public string[] CheckProductQuantities() { try { if (Context.User.IsInRole("User")) { User myLoggedUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name); List<ShoppingCart> myShoppingCartItems = new ShoppingCartLogic().RetrieveAllShoppingCartItems(myLoggedUser.Id).ToList(); List<string> ViolatingIDs = new List<string>(); foreach (ShoppingCart myShoppingCartItem in myShoppingCartItems) { if (!new OrdersLogic().HasSufficientQuantity(myShoppingCartItem.ProductFK, myShoppingCartItem.Quantity)) { ViolatingIDs.Add(myShoppingCartItem.ProductFK.ToString()); } } return ViolatingIDs.ToArray(); } else { return new string[] { "" }; } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
public void AddToCart(string ProductID, string Quantity) { try { if (Context.User.IsInRole("User")) { Guid myProductID = Guid.Parse(ProductID.Trim()); int myQuantity = 0; User myLoggedUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name); if (Quantity.Trim() != string.Empty) { myQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(Quantity.Trim()); } else { myQuantity = 1; } new ShoppingCartLogic().AddToCart(myLoggedUser.Id, myProductID, myQuantity); } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
public string LoadShoppingCartItems() { try { if (Context.User.IsInRole("User")) { string HTML = ""; User myLoggedUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name); List<ShoppingCart> myShoppingCartItems = new ShoppingCartLogic().RetrieveAllShoppingCartItems(myLoggedUser.Id).ToList(); List<Product> myProductList = new List<Product>(); foreach (ShoppingCart myShoppingCartItem in myShoppingCartItems) { myProductList.Add(new ProductsLogic().RetrieveProductByID(myShoppingCartItem.ProductFK.ToString())); } Product[] myProducts = myProductList.ToArray(); if (myProducts.Length > 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= (myProducts.Length + 4 / 4); i++) { int Counter = i * 4; HTML += "<tr>"; for (int j = (Counter - 3); j <= Counter; j++) { HTML += "<td>"; HTML += TDContents(myProducts[j - 1]); HTML += "</td>"; if (j == myProducts.Length) { goto LoopEnd; } } HTML += "</tr>"; } } LoopEnd: return HTML; } else { return ""; } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
protected async void ResetPassword(object sender, EventArgs e) { UsersLogic UsersLogic = new UsersLogic(); if (await UsersLogic.SendResetPasswordMail(emailtxt.Value)) { Response.Redirect("~/account/forgotpassword?success=true", false); } }
public void CompleteCheckout(string CreditCard) { try { if (Context.User.IsInRole("User")) { User myLoggedUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name); List<ShoppingCart> myShoppingCartItems = new ShoppingCartLogic().RetrieveAllShoppingCartItems(myLoggedUser.Id).ToList(); List<OrderItem> myOrderItems = new List<OrderItem>(); foreach (ShoppingCart myShoppingCartItem in myShoppingCartItems) { UserTypeProduct myPriceType = new PriceTypesLogic().RetrievePriceTypeByID(myLoggedUser.UserTypeFK, myShoppingCartItem.ProductFK); OrderItem myOrderItem = new OrderItem(); myOrderItem.Id = myShoppingCartItem.ProductFK; double myPrice = 0; if (myPriceType != null) { myPrice = myPriceType.Price; double? NewPrice = 0; if ((myPriceType.DiscountDateFrom != null) && (myPriceType.DiscountDateTo != null) && (myPriceType.DiscountPercentage != null)) { if ((DateTime.Now >= myPriceType.DiscountDateFrom) && (DateTime.Now <= myPriceType.DiscountDateTo)) { NewPrice = myPriceType.Price - ((myPriceType.DiscountPercentage / 100) * myPriceType.Price); myPrice = Convert.ToDouble(NewPrice); } } } myOrderItem.Price = myPrice; myOrderItem.Quantity = myShoppingCartItem.Quantity; myOrderItems.Add(myOrderItem); } //if ( new OrdersLogic().AddOrder(null, myLoggedUser.Id, CreditCard.Trim(), myOrderItems); //{ //new UsersLogic().InsertCreditCardNumber(CreditCard.Trim(), myLoggedUser.Id); //new ShoppingCartLogic().EmptyCart(myLoggedUser.Id); //} } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
protected async void ResetPassword(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (passwordtxt.Value != passwordvalidatetxt.Value) { SiteLogic.AddError("The confirm password field does no match the password field"); return; } UsersLogic UsersLogic = new UsersLogic(); if (await UsersLogic.ResetPassword(Request["id"], Request["code"], passwordtxt.Value)) { Response.Redirect("~/account/resetpassword?success=true", false); } }
