private void button2_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { HOME r3 = new HOME(); this.Hide(); r3.Show(); /*MessageBox.Show( this, "YOU HAVE CHOOSEN THE VALID PURPOSE. \n NOW YOU CAN ENTER !!!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question); /*MessageBox.Show( this, // needs a reference to the "Owner" form "this is my text", // text to be shown in the message box "this is the caption", // Title of the message box MessageBoxButtons.OK, // Button to show MessageBoxIcon.Warning);*/ }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { name = UNM.Text; if (pictureBox2.Image != null & UNM.Text != "") { MessageBox.Show("YOU are logout !!!"); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; // MessageBox.Show("Current time: " + now); com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "insert into Logout_Scheduld values ('" + name + "','" + now + "')"; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); com.Dispose(); HOME l1 = new HOME(); this.Hide(); l1.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("FOR LOGOUT FILL ENTRY"); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (NAME4.Text != "" & UNAME4.Text != "" & PSWD4.Text != "" & CPSWD4.Text != "" & pictureBox2.Image != null & EML4.Text != "" & UTYPE4.Text != "" & NID4.Text != "" & DEPTT4.Text != "") { if (PSWD4.Text != CPSWD4.Text) { MessageBox.Show("PLEASE... \n ENTER THE CORRECT PASSWORD !!!"); } else { com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "Select Uname from Faculty_Info where Uname='" + UNAME4.Text + "'"; Int32 reg = Convert.ToInt32(UNAME4.Text); Int32 count = Convert.ToInt32(com.ExecuteScalar()); if (count == reg) { MessageBox.Show("YOU HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED OR USER NAME ALREADY USED"); } else { com.CommandText = "insert into Others_Info(name,Uname,Paswrd,Email,Utype,Nid,Dept) values ('" + NAME4.Text + "','" + UNAME4.Text + "','" + PSWD4.Text + "','" + EML4.Text + "','" + UTYPE4.Text + "','" + NID4.Text + "','" + DEPTT4.Text + "')"; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); com.Dispose(); //MessageBox.Show("record inserted"); MessageBox.Show("YOU HAVE BEEN REGISTERED SUCCESSFULLY !!!"); // MessageBox.Show("YOUR FINGER PRINT NO IS : "+count); HOME l3 = new HOME(); this.Hide(); l3.Show(); //MessageBox.Show("YOU HAVE BEEN REGISTERED SUCCESSFULLY !!!"); // MessageBox.Show("YOUR FINGER PRINT NO IS : "+count); // LOGIN_PAGE l3 = new LOGIN_PAGE(); //this.Hide(); //l3.Show(); } } } else { MessageBox.Show(" PLEASE..... \n FILL ALL THE ENTERIES, ALL ENTERIES ARE MANDATORY !!! "); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HOME a4 = new HOME(); this.Hide(); a4.Show(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show(" YOU HAVE CANCELED YOUR REGISTRATION !!! "); HOME a1 = new HOME(); this.Hide(); a1.Show(); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (NAME1.Text != "" & UNAME1.Text != "" & PSWD1.Text != "" & CPSWD1.Text != "" & pictureBox1.Image != null & EML1.Text != "" & UTYPE1.Text != "" & AID1.Text != "") { if (PSWD1.Text != CPSWD1.Text) { MessageBox.Show("PLEASE... \n ENTER THE CORRECT PASSWORD !!!"); } else { com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "Select Uname from Admin_Info where Uname='" + UNAME1.Text + "'"; Int32 reg = Convert.ToInt32(UNAME1.Text); Int32 count = Convert.ToInt32(com.ExecuteScalar()); if (count == reg) { MessageBox.Show("YOU HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED YOURSELF..."); } else { com.CommandText = "insert into Admin_Info(Aname,Uname,Paswrd,Email,Utype,Aid) values ('" + NAME1.Text + "','" + UNAME1.Text + "','" + PSWD1.Text + "','" + EML1.Text + "','" + UTYPE1.Text + "','" + AID1.Text + "')"; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); com.Dispose(); //MessageBox.Show("record inserted"); MessageBox.Show("YOU HAVE BEEN REGISTERED SUCCESSFULLY !!!"); // MessageBox.Show("YOUR FINGER PRINT NO IS : "+count); HOME l3 = new HOME(); this.Hide(); l3.Show(); } } } else { MessageBox.Show(" PLEASE..... \n FILL ALL THE ENTERIES, ALL ENTERIES ARE MANDATORY !!! "); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checkedListBox1.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please...