Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Erstellt einen neuen RenderEffect.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='screen'>
 /// Game State.
 /// </param>
 public RenderEffect(GameScreen screen)
     this.screen = screen;
     renderTarget = new RenderTargetCache (screen.device);
     spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch (screen.device);
     background = Color.Transparent;
Example #2
        public PipeModel(GameScreen screen, PipeModelInfo info)
            : base(screen, info)
            if (Info.Direction.Y == 1) {
                Info.Rotation += Angles3.FromDegrees (90, 0, 0);
            else if (Info.Direction.Y == -1) {
                Info.Rotation += Angles3.FromDegrees (270, 0, 0);
            if (Info.Direction.X == 1) {
                Info.Rotation += Angles3.FromDegrees (0, 90, 0);
            else if (Info.Direction.X == -1) {
                Info.Rotation += Angles3.FromDegrees (0, 270, 0);

            float length = (info.PositionTo - info.PositionFrom).Length ();
            float radius = Info.Scale.PrimaryVector ().Length ();
            Bounds = VectorHelper.CylinderBounds (length, radius, Info.Direction, info.PositionFrom);

            /*float distance = radius / 4;
            Bounds = new BoundingSphere[(int)(length / distance)];
            for (int offset = 0; offset < (int)(length / distance); ++offset) {
                Bounds [offset] = new BoundingSphere (info.PositionFrom + Info.Direction * offset * distance, radius);
                //Console.WriteLine ("sphere[" + offset + "]=" + Bounds [offset]);
Example #3
        public DropDownMenu(GameScreen screen, DisplayLayer drawOrder, int itemNum, MenuItemInfo info)
            : base(screen, drawOrder, itemNum, info)
            // drop-down menu
            dropdown = new VerticalMenu (screen, new WidgetInfo (), DisplayLayer.SubMenu);

            dropdown.ItemForegroundColor = DropDownForegroundColor;
            dropdown.ItemBackgroundColor = DropDownBackgroundColor;
            dropdown.ItemAlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            dropdown.ItemAlignY = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            dropdown.Border = new Border (new Color (0xb4, 0xff, 0x00), 5, 5, 0, 0);
            dropdown.IsVisible = false;

            // selected value
            MenuItemInfo valueInfo = new MenuItemInfo () {
                Text = "---",
                RelativePosition = () => ValuePosition (0),
                RelativeSize = () => ValueSize (0),
                OnClick = () => info.OnClick (),
            selected = new MenuButton (screen, DisplayLayer.MenuItem, 0, valueInfo);
            selected.Info.ForegroundColor = () => DropDownForegroundColor (selected.ItemState);
            selected.Info.BackgroundColor = () => DropDownBackgroundColor (selected.ItemState);

            // action to open the drop-down menu
            info.OnClick = () => {
                GameScreens.VideoOptionScreen.Collapse (this);
                if (dropdown.IsVisible == true) {
                    dropdown.IsVisible = false;
                else {
                    dropdown.IsVisible = true;
Example #4
        public TextInput(GameScreen screen, WidgetInfo info, DisplayLayer drawOrder)
            : base(screen, info, drawOrder)
            // load fonts
            font = HfGDesign.MenuFont (screen);

            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch (screen.device);
Example #5
 public FadeEffect(GameScreen screen, GameScreen oldState)
     : base(screen)
     if (oldState != null) {
         lastFrame = oldState.PostProcessingEffect.RenderTarget;
         alpha = 1.0f;
 public ShadowGameObject(GameScreen screen, IGameObject obj)
     this.screen = screen;
     Info = new GameObjectInfo ();
     Obj = obj;
     Info.IsVisible = true;
     Info.IsSelectable = false;
     Info.IsMovable = false;
Example #7
        public GameModel(GameScreen screen, GameModelInfo info)
            this.screen = screen;
            Info = info;

