Example #1
        public void TakeDamage(Player caster, Player target, script.spells.Spell spell)
            float h = ((float)caster.Hit / ((float)caster.Hit + (float)target.Hit)) * 200;

            if (h >= 100 || new Random().Next(0, 100) < (int)h)
                int take = spell.DamBase + (spell.DamPl * spell.Level);// +(spell.DamPl * spell.SLevel2);
                if (spell.ManaCostPl != 0)
                    take += (caster.GetStat("men") / spell.menCoff);
                    take += (caster.GetStat("str") / spell.strCoff);
                    take += (caster.GetStat("dex") / spell.dexCoff);
                if (spell is script.spells.DemonDeath)
                    take = Convert.ToInt32(caster.HP * 0.5) + caster.GetStat("dex");

                if (target.Color == 0)
                    caster.pkpinkktime = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                target.HPCur -= (take - target.AC);
                if (target.Map == "Rest" && target.Color != 1)
                    caster.pklastred = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(caster.m_Map, new HitAnimation(target.Serial,
                                                                           Convert.ToByte(((((float)target.m_HPCur / (float)target.HP) * 100) * 1))).Compile()));
Example #2
        public void CreateMagicEffect(Point2D target, string map, byte sprite, int time = 1500)
            int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;

            World.SendToAll(new QueDele(map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)target.X, (short)target.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, sprite }, 0).Compile()));
            var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + time, map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());

            tmp.tempser = mobile;
Example #3
        public void removePlayerClient(IOClient client)
            Player cli;

            //      add.TryRemove(client, out cli);
            if (client.player != null)
                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(client.player.Map, new DeleteObject(client.player.Serial).Compile()));

            Console.WriteLine("Players Online: " + add.Count);
Example #4
        public void TakeDamage(Player player, Monster mob, int take)
            float h = ((float)player.Hit / ((float)player.Hit + (float)mob.Hit)) * 200;

            if (h >= 100 || new Random().Next(0, 100) < (int)h)
                if (player.Weapon is script.item.IProc)
                    take += (player.Weapon as script.item.IProc).Proc(player, mob);

                mob.HPCur -= take;
                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(mob.m_Map, new HitAnimation(mob.m_Serial,
                                                                        Convert.ToByte(((((float)mob.HPCur / (float)mob.HP) * 100) * 1))).Compile()));

                if (mob.HPCur <= 0)
                    if (player.Promo > 0)
                        var temp = mob.XP;

                        if (player.Promo >= 1 && player.Promo <= 3)
                            temp = (int)(temp * 0.015);
                        if (player.Promo >= 4 && player.Promo <= 4)
                            temp = (int)(temp * 0.008);
                        if (player.Promo >= 5 && player.Promo <= 6)
                            temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);
                        if (player.Promo >= 7)
                            temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);

                        player.XP += temp;// *3;
                        player.XP += mob.XP;// *3;
                    mob.m_Loc.X = mob.m_SpawnLoc.X;
                    mob.m_Loc.Y = mob.m_SpawnLoc.Y;
Example #5
        public void TakeDamage(Player player, Player player2, int take)
            float h = ((float)player.Hit / ((float)player.Hit + (float)player2.Hit)) * 200;

            if (h >= 100 || new Random().Next(0, 100) < (int)h)
                if (player.Weapon is script.item.IProc)
                    take += (player.Weapon as script.item.IProc).Proc(player, null, player);

                player2.HPCur -= take;
                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player2.m_Map, new HitAnimation(player2.Serial,
                                                                            Convert.ToByte(((((float)player2.m_HPCur / (float)player2.HP) * 100) * 1))).Compile()));
Example #6
        public void HandleMelee(Player play, int swingdir)
            var Targets = World.NewMonsters.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Map != null &&
                                                  xe.Value.m_Map == play.Map &&
                                                  xe.Value.m_Loc.X == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir).X&& xe.Value.m_Loc.Y == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir).Y &&
                          .Select(xe => xe);
            var Targets2 = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Map != null &&
                                                                  xe.Value != play && xe.Value.Map == play.Map &&
                                                                  xe.Value.Loc.X == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir).X&& xe.Value.Loc.Y == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir).Y).Select(xe => xe);

            if (play.m_Buffs.Where(xe => xe.Name == "TRIPLE").FirstOrDefault() != null)
                Targets = World.NewMonsters.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == play.Map
                                                      (xe.Value.m_Loc.X == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir).X&& xe.Value.m_Loc.Y == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir).Y) ||
                                                      (xe.Value.m_Loc.X == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir - 1).X&& xe.Value.m_Loc.Y == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir - 1).Y) ||
                                                      (xe.Value.m_Loc.X == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir + 1).X&& xe.Value.m_Loc.Y == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir + 1).Y)
                                                  ) &&
                          .Select(xe => xe);

                Targets2 = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Key != null && xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Map == play.Map
                                                                      (xe.Value.m_Loc.X == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir).X&& xe.Value.m_Loc.Y == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir).Y) ||
                                                                      (xe.Value.m_Loc.X == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir - 1).X&& xe.Value.m_Loc.Y == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir - 1).Y) ||
                                                                      (xe.Value.m_Loc.X == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir + 1).X&& xe.Value.m_Loc.Y == AdjecentTile(play, swingdir + 1).Y)
                                                                  ).Select(xe => xe);

            foreach (var plays in Targets2)
                if (play.Map == "Village1" || play.Map == "Rest" || play.Map == "Arnold" || play.Map == "Loen" ||
                    plays.Value.Level < play.Level - 40)

                var take = (play.Dam - plays.Value.AC);
                if (take <= 0)
                    take = 1;
                if (play.m_Buffs.Where(xe => xe.Name == "TRIPLE").FirstOrDefault() != null)
                    var ttt = (play.m_Buffs.Where(xe => xe.Name == "TRIPLE").FirstOrDefault().Level * 0.05);
                    var tpp = take * (ttt + 0.40d);
                    take = (int)tpp;

                    int tempface1 = play.Face - 1, tempface2 = play.Face + 1;
                    if (tempface1 == -1)
                        tempface1 = 7;
                    if (tempface2 == 8)
                        tempface2 = 0;

                    World.TickQue.Add(new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + (int)(play.AttackSpeed * 0.1d), play.Map, new SwingAnimation(play.Serial, (short)(tempface1)).Compile()));
                    World.TickQue.Add(new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + (int)(play.AttackSpeed * 0.2d), play.Map, new SwingAnimation(play.Serial, (short)(tempface2)).Compile()));
                    World.TickQue.Add(new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + (int)(play.AttackSpeed * 0.3d), play.Map, new ChangeFace(play.Serial, (short)(play.Face)).Compile()));

                TakeDamage(play, plays.Value, take);

            foreach (var mobs in Targets)
                var take = (play.Dam - mobs.Value.AC);
                if (take <= 0)
                    take = 1;
                if (play.m_Buffs.Where(xe => xe.Name == "TRIPLE").FirstOrDefault() != null)
                    var ttt = (play.m_Buffs.Where(xe => xe.Name == "TRIPLE").FirstOrDefault().Level * 0.05);
                    var tpp = take * (ttt + 0.40d);
                    take = (int)tpp;

                    int tempface1 = play.Face - 1, tempface2 = play.Face + 1;
                    if (tempface1 == -1)
                        tempface1 = 7;
                    if (tempface2 == 8)
                        tempface2 = 0;

