Example #1
        protected void LoadFromTable(DataTable applicationsTable)
            // Iterate through the returned data creating the InstalledApplication instances for each row
            foreach (DataRow row in applicationsTable.Rows)
                    // Create the installed application object
                    InstalledApplication theApplication = new InstalledApplication(row);

                    // Ensure that we add the application to it's Publishers internal list
                    ApplicationPublisher thePublisher = FindPublisher(theApplication.Publisher);
                    if (thePublisher == null)
                        thePublisher = new ApplicationPublisher(theApplication.Publisher, 0);

                    // Read instances of this application

                catch (Exception)
                    // Just skip the application as this points to an internal database consistency error
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is responsible for generating the actual data which will be displayed by the report
        /// </summary>
        protected void GenerateReportData()
            // Create a string representation of the publisher filter list passed to us
            // We need to get the entire licensing information at this point
            ApplicationsDAO lwDataAccess = new ApplicationsDAO();

            //AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE displayType = AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation;
            //DataTable table = new LocationsDAO().GetGroups(new AssetGroup(displayType));
            //AssetGroup _cachedAssetGroups = new AssetGroup(table.Rows[0], displayType);
            //_cachedAssetGroups.Populate(true, _ignoreChildAssets, true);

            //// Now apply the filter to these groups
            //_cachedAssetGroups.ApplyFilters(_selectedGroups, _selectedAssets, _ignoreChildAssets);

            _selectedAssets = new AssetDAO().GetSelectedAssets();

            selectedAssetList = new List <int>();
            foreach (string id in _selectedAssets.Split(','))

            // If we have selected all publishers and all applications then apply the publisher filter
            //if (_selectedPublishers == "" && _selectedApplications == "")

            _selectedPublishers = _publisherFilter;

            DataTable applicationsTable = lwDataAccess.GetApplications(_selectedPublishers, true, false);

            // ...then create InstalledApplication objects for each returned and add to the view
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < applicationsTable.Rows.Count;)
                // Get the data row
                DataRow row = applicationsTable.Rows[rowIndex];

                // Create the object from the data row
                InstalledApplication thisApplication = new InstalledApplication(row);

                // ...and if we are only displaying the report for a specific application and this is not it then
                // delete this row from the table and skip it
                if ((_selectedApplications != "") && (!_selectedApplications.Contains(thisApplication.Name)))

                // Read instances and licenses of this application

                // If we are only displaying applications that have Serial numbers or CD Keys then apply that filter here
                if ((_showWithKeysOnly) && (!thisApplication.HaveSerialNumbers()))

                // Ensure that we look at the next row in the next loop


                bool addApplication = false;

                foreach (ApplicationInstance app in thisApplication.Instances)
                    //if (FilterRecord(app.ComputerLocation, app.InstalledOnComputer))
                    //    addApplication = true;

                    if (selectedAssetList.Contains(app.InstalledOnComputerID))
                        addApplication = true;

                    //foreach (int assetID in selectedAssetList)
                    //    if (app.InstalledOnComputerID == assetID)
                    //    {
                    //        addApplication = true;
                    //        break;
                    //    }

                if (addApplication)
                    AddApplication(thisApplication, _showWithKeysOnly);