Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the Genres from a list of TMDb genre-ids
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="genreids">list of TMDb genre-ids</param>
        /// <param name="adult">Set if it is a movie for adults</param>
        /// <returns>Genres as array of string</returns>
        public async Task <string[]> GetGenresAsync(List <int> genreids, bool adult = false)
            if (GenresLUTLanguage != _Language || GenresLUT == null)
                // Retrieve LUT Genres Id --> Description
                LimeMsg.Debug("LimeMetaSearch: GetGenresAsync: {0}", _Language);
                GenresLUTLanguage = _Language;
                GenresLUT = await TmdbClient.GetMovieGenresAsync(_Language);

            List <string> ret = new List <string>(genreids.Count);

            if (adult)
                ret.Add(LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, "GenreAdult", "GenreAdult"));

            foreach (var id in genreids)
                foreach (var genre in GenresLUT)
                    if (genre.Id == id)

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a Label
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">Label Key</param>
        /// <returns>The created LimeProperty</returns>
        public LimeProperty Add(string key)
            const string LanguageSection = "Translator";

            var prop = new LimeProperty();

            prop.Ident = key;
            prop.Name  = LimeLanguage.Translate(LanguageSection, key, key);
Example #3
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Build the Tooltip string
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Tooltip</returns>
        public string BuildToolTip()
            string ret = "";

            ret += Title;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OriginalTitle) && OriginalTitle != Title)
                ret += Environment.NewLine + OriginalTitle;

            if (Released != 0 && (Genres != null && Genres.Length > 0 || Score != 0.0))
                string sep    = LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, "ListSeparator", ", ");
                var    format = LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, "FormatReleasedGenresScore", "FormatReleasedGenresScore");
                var    msg    = string.Format(format, Released, GenresString, Score);
                ret += Environment.NewLine + msg;
                if (Released != 0)
                    ret += Environment.NewLine + Released.ToString();

                if (Genres != null && Genres.Length > 0)
                    ret += Environment.NewLine + GenresString;

                if (Score != 0)
                    ret += Environment.NewLine + Score.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description))
                ret += Environment.NewLine + Description;

            return(Tooltip = ret);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Compose a property value defined by its Translate key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">Key of the message to expend</param>
        /// <param name="args">arguments to be expanded (using String.Format) in the value.</param>
        /// <returns>the constructed message</returns>
        private string FormatValue(string key, params object[] args)
            string msg = LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, key, key);

            if (args != null && args.Length > 0)
                    msg = string.Format(msg, args);
                    // Fallback

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Compose a message defined by its Translate key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">title of the message to expend</param>
        /// <param name="value">object to be displayed in the message.</param>
        /// <param name="translate">Translate the key if true.</param>
        /// <returns>the constructed message</returns>
        private string FormatProp(string title, object value, bool translate = true)
            string msg = translate ? LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, title, title) : title;

            if (value != null)
                if (value is LimeProperty prop)
                    value = prop.Content;

                if (FormatProperty == null)
                    FormatProperty = LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, "FormatProperty", "FormatProperty");

                if (value == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString()))

                var val = value;

                if (value.GetType().IsArray&& typeof(string).IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType().GetElementType()))
                    string sep = LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, "ListSeparator", ", ");
                    val = string.Join(sep, (string[])value);

                    msg = String.Format(FormatProperty, msg, val);
                    // Fallback

Example #6
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region ctors

        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a reference to a property in a class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident">identifier of the LimeProperty</param>
        /// <param name="source">Parent object of the class where the property belongs</param>
        /// <param name="pi">PropertyInfo of the property (null if not referenced)</param>
        /// <param name="attr">Configuration attributes attached to this property</param>
        /// <param name="name">User-friendly name of the object. Automatically taken from translation by default.</param>
        /// <param name="readOnly">Define readOnly attribute</param>
        /// <param name="visible">Define visibility to the user</param>
        private void Factory(string ident, object source, PropertyInfo pi, LimePropertyAttribute attr, string name = null, bool?readOnly = null, bool?visible = null)

