Example #1
 public void AddComponent(PhysicalComponent[] x)
     _components.AddRange(x); UpdateComponents();
Example #2
        // =================================================================================
        // BuildMachineCoordinateData_m():
        private bool BuildMachineCoordinateData_m()
            double X_nom = 0;
            double Y_nom = 0;
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.Placement_SkipMeasurements)
                foreach (DataGridViewRow Row in CadData_GridView.Rows)
                    // Cad data is validated.
                    double.TryParse(Row.Cells["X_nominal"].Value.ToString(), out X_nom);
                    double.TryParse(Row.Cells["Y_nominal"].Value.ToString(), out Y_nom);
                    X_nom += Properties.Settings.Default.General_JigOffsetX;
                    Y_nom += Properties.Settings.Default.General_JigOffsetY;
                    Row.Cells["X_machine"].Value = X_nom.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    Row.Cells["Y_machine"].Value = Y_nom.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    Row.Cells["Rotation_machine"].Value = Row.Cells["Rotation"].Value;
                // Refresh UI:
                return true;

            if (ValidMeasurement_checkBox.Checked)
                return true;
            // Check, that our data is good:
            if (!ValidateCADdata_m())
                return false;

            // Find the fiducials form CAD data:
            int FiducialsRow = 0;
            if (!FindFiducials_m(out FiducialsRow))
                return false;
            // OriginalFiducials are at JobData_GridView.Rows[FiducialsRow]
            string[] FiducialDesignators = JobData_GridView.Rows[FiducialsRow].Cells["ComponentList"].Value.ToString().Split(',');
            // Are there at least two?
            if (FiducialDesignators.Length < 2)
                    "Only one fiducial found.",
                    "Too few fiducials",
                return false;
            // Get ready for position measurements
            // Move them to our array, checking the data:
            PhysicalComponent[] Fiducials = new PhysicalComponent[FiducialDesignators.Length];  // store the data here
            // double X_nom = 0;
            // double Y_nom = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < FiducialDesignators.Length; i++)  // for each fiducial in our OriginalFiducials array,
                Fiducials[i] = new PhysicalComponent();
                Fiducials[i].Designator = FiducialDesignators[i];
                // find the fiducial in CAD data.
                foreach (DataGridViewRow Row in CadData_GridView.Rows)
                    if (Row.Cells["Component"].Value.ToString() == FiducialDesignators[i]) // If this is the fiducial we want,
                        // Get its nominal position (value already checked).
                        double.TryParse(Row.Cells["X_nominal"].Value.ToString(), out X_nom);
                        double.TryParse(Row.Cells["Y_nominal"].Value.ToString(), out Y_nom);
                Fiducials[i].X_nominal = X_nom;
                Fiducials[i].Y_nominal = Y_nom;
                // And measure it's true location:
                if (!MeasureFiducial_m(ref Fiducials[i]))
                    return false;
                // We could put the machine data in place at this point. However, 
                // we don't, as if the algorithms below are correct, the data will not change more than measurement error.
                // During development, that is a good checkpoint.

            // Find the homographic tranformation from CAD data (fiducials.nominal) to measured machine coordinates
            // (fiducials.machine):
            Transform transform = new Transform();
            HomographyEstimation.Point[] nominals = new HomographyEstimation.Point[Fiducials.Length];
            HomographyEstimation.Point[] measured = new HomographyEstimation.Point[Fiducials.Length];
            // build point data arrays:
            for (int i = 0; i < Fiducials.Length; i++)
                nominals[i].X = Fiducials[i].X_nominal;
                nominals[i].Y = Fiducials[i].Y_nominal;
                nominals[i].W = 1.0;
                measured[i].X = Fiducials[i].X_machine;
                measured[i].Y = Fiducials[i].Y_machine;
                measured[i].W = 1.0;
            // find the tranformation
            bool res = transform.Estimate(nominals, measured, ErrorMetric.Transfer, 450, 450);  // the PCBs are smaller than 450mm
            if (!res)
                    "Transform estimation failed.",
                    "Data error",
                return false;
            // Analyze the transform: Displacement is for debug. We could also calculate X & Y stretch and shear, but why bother.
            // Find out the displacement in the transform (where nominal origin ends up):
            HomographyEstimation.Point Loc, Loc2;
            Loc.X = 0.0;
            Loc.Y = 0.0;
            Loc.W = 1.0;
            Loc = transform.TransformPoint(Loc);
            Loc = Loc.NormalizeHomogeneous();
            DisplayText("dX= " + (Loc.X).ToString());
            DisplayText("dY= " + Loc.Y.ToString());
            // We do need rotation. Find out by rotatíng a unit vector:
            Loc2.X = 1.0;
            Loc2.Y = 0.0;
            Loc2.W = 1.0;
            Loc2 = transform.TransformPoint(Loc2);
            Loc2 = Loc2.NormalizeHomogeneous();
            DisplayText("dX= " + Loc2.X.ToString());
            DisplayText("dY= " + Loc2.Y.ToString());
            double angle = Math.Asin(Loc2.Y - Loc.Y) * 180.0 / Math.PI; // in degrees
            DisplayText("angle= " + angle.ToString());

