GetBytes() public method

Gets the bytes matching the expected Kafka structure.
public GetBytes ( ) : byte[]
return byte[]
        public void GetBytesValidFormat()
            List<ProducerRequest> requests = new List<ProducerRequest>
                new ProducerRequest("topic a", 0, new List<Message> { new Message(new byte[10]) }),
                new ProducerRequest("topic a", 0, new List<Message> { new Message(new byte[10]) }),
                new ProducerRequest("topic b", 0, new List<Message> { new Message(new byte[10]) }),
                new ProducerRequest("topic c", 0, new List<Message> { new Message(new byte[10]) })

            MultiProducerRequest request = new MultiProducerRequest(requests);

            // format = len(request) + requesttype + requestcount + requestpackage
            // total byte count = 4 + (2 + 2 + 144)
            byte[] bytes = request.GetBytes();
            Assert.AreEqual(152, bytes.Length);

            // first 4 bytes = the length of the request
            Assert.AreEqual(148, BitConverter.ToInt32(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Take(4).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next 2 bytes = the RequestType which in this case should be Produce
            Assert.AreEqual((short)RequestType.MultiProduce, BitConverter.ToInt16(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(4).Take(2).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next 2 bytes = the number of messages
            Assert.AreEqual((short)4, BitConverter.ToInt16(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(6).Take(2).ToArray<byte>()), 0));
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes a multi-producer request to the server.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Write timeout is defaulted to infitite.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="request">The <see cref="MultiProducerRequest"/> to send to the server.</param>
 public void Write(MultiProducerRequest request)