            // colors
            BaseColor = Color.Transparent;
            HighlightColor = Color.Transparent;
            HighlightIntensity = 0f;
            Alpha = 1f;
Example #8
 public GameModel this[GameScreen screen, GameModelInfo info]
     get {
         if (cache.ContainsKey (info)) {
             return cache [info];
         else {
             return cache [info] = CreateModel(screen, info);
Example #9
 public TextInputDialog(GameScreen screen, WidgetInfo info, DisplayLayer drawOrder)
     : base(screen, info, drawOrder)
     var textInputInfo = new WidgetInfo () {
         RelativePosition = TextInputPosition,
         RelativeSize = TextInputSize,
         RelativePadding = () => new Vector2 (0.005f, 0.005f),
         ForegroundColor = () => Color.Black,
         BackgroundColor = () => Color.White
     TextInput = new TextInput (screen, textInputInfo, DisplayLayer.SubMenu);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new Overlay-
        /// </summary>
        public Overlay(GameScreen screen, World world)
            : base(screen, DisplayLayer.Overlay)
            // game world
            World = world;

            // create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures
            effect = new BasicEffect (screen.device);
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch (screen.device);
            effect.VertexColorEnabled = true;
            effect.World = Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll (0, 0, 0);
        public TexturedRectangle(GameScreen screen, TexturedRectangleInfo info)
            this.screen = screen;
            Info = info;
            SetPosition (Info.Position);

            basicEffect = new BasicEffect (screen.device);
            texture = TextureHelper.LoadTexture (screen.content, info.Texturename);
            if (texture != null) {
                FillVertices ();
Example #12
        public VerticalMenu(GameScreen screen, WidgetInfo info, DisplayLayer drawOrder)
            : base(screen, info, drawOrder)
            info.RelativeSize = () => new Vector2 (
                RelativeItemSize (-1).X,
                RelativeItemSize (-1).Y * Items.Count + Info.RelativePadding ().Y * (Items.Count - 1)
            RelativeItemSize = (i) => new Vector2 (300, 0);
            RelativeItemPosition = (n) => {
                return Info.RelativePosition () + new Vector2 (0, (RelativeItemSize (-1).Y + Info.RelativePadding ().Y) * n);
            Border = Border.Zero;

            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch (screen.device);
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Knot3.Core.Camera"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='screen'>
        /// Game State.
        /// </param>
        public Camera(GameScreen screen, World world)
            : base(screen, DisplayLayer.None)
            World = world;
            DefaultPosition = new Vector3 (400, 400, 700);
            Position = DefaultPosition;
            Target = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
            UpVector = Vector3.Up;

            FoV = MathHelper.ToDegrees (MathHelper.PiOver4);
            aspectRatio = screen.viewport.AspectRatio;
            nearPlane = 0.5f;
            farPlane = 10000.0f;

            UpdateMatrices (null);
Example #14
        public static Model LoadModel(GameScreen screen, string name)
            ContentManager content;
            if (contentManagers.ContainsKey (screen.CurrentRenderEffects.Current.ToString ())) {
                content = contentManagers [screen.CurrentRenderEffects.Current.ToString ()];
            else {
                contentManagers [screen.CurrentRenderEffects.Current.ToString ()] = content = new ContentManager (screen.content.ServiceProvider, screen.content.RootDirectory);

            Model model = LoadModel (content, screen.CurrentRenderEffects.Current, name + "-" + Quality);
            if (model == null) {
                model = LoadModel (content, screen.CurrentRenderEffects.Current, name);
            return model;
Example #15
        public ArrowModel(GameScreen screen, ArrowModelInfo info)
            : base(screen, info)
            if (Info.Direction.Y == 1) {
                Info.Rotation += Angles3.FromDegrees (90, 0, 0);
            else if (Info.Direction.Y == -1) {
                Info.Rotation += Angles3.FromDegrees (270, 0, 0);
            if (Info.Direction.X == 1) {
                Info.Rotation += Angles3.FromDegrees (0, 90, 0);
            else if (Info.Direction.X == -1) {
                Info.Rotation += Angles3.FromDegrees (0, 270, 0);

