Example #1
        private void Update()
            // Check if this source's transform has changed.
            if (transform.hasChanged)
                m_Dirty = true;

                // Recalculate camera bounds.
                m_CameraBounds = LOSHelper.CalculateSourceBounds(m_Camera);

                // Reset transform changed flag.
                transform.hasChanged = false;

            // Check if this source and it's frustum are visible to the camera used by the LOS mask.
            m_IsVisibile = GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(LOSMask.CameraFrustumPlanes, m_CameraBounds);

            // Only update frustum planes when the source is visible and dirty.
            if (m_IsVisibile && m_Dirty)
                // Recalculate frustum planes.
                LOSHelper.ExtractFrustumPlanes(m_FrustumPlanes, m_Camera);

                m_Dirty = false;
Example #2
        private void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
            if (m_Camera == null)

            // Calculate Frustum origins and rays for mask camera.
            Matrix4x4 frustumOrigins;
            Matrix4x4 frustumRays;

            LOSHelper.CalculateViewVectors(m_Camera, out frustumRays, out frustumOrigins);

            // Push parameters which are identical for all LOS sources.
            Materials.Mask.SetMatrix(ShaderID.FrustumRays, frustumRays);
            Materials.Mask.SetMatrix(ShaderID.FrustumOrigins, frustumOrigins);
            Materials.Mask.SetMatrix(ShaderID.WorldToCameraMatrix, m_Camera.worldToCameraMatrix);

            // Store original skybox.
            Material originalSkybox = RenderSettings.skybox;

            // Set-up skybox material which clears render texture to farplane depth.
            RenderSettings.skybox = Materials.SkyBox;

            // Create Mask Render Texture.
            RenderTexture maskRenderTexture = CreateMaskRenderTexture();

            // Get list with all LOS sources.
            List <LOSSource> losSources = LOSManager.Instance.LOSSources;

            // Iterate over all LOS sources.
            for (int i = 0; i < losSources.Count; i++)
                RenderSourceToMask(losSources[i], ref maskRenderTexture);

            // Revert original skybox.
            RenderSettings.skybox = originalSkybox;

            // Get unmodified screen buffer.
            Materials.Combine.SetTexture(ShaderID.PreEffectTex, m_BufferStorage.BufferTexture);

            // Set-up material.
            Materials.Combine.SetTexture(ShaderID.MaskTex, maskRenderTexture);

            // Check if Stencil Mask component is used.
            bool isStencilMaskEnabled = (m_StencilMask != null) && (m_StencilMask.enabled == true);

            if (isStencilMaskEnabled)
                // Set Stencil Mask texture.
                Materials.Combine.SetTexture(ShaderID.StencilMaskTex, m_StencilMask.MaskTexture);

            // Render final effect.
            Graphics.Blit(source, destination, Materials.Combine, isStencilMaskEnabled ? 1 : 0);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if object is inside the view frustum of any of the LOS cameras.
        /// Ideally should be called in OnWillRenderObject, but it's to late to disable renderer..
        /// Early outs when visible to one camera.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateVisibleSources()
            Bounds meshBounds = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds;

            // Get list of sources.
            List <LOSSource> losSources = LOSManager.Instance.LOSSources;

            for (int i = 0; i < losSources.Count; ++i)
                LOSSource losSource = losSources[i];

                bool isVisible = LOSHelper.CheckBoundsVisibility(losSource, meshBounds, m_RaycastLayerMask.value);

                UpdateList(losSource, isVisible);
Example #4
        private void RenderWorldPosition(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
            // Calculate Frustum origins and rays for mask camera.
            Matrix4x4 frustumOrigins;
            Matrix4x4 frustumRays;

            LOSHelper.CalculateViewVectors(m_Camera, out frustumRays, out frustumOrigins);

            // Push parameters which are identical for all LOS sources.
            Materials.Debug.SetMatrix(ShaderID.FrustumRays, frustumRays);
            Materials.Debug.SetMatrix(ShaderID.FrustumOrigins, frustumOrigins);


Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if object is inside the view frustum of any of the LOS cameras.
        /// Ideally should be called in OnWillRenderObject, but it's to late to disable renderer..
        /// Early outs when visible to one camera.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool CustomCull(Bounds meshBounds, int layerMask)
            // Get list of sources.
            List <LOSSource> losSources = LOSManager.Instance.LOSSources;

            for (int i = 0; i < losSources.Count; ++i)
                LOSSource losSource = losSources[i];
                if (LOSHelper.CheckBoundsVisibility(losSource, meshBounds, layerMask))

