public bool IsSameDataList(SinglyLinkedList <T> otherList)
            SllNode <T> currentForThisList  = this.Head;
            SllNode <T> currentForOtherList = otherList.Head;

            while (currentForThisList != null && currentForOtherList != null)
                if (currentForThisList.Data.CompareTo(currentForOtherList.Data) == 0)
                    currentForThisList  = currentForThisList.Next;
                    currentForOtherList = currentForOtherList.Next;

            if (currentForThisList == null && currentForOtherList == null)

 public void DeleteNodeTricky(SllNode <T> node)
     if (node.Next != null)
         //Trick works only if its not last node
         SllNode <T> nextNode = node.Next;
         if (nextNode != null)
             node.Data     = nextNode.Data;
             node.Next     = nextNode.Next;
             nextNode.Next = null;//Garbage collector will delete it
     else if (node == this.Head)
         this.Head = null;
         SllNode <T> current = this.Head;
         while (current.Next != node)
             current = current.Next;
         current.Next = node.Next; //always null
        public bool IsPalindromeWithStack()
            Stack <SllNode <T> > stack       = new Stack <SllNode <T> >();
            SllNode <T>          currentNode = Head;

            while (currentNode != null)
                currentNode = currentNode.Next;

            //Now check by poping each node from stack and compare with current iteration
            SllNode <T> otherIterationNode = Head;

            while (otherIterationNode != null)
                SllNode <T> stackNode = stack.Pop();
                if (stackNode.Data.CompareTo(otherIterationNode.Data) != 0)
                otherIterationNode = otherIterationNode.Next;

        private void DeleteNodesAtDistanceRecursiveInternalUtil(SllNode <T> currentHead, int distance)
            if (currentHead == null)

            SllNode <T> prev = null;

            //Skip distance nodes
            for (int i = 1; i < distance; i++)
                prev = currentHead;
                if (currentHead == null)
                currentHead = currentHead.Next;

            if (currentHead != null && prev != null)
                prev.Next   = currentHead.Next;
                currentHead = currentHead.Next;
            DeleteNodesAtDistanceRecursiveInternalUtil(currentHead, distance);
        private SllNode <T> MergeSortedHalfs(SllNode <T> firstHalf, SllNode <T> secondHalf)
            if (firstHalf == null)
            if (secondHalf == null)

            SllNode <T> combinedList = null;

            if (firstHalf.Data.CompareTo(secondHalf.Data) <= 0)
                combinedList      = firstHalf;
                combinedList.Next = MergeSortedHalfs(firstHalf.Next, secondHalf);
                combinedList      = secondHalf;
                combinedList.Next = MergeSortedHalfs(firstHalf, secondHalf.Next);
        private void SwapData(SllNode <T> outer, SllNode <T> inner)
            T tempData = outer.Data;

            outer.Data = inner.Data;
            inner.Data = tempData;
        public SllNode <T> GetNthNodeFromEnd(int index)
            SllNode <T> currentAhead  = Head;
            SllNode <T> currentBehind = Head;
            int         i             = 0;

            //Skip index nodes from beginning
            for (i = 0; currentAhead != null && i < index; i++)
                currentAhead = currentAhead.Next;

            if (i < index)

            //when ahead one reaches end of list, behind one whould be index behind from end
            while (currentAhead != null)
                currentAhead  = currentAhead.Next;
                currentBehind = currentBehind.Next;

            return(currentBehind); // not found, index > length of sll
        public bool areIdenticalRecursive(SinglyLinkedList <T> otherList)
            SllNode <T> currentOfThisList  = this.Head;
            SllNode <T> currentOfOtherList = otherList.Head;

            return(areIdenticalRecursive(currentOfThisList, currentOfOtherList));
        public bool IsPalindromeRecursive()
            SllNode <T> currentReverse = Head;
            SllNode <T> currentForward = Head;

