private void insertBookButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //validate fields
            //insert new book

            int genreIndex = genreComboBox.SelectedIndex;
            int pubIndex   = publisherComboBox.SelectedIndex;

            string p = publishersList.ElementAt(pubIndex);
            string g = genreList.ElementAt(genreIndex);

            string   title  = titleTextBox.Text;
            string   author = authorTextBox.Text;
            DateTime date   = datePicker.Value;

            if (author == "" || title == "")
                //validation error
                MessageBox.Show("Please fix invalid input", "Library Database",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                using (var context = new LibraryModel())
                    //INSERT INTO item(item_title, genre)
                    //VALUES([title], [genre]);

                    item i = new item
                        genre        = g,
                        Item_title   = title,
                        release_date = date


                    int id = (from item in context.items
                              orderby item.item_id descending
                              select item).FirstOrDefault().item_id;

                    //INSERT INTO book(author, item_id)
                    //VALUES([author], (SELECT item_id FROM item ORDER BY item_id DESC LIMIT 1))

                    book b = new book
                        item_id = id,
                        author  = author


                    int pid = (from pub in context.publishers
                               where pub.publisher_name == p
                               select pub).First().publisher_id;

                    //INSERT INTO book_publishedby(item_id, publisher_id)
                    //VALUES((SELECT item_id FROM item ORDER BY item_id DESC LIMIT 1), [publisherid])

                    book_publishedby published = new book_publishedby
                        item_id      = id,
                        publisher_id = pid


                    var booksWithGenre = from item in context.items
                                         join bk in context.books on item.item_id equals bk.item_id
                                         group item.item_id by item.genre into group1
                                         select new {
                        count = group1.Count(),
                        genre = group1.Key

                    string message = "____________________________\n\n";
                    foreach (var selectedGenre in booksWithGenre)
                        message = message + selectedGenre.genre + "(" + selectedGenre.count + ")\n";

                    MessageBox.Show("You've added '" + title + "'.\nThis book has been added into the genre '" + g + "'.\n" + message, "Library Database",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information);


        private void insertMovie(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string director    = directorTextBox.Text;
            string title       = titleTextBox.Text;
            string durationStr = durationTextBox.Text;

            int rIndex = ratingComboBox.SelectedIndex;
            int gIndex = genreComboBox.SelectedIndex;

            string   genre      = genreList.ElementAt(gIndex);
            string   mpaaRating = ratings[rIndex];
            DateTime date       = datePicker.Value;

            //validate input

            int  duration;
            bool result = int.TryParse(durationStr, out duration);

            if (director == "" || title == "" || durationStr == "" || !result)
                //validation error
                MessageBox.Show("Please fix invalid input", "Library Database",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                //validation successful
                //insert new movie

                using (var context = new LibraryModel())
                    //INSERT INTO item(Item_title, genre, release_date)
                    //VALUES([title], [genre], [date])
                    item i = new item
                        genre        = genre,
                        Item_title   = title,
                        release_date = date


                    int id = (from item in context.items
                              orderby item.item_id descending
                              select item).FirstOrDefault().item_id;

                    //INSERT INTO movie(item_id, director, mpaa_rating, duration)
                    //VALUES((SELECT item_id FROM item ORDER BY item_id DESC LIMIT 1), [director], [mpaa_rating], [duration])

                    movie m = new movie
                        item_id     = id,
                        director    = director,
                        mpaa_rating = mpaaRating,
                        duration    = duration


                    var moviesWithGenre = from item in context.items
                                          join mv in context.movies on item.item_id equals mv.item_id
                                          group item.item_id by item.genre into group1
                                          select new
                        count = group1.Count(),
                        genre = group1.Key

                    string message = "____________________________\n\n";
                    foreach (var selectedGenre in moviesWithGenre)
                        message = message + selectedGenre.genre + "(" + selectedGenre.count + ")\n";

                    MessageBox.Show("You've added '" + title + "'.\nThis movie has been added into the genre '" + genre + "'.\n" + message, "Library Database",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information);


        private void insertMusicAlbum(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string artist          = artistTextBox.Text;
            string title           = titleTextBox.Text;
            string numTracksString = numTracksTextBox.Text;
            int    gIndex          = genreComboBox.SelectedIndex;

            string   genre = genreList.ElementAt(gIndex);
            DateTime date  = datePicker.Value;

            //validate input

            int  numTracks;
            bool result = int.TryParse(numTracksString, out numTracks);

            if (artist == "" || title == "" || numTracksString == "" || !result)
                //validation error
                MessageBox.Show("Please fix invalid input", "Library Database",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                //validation successful
                //insert new music album

                using (var context = new LibraryModel())
                    //INSERT INTO item(Item_title, genre, release_date)
                    //VALUES([title], [genre], [date])
                    item i = new item
                        genre        = genre,
                        Item_title   = title,
                        release_date = date


                    int id = (from item in context.items
                              orderby item.item_id descending
                              select item).FirstOrDefault().item_id;

                    //INSERT INTO musicalbum(item_id, artist, num_of_tracks)
                    //VALUES((SELECT item_id FROM item ORDER BY item_id DESC LIMIT 1), [artist], [numTracks])

                    musicalbum m = new musicalbum
                        item_id       = id,
                        artist        = artist,
                        num_of_tracks = numTracks


                    var musicWithGenre = from item in context.items
                                         join music in context.musicalbums on item.item_id equals music.item_id
                                         group item.item_id by item.genre into group1
                                         select new
                        count = group1.Count(),
                        genre = group1.Key

                    string message = "____________________________\n\n";
                    foreach (var selectedGenre in musicWithGenre)
                        message = message + selectedGenre.genre + "(" + selectedGenre.count + ")\n";

                    MessageBox.Show("You've added '" + title + "'.\nThis music album has been added into the genre '" + genre + "'.\n" + message, "Library Database",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

