private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string x = ""; string tl = ""; if (ckbHD.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "hanh dong, "; x = x + " and hanhdong = 'True'"; } if (ckbNL.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "nguoi lon, "; x = x + " and nguoilon = 'True'"; } if (ckbPL.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "phieu lieu, "; x = x + " and phieuluu = 'True'"; } if (ckbHH.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "hai huoc, "; x = x + " and haihuoc = 'True'"; } if (ckbDrama.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "drama, "; x = x + " and drama = 'True'"; } if (ckbFan.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "fantasy, "; x = x + " and fantasy = 'True'"; } if (ckbLS.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "lich su, "; x = x + " and lichsu = 'True'"; } if (ckbCG.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "con gai, "; x = x + " and congai ='True'"; } if (ckbCT.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "contrai, "; x = x + " and contrai = 'True'"; } if (ckbKDi.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "kinh di, "; x = x + "and kinhdi = 'True'"; } if (ckbTra.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "tragedy, "; x = x + " and tragedy = 'True'"; } if (ckbBiAn.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "bi an, "; x = x + " and bian = 'True'"; } if (ckbTrinhT.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "trinh tham, "; x = x + "and trinhtham = 'True' "; } if (ckbGGan.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "giat gan, "; x = x + " and giatgan = 'True'"; } if (ckbLM.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "lang man, "; x = x + " and lanman = 'True'"; } if (ckbLN.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "lightnovel, "; x = x + " and lightnovel = 'True'"; } if (ckbHT.Checked == true) { tl = tl + "hoc thuat, "; x = x + " and sachht = 'True'"; } string sql = "tens like '%" + textBox1.Text + "%' and tentg like '%" + textBox2.Text + "%' and nhaxb like '%" + textBox3.Text + "%' and namxb like '%" + textBox4.Text + "%' " + x; SachMod s = new SachMod(); DataTable dt = s.searchDataNC(sql); chitiet a = new chitiet(dt); a.Show(); }