GetUnusedChar() public static method

Find a character that does not occur within a given text.
public static GetUnusedChar ( string strText ) : char
strText string
return char
Example #1
        /* /// <summary>
         * /// File access mode enumeration. Used by the <c>FileAccessible</c>
         * /// method.
         * /// </summary>
         * public enum FileAccessMode
         * {
         *      /// <summary>
         *      /// Opening a file in read mode. The specified file must exist.
         *      /// </summary>
         *      Read = 0,
         *      /// <summary>
         *      /// Opening a file in create mode. If the file exists already, it
         *      /// will be overwritten. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
         *      /// The return value is <c>true</c>, if data can be written to the
         *      /// file.
         *      /// </summary>
         *      Create
         * } */

        /* /// <summary>
         * /// Test if a specified path is accessible, either in read or write mode.
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="strFilePath">Path to test.</param>
         * /// <param name="fMode">Requested file access mode.</param>
         * /// <returns>Returns <c>true</c> if the specified path is accessible in
         * /// the requested mode, otherwise the return value is <c>false</c>.</returns>
         * public static bool FileAccessible(string strFilePath, FileAccessMode fMode)
         * {
         *      Debug.Assert(strFilePath != null);
         *      if(strFilePath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strFilePath");
         *      if(fMode == FileAccessMode.Read)
         *      {
         *              FileStream fs;
         *              try { fs = File.OpenRead(strFilePath); }
         *              catch(Exception) { return false; }
         *              if(fs == null) return false;
         *              fs.Close();
         *              return true;
         *      }
         *      else if(fMode == FileAccessMode.Create)
         *      {
         *              FileStream fs;
         *              try { fs = File.Create(strFilePath); }
         *              catch(Exception) { return false; }
         *              if(fs == null) return false;
         *              fs.Close();
         *              return true;
         *      }
         *      return false;
         * } */

        internal static int IndexOfSecondEnclQuote(string str)
            if (str == null)
                Debug.Assert(false); return(-1);
            if (str.Length <= 1)
            if (str[0] != '\"')
                Debug.Assert(false); return(-1);

            if (NativeLib.IsUnix())
                // Find non-escaped quote
                string strFlt = str.Replace("\\\\", new string(
                                                StrUtil.GetUnusedChar(str + "\\\""), 2)); // Same length
                Match m = Regex.Match(strFlt, "[^\\\\]\\u0022");
                int   i = (((m != null) && m.Success) ? m.Index : -1);
                return((i >= 0) ? (i + 1) : -1);                  // Index of quote

            // Windows does not allow quotes in folder/file names
            return(str.IndexOf('\"', 1));
Example #2
        private static string DeriveCustomFormat(string strDT, DateTime dt)
            string[] vPlh = new string[] {
                // Names, sorted by length
                "MMMM", "dddd",
                "MMM", "ddd",
                "gg", "g",

                // Numbers, the ones with prefix '0' first
                "yyyy", "yyy", "yy", "y",
                "MM", "M",
                "dd", "d",
                "HH", "hh", "H", "h",
                "mm", "m",
                "ss", "s",

                "tt", "t"

            List <string> lValues = new List <string>();

            foreach (string strPlh in vPlh)
                string strEval = strPlh;
                if (strEval.Length == 1)
                    strEval = @"%" + strPlh;                                     // Make custom

            StringBuilder sbAll = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (string strVEnum in lValues)

            List <char> lCodes = new List <char>();

            for (int i = 0; i < vPlh.Length; ++i)
                char ch = StrUtil.GetUnusedChar(sbAll.ToString());

            string str = strDT;

            for (int i = 0; i < vPlh.Length; ++i)
                string strValue = lValues[i];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue))

                str = str.Replace(strValue, new string(lCodes[i], 1));

            StringBuilder sbFmt      = new StringBuilder();
            bool          bInLiteral = false;

            foreach (char ch in str)
                int iCode = lCodes.IndexOf(ch);

                // The escape character doesn't work correctly (e.g.
                // "dd\\.MM\\.yyyy\\ HH\\:mm\\:ss" doesn't work, but
                // "dd'.'MM'.'yyyy' 'HH':'mm':'ss" does); use '' instead

                // if(iCode >= 0) sbFmt.Append(vPlh[iCode]);
                // else // Literal
                // {
                //	sbFmt.Append('\\');
                //	sbFmt.Append(ch);
                // }

                if (iCode >= 0)
                    if (bInLiteral)
                        sbFmt.Append('\''); bInLiteral = false;
                else                 // Literal
                    if (!bInLiteral)
                        sbFmt.Append('\''); bInLiteral = true;
            if (bInLiteral)