            Source = source;
            string languageSection = IniLanguageSection;

            if (pi != null)
                // Referenced source
                PInfo = pi;
                var vobj = pi.GetValue(Source);
                Type = vobj != null?vobj.GetType() : pi.PropertyType;

                Ident = ident ?? pi.Name;
                // Unreferenced source
                Type  = source.GetType();
                Ident = ident;

            // Implied attributes
            if (source is System.Windows.Input.ICommand)
                ReadOnly        = true;
                languageSection = IniLanguageCommand;

            // Copy attribute
            if (attr != null)
                if (attr.GetType() != typeof(LimePropertyAttribute))
                    attr = new LimePropertyAttribute(attr);
                LimeLib.CopyPropertyValues(attr, this);

            // Forced attributes
            if (readOnly != null)
                ReadOnly = readOnly == true;
            if (visible != null)
                Visible = visible == true;

            // Bind the object
            if (source is INotifyPropertyChanged src)
                //LimeMsg.Debug("LimeProperty Factory: Subscribe {0} / {1}", Ident, src);
                src.PropertyChanged += SourcePropertyChanged;

            if (Ident == null || name != null || !Visible)
                Name = name ?? ident;
                Desc = null;
                // Retrieve properties from LimeLanguage
                Name = LimeLanguage.Translate(languageSection, Ident + ".name", Ident);
                Desc = LimeLanguage.Translate(languageSection, Ident + ".desc", Name);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Build the Tooltip string
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Tooltip</returns>
        public string BuildToolTip()
            string ret     = "";
            bool   isVideo = Type == MediaType.Video;

            ret += FormatProp("Title");

            var origin = Get("OriginalTitle");
            var title  = Get("Title");

            if (origin != null && (title == null || title.Value != origin.Value))
                ret += FormatProp("OriginalTitle");
            var collec = FormatProp(isVideo ? "Collection" : "Album");

            if (collec != "")
                collec = collec.TrimEnd();

                var sn = Get(isVideo ? "Season" : "Disc");
                var sc = Get(isVideo ? "SeasonCount" : "DiscCount");
                var en = Get(isVideo ? "Episode" : "Track");
                var ec = Get(isVideo ? "EpisodeCount" : "TrackCount");

                if (sn != null && (uint)sn.Content > 0)
                    collec += " - ";
                    if (sc != null && (uint)sc.Content > 0)
                        collec += FormatValue("FormatRatio", sn, sc);
                        collec += sn.Value;

                if (en != null && (uint)en.Content > 0)
                    collec += " - ";
                    if (ec != null && (uint)ec.Content > 0)
                        collec += FormatValue("FormatRatio", en, ec);
                        collec += en.Value;

                ret += collec + Environment.NewLine;

            ret += FormatProp("Date");
            ret += FormatProp("DeviceModel");
            ret += FormatProp("ISO");
            ret += FormatProp("Duration");

            var genres = Get("Genres")?.Content as StringComposite <string>;

            var    scoreo = Get("Score");
            double score  = 0;

            if (scoreo != null)
                score = (double)scoreo.Content;

            var  releaseo = Get("Released");
            uint release  = 0;

            if (releaseo != null)
                release = (uint)releaseo.Content;

            string sep      = LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, "ListSeparator", ", ");
            var    relgenre = Get("ReleasedGenresScore");

            if (relgenre == null)
                    if (release != 0 && (genres != null && genres.Collection != null && genres.Collection.Count > 0 || score != 0.0))
                        var format = LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, "FormatReleasedGenresScore", "FormatReleasedGenresScore");
                        var msg    = string.Format(format, release, string.Join(sep, genres.Collection), score);
                        Add("ReleasedGenresScore", msg, true, false);
                        relgenre = Get("ReleasedGenresScore");
                catch {}

