public UserBattleStatus(string name, User lobbyUser, string password= null) { Name = name; if (password != null) ScriptPassword = password; else ScriptPassword = name; LobbyUser = lobbyUser; }
private bool GetBattleAndFounder(out Battle battle, out User founder) { founder = null; if (Program.TasClient.ExistingBattles.TryGetValue(battleID, out battle)) { founder = battle.Founder; return true; } return false; }
private void Setup_MyInfo() { string myName = Program.Conf.LobbyPlayerName == null ? "unnamed" : Program.Conf.LobbyPlayerName; User myUser = new User { Name = myName }; myUser.Country = "Unknown"; UserBattleStatus myBattleStatus = new UserBattleStatus(myName, myUser) { AllyNumber = 0, SyncStatus = SyncStatuses.Unknown, IsSpectator = spectateCheckBox.Checked }; myItem = new PlayerListItem { UserName = myBattleStatus.Name, AllyTeam = myBattleStatus.AllyNumber, isOfflineMode = true, isZK = false, }; myItem.offlineUserInfo = myUser; myItem.offlineUserBattleStatus = myBattleStatus; botsMissionSlot = new List<MissionSlot>(); }
public static ContextMenu GetPlayerContextMenu(User user, bool isBattle) { var contextMenu = new ContextMenu(); try { var headerItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("Player - " + user.Name) { Enabled = false, DefaultItem = true }; // default is to make it appear bold contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(headerItem); if (user.Name != Program.TasClient.UserName) { contextMenu.MenuItems.Add("-"); var details = new MenuItem("Details"); details.Click += (s, e) => Program.MainWindow.navigationControl.Path = string.Format("{1}/Users/LobbyDetail/{0}", user.AccountID, GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(details); var pmItem = new MenuItem("Send Message"); pmItem.Click += (s, e) => Program.MainWindow.navigationControl.Path = "chat/user/" + user.Name; contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(pmItem); if (Program.FriendManager.Friends.Contains(user.Name)) { var pinItem = new MenuItem("Unfriend"); pinItem.Click += (s, e) => Program.FriendManager.RemoveFriend(user.Name); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(pinItem); } else { var pinItem = new MenuItem("Friend"); pinItem.Click += (s, e) => Program.FriendManager.AddFriend(user.Name); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(pinItem); } var joinItem = new MenuItem("Join Same Battle") { Enabled = Program.TasClient.ExistingUsers[user.Name].IsInBattleRoom }; joinItem.Click += (s, e) => ActionHandler.JoinPlayer(user.Name); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(joinItem); var ignoreUser = new MenuItem("Ignore User") { Checked = Program.Conf.IgnoredUsers.Contains(user.Name) }; ignoreUser.Click += (s, e) => { ignoreUser.Checked = !ignoreUser.Checked; if (ignoreUser.Checked) Program.Conf.IgnoredUsers.Add(user.Name); else Program.Conf.IgnoredUsers.Remove(user.Name); }; contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(ignoreUser); var reportUser = new MenuItem("Report User"); reportUser.Click += (s, e) => Program.MainWindow.navigationControl.Path = string.Format("{1}/Users/ReportToAdminFromLobby/{0}", user.Name, GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(reportUser); } if (Program.TasClient.MyBattle != null) { var battleStatus = Program.TasClient.MyBattle.Users[user.Name]; var myStatus = Program.TasClient.MyBattleStatus; if (isBattle) { contextMenu.MenuItems.Add("-"); if (!Program.TasClient.MyBattle.IsQueue) { if (user.Name != Program.TasClient.UserName) { var allyWith = new MenuItem("Ally") { Enabled = !battleStatus.IsSpectator && (battleStatus.AllyNumber != myStatus.AllyNumber || myStatus.IsSpectator) }; allyWith.Click += (s, e) => ActionHandler.JoinAllyTeam(battleStatus.AllyNumber); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(allyWith); } contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(GetSetAllyTeam(user)); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add("-"); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(GetShowGameOptionsItem()); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(GetAddBot()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("Error generating player context menu: " + e); } return contextMenu; }
