        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the XML specification string to check its validity. No exceptions are thrown back to the
        /// calling method. If an error occurs, 'accepted' is set to false and the error message is placed
        /// in 'errorMessage' where it can be examined by the calling method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlSpecification"></param>
        public override ValidationReport Parse(string xmlSpecification)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Parse";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Catch all exceptions and log errors, don't throw back to caller
            ValidationReport validationReport = null;
                // Call the base class to parse its part
                validationReport = base.Parse(xmlSpecification);
                if (validationReport.accepted == false)
                    throw new Exception(validationReport.errorMessage);

                // Create new validation report
                validationReport = new ValidationReport();

                // Validate the specification

                // Get the source name and check that it is valid - search is case-sensitive
                string strSourceName = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_sourceName, false);
                int index = Array.IndexOf(this.configuration.SourceNames, strSourceName);
                if (index < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_InvalidSource, strSourceName);
                this.sourceName = this.configuration.SourceNames[index];
                this.sourceLocation = this.configuration.SourceLocations[index];

                // Get the absorber list and validate - search is case-sensitive
                string csvAbsorbers = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_absorberName, false);
                string[] csvAbsorbersSplit = csvAbsorbers.Split(new char[] { Consts.CHR_CsvSplitter });
                this.absorberList = new Absorber[csvAbsorbersSplit.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < csvAbsorbersSplit.Length; i++)
                    index = Array.IndexOf(this.configuration.AbsorberNames, csvAbsorbersSplit[i]);
                    if (index < 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_InvalidAbsorber, csvAbsorbersSplit[i]);
                    string name = this.configuration.AbsorberNames[index];
                    char location = this.configuration.AbsorberLocations[index];
                    this.absorberList[i] = new Absorber(name, location);

                // Get duration and validate
                this.duration = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_duration);

                // Get repeat count and validate
                this.repeat = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_repeat);

                // Get distance list and validate
                string csvDistances = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(this.xmlNodeSpecification, Consts.STRXML_distance, false);
                string[] csvDistancesSplit = csvDistances.Split(new char[] { Consts.CHR_CsvSplitter });
                this.distanceList = new int[csvDistancesSplit.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < csvDistancesSplit.Length; i++)
                        this.distanceList[i] = Int32.Parse(csvDistancesSplit[i]);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRXML_distance);

                // Sort the distance list with smallest distance first keeping duplicates

                // Create an instance of the driver for the specified setup and then
                // get the driver's execution time for this specification
                int executionTime = -1;
                if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_RadioactivityVsTime) ||
                    if (this.equipmentServiceProxy != null)
                        // Hardware is available to this unit, run it there
                        DriverRadioactivity driver = new DriverRadioactivity(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                        executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                        // This unit does not have hardware available, run the simulation instead
                        DriverSimActivity driver = new DriverSimActivity(this.configuration);
                        executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_RadioactivityVsAbsorber))
                    if (this.equipmentServiceProxy != null)
                        // Hardware is available to this unit, run it there
                        DriverAbsorbers driver = new DriverAbsorbers(this.equipmentServiceProxy, this.configuration);
                        executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                        throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_EquipmentServiceNotAvailable, this.setupId);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SimActivityVsTime) ||
                    DriverSimActivity driver = new DriverSimActivity(this.configuration);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                else if (this.SetupId.Equals(Consts.STRXML_SetupId_SimActivityVsTimeNoDelay) ||
                    DriverSimActivity driver = new DriverSimActivity(this.configuration, false);
                    executionTime = driver.GetExecutionTime(this);
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_SetupIdInvalid, this.SetupId);

                // Validate total execution time

                // Specification is valid
                validationReport.estRuntime = executionTime;
                validationReport.accepted = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                validationReport.errorMessage = ex.Message;

            string logMessage = STRLOG_Accepted + validationReport.accepted.ToString();
            if (validationReport.accepted == true)
                logMessage += Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_ExecutionTime + validationReport.estRuntime.ToString() + STRLOG_seconds;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

            return validationReport;