Example #1
        public bool Start()
            AnimeDownload dl = new AnimeDownload();

            BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();

            bw.DoWork += delegate
                dl = GetDownload(Episode);

            bw.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate
                if (dl.downloadLink == null)
                    Trace.TraceError("Failed to fetch download link for {0}.", Title);
                    Status = DownloadStatus.Failed;

                DownloadLink = dl.DownloadLink;
                Resolution   = dl.Resolution;

                // This is a really shitty solution, but so far it has worked as all files I have encountered so far has been mp4.
                // There is probably a way better solution to this, but I have time issues as it is :(
                // I tried to get the file extension by usual means, but sometimes the URL contained a '.' and no file extension,
                // which resulted in 25+ character long, invalid, file extensions.
                // TODO: Find the real extension through hex signatures.
                string extension = ".mp4";

                FileName = DownloadManager.GenerateFilePath(this) + extension;

                downloadingClient = new WebClient();
                downloadingClient.Headers.Add("Referer", "http://www.animebam.net/");
                downloadingClient.DownloadProgressChanged += DownloadProgressChanged;
                downloadingClient.DownloadFileCompleted   += DownloadFileCompleted;

                downloadingClient.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(dl.DownloadLink), Path.Combine(DownloadManager.DownloadFolder, FileName));

                Trace.TraceInformation("Started downloading {0} ({1})", FileName, Title);

            Status = DownloadStatus.Downloading;

Example #2
        private AnimeDownload GetDownload(Episode ep)
            List <AnimeDownload> dlList = API.GetDownloads(ep.EpisodeUrl, ep.EpisodeName);

            AnimeDownload maxDl         = new AnimeDownload();
            int           maxResolution = 0;

            foreach (AnimeDownload dl in dlList)
                int res = dl.Resolution;
                if (res > maxResolution)
                    maxResolution = res;
                    maxDl         = dl;