            // Calculate machine coordinates of all components:
            foreach (DataGridViewRow Row in CadData_GridView.Rows)
                // build a point from CAD data values
                double.TryParse(Row.Cells["X_nominal"].Value.ToString(), out Loc.X);
                double.TryParse(Row.Cells["Y_nominal"].Value.ToString(), out Loc.Y);
                Loc.W = 1;
                // transform it
                Loc = transform.TransformPoint(Loc);
                Loc = Loc.NormalizeHomogeneous();
                // store calculated location values
                Row.Cells["X_machine"].Value = Loc.X.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                Row.Cells["Y_machine"].Value = Loc.Y.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                // handle rotation
                double rot;
                double.TryParse(Row.Cells["Rotation"].Value.ToString(), out rot);
                rot += angle;
                while (rot > 360.0)
                    rot -= 360.0;
                while (rot < 0.0)
                    rot += 360.0;
                Row.Cells["Rotation_machine"].Value = rot.ToString("0.0000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Refresh UI:

            // For debug, compare fiducials true measured locations and the locations.
            // Also, if a fiducials moves more than 0.5mm, something is off (maybe there
            // was a via too close to a fid, and we picked that for a measurement). Warn the user!
            bool DataOk = true;
            double dx, dy;
            for (int i = 0; i < Fiducials.Length; i++)
                Loc.X = Fiducials[i].X_nominal;
                Loc.Y = Fiducials[i].Y_nominal;
                Loc.W = 1.0;
                Loc = transform.TransformPoint(Loc);
                Loc = Loc.NormalizeHomogeneous();
                dx = Math.Abs(Loc.X - Fiducials[i].X_machine);
                dy = Math.Abs(Loc.Y - Fiducials[i].Y_machine);
                DisplayText(Fiducials[i].Designator +
                    ": x_meas= " + Fiducials[i].X_machine.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                    ", x_calc= " + Loc.X.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                    ", dx= " + dx.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                    ": y_meas= " + Fiducials[i].Y_machine.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                    ", y_calc= " + Loc.Y.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                    ", dy= " + dy.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                if ((Math.Abs(dx) > 0.4) || (Math.Abs(dy) > 0.4))
                    DataOk = false;
            if (!DataOk)
                DisplayText(" ** A fiducial moved more than 0.4mm from its measured location");
                DisplayText(" ** when applied the same calculations than regular componets.");
                DisplayText(" ** (Maybe the camera picked a via instead of a fiducial?)");
                DisplayText(" ** Placement data is likely not good.");
                DialogResult dialogResult = ShowMessageBox(
                    "Nominal to machine trasnformation seems to be off. (See log window)",
                    "Cancel operation?",
                if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel)
                    return false;
            // Done! 
            ValidMeasurement_checkBox.Checked = true;
            return true;
        }// end BuildMachineCoordinateData_m
Example #3
 public void AddComponent(PhysicalComponent x)
     _components.Add(x); UpdateComponents();
Example #4
        // =================================================================================
        // MeasureFiducial_m():
        // Takes the parameter nominal location and measures its physical location.
        // Assumes measurement parameters already set.

        private bool MeasureFiducial_m(ref PhysicalComponent fid) {
            Cnc.CNC_XY(fid.nominal + JobOffset + PCBZeroLocation);

            var type = Properties.Settings.Default.use_template ? Shapes.ShapeTypes.Fiducial : Shapes.ShapeTypes.Circle;
            var loc = FindPositionAndMoveToClosest(type, 3, .1);
            if (loc == null) {
                ShowSimpleMessageBox("Can't Find Fiducial " + fid.Designator);
                return false;
            fid.machine = loc;
            return true;
Example #5
        // =================================================================================
        // MeasureFiducial_m():
        // Takes the parameter nominal location and measures its physical location.
        // Assumes measurement parameters already set.

