Example #1
        /** Create a PDF page to display the given bitmap image.
         * We need:
         * - A page object, that points to the resources and contents of the page.
         * - A resource object, that defines Im1 (image 1), the image to draw.
         * - A content object, that says to draw Im1
         * - An XObject, that gives the raw image data (zlib-compressed)
        public void AddImage(Bitmap bitmap)
            PDFObject page              = createPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypePage);
            PDFObject pagetree          = getPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypePageTree);
            PDFObject pageResource      = createPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypePageResource);
            PDFObject pageContent       = createPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypePageContent);
            PDFObject pageContentLength = createPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypeLength);
            PDFObject pageXObject       = createPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypeXObject);
            PDFObject pageXObjectLength = createPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypeLength);

            page.StringPairs = "<< /Type /Page /Parent " + pagetree.RefString +
                               " /Resources " + pageResource.RefString +
                               " /Contents " + pageContent.RefString +
                               " /MediaBox [0 0 840 1090] >>";

            pageResource.StringPairs = "<< /ProcSet [ /PDF /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << /Im1 " + pageXObject.RefString + " >> >>";

            byte[] uncompressedValue = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("q Q q /Perceptual ri q " + bitmap.Width.ToString() + " 0 0 " + bitmap.Height.ToString() + " 0 0 cm /Im1 Do Q Q");
            byte[] compressedValue   = Compress(uncompressedValue);
            pageContentLength.StringPairs = compressedValue.Length.ToString();
            pageContent.StringPairs       = "<< /Length " + pageContentLength.RefString + " /Filter /FlateDecode >>";
            pageContent.StreamValue       = compressedValue;

            pageXObject.StringPairs       = "<< /Length " + pageXObjectLength.RefString + " /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width " + bitmap.Width.ToString() + " /Height " + bitmap.Height.ToString() + " /Interpolate false /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /BitsPerComponent 8 /Filter /FlateDecode >>";
            pageXObject.StreamValue       = CompressImage(bitmap);
            pageXObjectLength.StringPairs = pageXObject.StreamValue.Length.ToString();
Example #2
        /** Allocate a new PDF Object */
        PDFObject createPDFObject(PDFType type)
            PDFObject obj = new PDFObject(pdfobjects.Count + 1, type);

Example #3
        /** Write the PDF trailer */
        void WriteTrailer()
            TimeSpan  epoch     = (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));
            int       timestamp = (int)epoch.TotalSeconds;
            PDFObject catalog   = getPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypeCatalog);
            PDFObject info      = getPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypeInfo);

            WriteString("trailer\n<< /Size " + (pdfobjects.Count + 1).ToString() + " /Root " + catalog.RefString + " /Info " + info.RefString + " /ID [ <" + timestamp.ToString() + "> <" + timestamp.ToString() + "> ] >>\n");
            WriteString("startxref\n" + startxref.ToString() + "\n%%EOF\n");
Example #4
        /** Create the PDF catalog, info, and page tree objects */
        void CreateHeaderObjects()
            string    datestring = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyymmddhhmmss-00'00'");
            PDFObject docinfo    = createPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypeInfo);

            docinfo.StringPairs = "<< /Title (" + title + ") /Producer (MidiSheetMusic) /CreationDate (D:" + datestring + ") >>";

            PDFObject catalog  = createPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypeCatalog);
            PDFObject pagetree = createPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypePageTree);

            catalog.StringPairs = "<< /Type /Catalog /Pages " + pagetree.RefString + " /Version /1.4 >>";
Example #5
        /** Create the page tree object, which contains references to all the page objects */
        void initPageTreeValue()
            PDFObject pagetree      = getPDFObject(PDFType.PDFTypePageTree);
            string    pageTreeValue = "<< /Type /Pages /MediaBox [0 0 840 1090] /Count " + numpages.ToString() + " /Kids [ ";

            foreach (PDFObject obj in pdfobjects)
                if (obj.PDFType == PDFType.PDFTypePage)
                    pageTreeValue += obj.RefString + " ";
            pageTreeValue       += "] >>";
            pagetree.StringPairs = pageTreeValue;