            if (relgenre != null)
                ret += relgenre.Value + Environment.NewLine;
                if (release != 0)
                    ret += FormatProp("Released");
                if (genres != null && genres.Collection != null && genres.Collection.Count > 0)
                    ret += FormatProp("Genres", string.Join(sep, genres.Collection));
                if (score != 0)
                    ret += FormatProp("Score");

            ret += FormatProp("Director");
            ret += FormatProp("Conductor");

            string performer = isVideo ? "Actors" : "Artists";
            var    perf      = Get(performer);

            if (perf != null && perf.Content is StringComposite <LimePerson> perfcomp && perfcomp.Collection != null)
                var    performers = perfcomp.Collection;
                string str        = "";
                var    maxPerf    = performers.Count < MaxPerformersTip ? performers.Count : MaxPerformersTip;
                for (int i = 0; i < maxPerf; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        str += ", ";
                    str += performers[i].Name;
                if (performers.Count > MaxPerformersTip)
                    str += "...";
                ret += FormatProp(performer, str) + Environment.NewLine;

            ret += FormatProp("Comment");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret))
                ret = ret.TrimEnd();

            return(Tooltip = ret);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the content of any object to the collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">source object, class, collection...</param>
        /// <param name="attr">Default LimePropertyAttribute to apply to the items in the collection</param>
        /// <param name="all">Take all public objects if true, only Xml or LimePropertyAttribute visible elements is false</param>
        public void AddContent(object source, LimePropertyAttribute attr = null, bool all = true)
            var field = source as Type;

            MemberInfo[] miSource;
            if (field != null)
                miSource = field.GetFields();
                miSource = source.GetType().GetProperties();

            // Populate list
            foreach (var mi in miSource)
                object[] attributes           = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                bool     visible              = all;
                LimePropertyAttribute cfgAttr = null;
                foreach (object attrib in attributes)
                    XmlElementAttribute xmlAttr = attrib as XmlElementAttribute;
                    if (xmlAttr != null)
                        visible = true;

                    cfgAttr = attrib as LimePropertyAttribute;
                    if (cfgAttr != null)
                        visible = cfgAttr.Visible;

                if (cfgAttr == null)
                    cfgAttr = attr;
                if (visible)
                    if (all && (attr == null || attr.Visible) && mi is PropertyInfo pi)
                        string ident = string.Format("{0}.{1}", source.GetType().Name, mi.Name);
                        string name  = LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, ident + ".name", mi.Name);
                        var    prop  = new LimeProperty(null, source, pi, cfgAttr, name);
                        prop.Desc = LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, ident + ".desc", name);
                    else if (mi is PropertyInfo pi2)
                        Add(new LimeProperty(null, source, pi2, cfgAttr));
                    else if (mi is FieldInfo fi)
                        var obj = fi.GetValue(field);
                        Add(new LimeProperty(mi.Name, obj));
                        throw new Exception("LimePropertyCollection AddContent: Unuspported type");
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Update a Person data from TMDb
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="person">Person to be updated</param>
        /// <returns>true if updated</returns>
        public async Task <bool> GetPersonAsync(LimePerson person)

            // Retrieve person-ID by name
            if (person.TmdbId == 0)
                var search = await TmdbClient.SearchPersonAsync(person.Name, 0, Adult);

                if (search.Results != null && search.Results.Count > 0 &&
                    string.Equals(search.Results[0].Name, person.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    person.TmdbId = search.Results[0].Id;

            // Retrieve person by ID
            if (person.TmdbId != 0)
                var db = await TmdbClient.GetPersonAsync(
                    TMDbLib.Objects.People.PersonMethods.Images |

                if (db == null)

                var pics = new List <LimePicture>(10);
                foreach (var img in db.Images.Profiles)
                    DownloadPic(ref pics, img.FilePath, PictureType.Artist);
                person.Pictures = pics.ToArray();

                person.ImdbId    = db.ImdbId;
                person.TmdbPage  = db.ProfilePath;
                person.Name      = db.Name;
                person.Alias     = db.AlsoKnownAs?.ToArray();
                person.Gender    = (LimePerson.PersonGender)db.Gender;
                person.Adult     = db.Adult;
                person.Birthday  = db.Birthday;
                person.Deathday  = db.Deathday;
                person.Biography = CleanupDescription.Replace(db.Biography).Trim();
                person.Homepage  = db.Homepage;

