static void Main()
            var context = new FootballEntities();
            var teams = context.Teams;
            var xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(@"..\..\generate-matches.xml");
            var randomMatches = xmlDoc.XPathSelectElements("/generate-random-matches/generate");
            int count = 5;
            int maxGoals = 10;
            int processingCounter = 1;
            string league = "no league";
            DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
            DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2015, 12, 31);

            foreach (var match in randomMatches)
                Console.WriteLine("Processing request #{0} ...", processingCounter);
                if (match.Attribute("generate-count") != null)
                    count = int.Parse(match.Attribute("generate-count").Value);

                if (match.Attribute("max-goals") != null)
                    maxGoals = int.Parse(match.Attribute("max-goals").Value);

                if (match.Descendants("start-date").FirstOrDefault() != null)
                    startDate = FormatDateTimeAsReq(match.Descendants("start-date").First().Value);

                if (match.Descendants("end-date").FirstOrDefault() != null)
                    endDate = FormatDateTimeAsReq(match.Descendants("end-date").First().Value);

                if (match.Descendants("league").FirstOrDefault() != null)
                    league = match.Descendants("league").First().Value;

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    var currentMatch = new TeamMatch();
                    DateTime matchDate = GenerateRandomDateInRange(startDate, endDate);
                    int homeTeamScores = GenerateRandomNumber(maxGoals);
                    int awayTeamScores = GenerateRandomNumber(maxGoals);
                    int homeTeamId = 0;
                    int awayTeamId = 0;
                        homeTeamId = GenerateRandomNumber(teams.Count());
                        awayTeamId = GenerateRandomNumber(teams.Count());
                    } while (homeTeamId == awayTeamId);

                    currentMatch.AwayGoals = awayTeamScores;
                    currentMatch.AwayTeamId = awayTeamId;
                    currentMatch.HomeGoals = homeTeamScores;
                    currentMatch.HomeTeamId = homeTeamId;

                    currentMatch.MatchDate = matchDate;

                    if (league != "no league")
                        var currentLeague = context.Leagues.FirstOrDefault(l => l.LeagueName == league);
                        if (currentLeague != null)
                            currentMatch.League = currentLeague;

                    var homeTeamName = context.Teams.Find(homeTeamId).TeamName;
                    var awayTeamName = context.Teams.Find(awayTeamId).TeamName;

                    PrintOnConsole(homeTeamName, awayTeamName, homeTeamScores, awayTeamScores,
                        league, matchDate);


        static void Main()
            var context = new FootballEntities();
            var xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(@"..\..\leagues-and-teams.xml");
            var leaguesNodes = xmlDoc.XPathSelectElements("/leagues-and-teams/league");
            int leagueCounter = 1;

            foreach (var league in leaguesNodes)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Processing league #{0} ...", leagueCounter));
                var leagueName = league.Descendants("league-name").FirstOrDefault();
                var teams = league.Descendants("teams").FirstOrDefault();
                var currentLeague = new League();
                if (leagueName != null)
                    var currentLeagueInDb = context.Leagues.FirstOrDefault(l => l.LeagueName == leagueName.Value);
                    if (currentLeagueInDb == null)
                        currentLeague.LeagueName = leagueName.Value;
                        Console.WriteLine("Created league: {0}", leagueName.Value);
                        currentLeague = currentLeagueInDb;
                        Console.WriteLine("Existing league: {0}", leagueName.Value);


                var leagueTeams = currentLeague.Teams;

                if (teams != null && teams.Descendants("team").FirstOrDefault() != null)
                    foreach (var team in teams.Descendants("team"))
                        var currentTeam = new Team();
                        var teamName = team.Attribute("name").Value;
                        var teamCountryAttr = team.Attribute("country");
                        var teamInDb = context.Teams.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TeamName == teamName);

                        if (teamInDb != null && teamCountryAttr != null &&
                            teamInDb.Country.CountryName != teamCountryAttr.Value)
                            teamInDb = null;

                        if (teamInDb == null)
                            var teamCountryCode = (teamCountryAttr != null)
                                ? context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CountryName == teamCountryAttr.Value)
                                : null;

                            currentTeam.TeamName = teamName;
                            if (teamCountryCode != null)
                                currentTeam.CountryCode = teamCountryCode.CountryCode;

                            Console.WriteLine("Created team: {0}", teamName);
                            currentTeam = teamInDb;
                            Console.WriteLine("Existing team: {0}", teamName);

                        if (leagueTeams.Contains(currentTeam))
                            Console.WriteLine("Existing team: {0}", teamName);
                            Console.WriteLine("Added team to league: {0} to league {1}", teamName, currentLeague.LeagueName);
