public void Load(string name) { if (isLoad) { return; } isLoad = true; byte[] bin = DynamicFileControl.QueryFileContent(name); string content = StringHelper.ReadFromBytes(bin); LitJson.JSONNode json = LitJson.JSON.Parse(content); dataBattles = new List <DataBattle> (); // dataBattlesNormal = new Dictionary<int, DataBattle> (); // dataBattlesElite = new Dictionary<int, DataBattle> (); foreach (LitJson.JSONNode subNode in json.Childs) { DataBattle data = new DataBattle(); data.Load(subNode); dataBattles.Add(data); // if(data.difficulty == DataConfig.MISSION_DIFFICULTY.NORMAL) // { // dataBattlesNormal.Add (data.chapter, data); // } // else // { // dataBattlesElite.Add (data.chapter, data); // } } }
public void Load(string name) { if (isLoad) { return; } isLoad = true; byte[] bin = DynamicFileControl.QueryFileContent(name); string content = StringHelper.ReadFromBytes(bin); LitJson.JSONNode json = LitJson.JSON.Parse(content); dataUnits = new Dictionary <int, DataUnit> (); foreach (LitJson.JSONNode subNode in json.Childs) { DataUnit unit = new DataUnit(); unit.Load(subNode); Assert.assert(GetUnitUnlockWithItem(unit.chipId) == null, "one chip link to multi items"); dataUnits.Add(, unit); } }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { errorCode = JsonReader.Int(json, "ErrorCode"); operation = JsonReader.Int(json, "Operation"); message = json["Message"]; detial = json["Detail"]; }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { level = int.Parse(json["Lv"]); honor = int.Parse(json["Honor"]); Leadership = int.Parse(json["Leadership"]); Energy = int.Parse(json["Energy"]); }
public void Load(string name) { if (isLoad) { return; } isLoad = true; byte[] bin = DynamicFileControl.QueryFileContent(name); string content = StringHelper.ReadFromBytes(bin); LitJson.JSONNode json = LitJson.JSON.Parse(content); dataMissions = new Dictionary <int, DataMission> (); foreach (LitJson.JSONNode subNode in json.Childs) { DataMission data = new DataMission(); data.Load(subNode); /* * Dictionary<int, DataMission> missions; * dataMissions.TryGetValue((int)data.difficulty, out missions); * if(missions == null) * { * missions = new Dictionary<int, DataMission>(); * dataMissions.Add((int)data.difficulty, missions); * } */ dataMissions.Add(data.magicId, data); } CollectChapterData(); }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { type = JsonReader.Int(json, "Type"); id = JsonReader.Int(json, "ID"); level = JsonReader.Int(json, "Level"); playerLevel = JsonReader.Int(json, "PlayerLevel"); openLevel = JsonReader.Int(json, "OpenLevel"); string str_buildingID = json ["BuildingID"]; buildingID = StringHelper.ReadIntArrayFromString(str_buildingID); string str_buildingLevel = json ["BuildingLevel"]; buildingLevel = StringHelper.ReadIntArrayFromString(str_buildingLevel); upgradeCash = JsonReader.Float(json, "UpgradeCash"); categoryId = JsonReader.Int(json, "CategoryID"); name = json ["Name"]; assset = json ["Asset"]; description = json["Description"]; cost = new DataUnit.BasicCost(); cost.Load(json); }
public void Load(string name) { if (isLoad) { return; } isLoad = true; byte[] bin = DynamicFileControl.QueryFileContent(name); string content = StringHelper.ReadFromBytes(bin); LitJson.JSONNode json = LitJson.JSON.Parse(content); dataUnitParts = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, DataUnitPart> > (); foreach (LitJson.JSONNode subNode in json.Childs) { DataUnitPart data = new DataUnitPart(); data.Load(subNode); Dictionary <int, DataUnitPart> parts; dataUnitParts.TryGetValue(, out parts); if (parts == null) { parts = new Dictionary <int, DataUnitPart>(); dataUnitParts.Add(, parts); } parts.Add(data.level, data); } }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { resourcesMin = JsonReader.Int(json, "ResourcesMin"); foodDiscount = JsonReader.Float(json, "FoodDiscount"); oilDiscount = JsonReader.Float(json, "OilDiscount"); metalDiscount = JsonReader.Float(json, "MetalDiscount"); rareDiscount = JsonReader.Float(json, "RareDiscount"); }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { //type = int.Parse (json ["Type"]); //id = int.Parse (json ["ID"]); level = int.Parse(json ["Level"]); resourceType = int.Parse(json ["ResourceType"]); produceSpeed = float.Parse(json ["ProduceSpeed"]); capacity = float.Parse(json ["Capacity"]); }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { costTime = JsonReader.Int(json, "TimeCost"); costFood = JsonReader.Int(json, "FoodCost"); costOil = JsonReader.Int(json, "OilCost"); costMetal = JsonReader.Int(json, "MetalCost"); costRare = JsonReader.Int(json, "RareCost"); costCash = JsonReader.Int(json, "CashCost"); }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { level = JsonReader.Int(json, "Lv"); Assert.assert(level > 0); for (int i = 0; i < qualityExp.Length; ++i) { qualityExp[i] = JsonReader.Int(json, "Quality_" + (i + 1)); } }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { magicId = int.Parse(json["ID"]); name = json ["Name"]; ParseStageMissionId(magicId); // difficulty = (DataConfig.MISSION_DIFFICULTY)int.Parse(json["Difficulty"]); string str_teamsId = json["TeamsID"]; teamsId = StringHelper.ReadIntArrayFromString(str_teamsId); playerRotation = JsonReader.Float(json, "PlayerRotate"); string str_teamsRotation = json["TeamsRotation"]; teamsRotation = StringHelper.ReadFloatArrayFromString(str_teamsRotation); Assert.assert(teamsId.Length == teamsRotation.Length); powerScale = float.Parse(json["PowerScale"]); asset = json ["BattleBackground"]; honor = JsonReader.Int(json, "Honor"); exp = JsonReader.Int(json, "Exp"); itemGroupId = JsonReader.Int(json, "ItemGroupID"); evaluate = JsonReader.Int(json, "Evaluate"); // string str_itemsId = json["Item"]; // itemsId = StringHelper.ReadIntArrayFromString (str_itemsId); EnergyCost = JsonReader.Int(json, "EnergyCost"); Star = JsonReader.Int(json, "Star"); PlayerLevel = JsonReader.Int(json, "PlayerLevel"); string str_rateIds = json["RateIDs"]; RateIds = StringHelper.ReadIntArrayFromString(str_rateIds); if (RateIds.Length < 2) { RateIds = ArrayHelper.Fill <int> (RateIds, 0, 2 - RateIds.Length); } for (int i = 0; i < ARROW_COUNT_MAX; ++i) { string arrowContent = json ["Arrow" + (i + 1)]; DataConfig.CAMPAIGN_ARROW arrow; float arrowRot; ReadArrow(arrowContent, out arrow, out arrowRot); arrows[i] = arrow; arrowsRotation[i] = arrowRot; } }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { type = (TYPE)int.Parse(json["ID"]); level = int.Parse(json["Level"]); effect = JsonReader.Float(json, "Effect"); effectRange = JsonReader.Float(json, "EffectRange"); hintRange = JsonReader.Float(json, "HintRange"); duration = JsonReader.Float(json, "Duration"); name = json["Name"]; }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { rank = int.Parse(json["Rank"]); honor = int.Parse(json["Honor"]); cash = int.Parse(json["Cash"]); combat = int.Parse(json["Combat"]); itemId = JsonReader.Int(json, "Item"); itemNum = JsonReader.Int(json, "ItemNum"); dropGroup = int.Parse(json["DropGroup"]); }
public static float Float(LitJson.JSONNode json, string key) { string field = json [key]; if (field == null || field == "") { return(0); } return(float.Parse(field)); }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { id = JsonReader.Int(json, "ID"); kTank = JsonReader.Float(json, "Tank"); kGun = JsonReader.Float(json, "Gun"); kMissile = JsonReader.Float(json, "Missile"); kCannon = JsonReader.Float(json, "Cannon"); kUnknown = JsonReader.Float(json, "Unknown"); quality = JsonReader.Int(json, "Quality"); skill = (DataSkill.TYPE)JsonReader.Int(json, "Skill"); }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { id = JsonReader.Int(json, "ID"); chapter = JsonReader.Int(json, "Chapter"); // preChapter = JsonReader.Int (json, "PreChapter"); difficulty = (DataConfig.MISSION_DIFFICULTY)JsonReader.Int(json, "Difficulty"); // string missionsStr = json["MissionIDs"]; // missionIds = StringHelper.ReadIntArrayFromString (missionsStr); // difficulty = (preChapter > 0) ? DataConfig.MISSION_DIFFICULTY.ELITE : DataConfig.MISSION_DIFFICULTY.NORMAL; }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { id = int.Parse(json["ID"]); battleParam = new BasicBattleParam(); battleParam.Load(json); name = json["Name"]; asset = json["Asset"]; bulletType = (DataConfig.BULLET_TYPE) int.Parse(json ["CannonType"]); bodyType = (DataConfig.BODY_TYPE) int.Parse(json ["BodyType"]); quality = JsonReader.Int(json, "Quality"); targetSelect = (DataConfig.TARGET_SELECT)JsonReader.Int(json, "targetSelect"); shootCD = JsonReader.Float(json, "shootCD"); //5; shootRange = JsonReader.Float(json, "shootRange"); //150; closeRange = JsonReader.Float(json, "closeRange"); //80; fightRange = JsonReader.Float(json, "fightRange"); //40; // Assert.assert (shootRange >= closeRange); Assert.assert(closeRange >= fightRange); stopToFire = true; //int.Parse (json ["stopToFire"]) != 0; canStandTurn = JsonReader.Int(json, "canStandTurn") != 0; firePrepareTime = JsonReader.Float(json, "firePrepareTime"); //1; damageRange = JsonReader.Float(json, "damageRange"); length = JsonReader.Float(json, "length"); //7; Assert.assert(length <= MapGrid.GRID_SIZE); breakTime = JsonReader.Float(json, "breakTime"); //2; speed = float.Parse(json ["Speed"]); costCdCash = JsonReader.Float(json, "CdCash"); fireCount = int.Parse(json ["FireCount"]); fireInterval = float.Parse(json ["FireInterval"]); // shootInterval = float.Parse (json ["ShootInterval"]); // targetsPerFire = int.Parse (json ["TargetsPerFire"]); // targetsSelectType = (DataConfig.TARGETS_SELECT_TYPE)int.Parse (json ["TargetSelectType"]); string str_partsId = json["PartsID"]; partsId = StringHelper.ReadIntArrayFromString(str_partsId); cost = new BasicCost(); cost.Load(json); buildingLevel = int.Parse(json ["BuildingLevel"]); repairRate = float.Parse(json ["RepairRate"]); chipId = JsonReader.Int(json, "ChipID"); chipCount = JsonReader.Int(json, "ChipCount"); }
public void Load(string name) { byte[] bin = DynamicFileControl.QueryFileContent(name); string content = StringHelper.ReadFromBytes(bin); LitJson.JSONNode json = LitJson.JSON.Parse(content); foreach (LitJson.JSONNode subNode in json.Childs) { _dataInitialConfig = new DataInitialConfig(); _dataInitialConfig.Load(subNode); } }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { id = JsonReader.Int(json, "ID"); string cmdStr = json["Command"]; command = GetCmdCode(cmdStr); A = JsonReader.Float(json, "A"); B = JsonReader.Float(json, "B"); descript = json["Descript"]; }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { id = JsonReader.Int(json, "Id"); command = json["Command"]; A = JsonReader.Float(json, "A"); B = JsonReader.Float(json, "B"); title = json["Title"]; stepDesc = json["StepDescript"]; stepImage = json["StepImage"]; task = JsonReader.Int(json, "Task"); }
public void Load(string name) { byte[] bin = DynamicFileControl.QueryFileContent(name); string content = StringHelper.ReadFromBytes(bin); LitJson.JSONNode json = LitJson.JSON.Parse(content); foreach (LitJson.JSONNode subNode in json.Childs) { DataDiscount data = new DataDiscount(); data.Load(subNode); _discount.Add(data); } }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { damage = float.Parse(json ["AP"]); ammo = float.Parse(json ["DP"]); hp = float.Parse(json ["HP"]); // speed = 10; //test hitRate = float.Parse(json ["HitRate"]); // missRate = 1 - hitRate; dodgeRate = float.Parse(json ["DodgeRate"]); doubleDamageRate = float.Parse(json ["DoubleDamageRate"]); Assert.assert(hitRate >= 0 && hitRate <= 1, "Assert BasicBattleParam hitRate " + hitRate); }