            Bounds = VectorHelper.CylinderBounds (Info.Length, Info.Diameter / 2, Info.Direction,
                                                  info.Position - info.Direction * Info.Length / 2);
Example #16
        public Dialog(GameScreen screen, WidgetInfo info, DisplayLayer drawOrder)
            : base(screen, info, drawOrder)
            IsVisible = true;
            Done = () => {
                IsVisible = false;

            // create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch (screen.device);

            // menu
            WidgetInfo menuInfo = new WidgetInfo ();
            buttons = new Menu (screen, menuInfo, DisplayLayer.Menu);
            buttons.ItemForegroundColor = ButtonForegroundColor;
            buttons.ItemBackgroundColor = ButtonBackgroundColor;
            buttons.ItemAlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            buttons.ItemAlignY = VerticalAlignment.Center;
Example #17
        public ConfirmDialog(GameScreen screen, WidgetInfo info, DisplayLayer drawOrder)
            : base(screen, info, drawOrder)
            // text
            Text = new string[] {};

            // actions
            Action onYesClick = () => {
                OnYesClick ();
                if (CanClose) {
                    Done ();
            Action onNoClick = () => {
                OnNoClick ();
                Done ();
            Action onCancelClick = () => {
                OnCancelClick ();
                Done ();

            // buttons
            buttons.RelativeItemPosition = RelativeButtonPosition;
            buttons.RelativeItemSize = RelativeButtonSize;
            var itemInfo = new MenuItemInfo () {
                Text = "Yes",
                OnClick = onYesClick
            buttons.AddButton (itemInfo);
            itemInfo = new MenuItemInfo () {
                Text = "No",
                OnClick = onNoClick
            buttons.AddButton (itemInfo);
            itemInfo = new MenuItemInfo () {
                Text = "Cancel",
                OnClick = onCancelClick
            buttons.AddButton (itemInfo);
Example #18
        public KnotInputHandler(GameScreen screen, World world)
            : base(screen, DisplayLayer.None)
            // game world
            World = world;

            // default values
            screen.input.GrabMouseMovement = false;
            ResetMousePosition ();

            // keys to accept
            ValidKeys = new List<Keys> ();
            ValidKeys.AddRange (
            new [] {
                Keys.A, Keys.D, Keys.W, Keys.S, Keys.R, Keys.F, Keys.Q, Keys.E, Keys.A, Keys.D, Keys.W,
                Keys.S, Keys.R, Keys.F, Keys.Q, Keys.E,
                Keys.Left, Keys.Right, Keys.Up, Keys.Down, Keys.OemPlus, Keys.OemMinus, Keys.Enter,
                Keys.LeftAlt, Keys.Tab
Example #19
        public ColorPicker(GameScreen screen, WidgetInfo info, DisplayLayer drawOrder)
            : base(screen, info, drawOrder)
            info.BackgroundColor = () => Color.Black;
            info.ForegroundColor = () => Color.White;
            info.AlignX = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            info.AlignY = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            // colors
            colors = new List<Color> (CreateColors (64));
            colors.Sort (Utilities.ColorHelper.SortColorsByLuminance);
            tiles = new List<Vector2> (CreateTiles (colors));

            // create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch (screen.device);

            info.RelativePosition = () => (Vector2.One - info.RelativeSize ()) / 2;
            info.RelativeSize = () => {
                float sqrt = (float)Math.Ceiling (Math.Sqrt (colors.Count));
                return tileSize * sqrt;
Example #20
        public static void DrawLines(ref List<Vector2> linePoints, int lineWidth, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameScreen screen, GameTime time)
            lineWidth = (int)new Vector2 (lineWidth, lineWidth).Scale (screen.viewport).X;
            if (texture == null) {
                texture = TextureHelper.Create (screen.device, Color.White);

