public void OnFingerUp(Lean.LeanFinger finger)
        // Was the current finger lifted from the screen?
        if (finger == draggingFinger)
            // Unset the current finger
            draggingFinger = null;

            // Convert this GameObject's world position into screen coordinates and store it in a temp variable
            var screenPosition = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);

            // Modify screen position by the finger's delta screen position over the past 0.1 seconds
            screenPosition += (Vector3)finger.GetSnapshotDelta(0.1f);

            // Convert the screen position into world coordinates and subtract it by the old position to find the world delta over the past 0.1 seconds
            var worldDelta = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPosition) - transform.position;

            // Set the velocity and divide it by 0.1, because velocity is applied over 1 second, and our delta is currently only for 0.1 second
            body.velocity = worldDelta / 0.1f;