                    World.TickQue.Add(new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + (int)(play.AttackSpeed * 0.1d), play.Map, new SwingAnimation(play.Serial, (short)(tempface1)).Compile()));
                    World.TickQue.Add(new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + (int)(play.AttackSpeed * 0.2d), play.Map, new SwingAnimation(play.Serial, (short)(tempface2)).Compile()));
                    World.TickQue.Add(new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + (int)(play.AttackSpeed * 0.3d), play.Map, new ChangeFace(play.Serial, (short)(play.Face)).Compile()));

                TakeDamage(play, mobs.Value, take);

            World.SendToAll(new QueDele(play.Serial, play.Map, new SwingAnimationChar(play.Serial, play.Face).Compile()));
Example #7
        public void TakeDamage(Player player, object tar, int take)
            float h = 0;

            if (tar is Player)
                h = ((float)player.Hit / ((float)player.Hit + (float)(tar as Player).Hit)) * 200;
            else if (tar is script.monster.Monster)
                h = ((float)player.Hit / ((float)player.Hit + (float)(tar as script.monster.Monster).Hit)) * 200;

            if (h >= 100 || new Random().Next(0, 100) < (int)h)
                if (player.Weapon is script.item.IProc)
                    if (tar is Player)
                        take += (player.Weapon as script.item.IProc).Proc(player, null, tar as Player);
                    else if (tar is script.monster.Monster)
                        take += (player.Weapon as script.item.IProc).Proc(player, tar as script.monster.Monster);

                var swingbuff = player.m_Buffs.Where(xe => xe.BuffEffect.BuffType == script.spells.BuffCase.Triple ||
                                                     xe.BuffEffect.BuffType == script.spells.BuffCase.Twister).FirstOrDefault();
                if (swingbuff != null)
                    var ttt = swingbuff.Level * 0.05;
                    take = (int)(take * (ttt + 0.40d));

                if (tar is Player)
                    (tar as Player).HPCur -= take;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele((tar as Player).m_Map, new HitAnimation((tar as Player).Serial,
                                                                                        Convert.ToByte(((((float)(tar as Player).HPCur / (float)(tar as Player).HP) * 100) * 1))).Compile()));
                else if (tar is script.monster.Monster)
                    (tar as script.monster.Monster).HPCur -= take;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele((tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Map, new HitAnimation((tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Serial,
                                                                                                        Convert.ToByte(((((float)(tar as script.monster.Monster).HPCur / (float)(tar as script.monster.Monster).HP) * 100) * 1))).Compile()));

                    if ((tar as script.monster.Monster).HPCur <= 0)
                        if (player.Promo > 0)
                            var temp = (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP;

                            if (player.Promo >= 1 && player.Promo <= 6)
                                temp = (int)(temp * 0.03);
                            if (player.Promo >= 7)
                                temp = (int)(temp * 0.01);

                            player.XP += temp;// *3;
                            player.XP += (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP;// *3;
                        (tar as script.monster.Monster).DropLoot(player);
                        (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Loc.X = (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_SpawnLoc.X;
                        (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Loc.Y = (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_SpawnLoc.Y;
Example #8
        public void HandleMelee(Player play, int swingdir)
            List <BaseObject> target = World.GetTileTarget(play, AdjecentTile(play, swingdir), swingdir);

            if (target == null)
            var take = play.Dam;

            foreach (var tar in target)
                if (tar is Player)
                    if (play.Map == "Village1" || play.Map == "Rest" || play.Map == "Arnold" || play.Map == "Loen" || play.TakeDam == false)

                    take -= (tar as Player).AC;
                    if (take <= 0)
                        take = 1;
                    if (play.Map != "대전장")
                        TakeDamage(play, tar, take);
                    if (play.Map == "대전장" && play.Color != (tar as Player).Color)
                        TakeDamage(play, tar, take);
                    if ((tar as Player).Color == 0)
                        play.pkpinkktime = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                    if ((tar as Player).Map == "Rest" && (tar as Player).Color != 1)
                        if (play.Map != "대전장" && play.Map != "큰대전장")
                            play.pklastred = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                            string text2 = play.Name + " " + "→ PK " + " " + (tar as Player).Name + "→ Die " + "맵 " + play.Map + "                            ";
                            World.SendToAll(new QueDele(play.Serial, "all", new UpdateChatBox(7, 0x65, 1, (short)text2.Count(), text2).Compile()));

                         * if (play.PVPSubRank < (tar as Player).PVPSubRank)
                         * {
                         *  if ((tar as Player).PVPSubRank - play.PVPSubRank <= 3)
                         *      {
                         *      play.m_Win += 1;
                         *      var temp = 5000;
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 0 && play.PVPSubRank <= 3)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 1.0);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 4 && play.PVPSubRank <= 4)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.8);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 5 && play.PVPSubRank <= 6)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.05);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 7 && play.PVPSubRank <= 10)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.02);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 7 && play.PVPSubRank <= 11)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.02);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 12)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.01);
                         *      play.PvPPoint += temp * 1;
                         *      Console.WriteLine("대전테스트");
                         *      }
                         * }
                         * if (play.PVPSubRank > (tar as Player).PVPSubRank)
                         * {
                         *  if (play.PVPSubRank - (tar as Player).PVPSubRank <= 3)
                         *  {
                         *      play.m_Win += 1;
                         *      var temp = 5000;
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 0 && play.PVPSubRank <= 3)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 1.0);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 4 && play.PVPSubRank <= 4)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.8);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 5 && play.PVPSubRank <= 6)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.05);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 7 && play.PVPSubRank <= 10)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.02);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 7 && play.PVPSubRank <= 11)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.02);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 12)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.01);
                         *      play.PvPPoint += temp * 1;
                         *      Console.WriteLine("대전테스트2");
                         *  }
                         * }
                         * if (play.PVPSubRank == (tar as Player).PVPSubRank)
                         * {
                         *  if (play.PVPSubRank - (tar as Player).PVPSubRank <= 3)
                         *  {
                         *      play.m_Win += 1;
                         *      var temp = 5000;
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 0 && play.PVPSubRank <= 3)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 1.0);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 4 && play.PVPSubRank <= 4)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.8);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 5 && play.PVPSubRank <= 6)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.05);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 7 && play.PVPSubRank <= 10)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.02);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 7 && play.PVPSubRank <= 11)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.02);
                         *      if (play.PVPSubRank >= 12)
                         *          temp = (int)(temp * 0.01);
                         *      play.PvPPoint += temp * 1;
                         *      Console.WriteLine("대전테스트3");
                         *  }
                         * }
                else if (tar is script.monster.Monster)
                    take -= (tar as script.monster.Monster).AC;
                    if (take <= 0)
                        take = 1;
                    TakeDamage(play, tar, take);
Example #9
        public void TakeDamage(Player player, object tar, int take)
            float h = 0;

