public async Task StartAsync() { config = new DiscordSocketConfig() { MessageCacheSize = 1000000 }; // initialize the config for the client, and set the message cache size Client = new DiscordSocketClient(config); // get the client with the configurations we want // Managers userDataManager = new UserDataManager(); // This sets up the user data files and loads them into memory fileManager = new FileManager(); // initialize the file manager // Initialize Handlers _commands = new CommandHandler(Client); _logs = new LogHandler(); _reaction = new ReactionHandler(Client); _general = new GeneralHandler(Client); Client.Ready += OnReady; // Add the OnReady event BotUtils.SaveReady = true; // Tell the class that the autosave loop should start BotUtils.GCReady = true; StartThreads(); await Client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, GetToken()); await Client.StartAsync(); KLog.Important("Logged in!"); await Task.Delay(-1); // Stop this method from exiting. }
public async Task OnReady() { SetupGeneral(); await GeneralHandler.UpdateRoleMessage(); // fix the role selection message on startup Ready = true; KLog.Important("Ready!"); }