Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Recreate database using empty LOG file to re-write all documents with all indexes
        /// </summary>
        public long Rebuild(RebuildOptions options)

            if (_disk.GetLength(FileOrigin.Log) > 0)
                throw new LiteException(0, "Rebuild operation requires no log file - run Checkpoint before continue");


            var originalLength = _disk.GetLength(FileOrigin.Data);

            // create a savepoint in header page - restore if any error occurs
            var savepoint = _header.Savepoint();

            // must clear all cache pages because all of them will change

                // initialize V8 file reader
                using (var reader = new FileReaderV8(_header, _disk))
                    // clear current header
                    _header.FreeEmptyPageList = uint.MaxValue;
                    _header.LastPageID        = 0;
                    _header.GetCollections().ToList().ForEach(c => _header.DeleteCollection(c.Key));

                    // override collation
                    _header.Pragmas.Set("COLLATION", options.Collation.ToString(), false);

                    // rebuild entrie database using FileReader

                    // change password (can be a problem if any error occurs after here)
                    _disk.ChangePassword(options.Password, _settings);

                    // exit reserved before checkpoint

                    // do checkpoint

                    // get new filelength to compare
                    var newLength = _disk.GetLength(FileOrigin.Data);

                    return(originalLength - newLength);
            catch (Exception)


Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Rebuild database removing all empty pages.
        /// </summary>
        public static long Shrink(string filename, string password = null, string newPassword = null)
            var logFile = FileHelper.GetLogFile(filename);

            // first step: if there is log file, runs checkpoint first
            if (File.Exists(logFile))
                using (var e = new LiteEngine(new EngineSettings {
                    Filename = filename, Password = password

            // getting original file length
            var originalLength = new FileInfo(filename).Length;

            // create new empty log file
            using (var log = new FileStream(logFile, FileMode.CreateNew))
                // configure a new engine instance to works with 1 page in memory (data) and all data into log file
                var settings = new EngineSettings
                    DataStream = new MemoryStream(),
                    LogStream  = log,
                    Password   = newPassword

                // now, copy all reader into this new engine
                using (var e = new LiteEngine(settings))
                    using (var reader = new FileReaderV8(filename, password))

                // now i can shrink my data file to same size as new log
                using (var f = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open))

            // open again database to run last checkpoint and update all datafile
            using (var e = new LiteEngine(new EngineSettings {
                Filename = filename, Password = newPassword

            // return shrink size (in bytes)
            return(originalLength - (new FileInfo(filename).Length));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public long Shrink()

            if (_disk.GetLength(FileOrigin.Log) > 0)
                throw new LiteException(0, "Shrink operation requires no log file - run Checkpoint before continue");


            var originalLength = _disk.GetLength(FileOrigin.Data);

            // create a savepoint in header page - restore if any error occurs
            var savepoint = _header.Savepoint();

            // must clear all cache pages because all of them will change

                // initialize V8 file reader
                using (var reader = new FileReaderV8(_header, _disk))
                    // clear current header
                    _header.FreeEmptyPageID = uint.MaxValue;
                    _header.LastPageID      = 0;
                    _header.GetCollections().ToList().ForEach(c => _header.DeleteCollection(c.Key));

                    // rebuild entrie database using FileReader

                    // crop data file
                    var newLength = BasePage.GetPagePosition(_header.LastPageID);

                    _disk.SetLength(newLength, FileOrigin.Data);

                    return(originalLength - newLength);
            catch (Exception)


Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Recreate database using empty LOG file to re-write all documents with all indexes
        /// </summary>
        public long Rebuild(RebuildOptions options)
            // enter database in exclusive mode
            var mustExit = _locker.EnterExclusive();

            // get a header backup/savepoint before change
            PageBuffer savepoint = null;

                // do a checkpoint before starts

                var originalLength = _disk.GetLength(FileOrigin.Data);

                // create a savepoint in header page - restore if any error occurs
                savepoint = _header.Savepoint();

                // must clear all cache pages because all of them will change

                // must check if there is no data log
                if (_disk.GetLength(FileOrigin.Log) > 0)
                    throw new LiteException(0, "Rebuild operation requires no log file - run Checkpoint before continue");

                // initialize V8 file reader
                var reader = new FileReaderV8(_header, _disk);

                // clear current header
                _header.FreeEmptyPageList = uint.MaxValue;
                _header.LastPageID        = 0;
                _header.GetCollections().ToList().ForEach(c => _header.DeleteCollection(c.Key));

                // override collation pragma
                if (options?.Collation != null)
                    _header.Pragmas.Set(Pragmas.COLLATION, options.Collation.ToString(), false);

                // rebuild entrie database using FileReader

                // change password (can be a problem if any error occurs after here)
                if (options != null)
                    _disk.ChangePassword(options.Password, _settings);

                // do checkpoint

                // set new fileLength
                _disk.SetLength((_header.LastPageID + 1) * PAGE_SIZE, FileOrigin.Data);

                // get new filelength to compare
                var newLength = _disk.GetLength(FileOrigin.Data);

                return(originalLength - newLength);
                if (savepoint != null)

                if (mustExit)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Recreate database using empty LOG file to re-write all documents with all indexes
        /// </summary>
        public long Rebuild(RebuildOptions options)
            // enter database in exclusive mode
            var lockWasTaken = _locker.EnterExclusive();

            // get a header backup/savepoint before change
            PageBuffer savepoint = null;

                // do a checkpoint before starts
                _walIndex.Checkpoint(false, true);

                var originalLength = (_header.LastPageID + 1) * PAGE_SIZE;

                // must clear all cache pages because all of them will change

                // create a savepoint in header page - restore if any error occurs
                savepoint = _header.Savepoint();

                // initialize V8 file reader
                var reader = new FileReaderV8(_header, _disk);

                // clear current header
                _header.FreeEmptyPageList = uint.MaxValue;
                _header.LastPageID        = 0;
                _header.GetCollections().ToList().ForEach(c => _header.DeleteCollection(c.Key));

                // override collation pragma
                if (options?.Collation != null)
                    _header.Pragmas.Set(Pragmas.COLLATION, options.Collation.ToString(), false);

                // rebuild entrie database using FileReader

                // do checkpoint
                _walIndex.Checkpoint(false, true);

                // override header page
                _disk.Write(new[] { _header.UpdateBuffer() });

                // if options are defined, change password (if change also)
                if (options != null)
                    _disk.ChangePassword(options.Password, _settings);

// <<<<<<< HEAD
// =======
//                 // do checkpoint
//                 _walIndex.Checkpoint();
//                 // override header page
//                 _disk.Write(new[] { _header.UpdateBuffer() }, FileOrigin.Data);
//                 // set new fileLength
//                 _disk.SetLength((_header.LastPageID + 1) * PAGE_SIZE, FileOrigin.Data);
// >>>>>>> master
                // get new filelength to compare
                var newLength = (_header.LastPageID + 1) * PAGE_SIZE;

                return(originalLength - newLength);
                if (savepoint != null)

                if (lockWasTaken)