/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(LPWeb.Model.Prospect model) { int rowsAffected = 0; SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@ContactId", SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@LeadSource", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255), new SqlParameter("@ReferenceCode", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255), new SqlParameter("@Referral", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255), new SqlParameter("@Created", SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter("@CreatedBy", SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@Modifed", SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter("@ModifiedBy", SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@Loanofficer", SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@Status", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50), new SqlParameter("@CreditRanking", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50), new SqlParameter("@PreferredContact", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) }; parameters[0].Value = model.Contactid; parameters[1].Value = model.LeadSource; parameters[2].Value = model.ReferenceCode; parameters[3].Value = model.Referral; parameters[4].Value = model.Created; parameters[5].Value = model.CreatedBy; parameters[6].Value = model.Modifed; // Modified parameters[7].Value = model.ModifiedBy; // ModifiedBy parameters[8].Value = model.Loanofficer; parameters[9].Value = model.Status; parameters[10].Value = model.CreditRanking; parameters[11].Value = model.PreferredContact; DbHelperSQL.RunProcedure("dbo.Prospect_Save", parameters, out rowsAffected); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// create contact and prospect without checking duplicated /// neo 2012-10-24 /// </summary> /// <param name="contactInfo"></param> /// <param name="prospectInfo"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int CreateContactAndProspectNoCheck(LPWeb.Model.Contacts contactInfo, LPWeb.Model.Prospect prospectInfo) { int iContactId = -1; if (contactInfo == null || (prospectInfo == null)) { throw new Exception("CreateProspect, ContactInfo and ProspectInfo cannot be empty."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactInfo.LastName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactInfo.FirstName)) { throw new Exception("CreateProspect, First Name and Last Name cannot be blank."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactInfo.Email) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactInfo.HomePhone) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactInfo.CellPhone) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactInfo.BusinessPhone)) { throw new Exception("CreateProspect, must at least specified Email, Home Phone, Cell Phone or Business Phone."); } Contacts contactMgr = new Contacts(); iContactId = contactMgr.AddClientNoCheck(contactInfo); if (iContactId > 0) { Prospect prospectMgr = new Prospect(); prospectInfo.Contactid = iContactId; prospectMgr.Add(prospectInfo); } return(iContactId); }
/// <summary> /// 获得数据列表 /// </summary> public List <LPWeb.Model.Prospect> DataTableToList(DataTable dt) { List <LPWeb.Model.Prospect> modelList = new List <LPWeb.Model.Prospect>(); int rowsCount = dt.Rows.Count; if (rowsCount > 0) { LPWeb.Model.Prospect model; for (int n = 0; n < rowsCount; n++) { model = new LPWeb.Model.Prospect(); if (dt.Rows[n]["Contactid"].ToString() != "") { model.Contactid = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["Contactid"].ToString()); } model.LeadSource = dt.Rows[n]["LeadSource"].ToString(); model.ReferenceCode = dt.Rows[n]["ReferenceCode"].ToString(); if (dt.Rows[n]["Referral"] != DBNull.Value) { model.Referral = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[n]["Referral"]); } else { model.Referral = null; } if (dt.Rows[n]["Created"].ToString() != "") { model.Created = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["Created"].ToString()); } if (dt.Rows[n]["CreatedBy"].ToString() != "") { model.CreatedBy = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["CreatedBy"].ToString()); } if (dt.Rows[n]["Modifed"].ToString() != "") { model.Modifed = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["Modifed"].ToString()); } if (dt.Rows[n]["ModifiedBy"].ToString() != "") { model.ModifiedBy = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["ModifiedBy"].ToString()); } if (dt.Rows[n]["Loanofficer"].ToString() != "") { model.Loanofficer = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["Loanofficer"].ToString()); } model.Status = dt.Rows[n]["Status"].ToString(); modelList.Add(model); } } return(modelList); }
protected int CreateContactAndProspect(string sFirstName, string sLastName, string sEmail, string sType, string sPhone, string sDOB, string sSSN, int iUserID, string Purpose) { #region create new contact LPWeb.Model.Contacts ContactsModel = new LPWeb.Model.Contacts(); ContactsModel.ContactId = 0; ContactsModel.FirstName = sFirstName; ContactsModel.LastName = sLastName; ContactsModel.Email = sEmail; if (sType == "Cell Phone") { ContactsModel.CellPhone = sPhone; ContactsModel.HomePhone = string.Empty; ContactsModel.BusinessPhone = string.Empty; } else if (sType == "Home Phone") { ContactsModel.CellPhone = string.Empty; ContactsModel.HomePhone = sPhone; ContactsModel.BusinessPhone = string.Empty; } else if (sType == "Work Phone") { ContactsModel.CellPhone = string.Empty; ContactsModel.HomePhone = string.Empty; ContactsModel.BusinessPhone = sPhone; } if (sDOB == string.Empty) { ContactsModel.DOB = null; } else { ContactsModel.DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(sDOB); } ContactsModel.SSN = sSSN; ContactsModel.MiddleName = string.Empty; ContactsModel.NickName = txtFirstName.Text.Trim(); ContactsModel.Title = string.Empty; ContactsModel.GenerationCode = string.Empty; ContactsModel.Fax = string.Empty; ContactsModel.MailingAddr = string.Empty; ContactsModel.MailingCity = string.Empty; ContactsModel.MailingState = string.Empty; ContactsModel.MailingZip = string.Empty; #endregion #region create new prospect LPWeb.Model.Prospect ProspectModel = new LPWeb.Model.Prospect(); ProspectModel.PreferredContact = sType; ProspectModel.Contactid = 0; ProspectModel.Created = DateTime.Now; ProspectModel.CreatedBy = iUserID; ProspectModel.LeadSource = ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue.ToString() == "0" ? "" : this.ddlLeadSource.SelectedItem.Text; string sLoanOfficerID = ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue; iLoanOfficerID = 0; if (sLoanOfficerID == "-1" || sLoanOfficerID == "-2") { //Nobody } else if (sLoanOfficerID == "0") { //Lead Routing Engine try { ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager(); using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient()) { //invoke the WCF API GetNextLoanOfficer LR_GetNextLoanOfficerReq req = new LR_GetNextLoanOfficerReq(); req.LeadSource = ddlLeadSource.SelectedItem.Text; req.Purpose = Purpose; req.ReqHdr = new ReqHdr(); req.ReqHdr.UserId = CurrUser.iUserID; req.ReqHdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; LR_GetNextLoanOfficerResp response = client.LeadRouting_GetNextLoanofficer(req); if (response.RespHdr.Successful) { iLoanOfficerID = response.NextLoanOfficerID; } else { Company_Lead_Sources LeadSourceMgr = new Company_Lead_Sources(); DataTable SelLeadSourceList = LeadSourceMgr.GetList("LeadSourceID='" + ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue + "'").Tables[0]; if (SelLeadSourceList != null && SelLeadSourceList.Rows.Count > 0) { iLoanOfficerID = SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"]); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Company_Lead_Sources LeadSourceMgr = new Company_Lead_Sources(); DataTable SelLeadSourceList = LeadSourceMgr.GetList("LeadSourceID='" + ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue + "'").Tables[0]; if (SelLeadSourceList != null && SelLeadSourceList.Rows.Count > 0) { iLoanOfficerID = SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"]); } } } else { iLoanOfficerID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanOfficerID); } ProspectModel.Loanofficer = iLoanOfficerID; ProspectModel.ReferenceCode = string.Empty; ProspectModel.Status = "Active"; ProspectModel.CreditRanking = string.Empty; ProspectModel.Referral = null; Prospect ProspectManager = new Prospect(); int iContactId = ProspectManager.CreateContactAndProspect(ContactsModel, ProspectModel); #endregion return(iContactId); }
private void FillLabels() { if (iContactID == 0) { return; } try { LPWeb.BLL.Contacts contact = new LPWeb.BLL.Contacts(); LPWeb.Model.Contacts cModel = contact.GetModel(iContactID); lbClient.Text = cModel.LastName + ", " + cModel.FirstName + " " + cModel.MiddleName; lbNikeName.Text = cModel.NickName; if (cModel.DOB.HasValue) { lbDOB.Text = cModel.DOB.Value.ToShortDateString(); } else { lbDOB.Text = string.Empty; } lbGenCode.Text = cModel.GenerationCode; lbSSN.Text = cModel.SSN; lbTitle.Text = cModel.Title; if (cModel.Experian.HasValue) { lbExperScore.Text = cModel.Experian.Value.ToString(); } if (cModel.TransUnion.HasValue) { lbTranScore.Text = cModel.TransUnion.Value.ToString(); } if (cModel.Equifax.HasValue) { lbEquifax.Text = cModel.Equifax.Value.ToString(); } lbHomePhone.Text = cModel.HomePhone; lbCellPhone.Text = cModel.CellPhone; lbBusinessPhone.Text = cModel.BusinessPhone; lbFax.Text = cModel.Fax; lbEmail.Text = cModel.Email; lbAddress.Text = cModel.MailingAddr; lbAddress1.Text = cModel.MailingCity + ", " + cModel.MailingState + " " + cModel.MailingZip; } catch { } try { LPWeb.BLL.Prospect prospect = new LPWeb.BLL.Prospect(); LPWeb.Model.Prospect pModel = prospect.GetModel(iContactID); lbStatus.Text = pModel.Status; lbLeadSource.Text = pModel.LeadSource;//Get referral contact name if (pModel.Loanofficer.HasValue) { lbLoanOfficer.Text = GetUserName(pModel.Loanofficer.Value); } if (pModel.Created.HasValue) { lbCreatedOn.Text = pModel.Created.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (pModel.CreatedBy.HasValue) { lbCreatedBy.Text = GetUserName(pModel.CreatedBy.Value); } if (pModel.Modifed.HasValue) { lbLastModified.Text = pModel.Modifed.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (pModel.ModifiedBy.HasValue) { lbModifiedBy.Text = GetUserName(pModel.ModifiedBy.Value); } int iReferralId = 0; if (pModel.Referral != null) { iReferralId = (int)pModel.Referral; LPWeb.BLL.Contacts contact = new LPWeb.BLL.Contacts(); lbReferral.Text = contact.GetContactName(iReferralId); } this.lbPreferredContact.Text = pModel.PreferredContact; this.lbCreditRanking.Text = pModel.CreditRanking; } catch { } }
private int Save_LoanDetail() { ReassignProspect(); #region gdc crm33 int iContactCoBoId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnCoBorrowerID.Value) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(hdnCoBorrowerID.Value); string CBname = txtCBFirstname.Text + txtCBMiddlename.Text + txtCBLastname.Text; if ((CBname != hdnCoBorrowerName.Value.Trim() || iContactCoBoId == 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CBname)) { LPWeb.Model.Contacts contactRecCoBo = new LPWeb.Model.Contacts(); Contacts contactsbll = new Contacts();//gdc crm33 contactRecCoBo.ContactId = 0; contactRecCoBo.FirstName = txtCBFirstname.Text.Trim(); contactRecCoBo.MiddleName = txtCBMiddlename.Text.Trim(); contactRecCoBo.LastName = txtCBLastname.Text.Trim(); iContactCoBoId = contactsbll.AddClient(contactRecCoBo);//gdc crm33 #region CoBo to loanContacts gdc crm33 LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts loanContactsBll = new LoanContacts(); LPWeb.BLL.ContactRoles contactRolesbll = new ContactRoles(); int contactRoleID = 0; var contactRoleList = contactRolesbll.GetModelList(" Name = 'CoBorrower' "); if (contactRoleList != null && contactRoleList.Count > 0 && contactRoleList.FirstOrDefault() != null) { contactRoleID = contactRoleList.FirstOrDefault().ContactRoleId; } if (contactRoleID != 0) { LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts loanContactModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts(); loanContactModel.FileId = iFileID; loanContactModel.ContactRoleId = contactRoleID; loanContactModel.ContactId = iContactCoBoId; loanContactsBll.Add(loanContactModel); } #endregion } #endregion LPWeb.Model.LoanDetails model = new LPWeb.Model.LoanDetails(); model.FileId = iFileID; if (ddlBorrower.Items.Count < 1) { model.BoID = 0; } else { model.BoID = int.Parse(ddlBorrower.SelectedValue); } //if (ddlCoBorrower.Items.Count < 1) //{ // model.CoBoID = 0; //} //else //{ // model.CoBoID = int.Parse(ddlCoBorrower.SelectedValue); //} if (iContactCoBoId != 0) { model.CoBoID = iContactCoBoId; } model.Created = DateTime.Now; model.CreatedBy = loginUser.iUserID; model.Modifed = DateTime.Now; model.ModifiedBy = loginUser.iUserID; if (txbAmount.Text.Trim().Length < 1) { model.LoanAmount = 0; } else { model.LoanAmount = decimal.Parse(txbAmount.Text.Trim()); } if (txbEstimatedDate.Text.Trim().Length > 5) { model.EstCloseDate = DateTime.Parse(txbEstimatedDate.Text.Trim()); } else { model.EstCloseDate = DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1"); } if (ddlRanking.SelectedIndex >= 0) { model.Ranking = ddlRanking.SelectedValue; } model.UserId = CurrUser.iUserID; if (ddlLoanOfficer.Items.Count < 1) { model.LoanOfficerId = 0; } else { model.LoanOfficerId = int.Parse(ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue); } if (txbInterestRate.Text.Trim().Length < 1) { model.Rate = 0; } else { model.Rate = decimal.Parse(txbInterestRate.Text.Trim()); } if (ddlLoanProgram.SelectedIndex == 0) { model.Program = ""; } else { model.Program = ddlLoanProgram.SelectedItem.Text; } if (ddlPurpose.SelectedIndex == 0) { model.Purpose = ""; } else { model.Purpose = ddlPurpose.SelectedItem.Text.Trim(); } model.Lien = ddlLienPosition.SelectedItem.Value.Trim(); model.PropertyAddr = txbPropertyAddress.Text.Trim(); model.PropertyCity = txbCity.Text.Trim(); model.PropertyState = ddlState.SelectedValue; model.PropertyZip = txbZip.Text.Trim(); if (ddlPointFolder.Items.Count < 1) { model.FolderId = 0; } else { model.FolderId = int.Parse(ddlPointFolder.SelectedValue); } model.FileName = txbPointFileName.Text.Trim(); model.Status = "Prospect"; model.ProspectLoanStatus = "Active"; model.PropertyType = txbPropetyType.Text.Trim(); model.HousingStatus = txbHousingStatus.Text.Trim(); model.IncludeEscrows = cbIncludeEscrows.Checked; model.InterestOnly = cbInterestOnly.Checked; model.RentAmount = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txbRentAmount.Text.Trim()) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(txbRentAmount.Text.Trim()); model.CoborrowerType = txbCoborrowerType.Text.Trim(); iFileID = loan.LoanDetailSaveFileId(model); #region Referral LPWeb.Model.Prospect modelProspect = new LPWeb.Model.Prospect(); LPWeb.BLL.Prospect bllProspect = new Prospect(); modelProspect = bllProspect.GetModel(iContactID); modelProspect.LeadSource = ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue; //gdc CR40 int referralIDNew = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnReferralID.Value.Trim()) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(hdnReferralID.Value.Trim()); if (referralIDNew > 0 && referralIDNew.ToString() != modelProspect.Referral.ToString()) { int referralIDOld = modelProspect.Referral == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(modelProspect.Referral); modelProspect.Referral = referralIDNew; #region Referral to loanContacts gdc crm33 LPWeb.BLL.LoanContacts loanContactsBll = new LoanContacts(); LPWeb.BLL.ContactRoles contactRolesbll = new ContactRoles(); int refrralRoleID = 0; var referralRoleList = contactRolesbll.GetModelList(" Name = 'Referral' "); if (referralRoleList != null && referralRoleList.Count > 0 && referralRoleList.FirstOrDefault() != null) { refrralRoleID = referralRoleList.FirstOrDefault().ContactRoleId; } if (refrralRoleID != 0) { LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts loanContactModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanContacts(); loanContactModel.FileId = iFileID; loanContactModel.ContactRoleId = refrralRoleID; loanContactModel.ContactId = referralIDNew; loanContactsBll.Add(loanContactModel); } #endregion #region Del Old loanContacts try { if (referralIDOld > 0) { loanContactsBll.Delete(iFileID, refrralRoleID, referralIDOld); } } catch { } #endregion } bllProspect.Update(modelProspect); //gdc CR40 #endregion return(iFileID); }
