Example #1
        static void Render_file(Panel p, uint partId, string filename, File file, Drive drive, bool short_strings, Vessel v)
            // get experiment info
            ExperimentInfo exp  = Science.Experiment(filename);
            double         rate = Cache.VesselInfo(v).connection.rate;

            // render experiment name
            string exp_label = Lib.BuildString
                Lib.Ellipsis(exp.name, Styles.ScaleStringLength(short_strings ? 24 : 38)),
                "</b> <size=", Styles.ScaleInteger(10).ToString(), ">",
                Lib.Ellipsis(ExperimentInfo.Situation(filename), Styles.ScaleStringLength((short_strings ? 32 : 62) - Lib.Ellipsis(exp.name, Styles.ScaleStringLength(short_strings ? 24 : 38)).Length)),
            string exp_tooltip = Lib.BuildString
                exp.name, "\n",
                "<color=#aaaaaa>", ExperimentInfo.Situation(filename), "</color>"
            double exp_value = Science.Value(filename, file.size);

            if (exp_value >= 0.1)
                exp_tooltip = Lib.BuildString(exp_tooltip, "\n<b>", Lib.HumanReadableScience(exp_value), "</b>");
            if (rate > 0)
                exp_tooltip = Lib.BuildString(exp_tooltip, "\n<i>" + Lib.HumanReadableDuration(file.size / rate) + "</i>");
            p.AddContent(exp_label, Lib.HumanReadableDataSize(file.size), exp_tooltip, (Action)null, () => Highlighter.Set(partId, Color.cyan));

            bool send = drive.GetFileSend(filename);

            p.AddIcon(send ? Icons.send_cyan : Icons.send_black, "Flag the file for transmission to <b>DSN</b>", () => { drive.Send(filename, !send); });
            p.AddIcon(Icons.toggle_red, "Delete the file", () =>
                          Lib.BuildString("Do you really want to delete ", exp.FullName(filename), "?"),
                          new DialogGUIButton("Delete it", () => drive.Delete_file(filename, double.MaxValue, v.protoVessel)),
                          new DialogGUIButton("Keep it", () => { }));
Example #2
		// ctor
		public Message()
			// enable global access
			instance = this;

			// setup style
			style = new GUIStyle();
			style.normal.background = Lib.GetTexture("black-background");
			style.normal.textColor = new Color(0.66f, 0.66f, 0.66f, 1.0f);
			style.richText = true;
			style.stretchWidth = true;
			style.stretchHeight = true;
			style.fixedWidth = 0;
			style.fixedHeight = 0;
			style.fontSize = Styles.ScaleInteger(12);
			style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
			style.border = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0);
			style.padding = new RectOffset(Styles.ScaleInteger(2), Styles.ScaleInteger(2), Styles.ScaleInteger(2), Styles.ScaleInteger(2));

			if (all_logs == null)
				all_logs = new List<MessageObject>();
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// If short_strings parameter is true then the strings used for display of the data will be shorter when inflight.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Fileman(this Panel p, Vessel v, bool short_strings = false)
            // avoid corner-case when this is called in a lambda after scene changes
            v = FlightGlobals.FindVessel(v.id);

            // if vessel doesn't exist anymore, leave the panel empty
            if (v == null)

            // get info from the cache
            Vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

            // if not a valid vessel, leave the panel empty
            if (!vi.is_valid)

            // set metadata
            p.Title(Lib.BuildString(Lib.Ellipsis(v.vesselName, Styles.ScaleStringLength(40)), " <color=#cccccc>FILE MANAGER</color>"));
            p.paneltype = Panel.PanelType.data;

            // time-out simulation
            if (p.Timeout(vi))

            var drives = Drive.GetDriveParts(v);

            int    filesCount        = 0;
            double usedDataCapacity  = 0;
            double totalDataCapacity = 0;

            int    samplesCount     = 0;
            int    usedSlots        = 0;
            int    totalSlots       = 0;
            double totalMass        = 0;
            bool   unlimitedData    = false;
            bool   unlimitedSamples = false;

            foreach (var idDrivePair in drives)
                var drive = idDrivePair.Value;

                if (!drive.is_private)
                    usedDataCapacity  += drive.FilesSize();
                    totalDataCapacity += drive.dataCapacity;

                    unlimitedData    |= drive.dataCapacity < 0;
                    unlimitedSamples |= drive.sampleCapacity < 0;

