private bool SaveWorld()
                string SavePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Worlds";
                bool OverWrite = true;
                lblEditor.Text = "Saving " + txtWorldName.Text + ".LoD...";

                //Detect if doesnt exist
                if (!Directory.Exists(SavePath))

                //Are you sure you want to overwrite
                if (File.Exists(SavePath + "\\" + txtWorldName.Text + ".LoD"))
                    DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("This world already exists\n\nDo you want to overwrite it?", "World Exists", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                    if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                        OverWrite = true;
                        SavePath = SavePath + "\\" + txtWorldName.Text + ".LoD";
                    else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
                        OverWrite = false;
                else SavePath = SavePath + "\\" + txtWorldName.Text + ".LoD";

                if (OverWrite == true)
                    DataTypes.WorldFile ThisWorld = new DataTypes.WorldFile();

                    ThisFloor.FloorName = txtFloorName.Text;
                    world[FloorNum] = ThisFloor;
                    ThisWorld.WorldName = txtWorldName.Text;
                    ThisWorld.WorldAuthor = txtAuthor.Text;
                    ThisWorld.WorldState = world;

                    ThisWorld.DefaultPlayer = ThisPlayer;

                    if (ThisWorld.Credits == null) ThisWorld.Credits = new List<string>();
                    foreach (string credit in Credits) { ThisWorld.Credits.Add(credit); }

                    using (Stream stream = File.Open(SavePath, FileMode.Create))
                        BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
                        bin.Serialize(stream, ThisWorld);
                    return true;
                else return false;
            catch { return false; }
        public frmWorldDesigner(bool LoadWorld, string WorldName)


            //Check If New World
            if (LoadWorld == true)
                string LoadPath = string.Concat(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "\\Worlds\\", WorldName);

                DataTypes.WorldFile WorldState = new DataTypes.WorldFile();
                using (Stream stream = File.Open(LoadPath, FileMode.Open))
                    BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
                    WorldState = (DataTypes.WorldFile)bin.Deserialize(stream);

                txtWorldName.Text = WorldState.WorldName;
                txtAuthor.Text = WorldState.WorldAuthor;
                world = WorldState.WorldState;

                if (WorldState.Credits != null) foreach (string credit in WorldState.Credits) { Credits.Add(credit); }

                ThisFloor = world[0];
                txtFloorName.Text = ThisFloor.FloorName;
                txtMusicPath.Text = ThisFloor.FloorSong;
                ThisPlayer = WorldState.DefaultPlayer;
                for (int i = 1; i <= world.Count; i++)
                    cmbLevelSelect.Items.Add("Level " + i);
                cmbLevelSelect.Items.Add("Add New Level...");
                this.tblWorldLevel.CellPaint += new TableLayoutCellPaintEventHandler(tblWorldLevel_CellPaint);
                lblEditor.Text = "Default Starting Position is B:2";
                world = new List<DataTypes.Floor>();
                ThisFloor = new DataTypes.Floor();
                ThisFloor.CurrentFloor = new DataTypes.roomInfo[10, 10];

                for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++)
                        ThisFloor.CurrentFloor[x, y].CanMove = true;

                for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
                    ThisFloor.CurrentFloor[x, 0].CanMove = false;
                    ThisFloor.CurrentFloor[x, 9].CanMove = false;

                for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++)
                    ThisFloor.CurrentFloor[0, y].CanMove = false;
                    ThisFloor.CurrentFloor[9, y].CanMove = false;
                ThisFloor.CurrentFloor[1, 1].Description = "This is the starting position. When the player spawns this is the first thing they will read";

                this.tblWorldLevel.CellPaint += new TableLayoutCellPaintEventHandler(tblWorldLevel_CellPaint);
                txtFloorName.Text = "Level 1";
                lblEditor.Text = "Default Starting Position is B:2";
                ThisPlayer = DefaultPlayer();