            if (tar is Player)
                h = ((float)player.Hit / ((float)player.Hit + (float)(tar as Player).Hit)) * 200;
            else if (tar is script.monster.Monster)
                h = ((float)player.Hit / ((float)player.Hit + (float)(tar as script.monster.Monster).Hit)) * 200;

            if (h >= 100 || new Random().Next(0, 100) < (int)h)
                if (player.Weapon is script.item.IProc)
                    if (tar is Player)
                        take += (player.Weapon as script.item.IProc).Proc(player, null, tar as Player);
                    else if (tar is script.monster.Monster)
                        take += (player.Weapon as script.item.IProc).Proc(player, tar as script.monster.Monster);

                var swingbuff = player.m_Buffs.Where(xe => xe.BuffEffect.BuffType == script.spells.BuffCase.Triple ||
                                                     xe.BuffEffect.BuffType == script.spells.BuffCase.Twister).FirstOrDefault();
                if (swingbuff != null)
                    var ttt = swingbuff.Level * 0.05;
                    take = (int)(take * (ttt + 0.40d));

                if (tar is Player)
                    (tar as Player).HPCur -= take;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele((tar as Player).m_Map, new HitAnimation((tar as Player).Serial,
                                                                                        Convert.ToByte(((((float)(tar as Player).HPCur / (float)(tar as Player).HP) * 100) * 1))).Compile()));
                    if (player.TakeDam2 == true)
                        string damg = string.Format("데미지:{0}" + "            ", take, 0);
                        player.client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)damg.Count(), damg).Compile());
                else if (tar is script.monster.Monster)
                    (tar as script.monster.Monster).HPCur -= take;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele((tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Map, new HitAnimation((tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Serial,
                                                                                                        Convert.ToByte(((((float)(tar as script.monster.Monster).HPCur / (float)(tar as script.monster.Monster).HP) * 100) * 1))).Compile()));

                    if (player.TakeDam2 == true)
                        string damg = string.Format("데미지:{0}" + "            ", take, 0);
                        player.client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)damg.Count(), damg).Compile());

                    if ((tar as script.monster.Monster).HPCur <= 0)
                        int ExpRatio = Server.Exp_Ratio;

                        /*  if ((tar as script.monster.Monster).Name == "성기사")
                         * {
                         *    string text3 = "(" + player.Name + ")" + "님이 성기사를 쓰러뜨렸습니다" + "                    ";
                         *    World.SendToAll(new QueDele("all", new UpdateChatBox(0x08, 0x02, 0, (short)text3.Count(), text3).Compile()));
                         *    mem.BossMonster_time = 10;
                         * }*/
                        if (player.member.Count != 0)
                            switch (player.member.Count())
                            case 2:
                                XPMulti = 1.05 / (2);

                            case 3:
                                XPMulti = 1.1 / (3);

                            case 4:
                                XPMulti = 1.15 / 4;

                            double XPMultiTemp = XPMulti;
                            var    whisp2      = Server.playerHandler.add.Values.Where(xe => xe.member.Count != 0 && xe.loggedIn && xe.member[0] == player.member[0] && xe.Map == player.Map).ToList();
                            foreach (var mem in whisp2)
                                if (mem.Name != player.Name)
                                    XPMulti = XPMultiTemp / mem.member.Count() * 1.5;
                                    XPMulti = XPMultiTemp;
                                if ((tar as script.monster.Monster).Name == "성기사" + "   ")
                                    string text3 = "(" + player.Name + ")" + "님이 성기사를 쓰러뜨렸습니다" + "                    ";
                                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele("all", new UpdateChatBox(0x08, 0x02, 0, (short)text3.Count(), text3).Compile()));
                                    mem.BossMonster_time = 10;
                                if ((tar as script.monster.Monster).Name == "성물")
                                    string text3 = "(" + player.Name + ")" + "님이 성물을 파괴하였습니다" + "                    ";
                                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele("all", new UpdateChatBox(0x08, 0x02, 0, (short)text3.Count(), text3).Compile()));
                                    mem.Warfare_time = 10;
                                    Server.Castellan = player.guildName;
                                if (mem.Promo > 0 && mem.NormalXp == true && mem.PlusXp == false && DateTime.Now.Hour != 10)//조건 : 0 승급 이상 and 플러스경험치 미적용 and 두배타임 X
                                    var temp = (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP;

                                    if (mem.Promo >= 1 && mem.Promo <= 3)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.015);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 4 && mem.Promo <= 4)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.008);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 5 && mem.Promo <= 6)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 7)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);

                                    mem.XP += temp * 1;                                                                      // *3;
                                if (mem.Promo > 0 && mem.NormalXp == false && mem.PlusXp == true && DateTime.Now.Hour != 10) //조건 : 0 승급 이상 and 플러스경험치 적용 and 두배타임 X
                                    var temp = (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP;

                                    if (mem.Promo >= 1 && mem.Promo <= 3)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.015);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 4 && mem.Promo <= 4)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.008);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 5 && mem.Promo <= 6)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 7)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);

                                    mem.XP += temp * 2;                                                                      // *3;
                                if (mem.Promo > 0 && mem.NormalXp == true && mem.PlusXp == false && DateTime.Now.Hour == 10) //조건 : 0 승급 이상 and 플러스경험치 미적용 and 두배타임 OK
                                    var temp = (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP;

                                    if (mem.Promo >= 1 && mem.Promo <= 3)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.015);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 4 && mem.Promo <= 4)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.008);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 5 && mem.Promo <= 6)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 7)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);

                                    mem.XP += temp * 2;                                                                      // *3;
                                if (mem.Promo > 0 && mem.NormalXp == false && mem.PlusXp == true && DateTime.Now.Hour == 10) //조건 : 0 승급 이상 and 플러스경험치 적용 and 두배타임 OK
                                    var temp = (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP;

                                    if (mem.Promo >= 1 && mem.Promo <= 3)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.015);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 4 && mem.Promo <= 4)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.008);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 5 && mem.Promo <= 6)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);
                                    if (mem.Promo >= 7)
                                        temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);

                                    mem.XP += temp * 4;                                                                            // *3;
                                else if (mem.Promo == 0 && mem.PlusXp == false && mem.NormalXp == true && DateTime.Now.Hour != 10) //조건 : 비승급 and 플러스경험치 미적용 and 두배타임 X
                                    mem.XP += (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP * 1;                                              // *3;
                                else if (mem.Promo == 0 && mem.PlusXp == true && mem.NormalXp == false && DateTime.Now.Hour != 10) //조건 : 비승급 and 플러스경험치 적용 and 두배타임 X
                                    mem.XP += (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP * 2;                                              // *3;
                                else if (mem.Promo == 0 && mem.PlusXp == false && mem.NormalXp == true && DateTime.Now.Hour == 10) //조건 : 비승급 and 플러스경험치 미적용 and 두배타임 OK
                                    mem.XP += (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP * 2;                                              // *3;
                                else if (mem.Promo == 0 && mem.PlusXp == true && mem.NormalXp == false && DateTime.Now.Hour == 10) //조건 : 비승급 and 플러스경험치 적용 and 두배타임 OK
                                    mem.XP += (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP * 4;                                              // *3;
                                //mem.XP += (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP * 100;// *3;
                                if (mem.m_Map == "레이드")
                                    (tar as script.monster.Monster).DropLoot(mem);
                                    (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Loc.X = (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_SpawnLoc.X;
                                    (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Loc.Y = (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_SpawnLoc.Y;
                                if (mem.m_Map != "레이드")
                                    (tar as script.monster.Monster).DropLoot(player);
                                    (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Loc.X = (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_SpawnLoc.X;
                                    (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Loc.Y = (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_SpawnLoc.Y;
                            var whisp2 = Server.playerHandler.add.Values.Where(xe => xe.Cmember.Count != 0 && xe.loggedIn && xe.Cmember[0] == player.Cmember[0] && xe.Map == player.Map).ToList();
                            foreach (var mem in whisp2)
                                if ((tar as script.monster.Monster).Name == "성물")
                                    string text3 = "(" + player.Name + ")" + "님이 성물을 파괴하였습니다" + "                    ";
                                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele("all", new UpdateChatBox(0x08, 0x02, 0, (short)text3.Count(), text3).Compile()));
                                    mem.Warfare_time = 10;
                                    Server.Castellan = player.guildName;
                            if (player.Promo > 0 && player.NormalXp == true && player.PlusXp == false && DateTime.Now.Hour != 10)//조건 : 0 승급 이상 and 플러스경험치 미적용 and 두배타임 X
                                var temp = (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP;