            //Critical - passing by reference will work as data member/double pointer
            return(IsPalindromeRecursiveInternalUtil(currentReverse, ref currentForward));
        public void PushToHead(SllNode <T> newNode)
            //Append whole list behind new node
            newNode.Next = Head;

            //Make new node as head of the list
            Head = newNode;
 public void ReverseRecursive()
     if (Head != null)
         SllNode <T> oldHead = Head;
         oldHead.Next = null; //Critical to make new last node's next as null
        public void PushToHead(T data)
            //Allocate new node
            SllNode <T> newNode = new SllNode <T>(data);

            //Append whole list behind new node
            newNode.Next = Head;

            //Make new node as head of the list
            Head = newNode;
        public void Print()
            SllNode <T> current = Head;

            while (current != null)
                current = current.Next;
 public bool areIdenticalRecursive(SllNode <T> currentOfThisList, SllNode <T> currentOfOtherList)
     if (currentOfThisList == null && currentOfOtherList == null)
     if (currentOfThisList.Data.CompareTo(currentOfOtherList.Data) != 0)
     return(areIdenticalRecursive(currentOfThisList.Next, currentOfOtherList.Next));
        public int GetCount()
            SllNode <T> current = Head;
            int         count   = 0;

            while (current != null)
                current = current.Next;
        public void ReverseList()
            SllNode <T> current = Head, prev = null, next = null;

            while (current != null)
                next         = current.Next;
                current.Next = prev;
                prev         = current;
                current      = next;
            Head = prev;
        private void SplitListIntoTwoHalf(SllNode <T> currentHead, ref SllNode <T> firstHalf, ref SllNode <T> secondHalf)
            SllNode <T> prevToMiddleNode = null;
            SllNode <T> middleNode       = this.GetMiddleNode(currentHead, out prevToMiddleNode);

            prevToMiddleNode = middleNode;
            middleNode       = middleNode.Next;

            prevToMiddleNode.Next = null;

            firstHalf  = currentHead;
            secondHalf = middleNode;
        private void ReverseRecursiveInternalUtil(SllNode <T> currentNode)
            SllNode <T> nextNode = currentNode.Next;

            if (nextNode != null)
                nextNode.Next = currentNode;
                Head = currentNode;
        public bool areIdentical(SinglyLinkedList <T> otherList)
            SllNode <T> currentOfThisList  = this.Head;
            SllNode <T> currentOfOtherList = otherList.Head;

            while (currentOfThisList != null && currentOfOtherList != null)
                if (currentOfThisList.Data.CompareTo(currentOfOtherList.Data) != 0)
                currentOfThisList  = currentOfThisList.Next;
                currentOfOtherList = currentOfOtherList.Next;
            return(currentOfThisList == null && currentOfOtherList == null);
        public int countOccurances(T data)
            int         count   = 0;
            SllNode <T> current = Head;

            while (current != null)
                if (current.Data.CompareTo(data) == 0)

                current = current.Next;
        private SllNode <T> GetMiddleNode(SllNode <T> startOfList, out SllNode <T> prevToMiddleNode)
            SllNode <T> fastPointer = startOfList;
            SllNode <T> slowPointer = startOfList;

            prevToMiddleNode = null;

            while (fastPointer != null && fastPointer.Next != null && fastPointer.Next.Next != null)
                fastPointer      = fastPointer.Next.Next;
                prevToMiddleNode = slowPointer;
                slowPointer      = slowPointer.Next;

        public SllNode <T> GetNthNodeFromStart(int index)
            SllNode <T> current = Head;
            int         count   = 0;

            while (current != null && current.Next != null)
                if (count == index)

                current = current.Next;
            return(null); // not found, index > length of sll
        public bool IsLoopPresent()
            SllNode <T> fastPointer = Head;
            SllNode <T> slowPointer = Head;

            while (fastPointer != null && fastPointer.Next != null)
                fastPointer = fastPointer.Next.Next;
                slowPointer = slowPointer.Next;
                if (fastPointer == slowPointer)

