Example #1
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "load");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject val = First(args) as KString;

            if (!(val is KString))
                return(CPS.Error("load: not a string", cont));
            string path = (val as KString).Value;

                List <KObject> tokens = Parser.ParseAll(File.ReadAllText(path));
                foreach (var token in tokens)
                    Evaluator.Eval(token, env);
                return(CPS.Return(new KInert(), cont));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(CPS.Error("Failed to load file: " + e.Message, cont));
Example #2
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 3, "guard-continuation");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KContinuation c     = Second(args) as KContinuation;
            KObject       entry = First(args);
            KObject       exit  = Third(args);

                if (null == c)
                    throw new RuntimeException("guard-continuation: not a continution");
                c.Value.EntryGuard = assignGuards(entry);
                c.Value.ExitGuard  = assignGuards(exit);
                return(CPS.Return(c, cont));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(CPS.Error(e.Message, cont));
Example #3
        public virtual RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            object result = null;

            try {
                result = Do(args, env, cont);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                return(CPS.Error <KObject>(getName() + ": " + e.Message, cont));
            if (result is KObject)
                return(CPS.Return(result as KObject, cont));
            else if (result is bool)
                return(CPS.Return(new KBoolean((bool)result), cont));
            else if (result is RecursionResult <KObject> )
                return(result as RecursionResult <KObject>);
                return(CPS.Return(new KInert(), cont));
Example #4
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "copy-es-immutable");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            return(Return(KPair.CopyEs(First(args)), cont));
Example #5
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "number?");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            return(ReturnBool(First(args) is KDouble || First(args) is KInteger, cont));
Example #6
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "encapsulate");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject datum = First(args);

            return(Return(new KEncapsulation(id, datum), cont));
Example #7
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "display");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject datum = First(args);

            return(Return(new KInert(), cont));
Example #8
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 2);
            KObject definand = First(args), expr = Second(args);
            var     cc = new Continuation <KObject>((e) => {
                try {
                    Evaluator.BindFormalTree(definand, e, env);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    return(CPS.Error <KObject>(ex.Message, cont));
                return(CPS.Return <KObject>(new KInert(), cont));
            }, cont, "define");

            return(CPS.PassTo(() => Evaluator.rceval(expr, env, cc)));
Example #9
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "continuation->applicative");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject c = First(args);

            if (c is KContinuation)
                return(CPS.Return(new KApplicative(new PPassCont(c as KContinuation)), cont));
            return(CPS.Error("continuation->applicative: not a continuation given", cont));
Example #10
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 2, "*");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject a = First(args), b = Second(args);
            var     result = KNumber.DoMath(a, b, (x, y) => x * y, (x, y) => x * y);

            if (result == null)
                return(CPS.Error("*: wrong types", cont));
            return(Return(result, cont));
Example #11
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 0, "make-encapsulation-type");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            this.id = counter++;
            KApplicative e  = new KApplicative(new PEncapE(id));
            KApplicative p  = new KApplicative(new PEncapP(id));
            KApplicative d  = new KApplicative(new PEncapD(id));
            KPair        p3 = new KPair(d, new KNil(), true);
            KPair        p2 = new KPair(p, p3, true);
            KPair        p1 = new KPair(e, p2, true);

            return(Return(p1, cont));
Example #12
        private static RecursionResult <KObject> combineOp(KOperative op, KObject operands, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            if (null == op.Expr)
                if (op is ICombinable)
                    return((op as ICombinable).Combine(operands, env, cont));
                return(CPS.Error <KObject>("Primitive without implementation!" + op.Write(), cont));
            KEnvironment local = new KEnvironment(op.staticenv);

            if (!(op.EFormal is KIgnore))
                local.Bind(((KSymbol)op.EFormal).Value, env);
            BindFormalTree(op.Formals, operands, local);
            return(CPS.PassTo <KObject>(() => Evaluator.rceval(op.Expr, local, cont)));
Example #13
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "unwrap");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject ap = First(args);

            if (!(ap is KApplicative))
                return(CPS.Error("unwrap: not an applicative", cont));
                return(Return((ap as KApplicative).Combiner, cont));
Example #14
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "wrap");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject op = First(args);

            if (!(op is KOperative || op is KApplicative))
                return(CPS.Error("wrap: not a operative", cont));
                return(Return(new KApplicative(op as KCombiner), cont));
Example #15
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            KEnvironment envir = new KEnvironment();

                KPair.Foreach(x => {
                    if (!(x is KEnvironment))
                        throw new RuntimeException("make-environment: not an environment");
                }, args);
            catch (Exception e)
                return(CPS.Error(e.Message, cont));
            return(Return(envir, cont));
Example #16
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 2, "set-car!");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject p = First(args), v = Second(args);

            if (p is KPair)
                KPair pair = p as KPair;
                if (pair.Mutable)
                    return(Return(new KInert(), cont));
            return(CPS.Error("set-car: pair not mutable", cont));
Example #17
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            int len = KPair.Length(args);

            if (len == -1)
                return(CPS.Error("encapsulation?: parameter is not a list", cont));
                bool result = true;
                KPair.Foreach(x =>
                    if (!(x is KEncapsulation) || (x as KEncapsulation).Id != id)
                        result = false;
                }, args);
                return(ReturnBool(result, cont));
Example #18
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 2, "-");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject a = First(args), b = Second(args);

            if (KNumber.IsNumber(b) && KNumber.GetDouble(b) == 0.0)
                return(CPS.Error("Division by zero", cont));
            var result = KNumber.DoMath(a, b, (x, y) => x / y, (x, y) => x / y);

