Example #1
        public static List <Roller> Create(BitArray walls, int mapWidth, int x, int y, int dir, int startTime, int period, int speed = 0xC0)
            Roller roller = new Roller();

            dir      *= 0x2000;
            roller.vx = KuruMath.instance.sin(speed * 0x100, (short)dir);
            roller.vy = -KuruMath.instance.cos(speed * 0x100, (short)dir);

            roller.x = (short)(x * 8 + 16);
            if ((dir & 0x2000) != 0)
                roller.x -= 8;
            roller.y         = (short)(y * 8 + 16);
            roller.startTime = (ushort)startTime;
            // Roll through the level until it collides with something
            int colxoffs = KuruMath.instance.sin(15, (short)dir);
            int colyoffs = -KuruMath.instance.cos(15, (short)dir);
            int xpos     = roller.x << 16;
            int ypos     = roller.y << 16;
            int t        = 0;

            bool isPixelInCollision(int xm, int ym)
                int addr = xm + ym * mapWidth;


            while (true)
                xpos += roller.vx;
                ypos += roller.vy;

                if (isPixelInCollision((xpos >> 16) + colxoffs, (ypos >> 16) + colyoffs))

            int minx = Math.Min(roller.x, xpos >> 16) - 14;
            int miny = Math.Min(roller.y, ypos >> 16) - 14;
            int maxx = Math.Max(roller.x, xpos >> 16) + 14;
            int maxy = Math.Max(roller.y, ypos >> 16) + 14;

            roller.dangerArea = Rectangle.FromLTRB(minx, miny, maxx + 1, maxy + 1);

            roller.endTime = (ushort)t;
            int remainder = t % period;

            if (remainder != 0)
                t += period - remainder;
            roller.period = (ushort)t;

            List <Roller> res = new List <Roller>();

            for (; t > 0; t -= period)
                roller            = (Roller)roller.MemberwiseClone();
                roller.startTime += (ushort)period;
                //roller.endTime += (ushort)period;