                                if (player.Promo >= 1 && player.Promo <= 3)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.015);
                                if (player.Promo >= 4 && player.Promo <= 4)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.008);
                                if (player.Promo >= 5 && player.Promo <= 6)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);
                                if (player.Promo >= 7)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);

                                player.XP += temp * 1;                                                                            // *3;
                            if (player.Promo > 0 && player.NormalXp == false && player.PlusXp == true && DateTime.Now.Hour != 10) //조건 : 0 승급 이상 and 플러스경험치 적용 and 두배타임 X
                                var temp = (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP;

                                if (player.Promo >= 1 && player.Promo <= 3)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.015);
                                if (player.Promo >= 4 && player.Promo <= 4)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.008);
                                if (player.Promo >= 5 && player.Promo <= 6)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);
                                if (player.Promo >= 7)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);

                                player.XP += temp * 2;                                                                            // *3;
                            if (player.Promo > 0 && player.NormalXp == true && player.PlusXp == false && DateTime.Now.Hour == 10) //조건 : 0 승급 이상 and 플러스경험치 미적용 and 두배타임 OK
                                var temp = (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP;

                                if (player.Promo >= 1 && player.Promo <= 3)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.015);
                                if (player.Promo >= 4 && player.Promo <= 4)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.008);
                                if (player.Promo >= 5 && player.Promo <= 6)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);
                                if (player.Promo >= 7)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);

                                player.XP += temp * 2;                                                                            // *3;
                            if (player.Promo > 0 && player.NormalXp == false && player.PlusXp == true && DateTime.Now.Hour == 10) //조건 : 0 승급 이상 and 플러스경험치 적용 and 두배타임 OK
                                var temp = (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP;

                                if (player.Promo >= 1 && player.Promo <= 3)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.015);
                                if (player.Promo >= 4 && player.Promo <= 4)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.008);
                                if (player.Promo >= 5 && player.Promo <= 6)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);
                                if (player.Promo >= 7)
                                    temp = (int)(temp * 0.002);

                                player.XP += temp * 4;                                                                                  // *3;
                            else if (player.Promo == 0 && player.PlusXp == false && player.NormalXp == true && DateTime.Now.Hour != 10) //조건 : 비승급 and 플러스경험치 미적용 and 두배타임 X
                                player.XP += (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP * 1 * ExpRatio;                                         // *3;
                            else if (player.Promo == 0 && player.PlusXp == true && player.NormalXp == false && DateTime.Now.Hour != 10) //조건 : 비승급 and 플러스경험치 적용 and 두배타임 X
                                player.XP += (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP * 2;                                                    // *3;
                            else if (player.Promo == 0 && player.PlusXp == false && player.NormalXp == true && DateTime.Now.Hour == 10) //조건 : 비승급 and 플러스경험치 미적용 and 두배타임 OK
                                player.XP += (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP * 2;                                                    // *3;
                            else if (player.Promo == 0 && player.PlusXp == true && player.NormalXp == false && DateTime.Now.Hour == 10) //조건 : 비승급 and 플러스경험치 적용 and 두배타임 OK
                                player.XP += (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP * 4;                                                    // *3;
                            //player.XP += (tar as script.monster.Monster).XP * 100;// *3;
                            if (player.m_Map != "레이드")
                                (tar as script.monster.Monster).DropLoot(player);
                                (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Loc.X = (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_SpawnLoc.X;
                                (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_Loc.Y = (tar as script.monster.Monster).m_SpawnLoc.Y;
Example #10
        public void TakeDamage(Player caster, Player target, script.spells.Spell spell)
            if (caster.Map != "대전장")
                float h = ((float)caster.Hit / ((float)caster.Hit + (float)target.Hit)) * 200;

                if (h >= 100 || new Random().Next(0, 100) < (int)h)
                    int take = spell.DamBase + (spell.DamPl * spell.Level + (spell.DamPl * spell.SLevel2));// +(spell.DamPl * spell.SLevel2);
                    if (spell.ManaCostPl != 0)
                        take += (caster.GetStat("men") / spell.menCoff);
                        take += (caster.GetStat("str") / spell.strCoff);
                        take += (caster.GetStat("dex") / spell.dexCoff);
                        take += (caster.GetStat("vit") / spell.vitCoff);
                    if (spell is script.spells.DemonDeath)
                        take = Convert.ToInt32(caster.HP * 0.5) + caster.GetStat("dex");

                    if (target.Color == 0)
                        caster.pkpinkktime = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                    target.HPCur -= (take - target.AC);
                    if (target.Map == "Rest" && target.Color != 1)
                        if (caster.Map != "대전장" && caster.Map != "큰대전장")
                            caster.pklastred = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                            string text2 = caster.Name + " " + "→ PK " + " " + (target as Player).Name + "→ Die " + "맵 " + caster.Map + "                                 ";
                            World.SendToAll(new QueDele(caster.Serial, "all", new UpdateChatBox(7, 0x65, 1, (short)text2.Count(), text2).Compile()));
                        if (caster.TakeDam2 == true)
                            string damg = string.Format("데미지:{0}" + "            ", take, 0);
                            caster.client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)damg.Count(), damg).Compile());
                        World.SendToAll(new QueDele(caster.m_Map, new HitAnimation(target.Serial,
                                                                                   Convert.ToByte(((((float)target.m_HPCur / (float)target.HP) * 100) * 1))).Compile()));
            if (caster.Map == "대전장" && caster.Color != target.Color)
                float h = ((float)caster.Hit / ((float)caster.Hit + (float)target.Hit)) * 200;

                if (h >= 100 || new Random().Next(0, 100) < (int)h)
                    int take = spell.DamBase + (spell.DamPl * spell.Level + (spell.DamPl * spell.SLevel2));// +(spell.DamPl * spell.SLevel2);
                    if (spell.ManaCostPl != 0)
                        take += (caster.GetStat("men") / spell.menCoff);
                        take += (caster.GetStat("str") / spell.strCoff);
                        take += (caster.GetStat("dex") / spell.dexCoff);
                        take += (caster.GetStat("vit") / spell.vitCoff);
                    if (spell is script.spells.DemonDeath)
                        take = Convert.ToInt32(caster.HP * 0.5) + caster.GetStat("dex");