protected void Application_AuthenticateRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Context.User != null) { IQueryable<Role> myRoles = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserRoles(Context.User.Identity.Name); List<string> myRoleList = new List<string>(); foreach(Role myRole in myRoles) { myRoleList.Add(myRole.Role1); } string[] myRolesArray = myRoleList.ToArray(); GenericPrincipal myPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal(Context.User.Identity, myRolesArray); Context.User = myPrincipal; } }
public void FinishPayment() { if (VerifyPayment() == "VERIFIED") { Order.OrderLog = "VERIFIED - ZCredit order successfull"; Order.ChargeStatus = ChargeStatusEnum.ChargedSuccessfully.ToString(); Order.CardToken = HttpContext.Current.Request["Token"]; Order.CardAuthNum = HttpContext.Current.Request["ApprovalNumber"]; Order.CardHolderId = HttpContext.Current.Request["CustomerID"]; Order.StatusId = 5; UsersLogic usersLogic = new UsersLogic(); User user = usersLogic.FindByUserId(Order.UserId); } else { Order.OrderLog = "NOT VERIFIED" + " ההזמנה בZCREDIT לא עברה בהצלחה. "; // +ZCreditProviderError(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["ApprovalNumber"]); Order.ChargeStatus = ChargeStatusEnum.ChargeFailed.ToString(); Order.StatusId = 9; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); if (!IsPostBack) { if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { User myLoggedUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name); lblLoggedUser.Text = myLoggedUser.Name + " " + myLoggedUser.Surname; } txtSearch.Attributes.Add("DefaultText", "Search Store"); } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
public string AppendProducts(string ParentID, string ChildID, string SearchText, string LoadAll) { try { if (Context.User.IsInRole("User")) { int myParentID = 0; int myChildID = 0; if ((ParentID.Trim() != "") && (ChildID.Trim() != "")) { myParentID = Convert.ToInt32(ParentID.Trim()); myChildID = Convert.ToInt32(ChildID.Trim()); } string HTML = ""; User myLoggedUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name); _UserType = myLoggedUser.UserType.Type; Product[] myProducts = null; if (SearchText == "") { if (myChildID == 0) { //parent only myProducts = new ProductsLogic().RetrieveProductsForDisplayByUser(myLoggedUser.UserTypeFK, myParentID, null).ToArray(); } else { //child myProducts = new ProductsLogic().RetrieveProductsForDisplayByUser(myLoggedUser.UserTypeFK, null, myChildID).ToArray(); } } else { if (LoadAll == "false") { myProducts = new ProductsLogic().RetrieveProductsForDisplayBySearch(myLoggedUser.UserTypeFK, SearchText).ToArray(); } } if (LoadAll == "true") { myProducts = new ProductsLogic().RetrieveProductsForDisplayByUserType(myLoggedUser.UserTypeFK).ToArray(); } if (myProducts.Length > 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= (myProducts.Length + 4 / 4); i++) { int Counter = i * 4; HTML += "<tr>"; for (int j = (Counter - 3); j <= Counter; j++) { HTML += "<td>"; HTML += TDContents(myProducts[j - 1]); HTML += "</td>"; if (j == myProducts.Length) { goto LoopEnd; } } HTML += "</tr>"; } } LoopEnd: return HTML; } else { return ""; } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
public string RetrieveCartTotal() { try { if (Context.User.IsInRole("User")) { User myLoggedUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name); return "€" + new ShoppingCartLogic().RetrieveCartTotal(myLoggedUser.Id).ToString("F"); } else { return ""; } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
//ProductsView myCurrentProduct /// <summary> /// Generates TD Contents for Product /// Level: External /// </summary> /// <param name="myProduct">The Product</param> /// <returns>HTML</returns> private string TDContents(Product myProduct) { try { string Name = myProduct.Name; string ImageURL = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(myProduct.ImageURL); string ProductID = myProduct.Id.ToString(); string ProductLink = "/user/viewproduct.aspx?id=" + new Encryption().Encrypt(myProduct.Id.ToString()); User myLoggedUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name); UserTypeProduct myPriceType = new PriceTypesLogic().RetrievePriceTypeByID(myLoggedUser.UserTypeFK, myProduct.Id); string Price = ""; if (myPriceType != null) { Price = "€" + myPriceType.Price.ToString("F"); double? NewPrice = 0; if ((myPriceType.DiscountDateFrom != null) && (myPriceType.DiscountDateTo != null) && (myPriceType.DiscountPercentage != null)) { if ((DateTime.Now >= myPriceType.DiscountDateFrom) && (DateTime.Now <= myPriceType.DiscountDateTo)) { NewPrice = myPriceType.Price - ((myPriceType.DiscountPercentage / 100) * myPriceType.Price); string myDisplayedNewPrice = Convert.ToDouble(NewPrice).ToString("F"); Price = myPriceType.DiscountPercentage + "% Off : €" + myDisplayedNewPrice; } } } //string Price = new ProductsLogic().RetrieveProductPrice(_UserType, myProduct.Id).ToString("F"); string