Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the email content for deals email
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dealsEmailCargo">Deals Email cargo</param>
        /// <returns>EmailContent for deals email</returns>
        private EmailContent PrepareEmail(DealsEmailCargo dealsEmailCargo)
            EmailData    emailData    = _emailContentCreator.GetContent(dealsEmailCargo);
            bool         isTest       = (dealsEmailCargo.Hints != null) && dealsEmailCargo.Hints.IsTest;
            EmailContent emailContent = new EmailContent
                From        = isTest ? this._emailFromAddressTestAccount : this._emailFromAddress,
                FromDisplay = this._emailFromDisplay,
                Subject     = emailData.Subject,
                HtmlBody    = emailData.HtmlBody,
                TextBody    = emailData.TextBody,
                Category    = dealsEmailCargo.Campaign

            if (!dealsEmailCargo.Hints.IsTestEmail)
                // Saving the email data in the history table
                UserEmailEntity emailToSend = new UserEmailEntity(dealsEmailCargo.UserId, dealsEmailCargo.LocationId, DateTime.UtcNow, EmailType.WeeklyDeal);
                emailToSend.SetSerializedPayload(new UserEmailPayload {
                    DealIds = emailData.DealIds

Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// The generate model.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="emailJob">
 /// The email job.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="deals">
 /// The deals.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The <see cref="DealsEmailModel"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public DealsEmailModel GenerateModel(DealsEmailCargo emailJob, IEnumerable <Deal> deals)
      * List<MockDealModel> dealsModel = new List<MockDealModel>();
      * foreach (Deal deal in deals)
      * {
      *  var dealModel = new MockDealModel
      *                      {
      *                          TransactionUrl = deal.TransactionUrl,
      *                          BrandString = deal.DealProvider.ProviderBrandingName,
      *                          Description = deal.Description,
      *                          Discount = deal.DealInfo != null && deal.DealInfo.VoucherDiscountPercent != 0 ? Math.Round(deal.DealInfo.VoucherDiscountPercent, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + "%" : string.Empty,
      *                          OriginalPrice = deal.DealInfo != null && deal.DealInfo.VoucherValue != 0 ? "$" + Math.Round(deal.DealInfo.VoucherValue, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) : string.Empty,
      *                          Price = deal.PriceDisplayString,
      *                          LargeImageUrl = string.Format("https://az389013.vo.msecnd.net/{0}?size=10", deal.Id),
      *                          MediumImageUrl = string.Format("https://az389013.vo.msecnd.net/{0}?size=4", deal.Id),
      *                          Remaining = this.GetRemainingStr(deal.EndTime),
      *                          StoreName = deal.Business != null ? deal.Business.Name : string.Empty,
      *                          Title = deal.Title
      *                      };
      *  dealsModel.Add(dealModel);
      * }
      * var model =
      * new DealsEmailModel
      * {
      *   TopDeal = dealsModel.First(),
      *   RestDeals = dealsModel.Skip(1).Take(3)
      * };
      * return model;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The get deals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emailJob">
        /// The email job.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dealsToExclude">
        /// The deals to exclude.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="IEnumerable"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public IEnumerable <Deal> GetDeals(DealsEmailCargo emailJob, IEnumerable <Guid> dealsToExclude)
            Random      rnd           = new Random();
            int         numberOfDeals = 5;
            List <Deal> deals         = new List <Deal>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfDeals; i++)
                Deal deal = new Deal();
                deal.Title          = rnd.Next(25, 75) + "% Off For $" + rnd.Next(100, 500);
                deal.Description    = "This is the deal description" + Guid.NewGuid();
                deal.TransactionUrl = @"http://www.yelp.com/seattle";
                deal.ImageUrl       = @"http://a.abcnews.com/images/Technology/ht_microsoft_cc_120823_wg.jpg";

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// The get deals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">
        /// The user.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="subscription">
        /// The subscription.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="IEnumerable{Deal}"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public IEnumerable <Deal> GetDeals(DealsEmailCargo emailJob, IEnumerable <Guid> dealsToExclude)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