                    if (target.Color == 0)
                        caster.pkpinkktime = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                    target.HPCur -= (take - target.AC);
                    if (target.Map == "Rest" && target.Color != 1)
                        if (caster.Map != "대전장" && caster.Map != "큰대전장")
                            caster.pklastred = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                            string text2 = caster.Name + " " + "→ PK " + " " + (target as Player).Name + "→ Die " + "맵 " + caster.Map + "                                 ";
                            World.SendToAll(new QueDele(caster.Serial, "all", new UpdateChatBox(7, 0x65, 1, (short)text2.Count(), text2).Compile()));
                        if (caster.TakeDam2 == true)
                            string damg = string.Format("데미지:{0}" + "            ", take, 0);
                            caster.client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)damg.Count(), damg).Compile());
                        World.SendToAll(new QueDele(caster.m_Map, new HitAnimation(target.Serial,
                                                                                   Convert.ToByte(((((float)target.m_HPCur / (float)target.HP) * 100) * 1))).Compile()));
Example #11
        public void HandleCast(int header, script.spells.Spell castspell, Player player, int target = 0, short castx = 0, short casty = 0)
            if (castspell is VIEW)
                var castonView = World.NewMonsters.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Serial == target &&
                                                         xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();
                if (castonView.Value != null)
                    string info  = string.Format("<몬스터정보>" + "                                 ");
                    string info2 = string.Format("이름:{0}", castonView.Value.Name + "                                 ");
                    string info3 = string.Format("체력:{0}/{1}", castonView.Value.HPCur, castonView.Value.HP + "                                 ");
                    string info4 = string.Format("파괴:{0}", castonView.Value.Dam + "                                 ");
                    string info5 = string.Format("적중:{0}", castonView.Value.Hit + "                                 ");
                    string info7 = string.Format("방어:{0}", castonView.Value.AC + "                                 ");
                    string info6 = string.Format("경험치:{0}", castonView.Value.XP + "                                 ");

                    client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 10, 0, (short)info.Count(), info).Compile());
                    client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)info2.Count(), info2).Compile());
                    client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)info3.Count(), info3).Compile());
                    client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)info4.Count(), info4).Compile());
                    client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)info5.Count(), info5).Compile());
                    client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)info7.Count(), info7).Compile());
                    client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)info6.Count(), info6).Compile());

                    var tele = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value != player && xe.Value.loggedIn &&
                                                                      World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.m_Loc.X, player.m_Loc.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                                                                      xe.Value.Serial == (Serial)target &&
                                                                      xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (tele.Value != null)
                        string info  = string.Format("<유저정보>" + "                                 ");
                        string info2 = string.Format("이름:{0}", tele.Value.Name + "                                 ");
                        string info3 = string.Format("생명:{0}, 마나:{1}", tele.Value.HP, tele.Value.MP + "                                 ");
                        string info4 = string.Format("방어:{0} 적중:{1}", tele.Value.AC, tele.Value.Hit + "                                 ");
                        string info5 = string.Format("힘: {0} 지력: {1} 숙련: {2} 생명: {3}", tele.Value.m_Str, tele.Value.m_Men, tele.Value.m_Dex, tele.Value.m_Vit + "                                 ");
                        string info6 = string.Format("레벨: {0}", tele.Value.Level + "                                 ");

                        client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 10, 0, (short)info.Count(), info).Compile());
                        client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)info2.Count(), info2).Compile());
                        client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)info3.Count(), info3).Compile());
                        client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)info4.Count(), info4).Compile());
                        client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)info5.Count(), info5).Compile());
                        client.SendPacket(new UpdateChatBox(0xff, 0xff, 1, (short)info6.Count(), info6).Compile());

                        tele.Value.Loc = new Point2D(player.Loc.X, player.Loc.Y);
                        tele.Value.Map = player.Map;
            if (castspell is Teleport)
                var teleportdist = ((castspell.Level / 2) * 2);
                if (teleportdist <= 3)
                    teleportdist = 4;
                if (teleportdist > 12)
                    teleportdist = 12;
                if (World.Dist2d(castx, casty, player.X, player.Y) <= teleportdist &&
                    player.MPCur > castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial, 1, 1, castspell.Seq).Compile()));
                    var      nmap   = LKCamelot.model.Map.FullMaps.Where(xe => xe.Key == player.Map).FirstOrDefault().Value;
                    TiledMap curmap = null;
                        curmap = LKCamelot.model.Map.loadedmaps[nmap];
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Failed to nmap at {0}", nmap));
                    LKCamelot.model.MyPathNode randomtile;
                        randomtile = curmap.tiles[castx, casty];
                    if (randomtile.IsWall)

                    player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);

                    player.Loc = new Point2D(castx, casty);
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new MoveSpriteTele(player.Serial, player.Face, player.X, player.Y).Compile()));
                    int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)player.X, (short)player.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 116 }, 0).Compile()));
                    var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 2000, player.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                    tmp.tempser = mobile;
            else if (castspell is Trace && player.tempLocate != null && player.tempLocateMap != null)
                player.Loc = player.tempLocate;
                player.Map = player.tempLocateMap;
                if (tempMusic != 2)
                    client.SendPacket(new PlayMusic(tempMusic).Compile());
            else if (castspell is ComeBack)
                player.tempLocate    = new Point2D(player.X, player.Y);
                player.tempLocateMap = player.Map;
                player.Loc           = new Point2D(98, 100);
                player.Map           = "Village1";
                if (player.musicNumber != 2)
                    tempMusic = player.musicNumber;
                client.SendPacket(new PlayMusic(1001).Compile());

            else if (castspell is RECALL)
                var tele = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value != player && xe.Value.loggedIn &&
                                                                  World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.m_Loc.X, player.m_Loc.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                                                                  xe.Value.Serial == (Serial)target &&
                                                                  xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();
                if (tele.Value != null)
                    tele.Value.Loc = new Point2D(player.Loc.X, player.Loc.Y);
                    tele.Value.Map = player.Map;

            else if (castspell is Pickup)
                var item1 = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Map != null &&
                                                 xe.Value.m_Map == player.Map &&
                                                 /*&& xe.Value.Loc.X != player.X && xe.Value.Loc.Y != player.Y*/ xe.Value.m_Serial == target)
                if (item1.Value != null)
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial, 1, 1, castspell.Seq).Compile()));

                    string text = item1.Value.Name + " 을{를} 획득하였습니다";

                    World.SendToAllRange(new QueDele(player.Map, new BubbleChat(player.Serial, text).Compile()), player, 10);

            else if (castspell is PlusHeal)
                var tele2 = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value != player && xe.Value.loggedIn &&
                                                                   World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.m_Loc.X, player.m_Loc.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                                                                   xe.Value.Serial == (Serial)target &&
                                                                   xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();
                if (tele2.Value != null)
                    int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(tele2.Value.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)tele2.Value.X, (short)tele2.Value.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 }, 0).Compile()));
                    var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 2000, tele2.Value.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                    tmp.tempser = mobile;
                    tele2.Value.HPCur = tele2.Value.HP;