ButtonHTML = "<input type=\"image\" class=\"ProductButton\" alt=\"\" ProductID=\"" + ProductID + "\" ClickAction=\"Add\" src=\"/images/Add.jpg\" onclick=\"return false;\" />" + "<div class=\"ProductButtonSpacer\"></div>" + "<input type=\"image\" class=\"ProductButton\" alt=\"\" ProductID=\"" + ProductID + "\" ClickAction=\"Remove\" src=\"/images/Remove.jpg\" onclick=\"return false;\"/>"; string OutOfStock = "No Stock "; string LowOnStock = "Low Stock "; string TextBox = "<div class=\"MiniFontGrey\"><div style=\"padding-top: 5px; float: left;\">Quantity </div><input type=\"text\" name=\"" + ProductID + "\" class=\"CatalogTextBox\"></div>" + "<br />"; if (myProduct.StockQuantity == 0) { ButtonHTML = ""; LowOnStock = ""; TextBox = "<div style=\"height: 27px; width: 1px\"></div>"; } else if (myProduct.StockQuantity <= myProduct.ReorderLevel) { OutOfStock = ""; } else { LowOnStock = ""; OutOfStock = ""; } string HTML = "<div>" + "<div class=\"ProductContent\">" + "<img class=\"ProductImage\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + ImageURL + "\" />" + "<br />" + "<a href=\"" + ProductLink + "\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"MiniFontGrey\">" + Name + "</a><br />" + "<div class=\"MiniFontBlue\">" + OutOfStock + LowOnStock + Price + "</div>" + "<br />" + TextBox + "</div>" + "<div class=\"ProductButtons\">" + ButtonHTML + "</div>"; return HTML; } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
public void RemoveFromCart(string ProductID) { try { if (Context.User.IsInRole("User")) { Guid myProductID = Guid.Parse(ProductID.Trim()); User myLoggedUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name); new ShoppingCartLogic().RemoveFromCart(myLoggedUser.Id, myProductID); } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string myProductID = null; try { myProductID = new Encryption().Decrypt(Request.QueryString[0].ToString()); } catch (Exception) { Response.Redirect("~/pagenotfound.aspx"); } Guid myProductGuid; if (Guid.TryParse(myProductID, out myProductGuid)) { Product myProduct = new ProductsLogic().RetrieveProductByID(myProductID); User myLoggedUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name); UserTypeProduct myPriceType = new PriceTypesLogic().RetrievePriceTypeByID(myLoggedUser.UserTypeFK, myProduct.Id); this.Title = "the Great Supermarket | " + myProduct.Name; txtPageTitle.Text = "Viewing: " + myProduct.Name; hdnProductID.Value = myProduct.Id.ToString(); imgProduct.ImageUrl = myProduct.ImageURL; lblProductName.Text = myProduct.Name; lblDescription.Text = myProduct.Description; string Price = ""; string Stock = ""; if (myProduct.StockQuantity == 0) { Stock = "No Stock"; txtQuantity.Visible = false; lblQuantity.Visible = false; _StockAvailable = false; } else if (myProduct.StockQuantity <= myProduct.ReorderLevel) { Stock = "Low Stock"; } if (myPriceType != null) { Price = "€" + myPriceType.Price.ToString("F"); double? NewPrice = 0; if ((myPriceType.DiscountDateFrom != null) && (myPriceType.DiscountDateTo != null) && (myPriceType.DiscountPercentage != null)) { if ((DateTime.Now >= myPriceType.DiscountDateFrom) && (DateTime.Now <= myPriceType.DiscountDateTo)) { NewPrice = myPriceType.Price - ((myPriceType.DiscountPercentage / 100) * myPriceType.Price); string myDisplayedNewPrice = Convert.ToDouble(NewPrice).ToString("F"); Price = myPriceType.DiscountPercentage + "% Off : €" + myDisplayedNewPrice; } } } lblPrice.Text = Stock + " " + Price; } else { Response.Redirect("~/pagenotfound.aspx"); } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
public string DeAllocateRole(string Email, string Role) { try { if (Context.User.IsInRole("Administrator")) { string myEmail = Email.Trim(); int myRole = Convert.ToInt32(Role.Trim()); UserDeAllocate myResult = new UsersLogic().DeAllocateRole(myEmail, myRole); if (myResult == UserDeAllocate.UserIsAdmin) { return "Role Cannot Be De Allocated : Same Permission"; } else if (myResult == UserDeAllocate.OnlyUser) { return "User Must Either Be an Administrator, a User, or Both"; } else { return ""; } } else { return ""; } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
public string[] PopulateRoles(string Email) { try { if (Context.User.IsInRole("Administrator")) { string myEmail = Email.Trim(); List<Role> myCurrentRoles = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserRolesByEmail(myEmail).ToList(); List<Role> AllRoles = new RolesLogic().RetrieveAllRoles().ToList(); string CurrentRoleHTML = ""; string AvailableRoleHTML = ""; foreach (Role myRole in myCurrentRoles) { CurrentRoleHTML += "<option value=\"" + myRole.Id + "\">" + myRole.Role1 + "</option>"; } foreach (Role myRole in myCurrentRoles) { Role ToRemove = AllRoles.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Role1 == myRole.Role1); AllRoles.Remove(ToRemove); } foreach (Role myRole in AllRoles) { AvailableRoleHTML += "<option value=\"" + myRole.Id + "\">" + myRole.Role1 + "</option>"; } return new string[2] { CurrentRoleHTML, AvailableRoleHTML }; } else { return new string[] { "" }; } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
