Example #1
        // To Update Outstanding Requisition
        public static OutstandingReqModel UpdateOutReq
            (OutstandingReqModel ordm, out string error)
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();

            error = "";
            OutstandingReqModel    outreqm = new OutstandingReqModel();
            outstandingrequisition outreq  = new outstandingrequisition();

                // finding the db object using API model
                outreq = entities.outstandingrequisitions
                         .Where(x => x.outreqid == ordm.OutReqId)

                // transfering data from API model to DB Model
                outreq.reqid  = ordm.ReqId;
                outreq.reason = ordm.Reason;
                var TempStatus = outreq.status;

                outreq.status = ordm.Status;

                // saving the update

                if (TempStatus != ordm.Status && ordm.Status == ConOutstandingsRequisition.Status.DELIVERED)
                    foreach (outstandingrequisitiondetail outrd in outreq.outstandingrequisitiondetails)
                        InventoryModel invm = InventoryRepo.GetInventoryByItemid(outrd.itemid, out error);
                        invm.Stock -= outrd.qty;
                        invm        = InventoryRepo.UpdateInventory(invm, out error);
                        InventoryTransactionModel invtm = new InventoryTransactionModel();
                        invtm.ItemID    = outrd.itemid;
                        invtm.InvID     = invm.Invid;
                        invtm.Qty       = (outrd.qty) * -1;
                        invtm.TransDate = DateTime.Now;
                        invtm.Remark    = "Fulfill Outstanding" + outrd.outreqid;
                        invtm.TransType = ConInventoryTransaction.TransType.OUTSTANDING;
                        invtm           = InventoryTransactionRepo.CreateInventoryTransaction(invtm, out error);

                // return the updated model
                outreqm = ConvertDBOutReqToAPIOutReq(outreq);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;
Example #2
        //Update Adjustment
        public static AdjustmentModel UpdateAdjustment(AdjustmentModel adjm, out string error)
            error = "";
            LUSSISEntities entities = new LUSSISEntities();

            NotificationModel nom = new NotificationModel();

            adjustment adj = new adjustment();

                adj            = entities.adjustments.Where(a => a.adjid == adjm.Adjid).First <adjustment>();
                adj.raisedby   = adjm.Raisedby;
                adj.raisedto   = adjm.Raisedto;
                adj.issueddate = adjm.Issueddate;
                adj.status     = adjm.Status;
                nom.Remark     = "The Adjustment Voucher has been Rejected!";

                if (adj.status == ConAdjustment.Active.APPROVED)
                    nom.Remark = "The Adjustment Voucher has been Approved!";

                List <AdjustmentDetailModel> adjustds = AdjustmentDetailRepo.GetAdjustmentDetailByAdjID(adj.adjid, out error);
                foreach (AdjustmentDetailModel adjustd in adjustds)
                    InventoryModel inventm = InventoryRepo.GetInventoryByItemid(adjustd.Itemid, out error);
                    inventory      invent  = entities.inventories.Where(i => i.invid == inventm.Invid).First <inventory>();
                    invent.stock += adjustd.Adjustedqty;

                    InventoryTransactionModel invtm = new InventoryTransactionModel();

                    invtm.InvID     = invent.invid;
                    invtm.ItemID    = invent.itemid;
                    invtm.Qty       = adjustd.Adjustedqty;
                    invtm.TransType = ConInventoryTransaction.TransType.ADJUSTMENT;
                    invtm.TransDate = DateTime.Now;
                    invtm.Remark    = adjustd.Reason;

                    invtm = InventoryTransactionRepo.CreateInventoryTransaction(invtm, out error);

                adjm = GetAdjustmentByID(adj.adjid, out error);

                nom.Deptid   = DepartmentRepo.GetDepartmentByUserid(adj.raisedto ?? default(int), out error).Deptid;
                nom.Role     = UserRepo.GetUserByUserID(adj.raisedby ?? default(int)).Role;
                nom.Title    = "Adjustment Approval";
                nom.NotiType = ConNotification.NotiType.Adjustment;
                nom.ResID    = adj.adjid;
                nom          = NotificationRepo.CreatNotification(nom, out error);
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                error = ConError.Status.NOTFOUND;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e.Message;