public PlayerEntry(User user, List<MatchMakerSetup.Queue> queueTypes) { QueueTypes = queueTypes; LobbyUser = user; }
public void UpdateWith(User u) { AccountID = u.AccountID; SpringieLevel = u.SpringieLevel; SteamID = u.SteamID; AwaySince = u.AwaySince; Clan = u.Clan; Avatar = u.Avatar; Country = u.Country; EffectiveElo = u.EffectiveElo; Effective1v1Elo = u.Effective1v1Elo; Faction = u.Faction; InGameSince = u.InGameSince; IsAdmin = u.IsAdmin; IsBot = u.IsBot; // todo hacky fix IsInBattleRoom = u.IsInBattleRoom; BanMute = u.BanMute; BanSpecChat = u.BanSpecChat; Level = u.Level; ClientType = u.ClientType; LobbyVersion = u.LobbyVersion; DisplayName = u.DisplayName; Name = u.Name; }
public static void UpdateUserFromAccount(User user, Account acc) { user.Name = acc.Name; user.DisplayName = acc.SteamName; user.Avatar = acc.Avatar; user.Level = acc.Level; user.EffectiveMmElo = (int)acc.EffectiveMmElo; user.RawMmElo = (int)acc.EloMm; user.CompetitiveRank = acc.CompetitiveRank; user.SteamID = (ulong?)acc.SteamID; user.IsAdmin = acc.IsZeroKAdmin; user.IsBot = acc.IsBot; user.Country = acc.Country; user.Faction = acc.Faction != null ? acc.Faction.Shortcut : null; user.Clan = acc.Clan != null ? acc.Clan.Shortcut : null; user.AccountID = acc.AccountID; Interlocked.Increment(ref user.SyncVersion); user.BanMute = Punishment.GetActivePunishment(acc.AccountID, user.IpAddress, 0, x => x.BanMute) != null; user.BanSpecChat = Punishment.GetActivePunishment(acc.AccountID, user.IpAddress, 0, x => x.BanSpecChat) != null; }
public static Tuple<Image, string> GetClanOrFactionImage(User user) { Image ret = null; string rets = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Clan)) { Image clanImg = Program.ServerImages.GetImage(String.Format("Clans/{0}.png", user.Clan)); ret = clanImg; rets = user.Clan + " " + user.Faction; } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Faction)) { Image facImg = Program.ServerImages.GetImage(String.Format("Factions/{0}.png", user.Faction)); ret = facImg; rets = user.Faction; } return Tuple.Create(ret, rets); }
public Image GetAvatarImage(User user) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Avatar)) return GetImage(String.Format("Avatars/{0}.png", user.Avatar)); else return null; }
public static void GeneratePlayerSection(List<UserBattleStatus> playersExport, List<UserBattleStatus> users, StringBuilder script, List<BotBattleStatus> bots, IDictionary<int, BattleRect> _rectangles, Dictionary<string, string> _modOptions, User localUser = null, SpringBattleStartSetup startSetup = null ) { // ordinary battle stuff var userNum = 0; var teamNum = 0; var aiNum = 0; //players is excluding self (so "springie doesn't appear as spec ingame") & excluding bots (bots is added later for each owner) var non_botUsers = users.Where(u => !bots.Any(b => b.Name == u.Name)); //.OrderBy(x => x.TeamNumber); if (localUser != null) //I am a server non_botUsers = non_botUsers.Where(x => x.Name != localUser.Name); foreach (var u in non_botUsers.OrderBy(x => x.TeamNumber)) { ScriptAddUser(script, userNum, playersExport, startSetup, teamNum, u); if (!u.IsSpectator) { ScriptAddTeam(script, teamNum, userNum, u); teamNum++; } foreach (var b in bots.Where(x => x.owner == u.Name)) { ScriptAddBot(script, aiNum, teamNum, userNum, b); aiNum++; ScriptAddTeam(script, teamNum, userNum, b); teamNum++; } userNum++; } // ALLIANCES script.AppendLine(); foreach (var allyNumber in users.Where(x => !x.IsSpectator).Select(x => x.AllyNumber).Union(bots.Select(x => x.AllyNumber)).Union(_rectangles.Keys).Distinct()) { // get allies from each player, bot and rectangles (for koth) script.AppendFormat("[ALLYTEAM{0}]\n", allyNumber); script.AppendLine("{"); script.AppendFormat(" NumAllies={0};\n", 0); double left = 0, top = 0, right = 1, bottom = 1; BattleRect rect; if (_rectangles.TryGetValue(allyNumber, out rect)) rect.ToFractions(out left, out top, out right, out bottom); script.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " StartRectLeft={0};\n", left); script.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " StartRectTop={0};\n", top); script.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " StartRectRight={0};\n", right); script.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " StartRectBottom={0};\n", bottom); script.AppendLine("}"); } script.AppendLine(); script.AppendLine(" [MODOPTIONS]"); script.AppendLine(" {"); var options = new Dictionary<string, string>(_modOptions); // replace/add custom modoptions from startsetup (if they exist) if (startSetup != null && startSetup.ModOptions != null) foreach (var entry in startSetup.ModOptions) options[entry.Key] = entry.Value; // write final options to script foreach (var kvp in options) script.AppendFormat(" {0}={1};\n", kvp.Key, kvp.Value); script.AppendLine(" }"); script.AppendLine("}"); }
private static Image GetUserImageRaw(User user) { if (user != null) { if (user.IsBot) return ZklResources.robot; if (Program.FriendManager.Friends.Contains(user.Name)) return ZklResources.friend; if (user.IsAdmin) return ZklResources.police; if (user.EffectiveElo >= 1800) return ZklResources.napoleon; if (user.EffectiveElo >= 1600) return ZklResources.soldier; if (user.EffectiveElo < 1400) return ZklResources.smurf; } return ZklResources.user; }
void ShowPlayerContextMenu(User user, Control control, Point location) { var contextMenu = ContextMenus.GetPlayerContextMenu(user, this is BattleChatControl); contextMenu = LineDehighlighter(contextMenu, user.Name); try { Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; contextMenu.Show(control, location); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error displaying tooltip:{0}", ex); } finally { Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; } }
void TasClient_UserAdded(object sender, User user) { var userName = user.Name; if (userName != UserName) return; AddLine(new JoinLine(userName)); }
private ContextMenu Get_PlayerContextMenu(User user) //from ContextMenu.cs { var contextMenu = new ContextMenu(); try { var headerItem = new MenuItem("Player - " + user.Name) { Enabled = false, DefaultItem = true }; // default is to make it appear bold contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(headerItem); var battleStatus = allUser.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Name == user.Name); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add("-"); if (user.Name != myItem.UserName) { var allyWith = new MenuItem("Ally") { Enabled = !battleStatus.IsSpectator && (battleStatus.AllyNumber != myItem.AllyTeam || myItem.offlineUserBattleStatus.IsSpectator) }; allyWith.Click += (s, e) => { myItem.AllyTeam = battleStatus.AllyNumber; myItem.offlineUserBattleStatus.AllyNumber = battleStatus.AllyNumber; spectateCheckBox.Checked = false; myItem.offlineUserBattleStatus.TeamNumber = Get_FreeTeamID(myItem.UserName); Refresh_PlayerBox(); }; contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(allyWith); } contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(Get_SetAllyTeamItem(user)); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add("-"); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(Get_ShowOptions()); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(Get_ModBotItem()); contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(Get_SpringBotItem()); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("Error generating player context menu: " + e); } return contextMenu; }
public void UpdateWith(User u) { AccountID = u.AccountID; SteamID = u.SteamID; AwaySince = u.AwaySince; Clan = u.Clan; Avatar = u.Avatar; Country = u.Country; EffectiveMmElo = u.EffectiveMmElo; Faction = u.Faction; InGameSince = u.InGameSince; IsAdmin = u.IsAdmin; IsBot = u.IsBot; BanMute = u.BanMute; BanSpecChat = u.BanSpecChat; Level = u.Level; ClientType = u.ClientType; LobbyVersion = u.LobbyVersion; DisplayName = u.DisplayName; CompetitiveRank = u.CompetitiveRank; }
void client_UserAdded(object sender, User user) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { try { List<LobbyMessage> messages; using (var db = new ZkDataContext()) { messages = db.LobbyMessages.Where(x => (x.TargetLobbyID == user.AccountID || x.TargetName == user.Name) && x.Channel == null).OrderBy(x => x.Created).ToList(); db.LobbyMessages.DeleteAllOnSubmit(messages); db.SubmitChanges(); } foreach (var m in messages) { var text = string.Format("!pm|{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}", m.Channel, m.SourceName, m.Created.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), m.Message); client.Say(SayPlace.User, user.Name, text, false); Thread.Sleep(MessageDelay); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error sending PM:{0}", ex); } }); }
