This class is used to pass arguments to the "gesture recognized" event handlers.
Inheritance: System.EventArgs
        /// <summary>
        /// Callback method for any "gestured recognized" event that is triggered.
        /// Will in turn invoke the registered callback of the client, if any is available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object that triggered the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Triggered event arguments</param>
        public void KinectGesture_KinectGestureRecognized(object sender, KinectGestureEventArgs e)
            // Inkoke callback method if the client registered one.
            if (this.KinectGestureRecognized != null)
                this.KinectGestureRecognized(this, e);

            // Reset all gesture states
            foreach (KinectGesture gesture in this.recognizableGestures)
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the gesture state. If a gesture is successfully recognized
        /// an event is triggered.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">Skeleton to analyze</param>
        public void UpdateGesture(Skeleton skeleton)
            // Checks if the enough time between active frame checks
            // has passed, unpausing them if if true.
            if (this.gesturePaused)
                if (this.currentFrameCount == this.pausedFrameCount)
                    this.gesturePaused = false;

            // Compares the skeleton data with the current frame.
            KinectGestureResult result = this.gestureFrames[this.currentFrameIndex].ProcessFrame(skeleton);

            // In case of a successful recognition, moves on to the next frame if there's any,
            // otherwise triggers the recognized gesture event.
            if (result == KinectGestureResult.Success)
                if (this.currentFrameIndex + 1 < this.gestureFrames.Length)
                    this.currentFrameCount = 0;
                    this.pausedFrameCount = 10;
                    this.gesturePaused = true;
                    // Triggers any registered event
                    if (this.KinectGestureRecognized != null)
                        KinectGestureEventArgs args = new KinectGestureEventArgs(this.gestureType, skeleton.TrackingId);
                        this.KinectGestureRecognized(this, args);

                    // Resets the gesture state.

            // If the gesture recognition failed beyond recovery, or the gesture is being
            // processed for to long, the gesture state is reseted.
            else if (result == KinectGestureResult.Fail || this.currentFrameCount == 50)
                this.currentFrameIndex = 0;
                this.currentFrameCount = 0;
                this.pausedFrameCount = 5;
                this.gesturePaused = true;

            // If the gesture recognition was inconclusive and there's still
            // time to wait, the gesture waits for the next frame.
                this.pausedFrameCount = 5;
                this.gesturePaused = true;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles gesture recognized events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event sender</param>
        /// <param name="args">Event arguments</param>
        public void callback_KinectGestureRecognized(object sender, KinectGestureEventArgs args)
            // Engage animations.
            if (args.GestureType == KinectGestureType.WaveRightHand && this.skeletonId == -1 && !endGame)
                this.skeletonId = args.TrackingId;
                token = "";
                this.endGame = false;
                foreach(var parts in hitSkeleton.BodyParts)
                    if(parts.Key == HitSkeletonBodyPart.ForearmLeft || parts.Key == HitSkeletonBodyPart.ForearmRight)
                        parts.Value.State = BodyPartState.Armor;
                        parts.Value.State = BodyPartState.NotHit;

                // Paddle animation.
                this.hitSkeleton.PaddleRight.State = PaddleState.NotHit;
                this.hitSkeleton.PaddleLeft.State = PaddleState.NotHit;

                // Background animation.
                Storyboard backgroundSb = (Storyboard)this.FindResource("BackgroundFadeOutStoryboard");
                Storyboard backgroundImgSb = (Storyboard)this.FindResource("BackgroundFadeOutImageStoryboard");

                // Scoreboard animation.
                Storyboard sb = (Storyboard)this.FindResource("ScoreboardAppearStoryboard");

                // Start websocket client.
                ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
                ws.OnMessage += ws_OnMessage;