/// <summary>
        /// GetFLAndRAHistory. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="companyId">companyId</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfHistory">numberOfHistory</param>
        /// <param name="enterString">enterString</param>
        /// <returns>a string with all historys separeted with  the enterString</returns>
        public string GetJLOrFLOrRAHistory(int companyId, int numberOfHistory, string enterString)
            string history = "";

            foreach (FlatSectionJlTDS.AllHistoryRow row in (FlatSectionJlTDS.AllHistoryDataTable)Table)
                // ... Get user name
                LoginGateway loginGateway = new LoginGateway();
                loginGateway.LoadAllByLoginId(row.UserID, row.COMPANY_ID);
                string user = loginGateway.GetLastName(row.UserID, row.COMPANY_ID) + " " + loginGateway.GetFirstName(row.UserID, row.COMPANY_ID);

                // ... Form the history string
                string rowHistory = ""; if (!row.IsHistoryNull()) rowHistory = row.History; else rowHistory = "( None )";
                history = history + row.DateTime_ + " (" + user.Trim() + ")";
                if (!row.IsWorkTypeNull()) history = history + ", Created At: " + row.WorkType;
                history = history + ", Type: " + row.Type;
                history = history + ", Subject: " + row.Subject + enterString;
                history = history + "Comment: " + rowHistory;

                // Insert enter when correspond
                if (numberOfHistory > 1)
                    history = history + enterString + enterString;
            return (history);
        /// <summary>
        /// GetAllProjectNotes. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectId">projectId</param>
        /// <param name="companyId">companyId</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfNotes">numberOfNotes</param>
        /// <param name="enterString">enterString</param>
        /// <returns>a string with all Notes separeted with  the enterString</returns>
        public string GetAllProjectNotes(int projectId, int companyId, int numberOfNotes, string enterString)
            string note = "";

            foreach (ProjectTDS.LFS_PROJECT_NOTERow row in (ProjectTDS.LFS_PROJECT_NOTEDataTable)Table)
                if ((row.ProjectID == projectId) && (row.COMPANY_ID == companyId) && (!row.Deleted))
                    // ... Get user name
                    LoginGateway loginGateway = new LoginGateway();
                    loginGateway.LoadAllByLoginId(row.LoginID, companyId);
                    string user = loginGateway.GetLastName(row.LoginID, companyId) + " " + loginGateway.GetFirstName(row.LoginID, companyId);

                    // ... Form the note string
                    string rowNote = ""; if (!row.IsNoteNull()) rowNote = row.Note; else rowNote = "( None )";
                    note = note + row.DateTime + " (" + user.Trim() + ")";
                    note = note + ", Subject: " + row.Subject + enterString;
                    note = note + "note: " + rowNote;

                    // Insert enter when correspond
                    if (numberOfNotes > 1)
                        note = note + enterString + enterString;
            return (note);
        /// <summary>
        /// GetFLAndRAComments. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="companyId">companyId</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfComments">numberOfComments</param>
        /// <param name="enterString">enterString</param>
        /// <returns>a string with all comments separeted with  the enterString</returns>
        public string GetFLOrRAComments(int companyId, int numberOfComments, string enterString)
            string comment = "";

            foreach (FullLengthLiningTDS.AllCommentsRow row in (FullLengthLiningTDS.AllCommentsDataTable)Table)
                // ... Get user name
                LoginGateway loginGateway = new LoginGateway();
                loginGateway.LoadAllByLoginId(row.UserID, row.COMPANY_ID);
                string user = loginGateway.GetLastName(row.UserID, row.COMPANY_ID) + " " + loginGateway.GetFirstName(row.UserID, row.COMPANY_ID);

                // ... Form the comment string
                string rowComment = ""; if (!row.IsCommentNull()) rowComment = row.Comment; else rowComment = "( None )";
                comment = comment + row.DateTime_ + " (" + user.Trim() + ")";
                if (!row.IsWorkTypeNull()) comment = comment + ", Created At: " + row.WorkType;
                comment = comment + ", Type: " + row.Type;
                comment = comment + ", Subject: " + row.Subject + enterString;
                comment = comment + "Comment: " + rowComment;