                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial, 1, 1, castspell.Seq).Compile()));
            else if (castspell is Transparency)
                if (player.Transparancy != 0)
                    player.Transparancy = 0;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new SetObjectEffectsPlayer(player).Compile()));
                    player.Transparancy = (Byte)(castspell.Level * 20);
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new SetObjectEffectsPlayer(player).Compile()));
            else if (castspell is SharpEye)
                var playcaston12 = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value.loggedIn &&
                                                                          World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.m_Loc.X, player.m_Loc.Y) <= 15 &&
                                                                          xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).ToList();
                if (playcaston12 != null)
                    foreach (var mm in playcaston12)
                        if (mm.Value.Name != player.Name)
                            mm.Value.Transparancy = 0;
                            World.SendToAll(new QueDele(mm.Value.Map, new SetObjectEffectsPlayer(mm.Value).Compile()));
                //                return;

            if (castspell is StoneCurse)
                var castonView = World.NewMonsters.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Serial == target &&
                                                         xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();
                if (castonView.Value != null)
                    var tele = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value != player && xe.Value.loggedIn &&
                                                                      World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.m_Loc.X, player.m_Loc.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                                                                      xe.Value.Serial == (Serial)target &&
                                                                      xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (tele.Value != null)
                        tele.Value.Walkbuff_time = 1000;
            if (castspell is Freezing)
                var castonView = World.NewMonsters.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Serial == target &&
                                                         xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();
                if (castonView.Value != null)
                    var tele = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value != player && xe.Value.loggedIn &&
                                                                      World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.m_Loc.X, player.m_Loc.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                                                                      xe.Value.Serial == (Serial)target &&
                                                                      xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (tele.Value != null)
                        int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                        World.SendToAll(new QueDele(tele.Value.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)tele.Value.X, (short)tele.Value.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62 }, 0).Compile()));
                        var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 10000, tele.Value.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                        tmp.tempser = mobile;
            if (castspell is Butterfly)
                var tele = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value != player && xe.Value.loggedIn &&
                                                                  World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.m_Loc.X, player.m_Loc.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                                                                  xe.Value.Serial == (Serial)target &&
                                                                  xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();

                if (tele.Value != null)
                    tele.Value.BHitbuff_time = 500;
                    tele.Value.BHitbuff      = 500;
                    tele.Value.client.SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(tele.Value).Compile());

                    int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(tele.Value.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)tele.Value.X, (short)tele.Value.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50 }, 0).Compile()));
                    var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 2000, tele.Value.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                    tmp.tempser = mobile;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(tele.Value.Map, new CurveMagic(tele.Value.Serial, 1, 1, castspell.Seq).Compile()));

                    if (player.Hit < 100)
                        player.BHitbuff_time = 500;
                        player.BHitbuff      = 30;
                        player.client.SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile());

                        int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                        World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)player.X, (short)player.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50 }, 0).Compile()));
                        var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 2000, player.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                        tmp.tempser = mobile;

                        World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial, 1, 1, castspell.Seq).Compile()));
                    if (player.Hit > 100)
                        player.BHitbuff_time = 500;
                        player.BHitbuff      = (player.Hit / 100) * 30;
                        player.client.SendPacket(new UpdateCharStats(player).Compile());

                        int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                        World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)player.X, (short)player.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50 }, 0).Compile()));
                        var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 2000, player.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                        tmp.tempser = mobile;

                        World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial, 1, 1, castspell.Seq).Compile()));
            if (castspell is FireWall)
                var castonView = World.NewMonsters.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Serial == target &&
                                                         xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();
                if (castonView.Value != null)
                    var tele = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value != player && xe.Value.loggedIn &&
                                                                      World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.m_Loc.X, player.m_Loc.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                                                                      xe.Value.Serial == (Serial)target &&
                                                                      xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (tele.Value != null)
                        int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                        World.SendToAll(new QueDele(tele.Value.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)tele.Value.X, (short)tele.Value.Y, new byte[] { 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 62 }, 0).Compile()));
                        var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 10000, tele.Value.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                        tmp.tempser = mobile;
            var caston = World.NewMonsters.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Serial == target &&
                                                 World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.X, player.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                                                 xe.Value.Alive &&
                                                 xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map
                                                 ).Select(xe => xe.Value);

            var playcaston = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value != player && xe.Value.loggedIn &&
                                                                    World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.m_Loc.X, player.m_Loc.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                                                                    xe.Value.Serial == (Serial)target &&
                                                                    xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();

            if (castspell.mType == LKCamelot.library.MagicType.Casted || castspell.mType == LKCamelot.library.MagicType.Target)
                caston = World.NewMonsters.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Map != null &&
                                                 xe.Value.m_Map == player.Map &&
                                                 World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.X, player.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                         .Select(xe => xe.Value);

            if (playcaston.Key != null &&
                !(player.Map == "Village1" || player.Map == "Rest" || player.Map == "Arnold" || player.Map == "Loen" || player.TakeDam == false)
                if (castspell is ISingle)
                    if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                    player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);

                    CreateMagicEffect(playcaston.Value.Loc, playcaston.Value.Map, (byte)castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite, 1500);

                    TakeDamage(player, playcaston.Value, castspell);

                if (castspell.Name == "DEMON DEATH")
                    if (player.HPCur < (int)(player.HP * 0.50))
                    var miyamo = player.Equipped.Where(xe => xe.GetType() == typeof(script.item.MiyamotosStick)).FirstOrDefault();
                    var recast = castspell.RecastTime;
                    //if (miyamo != null)
                        recast -= 1000;

                        recast -= (player.m_Men / 3000) * 300;

                    if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - recast > castspell.Cooldown)
                        castspell.Cooldown = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                    player.HPCur -= (int)(player.HPCur * 0.5);
                    //System.IO.Stream soundStream0 = (Properties.Resources._33);
                    //new System.Media.SoundPlayer(soundStream0).Play();

                    int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)playcaston.Value.m_Loc.X, (short)playcaston.Value.m_Loc.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (byte)castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite }, 0).Compile()));
                    var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 2000, player.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                    tmp.tempser = mobile;

                    TakeDamage(player, playcaston.Value, castspell);


                if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);
                TakeDamage(player, playcaston.Value, castspell);
                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial,
                                                                       castx, casty, castspell.Seq).Compile()));

            switch (castspell.mType)
            case (LKCamelot.library.MagicType.Target2):
                foreach (var targete in caston)
                    if (castspell is ISingle)
                        if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                        player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);

                        CreateMagicEffect(targete.m_Loc, targete.m_Map, (byte)castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite, 1500);

                        targete.TakeDamage(player, castspell);

                    if (castspell.Name == "DEMON DEATH")
                        if (player.HPCur < (int)(player.HP * 0.50))

                        var miyamo = player.Equipped.Where(xe => xe.GetType() == typeof(script.item.MiyamotosStick)).FirstOrDefault();
                        var recast = castspell.RecastTime;
                        if (miyamo != null)
                            recast -= 1000;
                            recast -= miyamo.Stage * 300;

                        if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - recast > castspell.Cooldown)
                            castspell.Cooldown = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                        player.HPCur -= (int)(player.HPCur * 0.5);

