Example #1
        public static bool WithinBounds(this Shape b, Point s, Point e)
            double x, y, width, height;

            if (b is Line)
                var bl = (b as Line);
                var bo = new Bounds(new Point(bl.X1, bl.Y1), new Point(bl.X2, bl.Y2));

                x = bo.LowerX;
                y = bo.LowerY;
                width = bo.UpperX - x;
                height = bo.UpperY - y;
                x = Canvas.GetLeft(b) - 1;
                y = Canvas.GetTop(b) - 1;
                width = b.Width;
                height = b.Height;

            return new Rect(s, e).IntersectsWith(new Rect(x, y, width, height));
Example #2
        private void PlaceTilesBetween(Point start, Point end)
            var b = new Bounds(start, end);
            var im = new Image { Width = Gc.TILE_SIZE, Height = Gc.TILE_SIZE, Source = SelectedTileChoice.Image.Source };

            for (int x = b.LowerX; x <= b.UpperX; x += Gc.TILE_SIZE)
                for (int y = b.LowerY; y <= b.UpperY; y += Gc.TILE_SIZE)
                    var t = new Tile
                        Rectangle = new Rectangle
                            Width = Gc.TILE_SIZE,
                            Height = Gc.TILE_SIZE,
                            Fill = new ImageBrush(im.Source)
                        X = x / Gc.TILE_SIZE,
                        Y = y / Gc.TILE_SIZE,
                        Name = SelectedTileChoice.Name

                    Canvas.SetLeft(t.Rectangle, x);
                    Canvas.SetTop(t.Rectangle, y);
                    Canvas.SetZIndex(t.Rectangle, FLOOR_LAYER);

Example #3
        //TODO: Future Eric, make this not so duplicated and unreadable
        public void RemoveWallsBetween(Point start, Point end)
            var walls = Map.Children.OfType<Line>()
                .Where(x => x.WithinBounds(start, end))

            var b = new Bounds(start, end); // removal bounds

            for (int i = walls.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var w = walls[i];
                if (Math.Abs(w.X2 - w.X1) > Math.Abs(w.Y2 - w.Y1)) // is a horizontal wall
                    b.UpperX += Gc.TILE_SIZE;

                    if (b.LowerX <= w.X1 && b.UpperX <= w.X2) // covers only left side of wall
                        w.X1 = b.UpperX;
                    else if (b.LowerX <= w.X2 && b.LowerX > w.X1 && b.UpperX >= w.X2) // covers only right side of wall
                        w.X2 = b.LowerX;
                    else if (b.LowerX <= w.X1 && b.UpperX >= w.X2) // covers entire wall
                    else if (b.LowerX > w.X1 && b.UpperX < w.X2) // covers middle of wall
                        var oldEnd = w.X2;
                        w.X2 = b.LowerX;
                        PlaceWall(new Point(b.UpperX, w.Y1), new Point(oldEnd - Gc.TILE_SIZE, w.Y1));

                    b.UpperX -= Gc.TILE_SIZE;
                    b.UpperY += Gc.TILE_SIZE;

                    if (b.LowerY <= w.Y1 && b.UpperY <= w.Y2) // covers only left side of wall
                        w.Y1 = b.UpperY;
                    else if (b.LowerY <= w.Y2 && b.LowerY > w.Y1 && b.UpperY >= w.Y2) // covers only right side of wall
                        w.Y2 = b.LowerY;
                    else if (b.LowerY <= w.Y1 && b.UpperY >= w.Y2) // covers entire wall
                    else if (b.LowerY > w.Y1 && b.UpperY < w.Y2) // covers middle of wall
                        var oldEnd = w.Y2;
                        w.Y2 = b.LowerY;
                        PlaceWall(new Point(w.X1, b.UpperY), new Point(w.X1, oldEnd - Gc.TILE_SIZE));

                    b.UpperY -= Gc.TILE_SIZE;

                if (w.X1 - w.X2 == 0 && w.Y1 - w.Y2 == 0)
Example #4
        public void PlaceWall(Point start, Point end)
            start = start.ConvertToTilePosition(Gc.TILE_SIZE);
            end = end.ConvertToTilePosition(Gc.TILE_SIZE);
            var b = new Bounds(start, end).KeepBoundsWidthOf1();

            //hack to add last tile of wall since walls start at 0,0 but should go the full length of last tile
            if (b.LowerX == b.UpperX) b.UpperY += Gc.TILE_SIZE;
            else if (b.LowerY == b.UpperY) b.UpperX += Gc.TILE_SIZE;

            var w = new Wall
                Line = new Line
                    X1 = b.LowerX,
                    Y1 = b.LowerY,
                    X2 = b.UpperX,
                    Y2 = b.UpperY,
                    Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray),
                    StrokeThickness = 3

            Canvas.SetZIndex(w.Line, WALL_LAYER);
        private void OnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            var end = e.GetPosition(Map).ConvertToTilePosition(Gc.TILE_SIZE);
            var start = editor.isDragging ? editor.startPoint.ConvertToTilePosition(Gc.TILE_SIZE) : end;
            var b = new Bounds(start, end);

            Canvas.SetLeft(editor.selectionRectangle, b.LowerX);
            Canvas.SetTop(editor.selectionRectangle, b.LowerY);

            if (editor.isDragging)
                if (editor.selectedTool.IsLine)
                    b = b.KeepBoundsWidthOf1();

                editor.selectionRectangle.Width = b.UpperX - b.LowerX + Gc.TILE_SIZE;
                editor.selectionRectangle.Height = b.UpperY - b.LowerY + Gc.TILE_SIZE;