public string LoadShoppingCartItems() { try { if (Context.User.IsInRole("User")) { string HTML = ""; User myLoggedUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name); List<ShoppingCart> myShoppingCartItems = new ShoppingCartLogic().RetrieveAllShoppingCartItems(myLoggedUser.Id).ToList(); HTML += "<table>"; int Counter = 0; foreach (ShoppingCart myShoppingCartItem in myShoppingCartItems) { UserTypeProduct myPriceType = new PriceTypesLogic().RetrievePriceTypeByID(myLoggedUser.UserTypeFK, myShoppingCartItem.ProductFK); string PriceOutput = ""; if (myPriceType != null) { PriceOutput = myPriceType.Price.ToString("F"); double? NewPrice = 0; if ((myPriceType.DiscountDateFrom != null) && (myPriceType.DiscountDateTo != null) && (myPriceType.DiscountPercentage != null)) { if ((DateTime.Now >= myPriceType.DiscountDateFrom) && (DateTime.Now <= myPriceType.DiscountDateTo)) { NewPrice = myPriceType.Price - ((myPriceType.DiscountPercentage / 100) * myPriceType.Price); string myDisplayedNewPrice = Convert.ToDouble(NewPrice).ToString("F"); PriceOutput = myDisplayedNewPrice + " : " + myPriceType.DiscountPercentage + " % Off"; } } } HTML += "<tr class=\"GridViewTuple\">"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += new ProductsLogic().RetrieveProductByID(myShoppingCartItem.ProductFK.ToString()).Name; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "<div style=\"padding-top: 4px; float: left;\">x </div><input class=\"CatalogTextBox\" id=\"" + myShoppingCartItem.ProductFK + "\" Use=\"Quantity\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + myShoppingCartItem.Quantity.ToString() + "\">"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td> at </td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "€ " + PriceOutput; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "<div Use=\"ErrorDiv\" ProductID=\"" + myShoppingCartItem.ProductFK + "\" class=\"MiniFontBlue\">Not Enough Stock</div>"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; Counter++; } HTML += "</table>"; return HTML; } else { return ""; } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }
public string PayDeal() { string ret = "", ret1 = "", ret2 = "", ret3 = "", ret4 = "", ret5 = "", ret6 = ""; string siteurl = SiteLogic.Config()["siteurl"]; string retMsg = ""; string authNUm = Order.CardAuthNum; string cardNumber = Order.CardToken, expMonth = ""; int ReferenceNumber = 0, Validation_Result_Code = 0; clsZCreditWSSoapClient sc = new clsZCreditWSSoapClient(); sc.CommitSimpleTransaction("2648414013", //TerminalNumber, 0963222014 "7351585986", //Password, 0963222014 "", //Track2,, ref cardNumber, //CardNumber,, ref expMonth, //ExpDate_MMYY, (float)Order.GetGrandTotal(), //TransactionSum,, Order.CardHolderId, //HolderID,, "", //CVV,, false, //IsCustomerPresent,, ref authNUm, //AuthNum,, out Validation_Result_Code, //Validation_Result_Code, out ret, //Validation_Result_Message, out ret1, //CardName,, out ret2, //CardIssuerCode,, out ret3, //CardFinancerCode,, out ret4, //CardBrandCode,, out ReferenceNumber, //ReferenceNumber,, out ret5, //VoucherNumber,, out ret6); //ApprovalType, if (Validation_Result_Code == 0) { Order.AdminComments = "AuthNum: " + authNUm + ", Validation_Result_Code: " + Validation_Result_Code + ", ReferenceNumber: " + ReferenceNumber; Order.StatusId = 6; MailLogic ml = new MailLogic(); UsersLogic UsersLogic = new UsersLogic(); User user = UsersLogic.FindByUserId(Order.UserId); Dictionary<string, string> Placeholders = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "firstname", user.FirstName }, { "orderid", Order.OrdersId.ToString() } }; ml.sendMailTemplate("SiteNotification", user.Email, Placeholders); } else { Order.AdminComments += " Validation_Result_Message: " + ret + ", AuthNum: " + ", Validation_Result_Code: " + Validation_Result_Code + ", ReferenceNumber: " + ReferenceNumber; } return ret; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { string myOrderID = Request.QueryString[0].ToString(); Guid myOrderGuid; if (Guid.TryParse(myOrderID, out myOrderGuid)) { Order myOrder = new OrdersLogic().RetrieveOrderByID(myOrderGuid); IQueryable<OrderProduct> myOrderItems = new