                        int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                        World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)targete.m_Loc.X, (short)targete.m_Loc.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (byte)castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite }, 0).Compile()));
                        var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 2000, player.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                        tmp.tempser = mobile;

                        targete.TakeDamage(player, castspell);


                    if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                    player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);
                    targete.TakeDamage(player, castspell);
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial,
                                                                           castx, casty, castspell.Seq).Compile()));


            case (LKCamelot.library.MagicType.Casted):
                if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);

                if (castspell.Cast(player))

                foreach (var targete in caston)
                    targete.TakeDamage(player, castspell);

                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial,
                                                                       1, 1, castspell.Seq).Compile()));


            case (LKCamelot.library.MagicType.Target):
                if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);
                if (castspell.Cast(player))

                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial, 1, 1, castspell.Seq).Compile()));
                foreach (var targetee in caston)
                    int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)targetee.m_Loc.X, (short)targetee.m_Loc.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (byte)castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite }, 0).Compile()));
                    // World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new SetObjectEffectsMonsterSpell(targetee, castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite).Compile()));
                    targetee.TakeDamage(player, castspell);
                    var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 1000, player.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                    tmp.tempser = mobile;
Example #12
        public void Tick()
            if (NewItems == null)
                NewItems    = new ConcurrentDictionary <Serial, LKCamelot.script.item.Item>();
                NewAuctions = new ConcurrentDictionary <Serial, script.item.AuctionItem>();
                foreach (var items in BinaryIO.LoadItems())
                    NewItems.TryAdd(items.m_Serial, items);
                foreach (var play in BinaryIO.LoadAuctions())
                    NewAuctions.TryAdd(play.item.m_Serial, play);
                foreach (var play in BinaryIO.LoadPlayers())
                    handler.add.TryAdd(play.Name, play);
                Console.WriteLine("Loaded " + NewAuctions.Count + " Auctions.");
                Console.WriteLine("Loaded " + NewItems.Count + " Items.");
                Console.WriteLine("Loaded " + handler.add.Count + " Players.");

            if (m_MObjects == null)
                m_MObjects = new ConcurrentDictionary <Serial, Serial>();
                foreach (var mobile in handler.add.Values)
                    m_MObjects.TryAdd(mobile.Serial, mobile.Serial);
                foreach (var item in NewItems)
                    m_MObjects.TryAdd(item.Key, item.Key);
                foreach (var item in NewAuctions)
                    m_MObjects.TryAdd(item.Key, item.Key);

            if (NewNpcs == null)
                NewNpcs = new Dictionary <Serial, LKCamelot.script.npc.BaseNPC>()
                    { 1, new script.npc.Arnold() },
                    { 2, new script.npc.Employee() },
                    { 3, new script.npc.Loen() },
                    { 4, new script.npc.Aron() },
                    { 7, new script.npc.Boy() },
                    { 5, new script.npc.Alias() },

            if (World.NewMonsters == null)

            if (spawner == null)
                spawner = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                                                { spawnrun(); }

            QueDele        tq;
            List <QueDele> TickQued = new List <QueDele>();

                TickQued = TickQue.ToList();
            catch { };

            foreach (var tick in TickQued)
                if (tick == null)

                if (tick.Serial < LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds)
                    //  var ttt = tick.Packet.Skip(1).Take(4);
                    Serial temp;
                    if (m_MObjects.ContainsKey(tick.tempser))
                        m_MObjects.TryRemove(tick.tempser, out temp);

            if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - 3600000 > lastitemsave)
                lastitemsave = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                string chat = "[Alias]: Bring your friends to the Last Kingdom!";
                SendToAll(new QueDele("all", new UpdateChatBox(0x08, 0x02, 0, (short)chat.Count(), chat).Compile()));
                chat = "[Alias]: Visit the trader at: lk.kingdomofk.net/trader!";
                SendToAll(new QueDele("all", new UpdateChatBox(0x08, 0x02, 0, (short)chat.Count(), chat).Compile()));

            foreach (var playe in w_server.OnlineConnections)
                if (playe.Client == null || playe.Client.player == null)

                KeyValuePair <string, Player> play =
                    new KeyValuePair <string, Player>(playe.Client.player.Name, playe.Client.player);
                if (play.Value == null || play.Value.loggedIn == false)

                if ((play.Value.client.keepalive + 15000) < Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds)

                if (play.Value.client.connection == null || play.Value.client.connection.Socket == null)

                if (play.Value.Color == 0)
                    if (play.Value.pklastpk.Count > 0)
                        play.Value.Color = 1;
                    else if (Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds > play.Value.pkPinkDelay &&
                             Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.pkpinkktime < play.Value.pkPinkDelay)
                        play.Value.Color = 2;
                if (play.Value.Color == 2)
                    if (Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.pkpinkktime > play.Value.pkPinkDelay)
                        play.Value.Color = 0;
                    if (play.Value.pklastpk.Count > 0)
                        play.Value.Color = 1;

                if (play.Value.Color == 1)
                        long[] pkslist = new long[play.Value.pklastpk.Count];
                        if (Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.pklastred > play.Value.pkRedDelay)
                            play.Value.pklastred = Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                        if (play.Value.pklastpk.Count == 0)
                            play.Value.Color = 0;

                        /*     foreach (var pk in pkslist)
                         *   {
                         *       if (Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - pk > play.Value.pkRedDelay)
                         *           play.Value.pklastpk.Remove(pk);
                         *   }*/
                    catch { }

                if (play.Value.AutoMana && play.Value.MPCur < (play.Value.MP * play.Value.AutoManaP))
                    var pot = NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.Parent != null && (xe.Value.Parent == play.Value || xe.Value.ParSer == play.Value.Serial) &&
                                             (xe.Value.Name == "Magic Drug" || xe.Value.Name == "Full Magic Drug")).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (pot.Value != null)
                if (play.Value.AutoHP && play.Value.HPCur < (play.Value.HP * play.Value.AutoHPP))
                    var pot = NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.Parent != null && (xe.Value.Parent == play.Value || xe.Value.ParSer == play.Value.Serial) &&
                                             (xe.Value.Name == "Life Drug" || xe.Value.Name == "Full Life Drug")).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (pot.Value != null)

                if (play.Value.AutoHit && LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.AttackSpeed > play.Value.autohittick &&
                    LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.AttackSpeed > play.Value.client.LastAttack)
                    play.Value.autohittick       = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    play.Value.client.LastAttack = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(play.Value.Map, new SwingAnimationChar(play.Value.Serial, play.Value.Face).Compile()));
                    play.Value.client.combatHandler.HandleMelee(play.Value, play.Value.Face);

                if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - play.Value.RegenTick > play.Value.LastRegen)
                    float regamt = 0.1f;
                    if (play.Value.Map == "Rest")
                        regamt = 0.25f;
                    play.Value.LastRegen = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    var playhp = play.Value;
                    playhp.HPCur += (int)((float)playhp.HP * regamt);
                    playhp.MPCur += (int)((float)playhp.MP * regamt);

                /*      var Items = World.NewItems.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Map != null
                 *     && xe.Value.m_Map == play.Value.Map)
                 *     .Select(xe => xe);

