Example #1
    public void RenderDiagram(SequenceData data)
      using (SequenceContextScope renderingScope = ContextHelper.CreateSequenceScope())
        // add all the objects to the scope's context.
        foreach (var item in data.GetObjectList())
          renderingScope.CurrentContext.AddSequenceObject(item.Key, item.TypeName);

        // add all the messages to the scope's context.
        foreach (var item in data.GetMethodList())
          MethodCallInfo itemCopy = item;

          string sourceKey = data.GetObjectList().Find(objectInfo => objectInfo.TypeName.Equals(itemCopy.TypeName, StringComparison.Ordinal)).Key;
          string targetKey = data.GetObjectList().Find(objectInfo => objectInfo.TypeName.Equals(itemCopy.MethodCallType, StringComparison.Ordinal)).Key;

          renderingScope.CurrentContext.AddMessage(sourceKey, targetKey, item.MethodCallName, item);

        // render the diagram.
Example #2
        public string Export(SequenceData data)
            string currentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

            String filePath = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, "tempseq.pic");

            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(filePath, false))
                Write(sw, ".PS");
                Write(sw, "copy \"sequence.pic\";");
                Write(sw, "maxpswid = 20;");
                Write(sw, "maxpsht = 20;");

                Write(sw, "boxwid = 1.9;");
                Write(sw, "movewid = 0.1;");
                Write(sw, "spacing = 0.3;");

                Write(sw, "step();");
                objectList = data.GetObjectList();

                foreach (ObjectInstanceInfo oInfo in objectList)
                    WriteObject(sw, oInfo.TypeName, oInfo.Key);
                    //Write(sw, "active(" + oInfo.Key + ");");

                Write(sw, "step();");
                Write(sw, "step();");

                foreach (MethodCallInfo mInfo in data.GetMethodList())
                    WriteMessage(sw, mInfo);

                Write(sw, "step();");
                Write(sw, "step();");

                // reverse iterate the object collection to put complete

                foreach (ObjectInstanceInfo oInfo in objectList)
                    WriteComplete(sw, oInfo.Key);

                Write(sw, ".PE");

            return this.ExecutePlot(currentDirectory, filePath, data.ToString());
Example #3
    public string Export(SequenceData data)
      DiagramViewer viewer = new DiagramViewer();
      Size size = new Size(2000D, 2000D);
      viewer.Arrange(new Rect(size));

      string outputFileName = data.ToString();
      outputFileName = Helper.RemoveInvalidCharsFromFileName(outputFileName);
      string extension = "xps";
      if (!this.UseUniqueFileName)
        outputFileName = "seq";

      outputFileName = Path.Combine(this.DestinationPath, string.Concat(outputFileName, ".", extension));
      using (SaveContextScope saveScope = ContextHelper.CreateSaveScope(viewer, outputFileName))
        using (SequenceContextScope renderScope = ContextHelper.CreateSequenceScope())
          foreach (ObjectInstanceInfo item in data.GetObjectList())
            renderScope.CurrentContext.AddSequenceObject(item.Key, item.TypeName);

          foreach (MethodCallInfo item in data.GetMethodList())
            string sourceKey = data.GetObjectList().Find(objectInfo => objectInfo.TypeName.Equals(item.TypeName, StringComparison.Ordinal)).Key;
            string targetKey = data.GetObjectList().Find(objectInfo => objectInfo.TypeName.Equals(item.MethodCallType, StringComparison.Ordinal)).Key;

            renderScope.CurrentContext.AddMessage(sourceKey, targetKey, item.MethodCallName, item);


      return outputFileName;
Example #4
        public SequenceData GetSequenceData(string methodName, string typeName, string nameSpace, string assemblyName)
            // here match the methodName in the methodcalllist structure
            // and populate the SequenceData field.
            var data = new SequenceData(typeName + methodName);

            SelectMethod(methodName, typeName, nameSpace, assemblyName, data);

            return data;
Example #5
        private void SelectMethod(string methodName, string typeName, string nameSpace, string assemblyName,
                                  SequenceData data)
            foreach (MethodCallInfo mInfo in AssemblyData.MethodCallList)
                if (!mInfo.StartMethod.Equals(nameSpace + "." + typeName + "." + methodName)) 
                Logger.Current.Debug(">> Found method:" + mInfo);

                // if targetAssembly is different from assemblyName then recursively call this method
                var targetAssembly = Helper.RemoveExtension(Helper.RemoveExtension(mInfo.TargetMethodAssembly, ".dll"), ".exe");
                if (!targetAssembly.Equals(assemblyName))
                    SelectMethod(mInfo.MethodCallName, mInfo.MethodCallType, mInfo.MethodCallNamespace,
                                 mInfo.TargetMethodAssembly, data);
Example #6
 public string Export(SequenceData data)
   return string.Empty;
 /// <summary>
 /// Selects the method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="methodName">Name of the method.</param>
 /// <param name="typeName">Name of the type.</param>
 /// <param name="namespaceName">Name of the namespace.</param>
 /// <param name="data">The sequence data.</param>
 private void SelectMethod(string methodName, string typeName, string namespaceName, SequenceData data)
   foreach (MethodCallInfo methodInfo in this.Data.MethodCallList)
     if (methodInfo.StartMethod.Equals(namespaceName + "." + typeName + "." + methodName))
       Logger.Current.Info(">> Found method:" + methodInfo.ToString());
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the sequence data.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="methodName">Name of the method.</param>
    /// <param name="typeName">Name of the type.</param>
    /// <param name="namespaceName">Name of the namespace.</param>
    /// <returns>
    /// A new instance of SequenceData, with the related sequence data.
    /// </returns>
    private SequenceData GetSequenceData(string methodName, string typeName, string namespaceName)
      // here match the methodName in the methodcalllist structure
      // and populate the SequenceData field.
      SequenceData data = new SequenceData(typeName + methodName);

      this.SelectMethod(methodName, typeName, namespaceName, data);

      return data;