Example #1
 public StockInSkuAndPurchase(WarehouseInItem oInItem, PurchaseItem oPurchaseItem)
     this.oInItem = oInItem;
     this.oPurchaseItem = oPurchaseItem;
Example #2
 public ActionResult InItemEditDB(WarehouseInItem model)
     if (!base.CheckPrivilege("EnablePrepare"))//制表权限验证
         return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", "Home", new { message = "Sorry you have no privilege to visit the Page" });
     if (model.Quantity == 0m)
         return Error("数量必须大于零", Url.Action("InItemEdit", new { itemID = model.Gid }));
     WarehouseInItem inItem = dbEntity.WarehouseInItems.Find(model.Gid);
     if (inItem == null || inItem.Deleted)
         return Error("记录不存在", Url.Action("StockIn"));
         inItem.SkuID = model.SkuID;
         inItem.ShelfID = model.ShelfID;
         inItem.TrackLot = model.TrackLot;
         inItem.Quantity = model.Quantity;
         inItem.Guarantee = model.Guarantee;
         inItem.GenBarcode = model.GenBarcode;
         WarehouseStockIn stockIn = (from s in dbEntity.WarehouseStockIns.Include("StockInItems")
                                     where s.Gid == inItem.InID
                                        && !s.Deleted
                                     select s).Single();
         stockIn.Total = stockIn.StockInItems.Select(item => item.Quantity).Sum();
         whBll = new WarehouseBLL(dbEntity);
         whBll.InventoryByWarehouseSku(stockIn.WhID, model.SkuID);
         return RedirectToAction("StockInEdit", new { inID = inItem.InID });
Example #3
 public StockInSku(WarehouseInItem oInItem, OrderItem oOderItem)
     this.oInItem = oInItem;
     this.oOderItem = oOderItem;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 入库单明细添加
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inID">对应的入库单ID</param>
        /// <returns>返回添加入库单条目的部分页</returns>
        public ActionResult InItemAdd(Guid inID)
            if (!base.CheckPrivilege("EnablePrepare"))//制表权限验证
                return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", "Home", new { message = "Sorry you have no privilege to visit the Page" });
            WarehouseStockIn stockIn = dbEntity.WarehouseStockIns.Find(inID);
            if (stockIn == null || stockIn.Deleted)
                return Error("记录不存在", Url.Action("StockInEdit", new { inID = inID }));
                WarehouseInItem inItem = new WarehouseInItem
                    InID = inID,
                    StockIn = stockIn,
                    Quantity = 1m

                #region 货架下拉框数据
                var shelves = (from shelf in dbEntity.WarehouseShelves
                               where shelf.WhID == stockIn.WhID
                                  && shelf.Deleted == false
                               select new { Code = shelf.Code, Gid = shelf.Gid }).ToList();
                List<SelectListItem> list = (from shelf in shelves
                                             select new SelectListItem
                                                 Text = shelf.Code,
                                                 Value = shelf.Gid.ToString()
                ViewBag.Shelf = list;

                #endregion 货架下拉框数据

                return View(inItem);