public void ProvideAdvices(PostSharp.Sdk.CodeWeaver.Weaver codeWeaver)

              // Gets the dictionary of custom attributes.
              var customAttributeDictionaryTask = AnnotationRepositoryTask.GetTask(this.Project);

              // Requests an enumerator of all instances of the LogAttribute.
              var customAttributeEnumerator = customAttributeDictionaryTask.GetAnnotationsOfType(typeof(LogAttribute), false);

              // For each instance of the LogAttribute.
              while (customAttributeEnumerator.MoveNext())
            // Gets the method to which it applies.
            MethodDefDeclaration methodDef = customAttributeEnumerator.Current.TargetElement as MethodDefDeclaration;
            if (methodDef != null)
              // Type whose constructor is being woven.
              TypeDefDeclaration wovenType = methodDef.DeclaringType;

              // Do not weave interface.
              if ((wovenType.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Interface) != TypeAttributes.Interface)
            // Constructs a custom attribute instance.
            LogAttribute attribute = (LogAttribute)CustomAttributeHelper.ConstructRuntimeObject(customAttributeEnumerator.Current.Value);

            bool isMethodEligibleForInjection;

            if (attribute.IncludeCompilerGeneratedCode)
              // Logging code can be injected even if the method is compiler generated.
              // Method processing can safely continue.
              isMethodEligibleForInjection = true;
              // Proceed with the method only when it is not compiler generated and
              // its declaring type is not generated.
              isMethodEligibleForInjection = !(methodDef.CustomAttributes.Contains(this.compilerGeneratedAttributeType) || methodDef.DeclaringType.CustomAttributes.Contains(this.compilerGeneratedAttributeType));

            if (isMethodEligibleForInjection)
              // Build an advice based on this custom attribute.
              LogAdvice advice = new LogAdvice(this, attribute);

              // Join point kinds that are used by respective logging code.
              JoinPointKinds enterKinds = (attribute.EntryLevel != LogLevel.None) ? JoinPointKinds.BeforeMethodBody : 0;
              JoinPointKinds exitKinds = (attribute.ExitLevel != LogLevel.None) ? JoinPointKinds.AfterMethodBodySuccess : 0;
              JoinPointKinds exceptionKinds = (attribute.ExceptionLevel != LogLevel.None) ? JoinPointKinds.AfterMethodBodyException : 0;
              // Sum of all required join point kinds;
              JoinPointKinds effectiveKinds = enterKinds | exitKinds | exceptionKinds;

              // Ensure there is at least one join point the logging advice applies to.
              if (effectiveKinds != 0)
                if (!this.perTypeLoggingDatas.ContainsKey(wovenType))

                  codeWeaver.AddTypeLevelAdvice(new LogInitializeAdvice(this),
                                                new Singleton<TypeDefDeclaration>(wovenType));


                                                new Singleton<MethodDefDeclaration>(methodDef),

              //Check for types having LoggerAttribute and have no LogAttribute.
              customAttributeEnumerator = customAttributeDictionaryTask.GetAnnotationsOfType(typeof(LoggerAttribute), false);
              while (customAttributeEnumerator.MoveNext())
            // Gets the method to which it applies.
            TypeDefDeclaration wovenType = customAttributeEnumerator.Current.TargetElement as TypeDefDeclaration;
            if (wovenType != null && !perTypeLoggingDatas.ContainsKey(wovenType))
              codeWeaver.AddTypeLevelAdvice(new LogInitializeAdvice(this),
                              new Singleton<TypeDefDeclaration>(wovenType));