             * DealsLocation location;
             * DealsSelectionConditions dealsSelectionConditions = this.defaultDealsSelectionConditions;
             * if (this.dealsLocations.TryGetValue(subscription.LocationId, out location))
             * {
             *  dealsSelectionConditions = location.Conditions;
             * }
             * var refinements = new Refinements();
             * if (user.Info != null &&
             *  user.Info.Preferences != null
             *  && user.Info.Preferences.Categories != null
             *  && user.Info.Preferences.Categories.Any())
             * {
             *  refinements.Categories = user.Info.Preferences.Categories.Select(elem => string.Format("lomo:{0}", elem));
             * }
             * if (dealsSelectionConditions.ProvidersWhitelist != null && dealsSelectionConditions.ProvidersWhitelist.Any())
             * {
             *  refinements.Sources = dealsSelectionConditions.ProvidersWhitelist;
             * }
             * Task<IEnumerable<Deal>> getDealsTask;
             * if (location != null)
             * {
             *  getDealsTask = this.dealsClient.GetNearbyDeals(new Coordinates { Latitude = location.Latitude, Longitude = location.Longitude }, location.Radius, 5, refinements);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  getDealsTask = this.dealsClient.GetOnlineDeals(5, refinements);
             * }
             * getDealsTask.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));
             * return getDealsTask.Result;
            //TODO - reimplement if needed
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Deals email job
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emailCargo">Deals email cargo</param>
        public void Handle(EmailCargo emailCargo)
            DealsEmailCargo dealsEmailCargo = emailCargo as DealsEmailCargo;

            if (dealsEmailCargo != null)
                EmailContent     emailContent = PrepareEmail(dealsEmailCargo);
                bool             isTest       = (dealsEmailCargo.Hints != null) && dealsEmailCargo.Hints.IsTest;
                SendEmailRequest request      = new SendEmailRequest
                    Content = emailContent,
                    ToList  = new List <string> {
                    IsTest = isTest

                // Send the email
                this._userServicesClient.SendEmail(dealsEmailCargo.Id, request, null);
        private static void CreateTestEmailCargo(DealsContract dealsContract, Tuple <string, string> tuple)
            Log.Verbose("Creating test email cargo");
            List <Guid> dealGuids = null;

            if (dealsContract.Deals != null && dealsContract.Deals.Any())
                dealGuids = dealsContract.Deals.Select(dealId => new Guid(dealId)).ToList();

            User user = _usersDal.GetUserByUserId(new Guid(_testUserId));

            if (!dealsContract.Location.StartsWith("us:postal:"))
                dealsContract.Location = string.Format("{0}:{1}", "us:postal", dealsContract.Location);
            foreach (string email in _lstTestEmailAddress)
                DealsEmailCargo dealsEmailCargo = new DealsEmailCargo
                    Id           = user.Id,
                    UserId       = user.Id,
                    EmailAddress = email,
                    Campaign     = tuple.Item2,
                    Hints        = new EmailJobHints {
                        IsTest = false, IncludeDeals = true, IsTestEmail = true
                    LocationId     = dealsContract.Location,
                    UnsubscribeUrl = _usersDal.GetUnsubscribeUrlInfo(user.Id).UnsubscribeUrl,
                    DealIds        = dealGuids,
                    IsCloDeal      = true,
                    Subject        = dealsContract.Subject
                dealsEmailCargo.EmailRenderingServiceAddress = string.Format(tuple.Item1, dealsEmailCargo.Campaign);
                Log.Verbose("Enqueued Deals test email cargo : {0} ", dealsEmailCargo.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// The get content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emailCargo">
        /// The email Job.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="EmailContent"/>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="TemplateRenderException">
        /// error while rendering the template
        /// </exception>
        public EmailData GetContent(object emailCargo)
            EmailData       emailData       = null;
            DealsEmailCargo dealsEmailCargo = emailCargo as DealsEmailCargo;

            if (dealsEmailCargo != null)
                string locationId            = dealsEmailCargo.LocationId;
                bool   isSendTimeWindowValid = true;
                IEnumerable <UserEmailEntity> emailHistoryEntities = null;

