Example #1
 public NetReliableOrderedReceiver(NetConnection connection, int windowSize)
     : base(connection)
     m_windowSize       = windowSize;
     m_withheldMessages = new NetIncomingMessage[windowSize];
     m_earlyReceived    = new NetBitVector(windowSize);
		public NetReliableOrderedReceiver(NetConnection connection, int windowSize)
			: base(connection)
			m_windowSize = windowSize;
			m_withheldMessages = new NetIncomingMessage[windowSize];
			m_earlyReceived = new NetBitVector(windowSize);
 internal NetUnreliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize)
     m_connection   = connection;
     m_windowSize   = windowSize;
     m_windowStart  = 0;
     m_sendStart    = 0;
     m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers);
     m_queuedSends  = new NetQueue <NetOutgoingMessage>(8);
 internal NetUnreliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize)
     m_connection = connection;
     m_windowSize = windowSize;
     m_windowStart = 0;
     m_sendStart = 0;
     m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers);
     m_queuedSends = new NetQueue<NetOutgoingMessage>(8);
		internal NetReliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize)
			m_connection = connection;
			m_windowSize = windowSize;
			m_windowStart = 0;
			m_sendStart = 0;
			m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers);
			m_storedMessages = new NetStoredReliableMessage[m_windowSize];
			m_queuedSends = new NetQueue<NetOutgoingMessage>(8);
			m_resendDelay = m_connection.GetResendDelay();
 internal NetReliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize)
     m_connection     = connection;
     m_windowSize     = windowSize;
     m_windowStart    = 0;
     m_sendStart      = 0;
     m_receivedAcks   = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers);
     m_storedMessages = new NetStoredReliableMessage[m_windowSize];
     m_queuedSends    = new NetQueue <NetOutgoingMessage>(8);
     m_resendDelay    = m_connection.GetResendDelay();
		internal NetUnreliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize, NetDeliveryMethod method)
			m_connection = connection;
			m_windowSize = windowSize;
			m_windowStart = 0;
			m_sendStart = 0;
			m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers);
			m_queuedSends = new NetQueue<NetOutgoingMessage>(8);

			m_doFlowControl = true;
			if (method == NetDeliveryMethod.Unreliable && connection.Peer.Configuration.SuppressUnreliableUnorderedAcks == true)
				m_doFlowControl = false;
 internal NetReliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize)
     m_connection   = connection;
     m_windowSize   = windowSize;
     m_windowStart  = 0;
     m_sendStart    = 0;
     m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers);
     NetException.Assert(m_windowSize <= 64);             // we do only have sizeof(ulong)*8 "used" bits in m_usedStoredMessages
     m_usedStoredMessages = 0;
     m_storedMessages     = new NetStoredReliableMessage[m_windowSize];
     m_queuedSends        = new NetQueue <NetOutgoingMessage>(8);
     m_resendDelay        = m_connection.GetResendDelay();
Example #9
        internal NetUnreliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize, NetDeliveryMethod method)
            m_connection   = connection;
            m_windowSize   = windowSize;
            m_windowStart  = 0;
            m_sendStart    = 0;
            m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers);
            m_queuedSends  = new NetQueue <NetOutgoingMessage>(8);

            m_doFlowControl = true;
            if (method == NetDeliveryMethod.Unreliable && connection.Peer.Configuration.SuppressUnreliableUnorderedAcks == true)
                m_doFlowControl = false;
 public NetReliableUnorderedReceiver(NetConnection connection, int windowSize)
     : base(connection)
     m_windowSize    = windowSize;
     m_earlyReceived = new NetBitVector(windowSize);
		public NetReliableUnorderedReceiver(NetConnection connection, int windowSize)
			: base(connection)
			m_windowSize = windowSize;
			m_earlyReceived = new NetBitVector(windowSize);
Example #12
        private void ExpectedReliableSequenceArrived(int reliableSlot, bool isFragment)
            NetBitVector received = m_reliableReceived[reliableSlot];

            int nextExpected = m_nextExpectedReliableSequence[reliableSlot];

            if (received == null)
                nextExpected = (nextExpected + 1) % NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers;
                m_nextExpectedReliableSequence[reliableSlot] = (ushort)nextExpected;

            received[(nextExpected + (NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers / 2)) % NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers] = false;             // reset for next pass
            nextExpected = (nextExpected + 1) % NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers;