              //Check for types compatible to LoggerPolicyAttribute and have no LogAttribute.
              customAttributeEnumerator = customAttributeDictionaryTask.GetAnnotationsOfType(typeof(LoggerPolicyAttribute), false);
              while (customAttributeEnumerator.MoveNext())
            // Gets the method to which it applies.
            TypeDefDeclaration wovenType = customAttributeEnumerator.Current.TargetElement as TypeDefDeclaration;
            if (wovenType != null && !wovenType.IsModuleSpecialType && !perTypeLoggingDatas.ContainsKey(wovenType))
              codeWeaver.AddTypeLevelAdvice(new LogInitializeAdvice(this),
                    new Singleton<TypeDefDeclaration>(wovenType));
        public void ProvideAdvices(PostSharp.CodeWeaver.Weaver codeWeaver)
            // Gets the dictionary of custom attributes.
            CustomAttributeDictionaryTask customAttributeDictionaryTask = CustomAttributeDictionaryTask.GetTask(this.Project);

            // Requests an enumerator of all instances of the LogAttribute.
            IEnumerator<ICustomAttributeInstance> customAttributeEnumerator = customAttributeDictionaryTask.GetCustomAttributesEnumerator(typeof (LogAttribute), false);

            // For each instance of the LogAttribute.
            while (customAttributeEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
                // Gets the method to which it applies.
                MethodDefDeclaration methodDef = customAttributeEnumerator.Current.TargetElement as MethodDefDeclaration;
                if (methodDef != null) {
                    // Type whose constructor is being woven.
                    TypeDefDeclaration wovenType = methodDef.DeclaringType;

                    // Do not weave interface.
                    if ((wovenType.Attributes & TypeAttributes.Interface) != TypeAttributes.Interface) {
                        // Constructs a custom attribute instance.
                        LogAttribute attribute = (LogAttribute) CustomAttributeHelper.ConstructRuntimeObject(customAttributeEnumerator.Current.Value, this.Project.Module);

                        bool isMethodEligibleForInjection;

                        if (attribute.IncludeCompilerGeneratedCode) {
                            // Logging code can be injected even if the method is compiler generated.
                            // Method processing can safely continue.
                            isMethodEligibleForInjection = true;
                        } else {
                            // Proceed with the method only when it is not compiler generated and
                            // its declaring type is not generated.
                            isMethodEligibleForInjection = ! (methodDef.CustomAttributes.Contains(this.compilerGeneratedAttributeType) || methodDef.DeclaringType.CustomAttributes.Contains(this.compilerGeneratedAttributeType));

                        if (isMethodEligibleForInjection) {
                            // Build an advice based on this custom attribute.
                            LogAdvice advice = new LogAdvice(this, attribute);

                            // Join point kinds that are used by respective logging code.
                            JoinPointKinds enterKinds = (attribute.EntryLevel != LogLevel.None) ? JoinPointKinds.BeforeMethodBody : 0;
                            JoinPointKinds exitKinds = (attribute.ExitLevel != LogLevel.None) ? JoinPointKinds.AfterMethodBodySuccess : 0;
                            JoinPointKinds exceptionKinds = (attribute.ExceptionLevel != LogLevel.None) ? JoinPointKinds.AfterMethodBodyException : 0;
                            // Sum of all required join point kinds;
                            JoinPointKinds effectiveKinds = enterKinds | exitKinds | exceptionKinds;

                            // Ensure there is at least one join point the logging advice applies to.
                            if (effectiveKinds != 0) {
                                if (!this.perTypeLoggingDatas.ContainsKey(wovenType)) {
                                    this.perTypeLoggingDatas.Add(wovenType, new PerTypeLoggingData());

                                    // Logging data for the woven type.
                                    PerTypeLoggingData perTypeLoggingData = this.perTypeLoggingDatas[wovenType];

                                    // Field where ILog instance is stored.
                                    FieldDefDeclaration logField = CreateField("~log4PostSharp~log", this.ilogType);
                                    perTypeLoggingData.Log = logField;

                                    codeWeaver.AddTypeLevelAdvice(new LogInitializeAdvice(this),
                                                                  new Singleton<TypeDefDeclaration>(wovenType));

                                                                new Singleton<MethodDefDeclaration>(methodDef),