Example #6
        private void OnPreRender()
            if (m_Camera == null)

            // Make sure we can acces the cameras depth buffer in our shader.
            m_Camera.depthTextureMode = DepthTextureMode.DepthNormals;

            // Update Mask Camera frutsum planes if needed.
            if (transform.hasChanged)
                LOSHelper.ExtractFrustumPlanes(m_CameraFrustumPlanes, m_Camera);
                transform.hasChanged = false;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the mesh bounds are visible to the LOS Source
        /// </summary>
        public static bool CheckBoundsVisibility(LOSSource losSource, Bounds meshBounds, int layerMask)
            Camera currentCamera = losSource.SourceCamera;

            if (losSource.IsVisible && currentCamera != null)
                Plane[] cameraPlanes = losSource.FrustumPlanes;

                if (GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(cameraPlanes, meshBounds))
                    if (LOSHelper.CheckRayCast(currentCamera, meshBounds, losSource.SourceInfo.w, layerMask))

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates AABB for source camera.
        /// </summary>
        public static Bounds CalculateSourceBounds(Camera sourceCamera)
            Matrix4x4 frustumCorners = LOSHelper.CalculatePerspectiveCorners(sourceCamera);
            Vector3   cameraPosition = sourceCamera.transform.position;

            Vector3 frustumMin = GetFrustumMin(frustumCorners);

            frustumMin = Vector3.Min(frustumMin + cameraPosition, cameraPosition);

            Vector3 frustumMax = GetFrustumMax(frustumCorners);

            frustumMax = Vector3.Max(frustumMax + cameraPosition, cameraPosition);

            Bounds cameraBound = new Bounds();

            cameraBound.SetMinMax(frustumMin, frustumMax);

Example #9
        private void OnEnable()
            // Check if this component can be enabled.
            // Disable if post processing not supported.
            enabled &= Util.Verify(SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects, "Image effects not supported.");

            // Disable if buffer storage is not assigned.
            enabled &= Util.Verify(m_BufferStorage != null, "LOS Buffer Storage property not assigned.");

            // Disable if camera component is missing.
            enabled &= Util.Verify(m_Camera != null, "Camera component missing.");

            if (enabled)
                // Make sure Frustum planes are initiliazed.
                LOSHelper.ExtractFrustumPlanes(m_CameraFrustumPlanes, m_Camera);

                m_StencilMask = GetComponent <LOSStencilMask>();
Example #10
        private void OnEnable()
            // Register with LOS manager singleton.

            // Check if component can be enabled.
            enabled &= Util.Verify(m_Camera != null, "Camera Component missing");

            if (enabled)
                // Alert user if camera is set to orthographic.
                Debug.Assert(!m_Camera.orthographic, "Cameras attached to an LOS source can't be orthographic, changing to perspective!");

                // Initiliaze source camera.

                // Initiliaze bounds.
                m_CameraBounds = LOSHelper.CalculateSourceBounds(m_Camera);

                // Initiliaze frustum planes.
                LOSHelper.ExtractFrustumPlanes(m_FrustumPlanes, m_Camera);
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if object is inside the view frustum of any of the LOS cameras.
        /// Ideally should be called in OnWillRenderObject, but it's to late to disable renderer..
        /// Early outs when visible to one camera.
        /// </summary>

        /* private static bool culler(GameObject _self, Bounds meshBounds, int layerMask)
         * {
         *   // Get list of sources.
         *   List<LOSSource> losSources = LOSManager.Instance.LOSSources;
         *   for (int i = 0; i < losSources.Count; ++i)
         *   {
         *       LOSSource losSource = losSources[i];
         *       if (LOSHelper.CheckBoundsVisibility(losSource, meshBounds, layerMask) && losSources[i].transform.root.name != "player")
         *       {
         *           if (losSources[i].transform.parent.GetComponent<IA>() != null)
         *           {
         *               losSources[i].transform.parent.GetComponent<IA>().detectView(true);
         *           }
         *           return true;
         *       }
         *       else if(!LOSHelper.CheckBoundsVisibility(losSource, meshBounds, layerMask) && losSources[i].transform.root.name != "player")
         *       {
         *           if (losSources[i].transform.parent.GetComponent<IA>()!=null) {
         *               losSources[i].transform.parent.GetComponent<IA>().detectView(false);
         *           }
         *       }
         *   }
         *   return false;
         * }*/

        private static bool CustomCull(Transform _target, LOSSource losSource, GameObject objMesh, int layerMask)
            //Debug.Log("Target: "+_target.GetComponent<SimpleIA>().typeNPC + " losSource: "+ losSource+" objMesh: "+objMesh.transform.parent.GetComponent<BodyChange>());

