private async void OnTimer(object state) { var geolocator = (Geolocator)state; string message; if (geolocator == null) { message = "No geolocator"; DisplayToast(message); } else { Geoposition geoposition = await geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync(); if (geoposition == null) { message = "Cannot get current location"; DisplayToast(message); } else { Geocoordinate gc = geoposition.Coordinate; BasicGeoposition basicPosition = gc.Point.Position; //message = "{\"_type": "location", "lat": "' + basicPosition.Latitude + '", "lon": "' + basicPosition.Longitude + '", "tst": "' + timestamp + '"'; OwntracksLocationMessage locmsg = new OwntracksLocationMessage(basicPosition.Latitude, basicPosition.Longitude, gc.Accuracy); message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(locmsg); //no toast, just send it to the MQTT broker. //this.client.Publish("home-assistant/jeroen", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{'message': 'barf'}")); try { MqttBroker mqttbroker = new MqttBroker(, this.port,, this.sslprotocol, this.protocolversion, this.username, this.password); mqttbroker.Connect(); await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { mqttbroker.Publish(tb_topic.Text, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message)); }); counter++; NotifyUser("Total location messages sent: " + counter.ToString(), NotifyType.StatusMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyUser(ex.Message, NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } } } }
private void bt_connect_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var broker = tb_broker.Text.Trim(); if (broker.Length == 0) { //no broker given NotifyUser("Enter a hostname for the MQTT broker.", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } else { int port = -1; if (!(int.TryParse(tb_port.Text.Trim(), out port))) { //invalid port NotifyUser("Enter a valid port number", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } else { if (cb_protocol_version.SelectedItem == null) { //no protocol version selected NotifyUser("Select a protocol", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } else { if (cb_ssl_protocol_version.SelectedItem == null) { //no ssl protocol selected NotifyUser("Select a protocol version", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } else { uint interval = 15; if (!uint.TryParse(tb_interval.Text.Trim(), out interval) || interval <= 0) { //invalid interval NotifyUser("Enter a valid interval", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } else { if (tb_topic.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { //invalid topic NotifyUser("Enter a valid topic", NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } else { //parse the input values var sslprotocol = (MqttSslProtocols)Enum.Parse(typeof(MqttSslProtocols), cb_ssl_protocol_version.SelectedItem.ToString()); var protocolversion = (MqttProtocolVersion)Enum.Parse(typeof(MqttProtocolVersion), cb_protocol_version.SelectedItem.ToString()); this._interval = interval; //connect try { //store all settings StoreAllSettings(); = tb_broker.Text; this.port = port; = cb_secure.IsChecked.Value; this.sslprotocol = sslprotocol; this.protocolversion = protocolversion; this.username = tb_username.Text; this.password = tb_password.Password; MqttBroker mqttbroker = new MqttBroker(, this.port,, this.sslprotocol, this.protocolversion, this.username, this.password); mqttbroker.Connect(); //register extended execution. BeginExtendedExecution(_interval); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyUser(ex.Message + ": " + ex.InnerException, NotifyType.ErrorMessage); } } } } } } } }