Example #1
        // Static members

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the RADIUS server settings from the application's configuration
        /// using the specified key prefix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyPrefix">The application configuration key prefix.</param>
        /// <returns>The server settings.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The RADIUS server settings are loaded from the application
        /// configuration, under the specified key prefix.  The following
        /// settings are recognized by the class:
        /// </para>
        /// <div class="tablediv">
        /// <table class="dtTABLE" cellspacing="0" ID="Table1">
        /// <tr valign="top">
        /// <th width="1">Setting</th>
        /// <th width="1">Default</th>
        /// <th width="90%">Description</th>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>NetworkBinding</td>
        ///     <td>ANY:RADIUS</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     Specifies the network binding for the server expressed as an IP address and port.
        ///     An IP address of specifies that the server is bound to all network interfaces.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>SocketBuffer</td>
        ///     <td>128K</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     Byte size of the server socket's send and receive buffers.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>DnsRefreshInterval</td>
        ///     <td>15m</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     Specifies the interval at which Network Access Service (NAS) DNS host
        ///     names will be requeried to resolve to the IP addresses used to
        ///     identify the NAS device.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>BkTaskInterval</td>
        ///     <td>1m</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     Specifies the interval at which the server will process background tasks.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>Devices[#]</td>
        ///     <td>(none)</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     <para>
        ///     An optional array of entries describing the known NAS devices.  The format for
        ///     each entry is:
        ///     </para>
        ///     <code lang="none">
        ///         &lt;host name or IP address&gt; ";" &lt;shared secret&gt;
        ///     </code>
        ///     <para>
        ///     which maps the devices host name or IP address to the shared secret (aka the password).
        ///     </para>
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>DefaultSecret</td>
        ///     <td>(none)</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     <para>
        ///     This setting, if present specifies a default NAS shared secret.  This secret
        ///     will be used to attempt to decrypt passwords from RADIUS packets received
        ///     from NAS devices that we're not specifically listed in the <b>Devices[#]</b>
        ///     setting array.    This is a convenient feature for IT operations but its
        ///     use will reduce the security of the service a bit.
        ///     </para>
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>RealmFormat</td>
        ///     <td>Email</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     Specifies how the <b>realm</b> and <b>account</b> components are
        ///     to be parsed from a user name.  See <see cref="LillTek.Common.RealmFormat" />
        ///     for more information.  The possible values are: <b>Slash</b> and <b>Email</b>.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// </table>
        /// </div>
        /// </remarks>
        public static RadiusServerSettings LoadConfig(string keyPrefix)
            var config   = new Config(keyPrefix);
            var settings = new RadiusServerSettings();

            string[] devices;

            settings.NetworkBinding     = config.Get("NetworkBinding", settings.NetworkBinding);
            settings.SocketBuffer       = config.Get("SocketBuffer", settings.SocketBuffer);
            settings.DnsRefreshInterval = config.Get("DnsRefreshInterval", settings.DnsRefreshInterval);
            settings.BkTaskInterval     = config.Get("BkTaskInterval", settings.BkTaskInterval);
            settings.DefaultSecret      = config.Get("DefaultSecret", settings.DefaultSecret);
            settings.RealmFormat        = config.Get <RealmFormat>("RealmFormat", settings.RealmFormat);

            if (settings.NetworkBinding.IsHost)
                throw new RadiusException("[{0}] is not a valid RADIUS server network binding.", settings.NetworkBinding);

            // Load the NAS device information

            devices = config.GetArray("Devices", new string[0]);
            for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
                string    host;
                IPAddress address;
                string    password;
                int       pos;

                pos = devices[i].IndexOf(';');
                if (pos == -1)
                    throw new RadiusException("{0}Devices[{1}] configuration setting missing a ':'.", config.KeyPrefix, i);

                host     = devices[i].Substring(0, pos).Trim();
                password = devices[i].Substring(pos + 1).Trim();

                if (host == string.Empty)
                    throw new RadiusException("{0}Devices[{1}] configuration setting has an invalid device host name or IP address.", config.KeyPrefix, i);

                if (Helper.TryParseIPAddress(host, out address))
                    settings.Devices.Add(new RadiusNasInfo(address, password));
                    settings.Devices.Add(new RadiusNasInfo(host, password));

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the server using the settings passed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">The server settings.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <note>
        /// All successful calls to <b>Start()</b> must eventually be matched
        /// with a call to <see cref="Stop" /> so that system resources will be
        /// released promptly.
        /// </note>
        /// </remarks>
        public void Start(RadiusServerSettings settings)
            using (TimedLock.Lock(this))
                if (isRunning)
                    throw new RadiusException("RADIUS server has already started.");

                this.sock = new EnhancedSocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
                this.sock.SendBufferSize    = settings.SocketBuffer;
                this.sock.ReceiveBufferSize = settings.SocketBuffer;

                this.isRunning          = true;
                this.defSecret          = settings.DefaultSecret;
                this.networkBinding     = settings.NetworkBinding;
                this.dnsRefreshInterval = settings.DnsRefreshInterval;
                this.nextDnsRefresh     = SysTime.Now + dnsRefreshInterval;
                this.bkTimer            = new GatedTimer(new TimerCallback(OnBkTask), null, settings.BkTaskInterval, settings.BkTaskInterval);
                this.recvBuf            = new byte[TcpConst.MTU];
                this.Devices            = settings.Devices;
                this.onReceive          = new AsyncCallback(OnReceive);
                this.remoteEP           = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
                this.realmFormat        = settings.RealmFormat;

                if (networkBinding.Address.Equals(IPAddress.Any))
                    actualEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(NetHelper.GetActiveAdapter(), ((IPEndPoint)sock.LocalEndPoint).Port);
                    actualEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(networkBinding.Address, ((IPEndPoint)sock.LocalEndPoint).Port);

                this.sock.BeginReceiveFrom(recvBuf, 0, recvBuf.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref remoteEP, onReceive, null);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Starts the server using settings gathered from the application
 /// configuration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="keyPrefix">
 /// The key prefix to use when loading server settings from the
 /// application configuration.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>
 /// The RADIUS server settings are loaded from the application
 /// configuration, using the specified key prefix.  See
 /// <see cref="RadiusServerSettings.LoadConfig" /> for a description
 /// of the server application configuration settings.
 /// </para>
 /// <note>
 /// All successful calls to <b>Start()</b> must eventually be matched
 /// with a call to <see cref="Stop" /> so that system resources will be
 /// released promptly.
 /// </note>
 /// </remarks>
 public void Start(string keyPrefix)