partial void Deletetbl_Book(tbl_Book instance);
partial void Inserttbl_Book(tbl_Book instance);
partial void Updatetbl_Book(tbl_Book instance);
protected void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lbl_intro.ForeColor = Color.Red; if (TextBoxTitle.Text.Length == 0 || TextBoxTitle.Text.Length > 50) { lbl_intro.Text = "Length of Title should be 1-50"; return; } if (ddl_category.SelectedIndex == -1) { lbl_intro.Text = "Please Choose Category!"; return; } if (TextBoxAuthor.Text.Length < 3) { lbl_intro.Text = "Author is too short!"; return; } int year; if (!int.TryParse(TextBoxYear.Text, out year)) { lbl_intro.Text = "Please enter year correctly!"; return; } if (year > DateTime.Now.Year || year < 1600) { lbl_intro.Text = "Year should be 1600-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); return; } if (TextBoxPublisher.Text.Length < 3) { lbl_intro.Text = "Publisher is too short!"; return; } if (TextBoxDesc.Text.Length < 50) { lbl_intro.Text = "Desc is too short!"; return; } if (!regexValidator.IsValid) { lbl_intro.Text = "Please Choose only .jpg .jpeg .png"; return; } tbl_Book newBook = new tbl_Book(); newBook.Author = TextBoxAuthor.Text; newBook.BookDesc = TextBoxDesc.Text; newBook.BookTitle = TextBoxTitle.Text; newBook.CategoryID = int.Parse(ddl_category.SelectedValue.ToString()); newBook.Publisher = TextBoxPublisher.Text; newBook.Year = year; newBook.ImagePath = "~/images/" + FileUploadImage.FileName; if (FileUploadImage.HasFile) { FileUploadImage.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/images/" + FileUploadImage.FileName)); } db.tbl_Books.InsertOnSubmit(newBook); db.SubmitChanges(); lbl_intro.ForeColor = Color.Green; lbl_intro.Text = newBook.BookTitle + " Has Been Added Successfully"; Response.Redirect("AdminBooks.aspx"); }