public void StopServer() { if (server != null) { server.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("Server stopped"); } server = null; }
public void StartServer() { SiteCreator site = new SiteCreator().Create(); site.WriteWebConfig(new WebConfigBuilder(ResizerSectionContents()).Build()); string path = site.dir; server = new ServerFactory().CreateAndStart(path, "/"); Debug.WriteLine("Located at " + path); }
public Server CreateAndStart(string physicalPath, string virtualPath, int retryCount = 2) { //49152 through 65535 are valid port numbers //Try 2 port numbers, then fail if we still can't start the server. for (int i = 0; i < retryCount; i++){ int port = new Random().Next(49152, 65535); try { Server server = new Server(port, virtualPath, physicalPath); server.Start(); return server; }catch(Exception e){ if (i + 1 == retryCount) throw e;//On the last iteration, rethrow the exception. } } return null; }
internal Connection(Server server, Socket socket) { _server = server; _socket = socket; }
public Request(Server server, Host host, Connection connection) : base(String.Empty, String.Empty, null) { _server = server; _host = host; _connection = connection; }
public void Configure(Server server, int port, string virtualPath, string physicalPath) { _server = server; _port = port; _installPath = null; _virtualPath = virtualPath; _lowerCasedVirtualPath = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo.ToLower(_virtualPath); _lowerCasedVirtualPathWithTrailingSlash = virtualPath.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) ? virtualPath : virtualPath + "/"; _lowerCasedVirtualPathWithTrailingSlash = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo.ToLower(_lowerCasedVirtualPathWithTrailingSlash); _physicalPath = physicalPath; _physicalClientScriptPath = HttpRuntime.AspClientScriptPhysicalPath + "\\"; _lowerCasedClientScriptPathWithTrailingSlash = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo.ToLower(HttpRuntime.AspClientScriptVirtualPath + "/"); }