                //If this is not a test email, check the history to make sure we are not sending the email to the same user within the sendtime window.
                if (!dealsEmailCargo.Hints.IsTestEmail)
                    emailHistoryEntities  = this.userHistoryStorage.GetUserEmailEntities(dealsEmailCargo.UserId, mailHistoryLookback).ToList();
                    isSendTimeWindowValid = this.IsSendTimeWindowValid(emailHistoryEntities.FirstOrDefault(elem => elem.LocationId == locationId), dealsEmailCargo);
                if (isSendTimeWindowValid)
                    IEnumerable <Guid> dealsToExclude = null;
                    //if dealids are not included the cargo, we have to select random deals. Need to check in the history to make sure we are excluding deals that have
                    //already been sent in the past few weeks (based on the mail history lookback settings)
                    if (emailHistoryEntities != null && dealsEmailCargo.DealIds == null)
                        dealsToExclude = this.GetDealsToExclude(emailHistoryEntities);

                    EmailRenderingClient <DailyDealsContract> emailRenderingClient = new EmailRenderingClient <DailyDealsContract>
                        EmailRenderingServiceUrl = dealsEmailCargo.EmailRenderingServiceAddress
                    IEnumerable <Deal> deals = null;
                    if (dealsEmailCargo.Hints != null && dealsEmailCargo.Hints.IncludeDeals)
                        deals = this.dealsSelector.GetDeals(emailCargo as DealsEmailCargo, dealsToExclude).ToList();
                    if (deals != null && deals.Any())
                        DealsTemplateData dailyDealsTemplateData = new DealsTemplateData
                            EmailAddress   = dealsEmailCargo.EmailAddress,
                            UnsubscribeUrl = dealsEmailCargo.UnsubscribeUrl,
                            LocationId     = locationId,
                            Deals          = deals,
                            DealEmailType  =
                                dealsEmailCargo.DealIds != null && dealsEmailCargo.DealIds.Any()
                                        ? DealEmailType.TrendingDeal
                                        : DealEmailType.WeeklyDeal

                        var model = this.templateModelCreator.GenerateModel(dailyDealsTemplateData);
                        emailData = new EmailData
                            Subject = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dealsEmailCargo.Subject)
                                              ? dealsEmailCargo.Subject
                                              : this.RenderSubject(model),
                            HtmlBody = emailRenderingClient.RenderHtml(model),
                            TextBody = string.Empty,
                            DealIds  = deals.Select(elem => new Guid(elem.Id)).ToList()
                        int dealsCount = deals != null?deals.Count() : 0;

                        throw new ModelContentException(string.Format("Number of deals is: {0}. This is insufficient for email model creation", dealsCount));

        private static void CreateEmailCargo(DealsContract dealsContract, Tuple <string, string> tuple)
            Log.Verbose("Creating clo email cargo");
            string accessToken = GetAnalyticsAccessToken();

            Log.Verbose("got analytics access token");
            object      continuationContext = null;
            bool        hasMore             = true;
            List <Guid> dealGuids           = null;

            if (dealsContract.Deals != null && dealsContract.Deals.Any())
                dealGuids = dealsContract.Deals.Select(dealId => new Guid(dealId)).ToList();