public PlayerEntry(User user, List<MatchMakerSetup.Queue> queueTypes, PartyManager.Party party) { Party = party; QueueTypes = queueTypes; LobbyUser = user; }
public LoginResponse Login(User user, Login login, Client client) { string ip = client.RemoteEndpointIP; long userID = login.UserID; string lobbyVersion = login.LobbyVersion; using (var db = new ZkDataContext()) { Account acc = db.Accounts.Include(x => x.Clan).Include(x => x.Faction).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == login.Name); if (acc == null) return new LoginResponse { ResultCode = LoginResponse.Code.InvalidName }; if (!acc.VerifyPassword(login.PasswordHash)) return new LoginResponse { ResultCode = LoginResponse.Code.InvalidPassword }; if (state.Clients.ContainsKey(login.Name)) return new LoginResponse { ResultCode = LoginResponse.Code.AlreadyConnected }; acc.Country = ResolveCountry(ip); if (acc.Country == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(acc.Country)) acc.Country = "unknown"; acc.LobbyVersion = lobbyVersion; acc.LastLogin = DateTime.UtcNow; user.ClientType = login.ClientType; user.LobbyVersion = login.LobbyVersion; UpdateUserFromAccount(user, acc); LogIP(db, acc, ip); LogUserID(db, acc, userID); db.SaveChanges(); var banMute = Punishment.GetActivePunishment(acc.AccountID, ip, userID, x => x.BanMute, db); if (banMute != null) user.BanMute = true; Punishment banPenalty = Punishment.GetActivePunishment(acc.AccountID, ip, userID, x => x.BanLobby, db); if (banPenalty != null) { return BlockLogin( string.Format("Banned until {0} (match to {1}), reason: {2}", banPenalty.BanExpires, banPenalty.AccountByAccountID.Name, banPenalty.Reason), acc, ip, userID); } Account accAnteep = db.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AccountID == 4490); if (accAnteep != null) { if (accAnteep.AccountUserIDs.Any(y => y.UserID == userID)) { Talk(String.Format("Suspected Anteep smurf: {0} (ID match {1}) {2}", acc.Name, userID, string.Format("{1}/Users/Detail/{0}", acc.AccountID, GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl))); } if (userID > 0 && userID < 1000) { Talk(String.Format("Suspected Anteep smurf: {0} (too short userID {1}) {2}", acc.Name, userID, string.Format("{1}/Users/Detail/{0}", acc.AccountID, GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl))); } if (accAnteep.AccountIPs.Any(y => y.IP == ip)) { Talk(String.Format("Suspected Anteep smurf: {0} (IP match {1}) {2}", acc.Name, ip, string.Format("{1}/Users/Detail/{0}", acc.AccountID, GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl))); } } if (!acc.HasVpnException && GlobalConst.VpnCheckEnabled) { // check user IP against // does not catch all smurfs // mostly false positives, do not use string reversedIP = string.Join(".", ip.Split('.').Reverse().ToArray()); try { IPAddress[] resolved = Dns.GetHostEntry(string.Format("{0}", reversedIP)).AddressList; if (resolved.Length > 0) { Talk(String.Format("User {0} {3} has IP {1} on ({2} result/s)", acc.Name, ip, resolved.Length, string.Format("{1}/Users/Detail/{0}", acc.AccountID, GlobalConst.BaseSiteUrl))); } } catch (SocketException sockEx) { // not in database, do nothing } } try { if (!acc.HasVpnException) { for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { var whois = new Whois(); Dictionary<string, string> data = whois.QueryByIp(ip, i == 1); if (!data.ContainsKey("netname")) data["netname"] = "UNKNOWN NETNAME"; if (!data.ContainsKey("org-name")) data["org-name"] = "UNKNOWN ORG"; if (!data.ContainsKey("abuse-mailbox")) data["abuse-mailbox"] = "no mailbox"; if (!data.ContainsKey("notify")) data["notify"] = "no notify address"; if (!data.ContainsKey("role")) data["role"] = "UNKNOWN ROLE"; if (!data.ContainsKey("descr")) data["descr"] = "no description"; if (!data.ContainsKey("remarks")) data["remarks"] = "no remarks"; List<string> blockedCompanies = db.BlockedCompanies.Select(x => x.CompanyName.ToLower()).ToList(); List<string> blockedHosts = db.BlockedHosts.Select(x => x.HostName).ToList(); /*if (acc.Country == "MY") { client.Say(SayPlace.User, "KingRaptor", String.Format("USER {0}\nnetname: {1}\norgname: {2}\ndescr: {3}\nabuse-mailbox: {4}", acc.Name, data["netname"], data["org-name"], data["descr"], data["abuse-mailbox"]), false); }*/ bool blockedHost = blockedHosts.Any(x => data["abuse-mailbox"].Contains(x)) || (blockedHosts.Any(x => data["notify"].Contains(x))); foreach (string company in blockedCompanies) { if (data["netname"].ToLower().Contains(company) || data["org-name"].ToLower().Contains(company) || data["descr"].ToLower().Contains(company) || data["role"].ToLower().Contains(company) || data["remarks"].ToLower().Contains(company)) { blockedHost = true; break; } } string hostname = Dns.GetHostEntry(ip).HostName; if (blockedHosts.Any(hostname.Contains)) blockedHost = true; if (blockedHost) return BlockLogin("Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception)", acc, ip, userID); } } } catch (SocketException sockEx) {} catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("VPN check error: {0}", ex); } if (state.Clients.TryAdd(login.Name, client)) return new LoginResponse { ResultCode = LoginResponse.Code.Ok }; else return new LoginResponse() {ResultCode = LoginResponse.Code.AlreadyConnected}; } }
static void UpdateUserFromAccount(User user, Account acc) { user.Name = acc.Name; user.DisplayName = acc.SteamName; user.Avatar = acc.Avatar; user.SpringieLevel = acc.SpringieLevel; user.Level = acc.Level; user.EffectiveElo = (int)acc.EffectiveElo; user.Effective1v1Elo = (int)acc.Effective1v1Elo; user.SteamID = (ulong?)acc.SteamID; user.IsAdmin = acc.IsZeroKAdmin; user.IsBot = acc.IsBot; user.Country = acc.Country; user.Faction = acc.Faction != null ? acc.Faction.Shortcut : null; user.Clan = acc.Clan != null ? acc.Clan.Shortcut : null; user.AccountID = acc.AccountID; }
private MenuItem Get_SetAllyTeamItem(User user) { var setAllyTeamItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("Select Team"); if (user.Name != myItem.UserName) setAllyTeamItem.Enabled = false; else { int freeAllyTeam; foreach (var allyTeam in Get_ExistingTeams(out freeAllyTeam).Distinct()) { var at = allyTeam; //to maintain reference to this object if (allyTeam != myItem.offlineUserBattleStatus.AllyNumber) { var item = new MenuItem("Join Team " + (allyTeam + 1)); item.Click += (s, e) => { Set_MyBattleStatus(at, Get_FreeTeamID(user.Name), false); }; setAllyTeamItem.MenuItems.Add(item); } } setAllyTeamItem.MenuItems.Add("-"); var newTeamItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("Start New Team"); newTeamItem.Click += (s, e) => { Set_MyBattleStatus(freeAllyTeam, Get_FreeTeamID(myItem.UserName), false); }; setAllyTeamItem.MenuItems.Add(newTeamItem); if (!myItem.offlineUserBattleStatus.IsSpectator) { var specItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("Spectate"); specItem.Click += (s, e) => { Set_MyBattleStatus(null,null,true); }; setAllyTeamItem.MenuItems.Add(specItem); } } return setAllyTeamItem; }
static MenuItem GetSetAllyTeam(User user) { var setAllyTeamItem = new MenuItem("Select Team"); if (Program.TasClient.MyBattle == null || user.Name != Program.TasClient.UserName) setAllyTeamItem.Enabled = false; else if (Program.TasClient.MyBattle != null) { setAllyTeamItem.MenuItems.AddRange(GetSetAllyItems()); } return setAllyTeamItem; }
static bool FilterSpecialWordCheck(User user, string word, out bool isMatch) { switch (word) { case "BOT": isMatch = user.IsBot; return true; case "AFK": isMatch = user.IsAway; return true; case "ADMIN": isMatch = user.IsAdmin; return true; case "INGAME": isMatch = user.IsInGame; return true; case "INBATTLE": isMatch = user.IsInBattleRoom; return true; case "FRIEND": isMatch = Program.FriendManager.Friends.Any(x => x == user.Name); return true; } isMatch = false; return false; }