                    usedSlots  += drive.SamplesSize();
                    totalSlots += drive.sampleCapacity;

                filesCount   += drive.files.Count;
                samplesCount += drive.samples.Count;
                foreach (var sample in drive.samples.Values)
                    totalMass += sample.mass;

            if (filesCount > 0 || totalDataCapacity > 0)
                var title = "DATA " + Lib.HumanReadableDataSize(usedDataCapacity);
                if (!unlimitedData)
                    title += Lib.BuildString(" (", Lib.HumanReadablePerc((totalDataCapacity - usedDataCapacity) / totalDataCapacity), " available)");

                foreach (var idDrivePair in drives)
                    uint partId = idDrivePair.Key;
                    var  drive  = idDrivePair.Value;
                    foreach (var pair in drive.files)
                        string filename = pair.Key;
                        File   file     = pair.Value;
                        Render_file(p, partId, filename, file, drive, short_strings && Lib.IsFlight(), v);

                if (filesCount == 0)
                    p.AddContent("<i>no files</i>", string.Empty);

            if (samplesCount > 0 || totalSlots > 0)
                var title = "SAMPLES " + Lib.HumanReadableMass(totalMass) + " " + Lib.HumanReadableSampleSize(usedSlots);
                if (totalSlots > 0 && !unlimitedSamples)
                    title += ", " + Lib.HumanReadableSampleSize(totalSlots) + " available";

                foreach (var idDrivePair in drives)
                    uint partId = idDrivePair.Key;
                    var  drive  = idDrivePair.Value;
                    foreach (var pair in drive.samples)
                        string samplename = pair.Key;
                        Sample sample     = pair.Value;
                        Render_sample(p, partId, samplename, sample, drive, short_strings && Lib.IsFlight());

                if (samplesCount == 0)
                    p.AddContent("<i>no samples</i>", string.Empty);
Example #4
        public void Update()
            var exp = Science.Experiment(experiment_id);

            // in flight
            if (Lib.IsFlight())
                Vessel v = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;
                if (v == null || EVA.IsDead(v))

                // get info from cache
                Vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(vessel);

                // do nothing if vessel is invalid
                if (!vi.is_valid)

                var sampleSize = exp.max_amount;
                var eta        = data_rate < double.Epsilon || Done(exp, dataSampled) ? " done" : " " + Lib.HumanReadableCountdown((sampleSize - dataSampled) / data_rate);

                // update ui
                var title = Lib.Ellipsis(exp.name, Styles.ScaleStringLength(24));
                if (scienceValue > 0.1)
                    title += " •<b>" + scienceValue.ToString("F1") + "</b>";

                string statusString = string.Empty;
                switch (state)
                case State.ISSUE: statusString = Lib.Color("yellow", issue); break;

                case State.RUNNING: statusString = Lib.HumanReadablePerc(dataSampled / sampleSize) + eta; break;

                case State.WAITING: statusString = "waiting" + eta; break;

                case State.STOPPED: statusString = "stopped"; break;

                Events["Toggle"].guiName = Lib.StatusToggle(title, statusString);
                Events["Toggle"].active  = (prepare_cs == null || didPrepare);

                Events["Prepare"].guiName = Lib.BuildString("Prepare <b>", exp.name, "</b>");
                Events["Prepare"].active  = !didPrepare && prepare_cs != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(last_subject_id);

                Events["Reset"].guiName = Lib.BuildString("Reset <b>", exp.name, "</b>");
                // we need a reset either if we have recorded data or did a setup
                bool resetActive = (reset_cs != null || prepare_cs != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(last_subject_id);
                Events["Reset"].active = resetActive;

                if (issue.Length > 0 && hide_when_unavailable && issue != insufficient_storage)
                    Events["Toggle"].active = false;
            // in the editor
            else if (Lib.IsEditor())
                // update ui
                Events["Toggle"].guiName = Lib.StatusToggle(exp.name, recording ? "recording" : "stopped");
                Events["Reset"].active   = false;
                Events["Prepare"].active = false;
Example #5
		public static void Body_info(this Panel p)
			// only show in mapview
			if (!MapView.MapIsEnabled) return;

			// only show if there is a selected body and that body is not the sun
			CelestialBody body = Lib.SelectedBody();
			if (body == null || (body.flightGlobalsIndex == 0 && !Features.Radiation)) return;