                /*       var LocalPlayers = handler.add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value.Map != null
                 *         && xe.Value.loggedIn && xe.Value.Map == play.Value.Map).Select(xe => xe);
                 *     foreach (var playee in LocalPlayers)
                 *     {
                 *         if (playee.Key == play.Key)
                 *             continue;
                 *         if (!play.Value.InstancedObjects.Contains(playee.Value.Serial))
                 *         {
                 *             play.Value.InstancedObjects.Add(playee.Value.Serial);
                 *             play.Value.client.SendPacket(new CreateChar(playee.Value, playee.Value.Serial).Compile());
                 *             play.Value.client.SendPacket(new SetObjectEffectsPlayer(playee.Value).Compile());
                 *         }
                 *     }*/

                //   System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(Monsters, mob => ProcMobs(play, mob));
Example #13
        public void HandleCast(int header, script.spells.Spell castspell, Player player, int target = 0, short castx = 0, short casty = 0)
            if (castspell is Teleport)
                var teleportdist = ((castspell.Level / 2) * 2);
                if (teleportdist <= 3)
                    teleportdist = 4;
                if (teleportdist > 12)
                    teleportdist = 12;
                if (World.Dist2d(castx, casty, player.X, player.Y) <= teleportdist &&
                    player.MPCur > castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                    var      nmap   = LKCamelot.model.Map.FullMaps.Where(xe => xe.Key == player.Map).FirstOrDefault().Value;
                    TiledMap curmap = null;
                        curmap = LKCamelot.model.Map.loadedmaps[nmap];
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Failed to nmap at {0}", nmap));
                    LKCamelot.model.MyPathNode randomtile;
                        randomtile = curmap.tiles[castx, casty];
                    if (randomtile.IsWall)

                    player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);

                    player.Loc = new Point2D(castx, casty);
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new MoveSpriteTele(player.Serial, player.Face, player.X, player.Y).Compile()));
            if (castspell is Trace)
                if (player.MPCur > castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                    player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);

                        var traceto = script.map.Portal.Portals.Where(xe => xe.Map == player.Map).Select(xe => xe).ToList();
                        if (traceto.Count > 1)
                            var temp = new Point2D(traceto[0].Locs[0].X, traceto[0].Locs[0].Y + 2);
                            player.Loc = temp;
                    catch { return; }

                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new MoveSpriteTele(player.Serial, player.Face, player.X, player.Y).Compile()));
            if (castspell is ComeBack)

            var caston = World.NewMonsters.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Serial == target &&
                                                 World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.X, player.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                                                 xe.Value.Alive &&
                                                 xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map
                                                 ).Select(xe => xe.Value);

            var playcaston = PlayerHandler.getSingleton().add.Where(xe => xe.Value != null && xe.Value != player && xe.Value.loggedIn &&
                                                                    World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.m_Loc.X, player.m_Loc.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                                                                    xe.Value.Serial == (Serial)target &&
                                                                    xe.Value.m_Map != null && xe.Value.m_Map == player.m_Map).FirstOrDefault();

            if (castspell.mType == LKCamelot.library.MagicType.Casted || castspell.mType == LKCamelot.library.MagicType.Target)
                caston = World.NewMonsters.Where(xe => xe.Value.m_Map != null &&
                                                 xe.Value.m_Map == player.Map &&
                                                 World.Dist2d(xe.Value.m_Loc.X, xe.Value.m_Loc.Y, player.X, player.Y) <= castspell.Range &&
                         .Select(xe => xe.Value);

            if (playcaston.Key != null &&
                !(player.Map == "Village1" || player.Map == "Rest" || player.Map == "Arnold" || player.Map == "Loen")
                if (castspell is ISingle)
                    if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                    player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);

                    CreateMagicEffect(playcaston.Value.Loc, playcaston.Value.Map, (byte)castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite, 1500);

                    TakeDamage(player, playcaston.Value, castspell);

                if (castspell.Name == "DEMON DEATH")
                    if (player.HPCur < (int)(player.HP * 0.70))

                    var miyamo = player.Equipped.Where(xe => xe.GetType() == typeof(script.item.MiyamotosStick)).FirstOrDefault();
                    var recast = castspell.RecastTime;
                    if (miyamo != null)
                        recast -= 1000;
                        recast -= miyamo.Stage * 300;

                    if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - recast > castspell.Cooldown)
                        castspell.Cooldown = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                    player.HPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);

                    int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)playcaston.Value.m_Loc.X, (short)playcaston.Value.m_Loc.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (byte)castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite }, 0).Compile()));
                    var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 2000, player.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                    tmp.tempser = mobile;

                    TakeDamage(player, playcaston.Value, castspell);


                if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);
                TakeDamage(player, playcaston.Value, castspell);
                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial,
                                                                       castx, casty, castspell.Seq).Compile()));

            switch (castspell.mType)
            case (LKCamelot.library.MagicType.Target2):
                foreach (var targete in caston)
                    if (castspell is ISingle)
                        if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                        player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);

                        CreateMagicEffect(targete.m_Loc, targete.m_Map, (byte)castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite, 1500);

                        targete.TakeDamage(player, castspell);

                    if (castspell.Name == "DEMON DEATH")
                        if (player.HPCur < (int)(player.HP * 0.70))

                        var miyamo = player.Equipped.Where(xe => xe.GetType() == typeof(script.item.MiyamotosStick)).FirstOrDefault();
                        var recast = castspell.RecastTime;
                        if (miyamo != null)
                            recast -= 1000;
                            recast -= miyamo.Stage * 300;

                        if (LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds - recast > castspell.Cooldown)
                            castspell.Cooldown = LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                        player.HPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);

                        int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                        World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)targete.m_Loc.X, (short)targete.m_Loc.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (byte)castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite }, 0).Compile()));
                        var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 2000, player.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                        tmp.tempser = mobile;

                        targete.TakeDamage(player, castspell);


                    if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                    player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);
                    targete.TakeDamage(player, castspell);
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial,
                                                                           castx, casty, castspell.Seq).Compile()));


            case (LKCamelot.library.MagicType.Casted):
                if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);

                if (castspell.Cast(player))

                foreach (var targete in caston)
                    targete.TakeDamage(player, castspell);

                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial,
                                                                       1, 1, castspell.Seq).Compile()));


            case (LKCamelot.library.MagicType.Target):
                if (player.MPCur < castspell.RealManaCost(player))
                player.MPCur -= castspell.RealManaCost(player);
                if (castspell.Cast(player))

                World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CurveMagic(player.Serial, 1, 1, castspell.Seq).Compile()));
                foreach (var targetee in caston)
                    int mobile = Serial.NewMobile;
                    World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new CreateMagicEffect(mobile, 1, (short)targetee.m_Loc.X, (short)targetee.m_Loc.Y, new byte[] { 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (byte)castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite }, 0).Compile()));
                    // World.SendToAll(new QueDele(player.Map, new SetObjectEffectsMonsterSpell(targetee, castspell.Seq.OnImpactSprite).Compile()));
                    targetee.TakeDamage(player, castspell);
                    var tmp = new QueDele(LKCamelot.Server.tickcount.ElapsedMilliseconds + 1000, player.m_Map, new DeleteObject(mobile).Compile());
                    tmp.tempser = mobile;