            while (hasMore)
                    EmailsSubscriptionsBatchResponse response = _usersDal.GetNextEmailSubscriptionsBatch(10000, true, continuationContext, SubscriptionType.WeeklyDeals);
                        if (response.EmailSubscriptions != null)
                            foreach (EmailSubscription emailSubscription in response.EmailSubscriptions)
                                if (emailSubscription.LocationId.Contains("us:postal:"))
                                    Tuple <bool, string> cloRegionInfo = CloHelper.IsCloRegion(emailSubscription.LocationId);
                                    if (cloRegionInfo.Item1)
                                        User user = _usersDal.GetUserByUserId(emailSubscription.UserId);
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.MsId))
                                            Tuple <DateTime?, DateTime?> cloInfo = GetCloInfo(user.Id, accessToken);
                                            if (cloInfo.Item1 != null)
                                                DealsEmailCargo dealsEmailCargo = new DealsEmailCargo
                                                    Id           = user.Id,
                                                    UserId       = user.Id,
                                                    EmailAddress = user.Email,
                                                    Campaign     = tuple.Item2,
                                                    Hints        = new EmailJobHints {
                                                        IsTest = false, IncludeDeals = true
                                                    LocationId     = emailSubscription.LocationId,
                                                    UnsubscribeUrl = _usersDal.GetUnsubscribeUrlInfo(user.Id).UnsubscribeUrl,
                                                    DealIds        = dealGuids,
                                                    IsCloDeal      = true,
                                                    Subject        = dealsContract.Subject
                                                dealsEmailCargo.EmailRenderingServiceAddress = string.Format(tuple.Item1, dealsEmailCargo.Campaign);

                    hasMore             = response.HasMore;
                    continuationContext = response.ContinuationContext;
                catch (Exception exception)
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// The get deals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emailJob">
        /// The email job.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dealsToExclude">deals to exclude</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// the list of deals
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ApplicationException">location id is wrong </exception>
        public IEnumerable <Deal> GetDeals(DealsEmailCargo emailJob, IEnumerable <Guid> dealsToExclude)
            var refinements = new Refinements();

            if (emailJob.Categories != null && emailJob.Categories.Any())
                refinements.Categories = emailJob.Categories.Select(elem => string.Format("lomo:{0}", elem));

            refinements.ResultsPerBusiness = 1;
            string locationId = emailJob.LocationId;

            Users.Dal.DataModel.Location location = Users.Dal.DataModel.Location.Parse(locationId);

            Task <IEnumerable <Deal> > getDealsTask;

            if (location.CountryCode != "us")
                Log.Error(string.Format("Location Id isn't in us. Location Id={0}", locationId));

            refinements.Market = string.Format("en-{0}", location.CountryCode);
            string dealFlight = emailJob.IsCloDeal ? CloFlight : NonCloFlight;

            //Construct the flight name of the form <<DealFlight (whether to get clo or prepaid only deals)>>,<<campaign name (for tracking in analytics)?>>
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailJob.Campaign))
                refinements.Flights = string.Format("{0},{1}", dealFlight, emailJob.Campaign);
                refinements.Flights = dealFlight;

            List <Deal> selectedDeals;

            if (emailJob.DealIds != null && emailJob.DealIds.Any())
                getDealsTask = this.dealsClient.GetDealsById(emailJob.DealIds.ToList(), refinements: refinements);
                //If we are selecting specific deals to send in the email, do not do any further actions like excluding previously sent deals
                selectedDeals = getDealsTask.Result.ToList();
                if (location.Type == LocationType.Postal || location.Type == LocationType.City)
                    string regionCode = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", location.CountryCode, location.AdminDistrict,
                    getDealsTask = this.dealsClient.GetDealsByRegion(regionCode, null, null, DealsCount, refinements,
                else if (location.Type == LocationType.National)
                    getDealsTask = this.dealsClient.GetOnlineDeals(DealsCount, refinements);
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                                  "Location Id not supported. Only postal, national or city location type are allowed in this phase. Location Id={0}",

                var returnedDeals = getDealsTask.Result.ToList();
                HashSet <string> dealsToExcludeHash = new HashSet <string>();
                if (dealsToExclude != null && dealsToExclude.Any())
                    foreach (var dealGuid in dealsToExclude)

                selectedDeals = this.SelectDeals(6, dealsToExcludeHash, returnedDeals);