			// shortcut
			CelestialBody sun = FlightGlobals.Bodies[0];

			// for all bodies except the sun
			if (body != sun)
				// calculate simulation values
				double atmo_factor = Sim.AtmosphereFactor(body, 0.7071);
				double gamma_factor = Sim.GammaTransparency(body, 0.0);
				double sun_dist = Sim.Apoapsis(Lib.PlanetarySystem(body)) - sun.Radius - body.Radius;
				Vector3d sun_dir = (sun.position - body.position).normalized;
				double solar_flux = Sim.SolarFlux(sun_dist) * atmo_factor;
				double albedo_flux = Sim.AlbedoFlux(body, body.position + sun_dir * body.Radius);
				double body_flux = Sim.BodyFlux(body, 0.0);
				double total_flux = solar_flux + albedo_flux + body_flux + Sim.BackgroundFlux();
				double temperature = body.atmosphere ? body.GetTemperature(0.0) : Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(total_flux);

				// calculate night-side temperature
				double total_flux_min = Sim.AlbedoFlux(body, body.position - sun_dir * body.Radius) + body_flux + Sim.BackgroundFlux();
				double temperature_min = Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(total_flux_min);

				// calculate radiation at body surface
				double radiation = Radiation.ComputeSurface(body, gamma_factor);

				// surface panel
				string temperature_str = body.atmosphere
				  ? Lib.HumanReadableTemp(temperature)
				  : Lib.BuildString(Lib.HumanReadableTemp(temperature_min), " / ", Lib.HumanReadableTemp(temperature));
				p.AddContent("temperature", temperature_str);
				p.AddContent("solar flux", Lib.HumanReadableFlux(solar_flux));
				if (Features.Radiation) p.AddContent("radiation", Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(radiation));

				// atmosphere panel
				if (body.atmosphere)
					p.AddContent("breathable", Sim.Breathable(body) ? "yes" : "no");
					p.AddContent("light absorption", Lib.HumanReadablePerc(1.0 - Sim.AtmosphereFactor(body, 0.7071)));
					if (Features.Radiation) p.AddContent("gamma absorption", Lib.HumanReadablePerc(1.0 - Sim.GammaTransparency(body, 0.0)));

			// rendering panel
			if (Features.Radiation)
				p.AddContent("inner belt", Radiation.show_inner ? "<color=green>show</color>" : "<color=red>hide</color>", string.Empty, () => p.Toggle(ref Radiation.show_inner));
				p.AddContent("outer belt", Radiation.show_outer ? "<color=green>show</color>" : "<color=red>hide</color>", string.Empty, () => p.Toggle(ref Radiation.show_outer));
				p.AddContent("magnetopause", Radiation.show_pause ? "<color=green>show</color>" : "<color=red>hide</color>", string.Empty, () => p.Toggle(ref Radiation.show_pause));

			// explain the user how to toggle the BodyInfo window
			p.AddContent("<i>Press <b>B</b> to open this window again</i>");

			// set metadata
			p.Title(Lib.BuildString(Lib.Ellipsis(body.bodyName, Styles.ScaleStringLength(24)), " <color=#cccccc>BODY INFO</color>"));
Example #6
        static Styles()
            blackBackground = Lib.GetTexture("black-background");

            // window container
            win = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.window)
                padding =
                    left   = ScaleInteger(6),
                    right  = ScaleInteger(6),
                    top    =               0,
                    bottom = 0

            // window title container
            title_container = new GUIStyle
                stretchWidth = true,
                fixedHeight  = ScaleFloat(16.0f),
                margin       =
                    bottom = ScaleInteger(2),
                    top    = ScaleInteger(2)

            // window title text
            title_text = new GUIStyle
                fontStyle   = FontStyle.Bold,
                fontSize    = ScaleInteger(10),
                fixedHeight = ScaleFloat(16.0f),
                alignment   = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter

            // subsection title container
            section_container = new GUIStyle
                stretchWidth = true,
                fixedHeight  = ScaleFloat(16.0f),
                normal       = { background = blackBackground },
                margin       =
                    bottom = ScaleInteger(4),
                    top    = ScaleInteger(4)

            // subsection title text
            section_text = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.label)
                stretchWidth  = true,
                stretchHeight = true,
                fontSize      = ScaleInteger(12),
                alignment     = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                normal        = { textColor = Color.white }