        private bool MeasureFiducial_m(ref PhysicalComponent fid)
            CNC_XY_m(fid.X_nominal + JobOffsetX + Properties.Settings.Default.General_JigOffsetX,
                     fid.Y_nominal + JobOffsetY + Properties.Settings.Default.General_JigOffsetY);
            // If more than 3mm off here, not good.
            double X;
            double Y;
            if (!GoToCircleLocation_m(3, 0.1, out X, out Y))
                    "Finding fiducial: Can't regognize fiducial " + fid.Designator,
                    "No Circle found",
                return false;
            fid.X_machine = Cnc.CurrentX + X;
            fid.Y_machine = Cnc.CurrentY + Y;
            // For user confidence, show it:
            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            return true;
Example #6
        private bool PickUpLoosePart_m(bool Probe, PhysicalComponent comp) {
            if (!Cnc.CNC_XY(Locations.GetLocation("Pickup"))) {
                return false;

            // ask for it
            string ComponentType = comp.TypePlusFootprint;
            DialogResult dialogResult = ShowMessageBox(
                "Put one " + ComponentType + " to the pickup location.",
                "Placing " + comp.Designator,
            if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) {
                return false;

            // Find component
            double X = 0;
            double Y = 0;
            double A = 0.0;
            // If we don't get a look from straight up (more than 2mm off) we need to re-measure
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                // measure 5 averages, component must be 8.0mm from its place
                int count = VideoDetection.MeasureClosestComponentInPx(out X, out Y, out A, cameraView.downVideoProcessing, (8.0 / Properties.Settings.Default.DownCam_XmmPerPixel), 5);
                if (count == 0) {
                        "Could not see component",
                        "No component",
                    return false;
                X = X * Properties.Settings.Default.DownCam_XmmPerPixel;
                Y = -Y * Properties.Settings.Default.DownCam_YmmPerPixel;
                DisplayText("PickUpLoosePart_m(): measurement " + i + ", X: " + X + ", Y: " + Y + ", A: " + A);
                if ((Math.Abs(X) < 2.0) && (Math.Abs(Y) < 2.0)) {
                if (!Cnc.CNC_XY(Cnc.CurrentX + X, Cnc.CurrentY + Y)) {
                    return false;
            Needle.Move_m(Cnc.CurrentX + X, Cnc.CurrentY + Y, A);
            // pick it up
            if (Probe) {
                DisplayText("PickUpLoosePart_m(): Probing pickup Z");
                if (!Needle.ProbeDown()) {
                    return false;
                LoosePartPickupZ = Cnc.CurrentZ;
                DisplayText("PickUpLoosePart_m(): Probing Z= " + Cnc.CurrentZ);
            } else {
                DisplayText("PickUpLoosePart_m(): Part pickup, Z" + LoosePartPickupZ);
                if (!Cnc.CNC_Z(LoosePartPickupZ)) {
                    return false;
            DisplayText("PickUpLoosePart_m(): needle up");
            if (!Cnc.Zup()) {
                return false;
            if (AbortPlacement) {
                return false;
            return true;
Example #7
        private bool PlacePart_m(bool LoosePart, bool resetTapeZ, PhysicalComponent comp) {
            if (AbortPlacement) return false;
            if (resetTapeZ && !LoosePart && !Tapes.ClearHeights_m(comp.MethodParameters)) return false;

            // Pickup:
            if (AbortPlacement) return false;
            if (LoosePart && !PickUpLoosePart_m(resetTapeZ, comp)) return false;

            bool win = false;
            var to = Tapes.GetTapeObjByID(comp.MethodParameters);
            if (to == null) return false;

            int startingPart = to.CurrentPart;
            for (int i = 0; i < NextPartRetryCount; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < SamePartRetryCount; j++) {
                    if (AbortPlacement) return false;
                    win = PickUpPart_m(comp.MethodParameters);
                    if (win) break;
                if (win) break;
                Tapes.GetTapeObjByID(comp.MethodParameters).IncrementPartNumber(); //try skipping a part
            if (!win) {
                to.CurrentPart = startingPart; //didn't pick up anything so don't modify next part
                return false;

            // Take the part to position:
            if (AbortPlacement) return false;
            DisplayText("PlacePart_m: " + comp.Designator + " At" + comp.machine, Color.Blue);
            if (!Needle.Move_m(comp.machine)) return false;