        public bool IsLoopPresentByUsingExtraSpace()
            Dictionary <SllNode <T>, bool> hashTable = new Dictionary <SllNode <T>, bool>();
            SllNode <T> currentNode = Head;

            while (currentNode != null)
                if (hashTable.ContainsKey(currentNode))
                    return(true);//Loop detected

                hashTable.Add(currentNode, true);
                currentNode = currentNode.Next;
        private bool IsPalindromeRecursiveInternalUtil(SllNode <T> currentReverse, ref SllNode <T> currentForward)
            bool remainingListIsPalindrome = true;

            //Go ahead till you reach end of list for one pointer
            if (currentReverse.Next != null)
                remainingListIsPalindrome = IsPalindromeRecursiveInternalUtil(currentReverse.Next, ref currentForward);

            //Now when coming back from recursion, will check for data equality
            if (currentForward.Data.CompareTo(currentReverse.Data) == 0)
                currentForward = currentForward.Next;
        public bool IsPalindromeWithoutExtraSpace()
            SllNode <T> prevToMiddleNode = null;
            SllNode <T> middleNode       = this.GetMiddleNode(out prevToMiddleNode);
            SllNode <T> backUpMiddleNode = middleNode;

            //Get the starting of list after middle node
            SllNode <T> nextToMiddleNode = middleNode.Next;

            //Get the odd or even count
            int length = GetCount();

            //Critical to ignore middle node if its odd count
            if (length % 2 != 0)
                middleNode = prevToMiddleNode;

            // Break list from middle
            middleNode.Next = null;

            //Make new second half from next to middle
            SinglyLinkedList <T> newSecondHalfList = new SinglyLinkedList <T>(nextToMiddleNode);

            //Reverse second half

            //Compare original first half and reversed second half
            bool isSame = this.IsSameDataList(newSecondHalfList);

            //Reverse second half again to make original list

            if (length % 2 != 0)
                middleNode.Next = backUpMiddleNode;
                middleNode      = middleNode.Next;

            //Join both list again
            middleNode.Next = newSecondHalfList.Head;

        public void SortByDataMovement()
            SllNode <T> outer = Head;

            while (outer != null)
                SllNode <T> inner = outer;
                while (inner != null)
                    if (outer.Data.CompareTo(inner.Data) > 0)
                        //We are swaping data itself and not nodes
                        SwapData(outer, inner);
                    inner = inner.Next;
                outer = outer.Next;
        private SllNode <T> MergeSortInternalUtil(SllNode <T> currentHead)
            //If no node or only one node then it is already sorted, no more recursion
            if (currentHead == null || currentHead.Next == null)

            SllNode <T> firstHalf  = null;
            SllNode <T> secondHalf = null;

            SplitListIntoTwoHalf(currentHead, ref firstHalf, ref secondHalf);

            SllNode <T> firstHalfNewHead  = MergeSortInternalUtil(firstHalf);
            SllNode <T> secondHalfNewHead = MergeSortInternalUtil(secondHalf);

            SllNode <T> newHead = MergeSortedHalfs(firstHalfNewHead, secondHalfNewHead);

        public SllNode <T> DeleteNode(SllNode <T> node)
            if (this.Head == node)
                SllNode <T> nextNode = this.Head.Next;
                this.Head.Next = null;
                this.Head      = nextNode;
                SllNode <T> current = this.Head;
                while (current.Next != node)
                    current = current.Next;
                current.Next = node.Next;

        public void DeleteNodesAtDistance(int distance)
            SllNode <T> current = Head;
            SllNode <T> prev    = null;

            while (current != null)
                //Skip distance nodes
                for (int i = 1; i < distance; i++)
                    prev    = current;
                    current = current.Next;

                if (current != null && prev != null)
                    prev.Next = current.Next;
                    current   = prev.Next;