Example #1
        public object invoke( VerbParameters param, bool coralContinuation )
            // Inject the verb script blob parameters as script variables.
            var scope = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            scope["input"] = param.input;
            scope["inputwords"] = param.inputwords;
            scope["self"] = new Proxies.MobProxy(param.self, param.player);
            scope["obj"] = new Proxies.MobProxy(param.dobj, param.player);
            if (param.prep != Prep.None)
            scope["prep"] = param.prep.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
            scope["prep"] = null;
            scope["indobj"] = new Proxies.MobProxy(param.iobj, param.player);
            if (param.prep2 != Prep.None)
            scope["prep2"] = param.prep2.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
            scope["prep2"] = null;
            scope["indobj2"] = new Proxies.MobProxy(param.iobj2, param.player);

            scope["objwords"] = param.dobjwords;
            scope["prepwords"] = param.prepwords;
            scope["indobjwords"] = param.iobjwords;
            scope["prep2words"] = param.prep2words;
            scope["indobj2words"] = param.iobj2words;

            // Inject some standard MOO objects.
            scope["ambiguous"] = Proxies.MobProxy.Ambiguous;
            scope["none"] = Proxies.MobProxy.None;

            // Inject the player object.
            Proxies.PlayerProxy player = null;
            if (param.player != null)
            player = new Proxies.PlayerProxy( param.player, param.world );
            scope["player"] = player;

            // "caller" is the same as the player, unless otherwise specified.
            if (param.caller != null)
            scope["caller"] = new Proxies.MobProxy(param.caller, param.player);
            scope["caller"] = player;

            scope["args"] = param.args;
            scope["world"] = new Proxies.WorldProxy(param.world, param.player);
            scope["$"] = new Proxies.MobProxy(param.world.findObject(1), param.player);
            scope["perms"] = Proxies.PermBitsProxy.Static;

            Func<string,object> querier = (name) => {
            if (name.StartsWithI("#")) {
                int number = CultureFree.ParseInt(name.Substring(1));
                if( number == Mob.Anon.id )
                    Mob m = param.player.anonMob;
                    if( m != null )
                        return new Proxies.MobProxy( m, param.player );
                return new Proxies.MobProxy(param.world.findObject(number), param.player);
            return null;

            // Is the verb valid / compiled properly?
            if( !_coral.success )
            player.write( "Verb was not properly compiled." );
            if( _coral.errors != null )
                foreach( var err in _coral.errors )
                    player.write( " line {0}, col {1}: {2}".FormatI( err.line, err.col, err.message ) );
            return null;

            // We have to run the code first, for it to define its verb.
            var runner = new Coral.Runner();
            var tempScope = new Coral.StandardScope( runner.state.baseScope );
            runner.pushScope( tempScope );
            runner.setScopeCallback( querier );
            foreach( var kv in scope )
            runner.addToScope( kv.Key, kv.Value );
            runner.runSync( _coral );
            Coral.FValue verbFunc = (Coral.FValue)tempScope.get( "verb" );
            tempScope.delete( "verb" );

            // Now that's done, hook up to the main state.
            runner = new Coral.Runner( param.player.coralState );
            runner.pushScope( tempScope );

            // Pass these on literally to any down-stream invokes.
            runner.state.baggage.set( VerbParamsKey, param );

            Coral.StackTrace.StackFrame frame = new Coral.StackTrace.StackFrame()
            unitName = "<climoo>",
            funcName = "<trampoline>"

            // If there wasn't one, throw a sensible error.
            if( verbFunc == null )
            throw new InvalidOperationException( "Verb does not define a function called 'verb'." );

            // Print security context debug info if the player's debug flag is set.
            if( player.get.attrHas( "debug" ) )
            var value = player.get.attrGet( "debug" ).contents;
            if( value is bool && (bool)value )
                string securityStack = String.Join( "->",
                    param.player.actorContextStack.Select( id => "{0}".FormatI( id ) )
                string securityText = "[color=#0cc]Running {0} as {1} ({2})[/color]".FormatI( this.name, param.player.actorContext, securityStack );
                param.player.writeError( securityText );

            // If we came from Coral and we're going to Coral, use a continuation.
            if( coralContinuation )
            return new Coral.AsyncAction()
                action = Coral.AsyncAction.Action.Call,
                function = verbFunc,
                args = param.args,
                frame = frame
                runner.state.scope.set( "!verb-" + this.name, verbFunc );
                return runner.callFunction( "!verb-" + this.name, param.args, typeof( object ), frame );
            catch( Coral.CoralException ex )
                param.player.writeError( "Unhandled exception {0}: {1}\n{2}".FormatI( ex.name, ex.Message, ex.trace ) );
                return null;
Example #2
        public object invoke(VerbParameters param)
            // Inject the verb script blob parameters as script variables.
            var scope = new Scope();
            scope.set("input", param.input);
            scope.set("inputwords", param.inputwords);
            scope.set("self", new Proxies.MobProxy(param.self, param.player));
            scope.set("obj", new Proxies.MobProxy(param.dobj, param.player));
            if (param.prep != Prep.None)
            scope.set("prep", param.prep.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
            scope.set("prep", null);
            scope.set("indobj", new Proxies.MobProxy(param.iobj, param.player));
            if (param.prep2 != Prep.None)
            scope.set("prep2", param.prep2.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
            scope.set("prep2", null);
            scope.set("indobj2", new Proxies.MobProxy(param.iobj2, param.player));

            scope.set("objwords", param.dobjwords);
            scope.set("prepwords", param.prepwords);
            scope.set("indobjwords", param.iobjwords);
            scope.set("prep2words", param.prep2words);
            scope.set("indobj2words", param.iobj2words);

            // Inject some standard MOO objects.
            scope.set("ambiguous", Proxies.MobProxy.Ambiguous);
            scope.set("none", Proxies.MobProxy.None);

            // Inject the player object.
            Proxies.PlayerProxy player = null;
            if (param.player != null)
            player = new Proxies.PlayerProxy( param.player, param.world );
            scope.set("player", player);

            // "caller" is the same as the player, unless otherwise specified.
            if (param.caller != null)
            scope.set("caller", new Proxies.MobProxy(param.caller, param.player));
            scope.set("caller", player);

            scope.set("args", param.args);
            scope.set("world", new Proxies.WorldProxy(param.world, param.player));
            scope.set("$", new Proxies.MobProxy(param.world.findObject(1), param.player));
            scope.set( "perms", Proxies.PermBitsProxy.Static );

            scope.queryForItem = (name) => {
            if (name.StartsWithI("#")) {
                int number = CultureFree.ParseInt(name.Substring(1));
                if( number == Mob.Anon.id )
                    Mob m = param.player.anonMob;
                    if( m != null )
                        return new Proxies.MobProxy( m, param.player );
                return new Proxies.MobProxy(param.world.findObject(number), param.player);
            return null;

            // Pass these on literally to any down-stream invokes.
            scope.baggageSet(VerbParamsKey, param);

            return _script.execute(scope);