            // Release withheld messages

            while (received[nextExpected] == true)
                // it seems we've already received the next expected reliable sequence number

                // ordered?
                const int orderedSlotsStart = ((int)NetMessageType.UserReliableOrdered - (int)NetMessageType.UserReliableUnordered);
                if (reliableSlot >= orderedSlotsStart)
                    // ... then we should have a withheld message waiting

                    // this should be a withheld message
                    int  orderedSlot   = reliableSlot - orderedSlotsStart;
                    bool foundWithheld = false;

                    List <NetIncomingMessage> withheldList = m_withheldMessages[orderedSlot];
                    if (withheldList != null)
                        foreach (NetIncomingMessage wm in withheldList)
                            int wmSeqChan = wm.SequenceChannel;

                            if (orderedSlot == wmSeqChan && wm.m_sequenceNumber == nextExpected)
                                // Found withheld message due for delivery
                                m_owner.LogVerbose("Releasing withheld message " + wm);

                                //Console.WriteLine("Releasing withheld message " + wm);

                                // Accept, unless a fragment
                                if (wm.m_fragmentationInfo == null)

                                foundWithheld = true;

                                // advance next expected
                                received[(nextExpected + (NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers / 2)) % NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers] = false;                                 // reset for next pass
                                nextExpected = (nextExpected + 1) % NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers;

                    if (!foundWithheld)
                        // probably a fragment; we don't withhold those - advance anyway
                        //Console.WriteLine("Withheld #" + nextExpected + " not found; probably a fragment!");
                        //received[(nextExpected + (NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers / 2)) % NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers] = false; // reset for next pass
                        //nextExpected = (nextExpected + 1) % NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers;
                        throw new NetException("Withheld message not found!");

            m_nextExpectedReliableSequence[reliableSlot] = (ushort)nextExpected;
		public static void Run()
			NetBitVector v = new NetBitVector(256);
			for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				if (i > 42 && i < 65)
					v = new NetBitVector(256);

				if (!v.IsEmpty())
					throw new NetException("bit vector fail 1");

				v.Set(i, true);

				if (v.Get(i) == false)
					throw new NetException("bit vector fail 2");

				if (v.IsEmpty())
					throw new NetException("bit vector fail 3");

				if (i != 79 && v.Get(79) == true)
					throw new NetException("bit vector fail 4");

				int f = v.GetFirstSetIndex();
				if (f != i)
					throw new NetException("bit vector fail 4");

			v = new NetBitVector(9);
			v.Set(3, true);
			if (v.ToString() != "[000001000]")
				throw new NetException("NetBitVector.RotateDown failed");
			if (v.Get(3) == true || v.Get(2) == false || v.Get(4) == true)
				throw new NetException("NetBitVector.RotateDown failed 2");
			if (v.ToString() != "[000000100]")
				throw new NetException("NetBitVector.RotateDown failed 3");

			v.Set(0, true);
			if (v.ToString() != "[100000010]")
				throw new NetException("NetBitVector.RotateDown failed 4");

			v = new NetBitVector(38);
			v.Set(0, true);
			v.Set(1, true);
			v.Set(31, true);

			if (v.ToString() != "[00000010000000000000000000000000000011]")
				throw new NetException("NetBitVector.RotateDown failed 5");


			if (v.ToString() != "[10000001000000000000000000000000000001]")
				throw new NetException("NetBitVector.RotateDown failed 5");

			Console.WriteLine("NetBitVector tests OK");