public bool ValidateDate(string date, string message = "The date {0} is valid!") { try { if (!Regex.IsMatch(date, @"^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$")) { throw new Exception("Please enter the date in the format DD/MM/YYYY."); } else { if (!DateTime.TryParse(date, out DateTime D)) { throw new Exception("Please enter a valid date. "); } else { GetInput.PrintInColor(string.Format(message, date) + "\n", ConsoleColor.Green); } } return(true); } catch (Exception E) { GetInput.PrintInColor(E.Message + "\n", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { GetInput G = new GetInput(); string userName = G.GetString("name", "Please enter your first name: "); string userEmail = G.GetString("email", "Please enter your email address: "); string userPhone = G.GetString("phone", "Please enter your phone number: "); string userDate = G.GetString("date", "Please enter the date: "); string userHTML = G.GetString("html", "Please enter an HTML element: "); }
public bool ValidateEmail(string email, string message = "The email address {0} is valid!") { try { if (!Regex.IsMatch(email, @"([0-9a-zA-Z]){5,30}(@)([a-zA-Z]){5,10}(.)([a-zA-Z]){2,3}")) { throw new Exception("Email addresses must be in the following format:\n{5-30 alphanumeric characters}@{5-10 alphanumeric characters}.{com/co/net/etc.}"); } else { GetInput.PrintInColor(string.Format(message, email) + "\n", ConsoleColor.Green); } return(true); } catch (Exception E) { GetInput.PrintInColor(E.Message + "\n", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } }
public bool ValidateHTML(string html, string message = "The html element {0} is valid!") { try { if (!Regex.IsMatch(html, @"^(<)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(>)(.*)(<)(\/)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(>)$")) { throw new Exception("Please enter an HTML element in the format <tag> text </tag>."); } else { GetInput.PrintInColor(string.Format(message, html) + "\n", ConsoleColor.Green); } return(true); } catch (Exception E) { GetInput.PrintInColor(E.Message + "\n", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } }
public bool ValidateName(string name, string message = "The name {0} is valid!") { try { if (!Regex.IsMatch(name[0].ToString(), "([A-Z])") || Regex.IsMatch(name.Substring(1), "([^a-z])") || name.Length > 30) { throw new Exception("Names must start with a capital letter, contain only letters, and be 30 characters or less."); } else { GetInput.PrintInColor(string.Format(message, name) + "\n", ConsoleColor.Green); } return(true); } catch (Exception E) { GetInput.PrintInColor(E.Message + "\n", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } }
public bool ValidatePhone(string phone, string message = "The phone number {0} is valid!") { try { if ("(".Any(phone.Contains)) { phone = phone.Replace('(', ' '); } if (")".Any(phone.Contains)) { phone = phone.Replace(')', ' '); } if ("-".Any(phone.Contains)) { phone = phone.Replace('-', ' '); } phone = Regex.Replace(phone, " ", ""); if (!Regex.IsMatch(phone, @"^\d{10}$")) { throw new Exception("Phone number should be only 10 digits ###-###-####. "); } else { GetInput.PrintInColor(string.Format(message, phone.Insert(6, "-").Insert(3, "-")) + "\n", ConsoleColor.Green); } return(true); } catch (Exception E) { GetInput.PrintInColor(E.Message + "\n", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } }