protected void lbtnSendWeekly_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string ContactIDs = this.hfContactIDs.Value; string[] Ids = ContactIDs.Split(",".ToCharArray()); string ReturnMessage = string.Empty; foreach (string cid in Ids) { string ContactID = string.Empty; if (cid.Contains("User")) { ContactID = cid.Replace("User", ""); LPWeb.BLL.Users blluser = new LPWeb.BLL.Users(); var userMod = blluser.GetModel(int.Parse(ContactID)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userMod.EmailAddress)) { PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "The selected recipient " + userMod.LastName + "," + userMod.FirstName + " does not have an email address."); return; } UpdateEmailSettings(0, int.Parse(ContactID), 2, true, 1); } else if (cid.Contains("Contract")) { ContactID = cid.Replace("Contract", ""); LPWeb.BLL.Contacts bllcontacts = new LPWeb.BLL.Contacts(); var contactMod = bllcontacts.GetModel(int.Parse(ContactID)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactMod.Email)) { PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "The selected recipient " + contactMod.LastName + "," + contactMod.FirstName + " does not have an email address."); return; } UpdateEmailSettings(int.Parse(ContactID), 0, 2, true, 1); } } PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "The report has been scheduled successfully!", PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf); } catch (Exception ex) { PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "The operation is Failed ."); LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to schedule the report , exception: " + ex.Message); PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Failed to schedule the report, error:" + ex.Message, PageCommon.Js_RefreshSelf); } }
protected void lbtnSendNow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string ContactIDs = this.hfContactIDs.Value; string[] Ids = ContactIDs.Split(",".ToCharArray()); string ReturnMessage = string.Empty; foreach (string cid in Ids) { int ContactID = 0; bool External = true; if (cid.Contains("User")) { ContactID = int.Parse(cid.Replace("User", "")); LPWeb.BLL.Users blluser = new LPWeb.BLL.Users(); var userMod = blluser.GetModel(ContactID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userMod.EmailAddress)) { PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "The selected recipient " + userMod.LastName + "," + userMod.FirstName + " does not have an email address."); return; } External = true; ReturnMessage += SendLSREmail(0, string.Empty, string.Empty, ContactID, userMod.EmailAddress, userMod.FirstName + " " + userMod.LastName, External, null); //ReturnMessage = SendExternalReport(0,ContactID, External); } else if (cid.Contains("Contract")) { ContactID = int.Parse(cid.Replace("Contract", "")); LPWeb.BLL.Contacts bllcontacts = new LPWeb.BLL.Contacts(); var contactMod = bllcontacts.GetModel(ContactID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactMod.Email)) { PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "The selected recipient " + contactMod.LastName + "," + contactMod.FirstName + " does not have an email address."); return; } External = true; ReturnMessage += SendLSREmail(ContactID, contactMod.Email, contactMod.FirstName + ' ' + contactMod.LastName, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, External, null); //ReturnMessage = SendExternalReport(ContactID,0, External); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReturnMessage)) { PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "The report has been sent successfully!"); } else { PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to send the report, error:" + ReturnMessage); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to disable the selected contact role(s)."); LPLog.LogMessage(LogType.Logerror, "Failed to disable the selected contact role(s), exception: " + ex.Message); PageCommon.AlertMsg(this, "Failed to send the report, error:" + ex.Message); } }
private void FillLabels() { if (iContactID == 0) { return; } try { LPWeb.BLL.Contacts contact = new LPWeb.BLL.Contacts(); LPWeb.Model.Contacts cModel = contact.GetModel(iContactID); lbClient.Text = cModel.LastName + ", " + cModel.FirstName + " " + cModel.MiddleName; lbNikeName.Text = cModel.NickName; if (cModel.DOB.HasValue) { lbDOB.Text = cModel.DOB.Value.ToShortDateString(); } else { lbDOB.Text = string.Empty; } lbGenCode.Text = cModel.GenerationCode; lbSSN.Text = cModel.SSN; lbTitle.Text = cModel.Title; if (cModel.Experian.HasValue) { lbExperScore.Text = cModel.Experian.Value.ToString(); } if (cModel.TransUnion.HasValue) { lbTranScore.Text = cModel.TransUnion.Value.ToString(); } if (cModel.Equifax.HasValue) { lbEquifax.Text = cModel.Equifax.Value.ToString(); } lbHomePhone.Text = cModel.HomePhone; lbCellPhone.Text = cModel.CellPhone; lbBusinessPhone.Text = cModel.BusinessPhone; lbFax.Text = cModel.Fax; lbEmail.Text = cModel.Email; lbAddress.Text = cModel.MailingAddr; lbAddress1.Text = cModel.MailingCity + ", " + cModel.MailingState + " " + cModel.MailingZip; } catch { } try { LPWeb.BLL.Prospect prospect = new LPWeb.BLL.Prospect(); LPWeb.Model.Prospect pModel = prospect.GetModel(iContactID); lbStatus.Text = pModel.Status; lbLeadSource.Text = pModel.LeadSource;//Get referral contact name if (pModel.Loanofficer.HasValue) { lbLoanOfficer.Text = GetUserName(pModel.Loanofficer.Value); } if (pModel.Created.HasValue) { lbCreatedOn.Text = pModel.Created.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (pModel.CreatedBy.HasValue) { lbCreatedBy.Text = GetUserName(pModel.CreatedBy.Value); } if (pModel.Modifed.HasValue) { lbLastModified.Text = pModel.Modifed.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (pModel.ModifiedBy.HasValue) { lbModifiedBy.Text = GetUserName(pModel.ModifiedBy.Value); } int iReferralId = 0; if (pModel.Referral != null) { iReferralId = (int)pModel.Referral; LPWeb.BLL.Contacts contact = new LPWeb.BLL.Contacts(); lbReferral.Text = contact.GetContactName(iReferralId); } this.lbPreferredContact.Text = pModel.PreferredContact; this.lbCreditRanking.Text = pModel.CreditRanking; } catch { } }