.Substring(y); string urlAddress = "" + search; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(urlAddress); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader readStream = null; if (response.CharacterSet == null) { readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream); } else { readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(response.CharacterSet)); } Stream stream = new FileStream("web.txt", FileMode.Create); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream)) { sw.WriteLine(readStream.ReadToEnd()); } response.Close(); readStream.Close(); } webPageCode.IsEnabled = true; Process.Start("chrome", "" + search); } dictateTb.Items.Add("You: " + tbCommandForPeople.Text); dictateTb.Items.Add(" "); if (indexCommands == 30) { for (int i = 0; i < commands.Length - 1; i++) { commands[i] = commands[i + 1]; } commands[30] = tbCommandForPeople.Text; } else { commands[indexCommands] = tbCommandForPeople.Text; indexCommands++; } } else { } tbCommandForPeople.Text = ""; if (problemsHelp == true) { problems = true; } }