public void LoadHerosExp(string name) { byte[] bin = DynamicFileControl.QueryFileContent(name); string content = StringHelper.ReadFromBytes(bin); LitJson.JSONNode json = LitJson.JSON.Parse(content); foreach (LitJson.JSONNode subNode in json.Childs) { DataHeroExp data = new DataHeroExp(); data.Load(subNode); heroesExpMap[data.level] = data; } }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { id = JsonReader.Int(json, "ID"); stage = JsonReader.Int(json, "Stage"); requireLevel = JsonReader.Int(json, "Lv"); kAP = JsonReader.Float(json, "AP"); kDP = JsonReader.Float(json, "DP"); kHP = JsonReader.Float(json, "HP"); aLeadership = JsonReader.Int(json, "Leadership"); itemId = JsonReader.Int(json, "ItemID"); itemCount = JsonReader.Int(json, "Count"); }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { id = JsonReader.Int(json, "ID"); name = json ["Name"]; // level = JsonReader.Int (json, "Level"); basicParam = new DataUnit.BasicBattleParam(); basicParam.Load(json); leadership = JsonReader.Int(json, "Leadership"); type = JsonReader.Int(json, "Arms"); // exp = JsonReader.Int (json, "Exp"); // skill = (DataSkill.TYPE)JsonReader.Int (json, "Skill"); // quality = JsonReader.Int (json, "Quality"); }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { id = int.Parse(json["ID"]); string str_unitId = json["EnemiesID"]; unitId = StringHelper.ReadIntArrayFromString(str_unitId); string str_unitCount = json["EnemiesCount"]; unitCount = StringHelper.ReadIntArrayFromString(str_unitCount); Assert.assert(unitId.Length == unitCount.Length); memberCount = unitId.Length; Assert.assert(memberCount > 0); }
public void Load(string name) { byte[] bin = DynamicFileControl.QueryFileContent(name); string content = StringHelper.ReadFromBytes(bin); LitJson.JSONNode json = LitJson.JSON.Parse(content); _dataErrorCodes = new Dictionary <int, DataErrorCode> (); foreach (LitJson.JSONNode subNode in json.Childs) { DataErrorCode data = new DataErrorCode(); data.Load(subNode); _dataErrorCodes.Add(data.errorCode, data); } }
public void Load(LitJson.JSONNode json) { initCash = JsonReader.Float(json, "Cash"); initFood = JsonReader.Float(json, "Food"); intiOil = JsonReader.Float(json, "Oil"); initMetal = JsonReader.Float(json, "Metal"); initRare = JsonReader.Float(json, "Rare"); unitCashFactor = JsonReader.Float(json, "UnitCash"); buildingCashFactor = JsonReader.Float(json, "BuildingCash"); skillCashFactor = JsonReader.Float(json, "SkillCash"); foodToCashRate = JsonReader.Float(json, "FoodCash"); oilToCashRate = JsonReader.Float(json, "OilCash"); metalToCashRate = JsonReader.Float(json, "MetalCash"); rareToCashRate = JsonReader.Float(json, "RareCash"); }
public void Load(string name) { byte[] bin = DynamicFileControl.QueryFileContent(name); string content = StringHelper.ReadFromBytes(bin); LitJson.JSONNode json = LitJson.JSON.Parse(content); _leadersMap = new Dictionary <int, DataLeader> (); foreach (LitJson.JSONNode subNode in json.Childs) { DataLeader data = new DataLeader(); data.Load(subNode); _leadersMap.Add(data.level, data); } }
public override void Add (string aKey, JSONNode aItem) { var tmp = new JSONClass(); tmp.Add(aKey, aItem); Set(tmp); }
public override void Add (JSONNode aItem) { var tmp = new JSONArray(); tmp.Add(aItem); Set(tmp); }
private void Set(JSONNode aVal) { if (m_Key == null) { m_Node.Add(aVal); } else { m_Node.Add(m_Key, aVal); } m_Node = null; // Be GC friendly. }
public JSONLazyCreator(JSONNode aNode, string aKey) { m_Node = aNode; m_Key = aKey; }
public JSONLazyCreator(JSONNode aNode) { m_Node = aNode; m_Key = null; }
public virtual JSONNode Remove(JSONNode aNode) { return aNode; }
public override JSONNode Remove(JSONNode aNode) { try { var item = m_Dict.Where(k => k.Value == aNode).First(); m_Dict.Remove(item.Key); return aNode; } catch { return null; } }
public override void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aKey)) { if (m_Dict.ContainsKey(aKey)) m_Dict[aKey] = aItem; else m_Dict.Add(aKey, aItem); } else m_Dict.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), aItem); }
public virtual void Add(JSONNode aItem) { Add("", aItem); }
public virtual void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem){ }
public override JSONNode Remove(JSONNode aNode) { m_List.Remove(aNode); return aNode; }
public override void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem) { m_List.Add(aItem); }