            // Place it:
            if (AbortPlacement) return false;
            if (LoosePart && !PutLoosePartDown_m(resetTapeZ)) return false;
            if (!PutPartDown_m(comp.MethodParameters)) return false;

            return true;
Example #8
        // =================================================================================
        // PlaceComponent_m()
        // This routine does the actual placement of a single component.
        // Component is the component name (Such as R15); based to this, we'll find the coordinates from CAD data
        // GroupRow is the row index to Job data grid view.
        // =================================================================================

        private bool PlaceComponent(PhysicalComponent comp) {
            DisplayText("PlaceComponent_m: Component: " + comp.Designator);
            if (comp.IsFiducial) return true; //skip fiducials

            if ((comp.Method == "LoosePart") || (comp.Method == "Place") || (comp.Method == "Place Fast")) {
                PlacedComponent_label.Text = comp.Designator;
                PlacedValue_label.Text = comp.TypePlusFootprint;
                var tapeObj = Tapes.GetTapeObjByID(comp.MethodParameters);
                if (tapeObj != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tapeObj.TemplateFilename)) {
                    var image = Image.FromFile(tapeObj.TemplateFilename);
                    placement_Picturebox.Image = image;
                    placement_Picturebox.Visible = true;
                } else {
                    placement_Picturebox.Image = null;
                    placement_Picturebox.Visible = false;

            if (AbortPlacement) return false;

            // Component is at CadData_GridView.Rows[CADdataRow]. 
            // What to do to it is at  JobData_GridView.Rows[GroupRow].

            switch (comp.Method) {
                case "?": 
                        "Method is ? at run time",
                        "Sloppy programmer error",
                    return false;

                case "Pause":
                        "Job pause, click OK to continue.",
                    return true;

                case "LoosePart":
                    if (comp.IsPlaced && skippedPlacedComponents_checkBox.Checked) return true;
                    if (!PlacePart_m(true, comp.IsFirstInRow, comp)) {
                        comp.IsError = true;
                        return false;
                    comp.IsPlaced = true;
                case "Place Fast":
                case "Place":
                    if (comp.IsPlaced && skippedPlacedComponents_checkBox.Checked) return true;
                    if (!PlacePart_m(false, comp.IsFirstInRow, comp)) {
                        comp.IsError = true;
                        return false;
                    comp.IsPlaced = true;

                case "Change needle":
                    if (!ChangeNeedle_m()) return false;

                case "Recalibrate":
                    if (!PrepareToPlace_m()) return false;

                case "Ignore":
                    return true;

                case "Fiducials":
                    return true;

                    ShowSimpleMessageBox("No way to handle method " + comp.Method);
                    return false;

            return true;
Example #9
 // i think this is my favorite linq implementation especially how terse it is. so clean but very legible.
 public JobData FindJobDataThatContainsComponent(PhysicalComponent component)
     return(JobData.FirstOrDefault(j => Enumerable.Contains(j.Components, component)));
Example #10
        public bool ParseCadData_m(String[] AllLines, bool KiCad)
            int  ComponentIndex   = -1;
            int  ValueIndex       = -1;
            int  FootPrintIndex   = -1;
            int  X_Nominal_Index  = -1;
            int  Y_Nominal_Index  = -1;
            int  RotationIndex    = -1;
            int  LayerIndex       = -1;
            bool LayerDataPresent = false;
            int  i;
            int  LineIndex = 0;

            // Parse header. Skip empty lines and comment lines (starting with # or "//")
            Regex skip_header = new Regex(@"^$|^#.*|//.*");

            foreach (string s in AllLines)
                if (skip_header.IsMatch(s))
                    LineIndex++; continue;

            char delimiter;

            if (KiCad)
                delimiter = ' ';
                if (!FindDelimiter_m(AllLines[0], out delimiter))

            // Determien which column is what
            string[] h                = SplitCSV(AllLines[LineIndex++], delimiter).ToArray();
            Regex    header_regexp    = new Regex(@"^(designator|part|refdes|ref|component)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Regex    value_regexp     = new Regex(@"^(value|val|comment)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Regex    footprint_regexp = new Regex(@"^(footprint|package|pattern)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Regex    x_regexp         = new Regex(@"^(x|x \(mm\)|posx|ref x)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Regex    y_regexp         = new Regex(@"^(y|y \(mm\)|posy|ref y)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Regex    rotate_regexp    = new Regex(@"^(rotation|rot|rotate)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Regex    layer_regexp     = new Regex(@"^(layer|side|tb)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            for (int j = 0; j < h.Length; j++)
                if (header_regexp.IsMatch(h[j]))
                    ComponentIndex = j;
                if (value_regexp.IsMatch(h[j]))
                    ValueIndex = j;
                if (footprint_regexp.IsMatch(h[j]))
                    FootPrintIndex = j;
                if (x_regexp.IsMatch(h[j]))
                    X_Nominal_Index = j;
                if (y_regexp.IsMatch(h[j]))
                    Y_Nominal_Index = j;
                if (rotate_regexp.IsMatch(h[j]))
                    RotationIndex = j;
                if (layer_regexp.IsMatch(h[j]))
                    LayerIndex = j; LayerDataPresent = true;