            /* if (objMesh.tag == "Player" && LOSHelper.CheckBoundsVisibility(losSource, objMesh.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds, layerMask)) {
             *   Debug.Log("veo: "+objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.name + " " + objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.activeSelf);
             *   _target.GetComponent<SimpleIA>().setTarget(objMesh.transform);
             *   _target.GetComponent<SimpleIA>().setDetectado(true);
             *   return true;
             * }
             * else if(objMesh.tag == "Player" && !LOSHelper.CheckBoundsVisibility(losSource, objMesh.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds, layerMask)
             *   &&  _target.GetComponent<SimpleIA>().getDetectado())
             * {
             *   Debug.Log("no veo: " + objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.name + " " + objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.activeSelf);
             *   if (!_target.GetComponent<SimpleIA>().ActionRangeAlerta())
             *   {
             *       _target.GetComponent<SimpleIA>().setDetectado(false);
             *       _target.GetComponent<SimpleIA>().setState(2);
             *   }
             *   else
             *   {
             *       // Debug.Log(" alerta in but not focus " + objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.name);
             *   }
             *   return false;
             * }*/

            if (objMesh.tag == "Player" && LOSHelper.CheckBoundsVisibility(losSource, objMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds, layerMask) &&
                objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.activeSelf && !_target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().getDetectado())
                // Debug.Log("te veo "+ objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.name+" activo "+ objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.activeSelf);
                _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().setTarget(objMesh.transform);
                _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().setDetectado(true);

            else if (objMesh.tag == "Player" && !LOSHelper.CheckBoundsVisibility(losSource, objMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds, layerMask) &&
                     _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().getDetectado() && objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.activeSelf)
                // Debug.Log(" fuera de foco " + _target.GetComponent<SimpleIA>().ActionRangeAlerta());

                //verifico con rango alerta
                if (!_target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().ActionRangeAlerta())
                    _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().setDetectado(false);
                    _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().setState(2);
                    // Debug.Log(" alerta in but not focus " + objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.name);

            else if (objMesh.tag == "Player" && LOSHelper.CheckBoundsVisibility(losSource, objMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds, layerMask) && !objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.activeSelf)
                //Debug.Log("No te veo " + objMesh.transform.parent.gameObject.name);
                //verifico con rango alerta

                _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().setDetectado(false);
                _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().setState(2);

                // return true;
            else if (objMesh.tag == "NPC" && _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().typeNPC == SimpleIA.TypeNPC.clero && objMesh.transform.parent.GetComponent <BodyChange>().dominate&& !_target.GetComponent <BodyChange>().dominate&&
                     LOSHelper.CheckBoundsVisibility(losSource, objMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds, layerMask) && objMesh.transform.parent.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().typeNPC == SimpleIA.TypeNPC.normal)
                // Debug.Log("veo impostor " + _target.GetComponent<SimpleIA>().typeNPC+ "//"+objMesh.transform.parent.GetComponent<SimpleIA>().typeNPC);
                _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().setTarget(objMesh.transform);
                _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().setDetectado(true);

                //  return true;
            else if (objMesh.tag == "NPC" && _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().typeNPC == SimpleIA.TypeNPC.clero && objMesh.transform.parent.GetComponent <BodyChange>().dominate&& !_target.GetComponent <BodyChange>().dominate&&
                     !LOSHelper.CheckBoundsVisibility(losSource, objMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds, layerMask) && _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().getDetectado())
                // Debug.Log("no veo impostor"+ objMesh.transform.parent.name+" "+ _target.name);
                _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().setDetectado(false);
                _target.GetComponent <SimpleIA>().setState(2);
                //return true;