private void FillLabels() { if (iFileID == 0) { return; } LPWeb.Model.Loans model = new LPWeb.Model.Loans(); model = loan.GetModel(iFileID); if (model == null) { return; } if (model.LoanAmount.HasValue && model.LoanAmount.Value > 0) { txbAmount.Text = string.Format("{0:C}", model.LoanAmount.Value.ToString()); } else { txbAmount.Text = string.Empty; } if (model.Rate.HasValue && model.Rate.Value > 0) { txbInterestRate.Text = model.Rate.Value.ToString(); } else { txbInterestRate.Text = string.Empty; } if (model.EstCloseDate.HasValue && model.EstCloseDate.Value > DateTime.Parse("1900-1-1")) { txbEstimatedDate.Text = model.EstCloseDate.Value.ToShortDateString(); } else { txbEstimatedDate.Text = string.Empty; } if (model.Program.Length == 0) { ddlLoanProgram.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { if (!ddlLoanProgram.Items.Contains(new ListItem(model.Program, model.Program))) { ddlLoanProgram.Items.Add(new ListItem(model.Program, model.Program)); } ddlLoanProgram.SelectedValue = model.Program; } txbPropertyAddress.Text = model.PropertyAddr; txbCity.Text = model.PropertyCity; txbZip.Text = model.PropertyZip; if (model.PropertyState.Length > 0) { ddlState.SelectedValue = model.PropertyState.Trim(); } else { ddlState.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (model.Ranking.Length > 0) { ddlRanking.SelectedValue = model.Ranking.ToLower(); } else { ddlRanking.SelectedIndex = -1; } if (model.LienPosition.Length > 0) { ddlLienPosition.SelectedValue = model.LienPosition.Trim(); } if (model.Purpose.Length > 0) { ddlPurpose.SelectedValue = model.Purpose.Trim(); } Contacts contact = new Contacts(); try { string sBoID = contact.GetBorrowerDetails(iFileID, "Borrower")["ContactID"].ToString(); ddlBorrower.SelectedValue = sBoID; } catch { } try { var dr = contact.GetBorrowerDetails(iFileID, "CoBorrower"); string sCBoID = dr["ContactID"].ToString(); //ddlCoBorrower.SelectedValue = sCBoID; hdnCoBorrowerID.Value = sCBoID; txtCBFirstname.Text = dr["FirstName"] != DBNull.Value ? dr["FirstName"].ToString() : ""; txtCBMiddlename.Text = dr["Middlename"] != DBNull.Value ? dr["Middlename"].ToString() : ""; txtCBLastname.Text = dr["Lastname"] != DBNull.Value ? dr["Lastname"].ToString() : ""; hdnCoBorrowerName.Value = txtCBFirstname.Text + txtCBMiddlename.Text + txtCBLastname.Text; } catch { } BindPoint(iFileID); if (model.Created.HasValue) { lbCreatedOn.Text = model.Created.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (model.CreatedBy.HasValue) { lbCreatedBy.Text = GetUserName(model.CreatedBy.Value); } if (model.Modifed.HasValue) { lbCreatedOn.Text = model.Modifed.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (model.ModifiedBy.HasValue) { lbCreatedBy.Text = GetUserName(model.ModifiedBy.Value); } //add by gdc 20110828 txbPropetyType.Text = model.PropertyType; txbHousingStatus.Text = model.HousingStatus; cbInterestOnly.Checked = model.InterestOnly; cbIncludeEscrows.Checked = model.IncludeEscrows; txbCoborrowerType.Text = model.CoBrwType; txbRentAmount.Text = model.RentAmount == null ? "" : Convert.ToDecimal(model.RentAmount).ToString("n0"); //gdc crm33 LPWeb.Model.Prospect modelProspect = new LPWeb.Model.Prospect(); LPWeb.BLL.Prospect bllProspect = new Prospect(); modelProspect = bllProspect.GetModel(iContactID); if (modelProspect != null & modelProspect.Referral != null) { hdnReferralID.Value = modelProspect.Referral.ToString(); string sqlReferralName = string.Format("select dbo.lpfn_GetReferralName({0})", iFileID); var obj = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(sqlReferralName); if (obj != null) { txtReferral.Text = obj.ToString(); } } ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue = modelProspect.LeadSource; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验页面参数 string sReturnUrl = "../Pipeline/ProspectPipelineSummary.aspx"; string sErrorMsg = "Failed to load this page: missing required query string."; string sBackJs = "window.location.href='" + sReturnUrl + "'"; // e bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "e", QueryStringType.String); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sErrorMsg, sBackJs); } string sEncodeQueryString = this.Request.QueryString["e"]; string sDecodeQueryString = Encrypter.Base64Decode(sEncodeQueryString); bIsValid = Regex.IsMatch(sDecodeQueryString, @"^ContactID=([1-9]\d*)&ContactIDs=([1-9]\d*)(,[1-9]\d*)*$"); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sErrorMsg, sBackJs); } string[] QueryStringArray = sDecodeQueryString.Split('&'); string sContactIDKeyValue = QueryStringArray[0]; string sContactIDsKeyValue = QueryStringArray[1]; string[] ContactIDKeyValueArray = sContactIDKeyValue.Split('='); string[] ContactIDsKeyValueArray = sContactIDsKeyValue.Split('='); // ContactID string sContactID = ContactIDKeyValueArray[1]; // ContactIDs string sContactIDs = ContactIDsKeyValueArray[1]; // PageFrom bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "PageFrom", QueryStringType.String); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, sErrorMsg, sBackJs); } string sPageFrom = this.Request.QueryString["PageFrom"]; if (sPageFrom == string.Empty) { sPageFrom = sReturnUrl; } #endregion hfID.Value = sContactID; hfIDs.Value = sContactIDs; hfPageFrom.Value = sPageFrom; #region AccessUnassignedLeads check LPWeb.BLL.Prospect prospect = new LPWeb.BLL.Prospect(); LPWeb.Model.Prospect pModel = prospect.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(sContactID)); //当 有loanOfficer 指定 或者 if (pModel != null && (pModel.Loanofficer == null || pModel.Loanofficer == 0 || pModel.Loanofficer == -1)) { if (!CurrUser.bAccessOtherLoans && !CurrUser.userRole.AccessUnassignedLeads) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "No permission to access", sBackJs); } } #endregion }
protected int CreateContactAndProspect(string sFirstName, string sLastName, string sEmail, string sCellPhone, string sHomePhone, string sWorkPhone, string sDOB, string sSSN, string sDependants, string sCreditRanking, string sFICO, string sMailingStreetAddress1, string sMailingStreetAddress2, string sMailingCity, string sMailingState, string sMailingZip, string sLeadSource, string sReferralID) { #region create new contact LPWeb.Model.Contacts ContactsModel = new LPWeb.Model.Contacts(); ContactsModel.ContactId = 0; ContactsModel.FirstName = sFirstName; ContactsModel.LastName = sLastName; ContactsModel.Email = sEmail; ContactsModel.CellPhone = sCellPhone; ContactsModel.HomePhone = sHomePhone; ContactsModel.BusinessPhone = sWorkPhone; if (sDOB == string.Empty) { ContactsModel.DOB = null; } else { ContactsModel.DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(sDOB); } ContactsModel.SSN = sSSN; if (sFICO == string.Empty) { ContactsModel.Experian = null; } else { ContactsModel.Experian = Convert.ToInt32(sFICO); } ContactsModel.MailingAddr = (sMailingStreetAddress1 + " " + sMailingStreetAddress2).Trim(); ContactsModel.MailingCity = sMailingCity; ContactsModel.MailingState = sMailingState; ContactsModel.MailingZip = sMailingZip; ContactsModel.Created = DateTime.Now; ContactsModel.CreatedBy = this.CurrUser.iUserID; ContactsModel.MiddleName = string.Empty; ContactsModel.NickName = sFirstName; ContactsModel.Title = string.Empty; ContactsModel.GenerationCode = string.Empty; ContactsModel.Fax = string.Empty; #endregion #region create new prospect LPWeb.Model.Prospect ProspectModel = new LPWeb.Model.Prospect(); ProspectModel.Contactid = 0; ProspectModel.LeadSource = sLeadSource; if (sReferralID == string.Empty) { ProspectModel.Referral = null; } else { ProspectModel.Referral = Convert.ToInt32(sReferralID); } ProspectModel.CreditRanking = sCreditRanking; ProspectModel.Created = DateTime.Now; ProspectModel.CreatedBy = this.CurrUser.iUserID; ProspectModel.Status = "Active"; if (sDependants == "Yes") { ProspectModel.Dependents = true; } else { ProspectModel.Dependents = false; } ProspectModel.Modifed = null; ProspectModel.ModifiedBy = null; ProspectModel.Loanofficer = null; ProspectModel.ReferenceCode = null; ProspectModel.PreferredContact = null; #endregion int iContactId = this.ProspectMgr.CreateContactAndProspect(ContactsModel, ProspectModel); return(iContactId); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(LPWeb.Model.Prospect model) { return(dal.Update(model)); }
/// <summary> /// create contact and prospect without checking duplicated /// neo 2012-10-24 /// </summary> /// <param name="contactInfo"></param> /// <param name="prospectInfo"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int CreateContactAndProspectNoCheck(LPWeb.Model.Contacts contactInfo, LPWeb.Model.Prospect prospectInfo) { return(dal.CreateContactAndProspectNoCheck(contactInfo, prospectInfo)); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(LPWeb.Model.Prospect model) { return(dal.Add(model)); }