            if (ComponentIndex == -1 || ValueIndex == -1 || FootPrintIndex == -1 || X_Nominal_Index == -1 ||
                Y_Nominal_Index == -1 || RotationIndex == -1)
                Global.Instance.DisplayText("Headers not set correctly - unable to parse cad file");

            // Parse data
            string peek;
            Regex  skip_lines_regex = new Regex("^$|^\"\"|^#.*|^//.*");
            Regex  top_regex        = new Regex(@"top|f\.cu|t", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Regex  bot_regex        = new Regex(@"bottom|b\.cu|b|bot", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            for (i = LineIndex; i < AllLines.Count(); i++)    // for each component

                peek = AllLines[i];
                // Skip: empty lines and comment lines (starting with # or "//")
                if (skip_lines_regex.IsMatch(AllLines[i]))

                List <String> Line = SplitCSV(AllLines[i], delimiter);
                // If layer is indicated and the component is not on this layer, skip it
                if (LayerDataPresent & MainForm.Bottom_checkBox.Checked & top_regex.IsMatch(Line[LayerIndex]))
                if (LayerDataPresent & !MainForm.Bottom_checkBox.Checked & bot_regex.IsMatch(Line[LayerIndex]))

                PhysicalComponent p = new PhysicalComponent();
                p.Designator = Line[ComponentIndex];
                p.Type       = Line[ValueIndex];
                p.Footprint  = Line[FootPrintIndex];
                p.nominal.X  = double.Parse(Line[X_Nominal_Index].Replace("mm", "").Replace(",", "."));
                if (LayerDataPresent && MainForm.Bottom_checkBox.Checked)
                    p.nominal.X *= -1;
                p.nominal.Y        = double.Parse(Line[Y_Nominal_Index].Replace("mm", "").Replace(",", "."));
                p.Rotation         = double.Parse(Line[RotationIndex]);
                p.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => { if (e.PropertyName.Equals("IsPlaced"))
        }   // end ParseCadData
Example #11
        /*  // If components are edited, update count automatically
          private void JobData_GridView_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
              if (JobData_GridView.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex == 4)
                  // components
                  List<String> Line = CAD.SplitCSV(JobData_GridView.CurrentCell.Value.ToString(), ',');
                  int row = JobData_GridView.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
                  JobData_GridView.Rows[row].Cells["ComponentCount"].Value = Line.Count.ToString();

        // =================================================================================
        // Do someting to a group of components:
        // =================================================================================
        // Several rows are selected at Job data:

        private void PlaceThese_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            int selectedCount = JobData_GridView.SelectedRows.Count;
            if (selectedCount == 0) {
                ShowSimpleMessageBox("Nothing selected");

            if (!PrepareToPlace_m()) {
                ShowSimpleMessageBox("Placement operation failed, nothing done.");
            List<PhysicalComponent> toPlace = new List<PhysicalComponent>();
            for (int i = 0; i < JobData_GridView.Rows.Count; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < selectedCount; j++) {
                    if (JobData_GridView.SelectedRows[j].Index == i) { 
                        var job = (JobData)JobData_GridView.SelectedRows[j].DataBoundItem;
                        //var job = (JobData) row.DataBoundItem;
                        if (job.Method == "Change nozzle" || job.Method == "Recalibrate")
                            PhysicalComponent x = new PhysicalComponent();
                            x.Method = job.Method;
                            x.MethodParameters = job.MethodParameters;
                            x.JobData = job;

                            foreach (var component in job.GetComponents())
                                component.JobData = job;
                                if (!toPlace.Contains(component)) toPlace.Add(component);

            if (!PlaceComponents(toPlace)) {
                ShowSimpleMessageBox("Placement operation failed. Review job status.");

Example #12
 public void AddComponent(PhysicalComponent x)
     _components.Add(x); UpdateComponents();