/// <summary> /// Generates script /// </summary> /// <param name="playersExport">list of players</param> /// <param name="localUser">myself</param> /// <param name="loopbackListenPort">listen port for autohost interface</param> /// <param name="zkSearchTag">hackish search tag</param> /// <param name="startSetup">structure with custom extra data</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GenerateScript(out List<UserBattleStatus> playersExport, User localUser, int loopbackListenPort, string zkSearchTag, SpringBattleStartSetup startSetup) { var previousCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; try { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; playersExport = new List<UserBattleStatus>(); var isHost = localUser.Name == Founder.Name; var myUbs = Users[localUser.Name]; if (!isHost) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("[GAME]"); sb.AppendLine("{"); sb.AppendFormat("HostIP={0};\n", Ip); sb.AppendFormat("HostPort={0};\n", HostPort); sb.AppendLine("IsHost=0;"); sb.AppendFormat("MyPlayerName={0};\n", localUser.Name); if (myUbs != null) { if (myUbs.ScriptPassword != null) sb.AppendFormat("MyPasswd={0};\n", myUbs.ScriptPassword); } else { sb.AppendFormat("MyPasswd={0};\n", localUser.Name); // used for mid-game join .. if no userbattlestatus, use own name } sb.AppendLine("}"); return sb.ToString(); } else { var script = new StringBuilder(); script.AppendLine("[GAME]"); script.AppendLine("{"); script.AppendFormat(" ZkSearchTag={0};\n", zkSearchTag); script.AppendFormat(" Mapname={0};\n", MapName); script.AppendFormat(" StartPosType=2;\n"); script.AppendFormat(" GameType={0};\n", ModName); script.AppendFormat(" ModHash=1;\n"); script.AppendFormat(" MapHash=1;\n"); script.AppendFormat(" AutohostPort={0};\n", loopbackListenPort); script.AppendLine(); script.AppendFormat(" HostIP={0};\n", Ip); script.AppendFormat(" HostPort={0};\n", HostPort); script.AppendFormat(" SourcePort={0};\n", 8300); script.AppendFormat(" IsHost=1;\n"); script.AppendLine(); //script.AppendFormat(" MyPlayerName={0};\n", localUser.Name); List<UserBattleStatus> users; List<BotBattleStatus> bots; if (startSetup != null && startSetup.BalanceTeamsResult != null && startSetup.BalanceTeamsResult.Players != null) { // if there is a balance results as a part of start setup, use values from this (override lobby state) users = Users.Values.ToList(); bots = new List<BotBattleStatus>(this.Bots.Values.Select(x => (BotBattleStatus)x.Clone())); foreach (var p in startSetup.BalanceTeamsResult.Players) { var us = users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == p.Name); if (us == null) { us = new UserBattleStatus(p.Name, new User() { AccountID = p.LobbyID }, Password); // TODO this "password" use does not look right users.Add(us); } us.TeamNumber = p.TeamID; us.IsSpectator = p.IsSpectator; us.AllyNumber = p.AllyID; } foreach (var p in startSetup.BalanceTeamsResult.Bots) { var bot = bots.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == p.BotName); if (bot == null) { bot = new BotBattleStatus(p.BotName, p.Owner, p.BotAI); bots.Add(bot); } bot.AllyNumber = bot.AllyNumber; bot.TeamNumber = bot.TeamNumber; } foreach (var u in users.Where(x => !startSetup.BalanceTeamsResult.Players.Any(y => y.Name == x.Name))) { u.IsSpectator = true; } // spec those not known at the time of balance } else { users = this.Users.Values.ToList(); bots = this.Bots.Values.ToList(); } GeneratePlayerSection(playersExport, users, script, bots, Rectangles, ModOptions, localUser, startSetup); return script.ToString(); } } finally { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = previousCulture; } }
void TasClient_UserAdded(object sender, User user) { var userName = user.Name; var pmControl = GetPrivateMessageControl(userName); if (pmControl != null) toolTabs.SetIcon(userName, Program.FriendManager.Friends.Contains(userName) ? ZklResources.friend : TextImage.GetUserImage(userName), true); }
public static void UpdateUserFromAccount(User user, Account acc) { user.Name = acc.Name; user.DisplayName = acc.SteamName; user.Avatar = acc.Avatar; user.Level = acc.Level; user.EffectiveMmElo = (int)acc.EffectiveMmElo; user.CompetitiveRank = acc.CompetitiveRank; user.SteamID = (ulong?)acc.SteamID; user.IsAdmin = acc.IsZeroKAdmin; user.IsBot = acc.IsBot; user.Country = acc.Country; user.Faction = acc.Faction != null ? acc.Faction.Shortcut : null; user.Clan = acc.Clan != null ? acc.Clan.Shortcut : null; user.AccountID = acc.AccountID; var banMute = Punishment.GetActivePunishment(acc.AccountID, "", 0, x => x.BanMute, null); if (banMute != null) user.BanMute = true; // note: we do not do "else = false" because this just checks accountID (there can still be active bans per IP or userID) var banSpecChat = Punishment.GetActivePunishment(acc.AccountID, "", 0, x => x.BanSpecChat, null); if (banSpecChat != null) user.BanSpecChat = true; }