            if (result == null)
                return(CPS.Error("/: wrong types", cont));
            return(Return(result, cont));
Example #19
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "decapsle");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject datum = First(args);

            if (!(datum is KEncapsulation))
                return(CPS.Error("decaplse: not an encap", cont));
            KEncapsulation enc = datum as KEncapsulation;

            if (enc.Id != id)
                return(CPS.Error("decaplse: wrong", cont));
            return(Return(enc.Value, cont));
Example #20
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 1, "call/cc");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject comb = First(args);

                if (comb is KCombiner)
                    return((comb as KCombiner).Combine(new KPair(new KContinuation(cont), new KNil(), true), env, cont));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(CPS.Error(e.Message, cont));
            return(CPS.Error("call/cc: not a combiner", cont));
Example #21
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            var res = CheckParameter(args, 2, ">?");

            if (res != null)
                return(CPS.Error(res, cont));
            KObject a = First(args), b = Second(args);

            if (!(KNumber.IsNumber(a) && KNumber.IsNumber(b)))
                return(CPS.Error("wrong types", cont));
            if (a is KDouble || b is KDouble)
                return(ReturnBool(KNumber.GetDouble(a) > KNumber.GetDouble(b), cont));
                return(ReturnBool((a as KInteger).Value > (b as KInteger).Value, cont));
Example #22
        public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            CPara(args, 3);
            KObject pred = First(args), tr = Second(args), fl = Third(args);
            var     cc = new Continuation <KObject>((p) => {
                if (!(p is KBoolean))
                    return(CPS.Error <KObject>("$if: predicate not boolean", cont));
                    if (((KBoolean)p).Value)
                        return(CPS.PassTo <KObject>(() => Evaluator.rceval(tr, env, cont)));
                        return(CPS.PassTo <KObject>(() => Evaluator.rceval(fl, env, cont)));
            }, cont, "if");

            return(CPS.PassTo(() => Evaluator.rceval(pred, env, cc)));
Example #23
        public override RecursionResult <KObject> Combine(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            int len = KPair.Length(args);

            if (len < 2 || len > 3)
                return(CPS.Error("extend-continuation: argument mismatch", cont));
            KContinuation argC = First(args) as KContinuation;
            KApplicative  argA = Second(args) as KApplicative;
            KEnvironment  argE = len == 3 ? Third(args) as KEnvironment : new KEnvironment();

            if (argC == null || argA == null || argE == null)
                return(CPS.Error("extend-continuation: mismatching arguments", cont));

            var nc = new Continuation <KObject>((val, ctxt) =>
                return(CPS.Next(() => Evaluator.rceval(new KPair(argA.Combiner, val, true), argE, argC.Value), argC.Value));
            }, argC.Value, argA);

            return(Return(new KContinuation(nc), cont));
Example #24
 public override object Do(KObject args, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
     CPara(args, 1);
     Check(First(args), "message not a string");
     return(CPS.Error <KObject>((First(args) as KString).Value, cont));
Example #25
        public static RecursionResult <KObject> rceval(KObject datum, KEnvironment env, Continuation <KObject> cont)
            // useful for debugging

            if (datum is KPair)
                KPair p = datum as KPair;

                // this function get called when the operator is evaluated to f
                var childCont = new Continuation <KObject>((f) =>
                    if (f is KOperative)
                        return(combineOp(f as KOperative, p.Cdr, env, cont));
                    else if (f is KApplicative && (p.Cdr is KPair || p.Cdr is KNil))
                        if (p.Cdr is KNil)
                            return(combineApp(f as KApplicative, p.Cdr, env, cont));
                        KPair ops = p.Cdr as KPair;
                        LinkedList <KObject> input = new LinkedList <KObject>();
                        KPair.Foreach(x =>
                        }, ops);
                        LinkedList <KObject> pairs = new LinkedList <KObject>();
                        Func <KObject, RecursionResult <KObject> > recursion = null;
                        bool firstRun = true;

                        // this continuation is called with the next argument evaled to x. Place next value
                        recursion = (x) =>
                            if (CPS.getContext() is int && !firstRun)
                                // restore elements when reentering continuation
                                int oldInputCount = (int)CPS.getContext() + 1;
                                input             = new LinkedList <KObject>();
                                KPair.Foreach(e =>
                                }, ops);
                                int leaveOutputs = input.Count - oldInputCount;
                                while (input.Count > oldInputCount)
                                while (pairs.Count >= leaveOutputs)
                                firstRun = true;
                            if (input.Count == 0)
                                // we are finished
                                KObject output = new KNil();
                                foreach (var el in pairs)
                                    output = new KPair(el, output);
                                firstRun = false;
                                return(combineApp(f as KApplicative, output, env, cont));
                                // do something with the next Head argument
                                KObject next = input.First.Value;
                                var cc2 = new Continuation <KObject>(recursion, cont, input.Count);
                                return(CPS.PassTo(() => rceval(next, env, cc2)));
                        KObject next2 = input.First.Value;
                        var cc = new Continuation <KObject>(recursion, cont, input.Count);
                        return(CPS.PassTo(() => rceval(next2, env, cc)));
                    return(CPS.Error <KObject>("Unsuitable operation of " + f.Write(), cont));
                }, cont, "eval op/app");
                return(CPS.PassTo(() => rceval(p.Car, env, childCont)));
            else if (datum is KSymbol)
                KObject val = env.Lookup(((KSymbol)datum).Value);
                if (null == val)
                    return(CPS.Error <KObject>("Unbound variable " + ((KSymbol)datum).Value, cont));
                return(CPS.Return(val, cont));
                return(CPS.Return(datum, cont));