            // entry row container
            entry_container = new GUIStyle
                stretchWidth = true,
                fixedHeight  = ScaleFloat(16.0f)

            // entry label text
            entry_label = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.label)
                richText      = true,
                stretchWidth  = true,
                stretchHeight = true,
                fontSize      = ScaleInteger(12),
                alignment     = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft,
                normal        = { textColor = Color.white }

            entry_label_nowrap = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.label)
                richText      = true,
                wordWrap      = false,
                stretchWidth  = true,
                stretchHeight = true,
                fontSize      = ScaleInteger(12),
                alignment     = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft,
                normal        = { textColor = Color.white }

            // entry value text
            entry_value = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.label)
                richText      = true,
                stretchWidth  = true,
                stretchHeight = true,
                fontStyle     = FontStyle.Bold,
                fontSize      = ScaleInteger(12),
                alignment     = TextAnchor.MiddleRight,
                normal        = { textColor = Color.white }

            // desc row container
            desc_container = new GUIStyle
                stretchWidth  = true,
                stretchHeight = true

            // entry multi-line description
            desc = new GUIStyle(entry_label)
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic,
                alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft,
                margin    =
                    top    = 0,
                    bottom = 0
                padding =
                    top    = 0,
                    bottom = ScaleInteger(10)

            // left icon
            left_icon = new GUIStyle
                stretchWidth  = true,
                stretchHeight = true,
                fixedWidth    = ScaleFloat(16.0f),
                alignment     = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft

            // right icon
            right_icon = new GUIStyle
                stretchWidth  = true,
                stretchHeight = true,
                margin        = { left = ScaleInteger(8) },
                fixedWidth    = ScaleFloat(16.0f),
                alignment     = TextAnchor.MiddleRight

            // tooltip label style
            tooltip = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.label)
                stretchWidth  = true,
                stretchHeight = true,
                fontSize      = ScaleInteger(12),
                alignment     = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                border        = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0),
                normal        =
                    textColor  = Color.white,
                    background = blackBackground
                margin  = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0),
                padding = new RectOffset(ScaleInteger(6), ScaleInteger(6), ScaleInteger(3), ScaleInteger(3))

            tooltip.normal.background.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;

            // tooltip container style
            tooltip_container = new GUIStyle
                stretchWidth  = true,
                stretchHeight = true

            smallStationHead = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.label)
                fontSize = ScaleInteger(12)

            smallStationText = new GUIStyle(HighLogic.Skin.label)
                fontSize = ScaleInteger(12),
                normal   = { textColor = Color.white }

            message = new GUIStyle()
                normal =
                    background = blackBackground,
                    textColor  = new Color(0.66f, 0.66f, 0.66f, 1.0f)
                richText      = true,
                stretchWidth  = true,
                stretchHeight = true,
                fixedWidth    = 0,
                fixedHeight   = 0,
                fontSize      = Styles.ScaleInteger(12),
                alignment     = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                border        = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0),
                padding       = new RectOffset(Styles.ScaleInteger(2), Styles.ScaleInteger(2), Styles.ScaleInteger(2), Styles.ScaleInteger(2))
Example #7
        // called every frame
        public void On_gui()
            // do nothing if GUI has not been initialized
            if (!ui_initialized)

            // render the window
            if (vesselListLauncher.toggleButton.Value || vesselListLauncher.IsHovering || (win_rect.width > 0f && win_rect.Contains(Mouse.screenPos)))
                // hard-coded offsets
                // note: there is a bug in stock that only set appscale properly in non-flight-mode after you go in flight-mode at least once
                float at_top_offset_x           = 40.0f * GameSettings.UI_SCALE * GameSettings.UI_SCALE_APPS;
                float at_top_offset_y           = 0.0f * GameSettings.UI_SCALE * GameSettings.UI_SCALE_APPS;
                float at_bottom_offset_x        = 0.0f * GameSettings.UI_SCALE * GameSettings.UI_SCALE_APPS;
                float at_bottom_offset_y        = 40.0f * GameSettings.UI_SCALE * GameSettings.UI_SCALE_APPS;
                float at_bottom_editor_offset_x = 66.0f * GameSettings.UI_SCALE * GameSettings.UI_SCALE_APPS;

                // get screen size
                float screen_width  = Screen.width;
                float screen_height = Screen.height;