                // Build Opus

                var opus = new List <LimeOpus>();
                if (db.MovieCredits?.Cast != null)
                    foreach (var cast in db.MovieCredits.Cast)
                        // Avoid duplicates
                        var op = opus.Find(o => o.TmdbId == cast.Id);
                        if (op != null)
                            if (!op.Roles.Contains(cast.Character))
                            op = new LimeOpus(LimeOpusType.Movie, cast.Id, cast.Title, cast.Character)
                                OriginalTitle = cast.OriginalTitle,
                                Adult         = cast.Adult,
                                Released      = cast.ReleaseDate != null ? (uint)cast.ReleaseDate.Value.Year : 0
                            if (cast.PosterPath != null)
                                op.PosterUrl = TmdbClient.GetImageUrl(TmdbClient.Config.Images.PosterSizes.Last(), cast.PosterPath)?.AbsoluteUri;

                if (db.TvCredits?.Cast != null)
                    foreach (var cast in db.TvCredits.Cast)
                        // Avoid duplicates
                        var op = opus.Find(o => o.TmdbId == cast.Id);
                        if (op != null)
                            if (!op.Roles.Contains(cast.Character))
                            op = new LimeOpus(LimeOpusType.TvShow, cast.Id, cast.Name, cast.Character)
                                OriginalTitle = cast.OriginalName,
                                Released      = cast.FirstAirDate != null ? (uint)cast.FirstAirDate.Value.Year : 0
                            if (cast.PosterPath != null)
                                op.PosterUrl = TmdbClient.GetImageUrl(TmdbClient.Config.Images.PosterSizes.Last(), cast.PosterPath)?.AbsoluteUri;

                if (db.MovieCredits?.Crew != null)
                    foreach (var cast in db.MovieCredits.Crew)
                        // Avoid duplicates
                        var op = opus.Find(o => o.TmdbId == cast.Id);
                        if (op != null)
                            if (!op.Roles.Contains(cast.Department))
                            op = new LimeOpus(LimeOpusType.Movie, cast.Id, cast.Title, cast.Department)
                                OriginalTitle = cast.OriginalTitle,
                                Adult         = cast.Adult,
                                Released      = cast.ReleaseDate != null ? (uint)cast.ReleaseDate.Value.Year : 0
                            if (cast.PosterPath != null)
                                op.PosterUrl = TmdbClient.GetImageUrl(TmdbClient.Config.Images.PosterSizes.Last(), cast.PosterPath)?.AbsoluteUri;

                if (db.TvCredits?.Crew != null)
                    foreach (var cast in db.TvCredits.Crew)
                        // Avoid duplicates
                        var op = opus.Find(o => o.TmdbId == cast.Id);
                        if (op != null)
                            if (!op.Roles.Contains(cast.Department))
                            op = new LimeOpus(LimeOpusType.TvShow, cast.Id, cast.Name, cast.Department)
                                OriginalTitle = cast.OriginalName,
                                Released      = cast.FirstAirDate != null ? (uint)cast.FirstAirDate.Value.Year : 0
                            if (cast.PosterPath != null)
                                op.PosterUrl = TmdbClient.GetImageUrl(TmdbClient.Config.Images.PosterSizes.Last(), cast.PosterPath)?.AbsoluteUri;

                // Set genres
                foreach (var op in opus)
                    if (op.Adult)
                        op.Genres = new string[] { LimeLanguage.Translate(IniLanguageSection, "GenreAdult", "GenreAdult") }

                person.Opus = opus.ToArray();

