Example #1
        //Metodi statici
        /// <summary>
        /// Permette l'estrazione da una stringa del codice per l'interpretazione
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RawLine">Codice grezzo</param>
        /// <param name="LineNumber">Numero della linea</param>
        /// <param name="lm">Gestore dei messaggi</param>
        /// <returns>Restituisce una linea di codice composta</returns>
        public static CodeLine LineExtractor(string RawLine, int LineNumber, LogManager lm)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RawLine))
                if (RawLine == null)
                    lm.Add("The translator cannot work on the that line", LineNumber);

            int level = CountIntendation(RawLine);

            RawLine = CodeCleaner.RemoveTabulation(RawLine, lm);
            RawLine = CodeCleaner.ReduceWitheSpaces(RawLine, lm);

            if (level == -1)
                lm.Add("The translator cannot found the level of the indentation on that line", LineNumber);
                return(new CodeLine(RawLine, LineNumber, level));
Example #2
        //Metodo statico
        /// <summary>
        /// Crea un immagine del codice con tuttte le sezioni ripulite ed esplicitate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RawCode">Codice da analizzare</param>
        /// <param name="PackageAdd">Pacchetti aggiunti nel sistema</param>
        /// <param name="Type">Tipo di codice</param>
        /// <param name="lm">Gestore di messaggi</param>
        /// <returns>Immagine del codice</returns>
        public static CodeImage CreateCodeImage(string RawCode, PackageCollection PackageAdd, CodeType Type, LogManager lm)
            //Pachet name
            string[]           packageName;
            SectionCollection  sc;
            VariableCollection vc; //Costanti
            PackageCollection  pc; //Pacchetti inclusi
            bool   exactType = false;
            string PackName  = null;

            RawCode = CodeCleaner.TextReturnUnified(RawCode, lm);
            vc      = CodeElaborator.ExtractConstant(ref RawCode, lm);
            RawCode = CodeCleaner.CommentDelete(RawCode, lm);
            RawCode = CodeCleaner.RemoveSynonyms(RawCode, lm);
            RawCode = CodeCleaner.StartLineUnified(RawCode, 4, lm);
            RawCode = CodeCleaner.ReduceWitheSpaces(RawCode, lm);

            //Analisi Include
            packageName = CodeElaborator.IncludeFinder(RawCode, lm);
            RawCode     = CodeElaborator.RemoveInclude(RawCode, lm);

            exactType = CodeElaborator.CheckIfCorrectType(RawCode, Type, lm);
            if (!exactType)
                lm.Add("The code is wrong for the current type of compilation");

            //Estrazione codice
            sc = SectionCollection.ExtractCollection(RawCode, lm);

            //Selezione pacchetti
            pc = PackageAdd.IncludedPackage(packageName, lm);

            //Creazione aggiunta per pacchetti
            if (Type == CodeType.Package)
                PackName = CodeElaborator.PackegeNameExtractor(RawCode, lm);
                RawCode  = CodeElaborator.RemovePackageName(RawCode, lm);

            return((Type == CodeType.Program) ? new CodeImage(sc, pc, vc, Type) : new CodeImage(sc, pc, vc, Type, PackName));