\n FIRST CHOOSE THE PURPOSE"); // STUDENT_PURPOSE sp = new STUDENT_PURPOSE(); //this.Hide(); //sp.Show(); } /*com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "insert into Sighin_Info(Uname,Paswrd,Utype) values ('" + UNAME.Text + "','" + PWD.Text + "','" + UTYPE.Text + "')"; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); com.Dispose();*/ //MessageBox.Show("record inserted"); else { /*com.Connection = con; // com.CommandText = "select * from Sigin Paswrd= '" + NPWD.Text + "' WHERE Uname = '" + UNM.Text + "'";//(Sname,Uname,Paswrd,Email,Utype,Rlno,Sem,Batch,Deg,Dept) values ('" + RNO.Text + "','" + OPWD.Text + "','" + NPWD.Text + "')"; //com.CommandText = "update Student_Info set Paswrd= '" + NPWD.Text + "' WHERE Uname = '" + UNM.Text + "'";//(Sname,Uname,Paswrd,Email,Utype,Rlno,Sem,Batch,Deg,Dept) values ('" + RNO.Text + "','" + OPWD.Text + "','" + NPWD.Text + "')"; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); com.Dispose();*/ MessageBox.Show("YOU HAVE CHOOSEN THE VALID PURPOSE. \n NOW YOU CAN ENTER !!!"); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; MessageBox.Show("Current time: " + now); com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "insert into Login_Scheduld values ('" + uname + "','" + now + "')"; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); com.Dispose(); // MessageBox.Show("YOU HAVE CHOOSEN THE VALID PURPOSE. \n NOW YOU CAN ENTER !!!"); HOME l1 = new HOME(); this.Hide(); l1.Show(); } }
private void button3_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { HOME l = new HOME(); this.Hide(); l.Show(); }
private void CANCEL2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HOME a2 = new HOME(); this.Hide(); a2.Show(); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* MessageBox.Show( this, // needs a reference to the "Owner" form "this is my text", // text to be shown in the message box "this is the caption", // Title of the message box MessageBoxButtons.OK, // Button to show MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // Icon to show//CANCEl c1 = new CANCEl(); //this.Hide(); //c1.Show();/*/ MessageBox.Show("YOU HAVE BEEN CANCELD YOUR LOG_IN :( !!!"); HOME m = new HOME(); this.Hide(); m.Show(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string count; if (UNAM.Text != "" & pictureBox1.Image != null && UTYPE.Text != "") { if (UTYPE.SelectedItem.ToString() == "ADMIN") { com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "Select Paswrd from Admin_Info where Uname='" + UNAM.Text + "' and Utype='" + UTYPE.Text + "'"; // MessageBox.Show("b"); //Int32 nam = Convert.ToInt32(UNAME.Text); count = Convert.ToString(com.ExecuteScalar()); // SqlDataReader read_rd MessageBox.Show(" YOUR PASSWORD IS: " +count); HOME hm = new HOME(); this.Hide(); hm.Show(); } if (UTYPE.SelectedItem.ToString() == "FACULTY") { com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "Select Paswrd from Faculty_Info where Uname='" + UNAM.Text + "' and Utype='" + UTYPE.Text + "'"; // MessageBox.Show("b"); //Int32 nam = Convert.ToInt32(UNAME.Text); count = Convert.ToString(com.ExecuteScalar()); // SqlDataReader read_rd MessageBox.Show(" YOUR PASSWORD IS: " + count); HOME hm = new HOME(); this.Hide(); hm.Show(); } if (UTYPE.SelectedItem.ToString() == "STUDENT") { com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "Select Paswrd from Student_Info where Uname='" + UNAM.Text + "' and Utype='" + UTYPE.Text + "'"; // MessageBox.Show("b"); //Int32 nam = Convert.ToInt32(UNAME.Text); count = Convert.ToString(com.ExecuteScalar()); // SqlDataReader read_rd MessageBox.Show(" YOUR PASSWORD IS: " + count); HOME hm = new HOME(); this.Hide(); hm.Show(); } if (UTYPE.SelectedItem.ToString() == "OTHERS") { com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "Select Paswrd from Others_Info where Uname='" + UNAM.Text + "' and Utype='" + UTYPE.Text + "'"; // MessageBox.Show("b"); //Int32 nam = Convert.ToInt32(UNAME.Text); count = Convert.ToString(com.ExecuteScalar()); // SqlDataReader read_rd MessageBox.Show(" YOUR PASSWORD IS: " + count); HOME hm = new HOME(); this.Hide(); hm.Show(); } } else { MessageBox.Show(" PLEASE..... \n FILL ALL THE ENTERIES !!! "); //MessageBox.Show(" YOU HAVE FILLED ALL THE ENTERIES !!! "); //this.Hide(); } }