public override void DidChangeAnnotation(PSPDFAnnotation annotation, PSPDFAnnotation originalAnnotation, NSArray keyPaths, NSDictionary options)
     if(annotation is IKSAnnotation)
         Console.WriteLine("Custom annotation changed: " + annotation);
 public override bool DidTapOnAnnotation(PSPDFViewController pdfController, PSPDFAnnotation annotation, System.Drawing.PointF annotationPoint, PSPDFAnnotationViewProtocol annotationView, PSPDFPageView pageView, System.Drawing.PointF viewPoint)
     if(annotation is PSPDFLinkAnnotation)
         var linkAnnot = (PSPDFLinkAnnotation)annotation;
         Console.WriteLine("Tapped a link annotation!");
         var alert = new UIAlertView("TapTap", "Tapped link annotation. Target: " + linkAnnot.SiteLinkTarget, null, null, "OK");
         return true;
     return false;
        public override bool AddAnnotations(PSPDFAnnotation[] annotations, uint page)
            Console.WriteLine ("Overridden AddAnnotations()");
            foreach (var annot in annotations)
                Console.WriteLine( " {0}, Page: {1}, Absolute Page: {2}, Rect: {3}", annot.AnnotationType, annot.Page, annot.AbsolutePage, annot.Rects);
                // All added annotations are ours.
                ((IKSAnnotation)annot).IsCustomAnnotation = true;

            this.AddAnnotationsToCache (page, annotations);

            return true;

            // TODO: Calling base here crashes with unrecognized selector. But for our case we don't want to call base anyway.
            //return base.AddAnnotations (annotations, page);
 public KSAnnotationElement(PSPDFAnnotation annot)
     : base("")
     this.annot = annot;
     this.oImgIcon = new UIImage ();