OrdersLogic().RetrieveItemsByOrderID(myOrderGuid); bool HasAccess = false; if(Context.User.IsInRole("Administrator")) { HasAccess = true; } else { if (myOrder.UserFK == new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name).Id) { HasAccess = true; } } //User has access to the order if (HasAccess) { string HTML = "<table style=\"font-family: Arial;\" cellpadding=\"6\">"; HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Order ID: "; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += myOrder.Id; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; if(myOrder.SupplierFK == null) { HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Name: "; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += myOrder.User.Name + " " + myOrder.User.Surname; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; string[] Address = myOrder.User.StreetAddress.Split('|'); HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Address: "; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += Address[0]; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += Address[1]; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Town: "; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += myOrder.User.Town.Town1; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Country: "; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += myOrder.User.Town.Country.Country1; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; } else { HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Supplier: "; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += myOrder.Supplier.Supplier1; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; } HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Status: "; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += myOrder.OrderStatus.Status; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Date Placed: "; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += myOrder.OrderDate; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; HTML += "</table>"; HTML += "<br/>"; HTML += "<table style=\"font-family: Arial;\" cellpadding=\"6\">"; HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Product"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Quantity"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Price"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "VAT Rate"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Discount (Incl.)"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; double TotalPrice = 0; double TotalVat = 0; foreach (OrderProduct myOrderItem in myOrderItems) { Product myProduct = new ProductsLogic().RetrieveProductByID(myOrderItem.ProductFK.ToString()); User myUser = null; UserTypeProduct myPriceType = null; if (myOrder.UserFK != null) { myUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByID(Guid.Parse(myOrder.UserFK.ToString())); myPriceType = new PriceTypesLogic().RetrievePriceTypeByID(myUser.UserTypeFK, myProduct.Id); } else { UserType myUserType = new UserTypesLogic().RetrieveUserTypeByName("Wholesaler"); myPriceType = new PriceTypesLogic().RetrievePriceTypeByID(myUserType.Id, myProduct.Id); } HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += myProduct.Name; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += " x " + myOrderItem.Quantity; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += " at € " + myOrderItem.Price.ToString("F"); HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += myProduct.Vatrate.Vatrate1 + "% VAT"; HTML += "</td>"; TotalPrice += myOrderItem.Price * myOrderItem.Quantity; TotalVat += ((myProduct.Vatrate.Vatrate1 / 100) * (myOrderItem.Price * myOrderItem.Quantity)); HTML += "<td>"; if((myOrder.OrderDate >= myPriceType.DiscountDateFrom) && (myOrder.OrderDate <= myPriceType.DiscountDateTo)) { HTML += myPriceType.DiscountPercentage + "% Discount"; } HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; } HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Subtotal : "; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "€ " + (TotalPrice - TotalVat).ToString("F"); HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "VAT : "; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "€ " + TotalVat.ToString("F"); HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; HTML += "<tr>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "Total : "; HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "<td>"; HTML += "€ " + TotalPrice.ToString("F"); HTML += "</td>"; HTML += "</tr>"; HTML += "</table>"; lblOutput.Text = HTML; } else { Response.Redirect("~/default.aspx"); } } } else { Response.Redirect("~/default.aspx"); } } catch (Exception Exception) { throw Exception; } }