            if (linePoints.Count >= 2) {
                Rectangle[] rects = new Rectangle[linePoints.Count - 1];
                for (int i = 1; i < linePoints.Count; ++i) {
                    Vector2 nodeA = linePoints [i - 1];
                    Vector2 nodeB = linePoints [i];
                    if (nodeA.X == nodeB.X || nodeA.Y == nodeB.Y) {
                        Vector2 direction = (nodeB - nodeA).PrimaryDirection ();
                        Vector2 position = nodeA.Scale (screen.viewport);
                        int length = (int)(nodeB - nodeA).Scale (screen.viewport).Length ();
                        if (direction.X == 0 && direction.Y > 0) {
                            rects [i - 1] = CreateRectangle (lineWidth, position.X, position.Y, 0, length);
                        else if (direction.X == 0 && direction.Y < 0) {
                            rects [i - 1] = CreateRectangle (lineWidth, position.X, position.Y - length, 0, length);
                        else if (direction.Y == 0 && direction.X > 0) {
                            rects [i - 1] = CreateRectangle (lineWidth, position.X, position.Y, length, 0);
                        else if (direction.Y == 0 && direction.X < 0) {
                            rects [i - 1] = CreateRectangle (lineWidth, position.X - length, position.Y, length, 0);
                foreach (Rectangle inner in rects) {
                    Rectangle outer = new Rectangle (inner.X - 1, inner.Y - 1, inner.Width + 2, inner.Height + 2);
                    spriteBatch.Draw (texture, outer, OutlineColor);
                foreach (Rectangle rect in rects) {
                    spriteBatch.Draw (texture, rect, LineColor);
Example #21
        float outlineThreshold = 0.2f; // current edge detection threshold

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public CelShadingEffect(GameScreen screen)
            : base(screen)
            /* Set our light direction for the cel-shader
            lightDirection = new Vector4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

            /* Load and initialize the cel-shader effect
            celShader = screen.LoadEffect ("CelShader");
            celShader.Parameters ["LightDirection"].SetValue (lightDirection);
            celMap = screen.content.Load<Texture2D> ("CelMap");
            celShader.Parameters ["Color"].SetValue (Color.Green.ToVector4 ());
            celShader.Parameters ["CelMap"].SetValue (celMap);

            /* Load and initialize the outline shader effect
            outlineShader = screen.LoadEffect ("OutlineShader");
            outlineShader.Parameters ["Thickness"].SetValue (outlineThickness);
            outlineShader.Parameters ["Threshold"].SetValue (outlineThreshold);
            outlineShader.Parameters ["ScreenSize"].SetValue (
                new Vector2 (screen.viewport.Bounds.Width, screen.viewport.Bounds.Height));
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new MousePicking component.
 /// </summary>
 public ModelMouseHandler(GameScreen screen, World world)
     : base(screen, DisplayLayer.None)
     World = world;
Example #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new mouse pointer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='screen'>
 /// State.
 /// </param>
 public MousePointer(GameScreen screen)
     : base(screen, DisplayLayer.Cursor)
     // create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures
     spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch (screen.device);
Example #24
 public BlurEffect(GameScreen screen)
     : base(screen)
     testEffect = screen.LoadEffect ("blur");
Example #25
 public Menu(GameScreen screen, WidgetInfo info, DisplayLayer drawOrder)
     : base(screen, info, drawOrder)
     Items = new List<MenuItem> ();
Example #26
 public ShadowGameModel(GameScreen screen, GameModel model)
     : base(screen, model)
     Model = model;
Example #27
 public StandardEffect(GameScreen screen)
     : base(screen)
Example #28
 public MenuButton(GameScreen screen, DisplayLayer drawOrder, int itemNum, MenuItemInfo info)
     : base(screen, drawOrder, itemNum, info)
Example #29
 public EdgeColoring(GameScreen screen)
     : base(screen, DisplayLayer.None)
     ValidKeys = new List<Keys> ();
     ValidKeys.Add (Keys.C);
 public MovableGameObject(GameScreen screen, IGameObject obj)
     this.screen = screen;
     Obj = obj;
     Obj.Info.IsMovable = true;