                // Insert enter when correspond
                if (numberOfComments > 1)
                    comment = comment + enterString + enterString;
            return (comment);
 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 /// <summary>
 /// UpdateForReport
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="projectId">projectId</param>
 /// <param name="companyId">companyId</param>        
 public void UpdateForReport(int projectId, int companyId)
     // ... for Writer Name
     foreach (ProjectSynopsisReportTDS.LFS_PROJECT_NOTERow row in this.Table.Rows)
         if (row.ProjectID == projectId)
             LoginGateway loginGateway = new LoginGateway();
             loginGateway.LoadAllByLoginId(Convert.ToInt32(row.LoginID), companyId);
                 row.WrittenBy = loginGateway.GetLastName(Convert.ToInt32(row.LoginID), companyId) + " " + loginGateway.GetFirstName(Convert.ToInt32(row.LoginID), companyId);
                 row.WrittenBy = "";
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// GetAllComments. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workId">workId</param>
        /// <param name="companyId">companyId</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfComments">numberOfComments</param>
        /// <param name="enterString">enterString</param>
        /// <returns>a string with all comments separeted with  the enterString</returns>
        public string GetAllHistory(int workId, int companyId, int numberOfHistory, string enterString)
            string history = "";

            foreach (WorkTDS.LFS_WORK_HISTORYRow row in (WorkTDS.LFS_WORK_HISTORYDataTable)Table)
                if ((row.WorkID == workId) && (row.COMPANY_ID == companyId))
                    // ... Get user name
                    LoginGateway loginGateway = new LoginGateway();
                    loginGateway.LoadAllByLoginId(row.UserID, companyId);
                    string user = loginGateway.GetLastName(row.UserID, companyId) + " " + loginGateway.GetFirstName(row.UserID, companyId);

                    // ... Form the comment string
                    string rowHistory = ""; if (!row.IsHistoryNull()) rowHistory = row.History; else rowHistory = "( None )";
                    history = history + row.DateTime_ + " (" + user.Trim() + ")";
                    if (!row.IsWorkTypeNull()) history = history + ", Created At: " + row.WorkType;
                    history = history + ", Type: " + row.Type;
                    history = history + ", Subject: " + row.Subject + enterString;
                    history = history + "Comment: " + rowHistory;

                // Insert enter when correspond
                if (numberOfHistory > 1)
                    history = history + enterString + enterString;
            return (history);
        /// <summary>
        /// GetAllRehabAssessmentComments. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workId">workId</param>
        /// <param name="companyId">companyId</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfComments">numberOfComments</param>
        /// <param name="enterString">enterString</param>
        /// <returns>a string with all comments separeted with  the enterString</returns>
        public string GetAllRehabAssessmentComments(int workId, int companyId, int numberOfComments, string enterString)
            string comment = "";

            foreach (RehabAssessmentTDS.CommentDetailsRow row in (RehabAssessmentTDS.CommentDetailsDataTable)Table)
                if ((row.WorkID == workId) && (row.COMPANY_ID == companyId) && (!row.Deleted))
                    // ... Get user name
                    LoginGateway loginGateway = new LoginGateway();
                    loginGateway.LoadAllByLoginId(row.UserID, companyId);
                    string user = loginGateway.GetLastName(row.UserID, companyId) + " " + loginGateway.GetFirstName(row.UserID, companyId);

                    // ... Form the comment string
                    string rowComment = ""; if (!row.IsCommentNull()) rowComment = row.Comment; else rowComment = "( None )";
                    comment = comment + row.DateTime_ + " (" + user.Trim() + ")";
                    if (!row.IsWorkTypeNull()) comment = comment + ", Created At: " + row.WorkType;
                    comment = comment + ", Type: " + row.Type ;
                    comment = comment + ", Subject: " + row.Subject + enterString;
                    comment = comment + "Comment: " + rowComment;

                // Insert enter when correspond
                if (numberOfComments > 1)
                    comment = comment + enterString + enterString;
            return (comment);
        /// <summary>
        /// GetAllComments. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workId">workId</param>
        /// <param name="companyId">companyId</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfComments">numberOfComments</param>
        /// <param name="enterString">enterString</param>
        /// <returns>a string with all comments separeted with  the enterString</returns>
        public string GetAllComments(int workId, int companyId, int numberOfComments, string enterString)
            string comment = "";

                if ((row.WorkID == workId)  && (row.COMPANY_ID == companyId) && (!row.Deleted))
                    // ... Get user name
                    LoginGateway loginGateway = new LoginGateway();
                    loginGateway.LoadAllByLoginId(row.UserID, row.COMPANY_ID);
                    string user = loginGateway.GetLastName(row.UserID, row.COMPANY_ID) + " " + loginGateway.GetFirstName(row.UserID, row.COMPANY_ID);

                    // ... Form the comment string
                    string rowComment =  row.Comment;
                    comment = comment + row.DateTime_ + " (" + user.Trim() + ")" ;
                    if (!row.IsWorkTypeNull()) comment = comment + ", Created At: " + row.WorkType;
                    comment = comment + ", Type: " + row.Type;
                    comment = comment + ", Subject: " + row.Subject + enterString;
                    comment = comment + "Comment: "+ rowComment;

                // Insert enter when correspond
                if (numberOfComments > 1)
                    comment = comment + enterString + enterString;
            return (comment);