                // determine app launcher position;
                bool is_at_top = ApplicationLauncher.Instance.IsPositionedAtTop;

                // get window size
                float width  = Lib.IsEditor() ? Planner.Planner.Width() : monitor.Width();
                float height = Lib.IsEditor() ? Planner.Planner.Height() : monitor.Height();

                // calculate window position
                float left = screen_width - width;
                float top  = is_at_top ? 0.0f : screen_height - height;
                if (is_at_top)
                    left -= at_top_offset_x;
                    top  += at_top_offset_y;
                    left -= !Lib.IsEditor() ? at_bottom_offset_x : at_bottom_editor_offset_x;
                    top  -= at_bottom_offset_y;

                // store window geometry
                win_rect = new Rect(left, top, width, height);

                // begin window area
                GUILayout.BeginArea(win_rect, Styles.win);

                // a bit of spacing between title and content

                // draw planner in the editors, monitor everywhere else
                if (!Lib.IsEditor())

                // end window area

                // draw tooltip
                tooltip.Draw(new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, Screen.width, Screen.height));
                // set zero area win_rect
                win_rect.width = 0f;

            // get mouse over state
            // bool mouse_over = win_rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition);
            bool mouse_over = win_rect.Contains(new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y));

            // disable camera mouse scrolling on mouse over
            if (mouse_over)
                GameSettings.AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL.primary.scale = 0.0f;

            // Disable Click through
            if (mouse_over && !clickThroughLocked)
                InputLockManager.SetControlLock(MainGUILockTypes, "KerbalismMainGUILock");
                clickThroughLocked = true;
            if (!mouse_over && clickThroughLocked)
                clickThroughLocked = false;
Example #8
 internal static Texture2D GetTexture(string name, int width = 16, int height = 16, float prescalar = 1.0f)
     return(Styles.GetUIScaledTexture(name, width, height, prescalar));
Example #9
        public static void Devman(this Panel p, Vessel v)
            // avoid corner-case when this is called in a lambda after scene changes
            v = FlightGlobals.FindVessel(v.id);

            // if vessel doesn't exist anymore, leave the panel empty
            if (v == null)

            // get data
            VesselData vd = v.KerbalismData();

            // if not a valid vessel, leave the panel empty
            if (!vd.IsSimulated)

            // set metadata
            p.Title(Lib.BuildString(Lib.Ellipsis(v.vesselName, Styles.ScaleStringLength(20)), Lib.Color(Local.UI_devman, Lib.Kolor.LightGrey)));
            p.paneltype = Panel.PanelType.scripts;

            // time-out simulation
            if (!Lib.IsControlUnit(v) && p.Timeout(vd))

            // get devices
            List <Device> devices     = Computer.GetModuleDevices(v);
            int           deviceCount = 0;

            // direct control
            if (script_index == 0)
                // draw section title and desc
                    () => p.Prev(ref script_index, (int)ScriptType.last),
                    () => p.Next(ref script_index, (int)ScriptType.last),

                bool hasVesselDeviceSection = false;
                bool hasModuleDeviceSection = false;

                // for each device
                for (int i = devices.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Device dev = devices[i];

                    if (!dev.IsVisible)

                    // create vessel device section if necessary
                    if (dev is VesselDevice)
                        if (!hasVesselDeviceSection)
                            p.AddSection(Local.DevManager_VESSELDEVICES);                            //"VESSEL DEVICES"
                            hasVesselDeviceSection = true;
                    // create module device section if necessary
                        if (!hasModuleDeviceSection)
                            p.AddSection(Local.DevManager_MODULEDEVICES);                            //"MODULE DEVICES"
                            hasModuleDeviceSection = true;

                    if (dev.PartId != 0u)
                        p.AddContent(dev.DisplayName, dev.Status, dev.Tooltip, dev.Toggle, () => Highlighter.Set(dev.PartId, Color.cyan));
                        p.AddContent(dev.DisplayName, dev.Status, dev.Tooltip, dev.Toggle);

                    if (dev.Icon != null)
                        p.SetLeftIcon(dev.Icon.texture, dev.Icon.tooltip, dev.Icon.onClick);

            // script editor
                // get script
                ScriptType script_type = (ScriptType)script_index;
                string     script_name = Name().ToUpper();
                Script     script      = v.KerbalismData().computer.Get(script_type);

                // draw section title and desc
                    () => p.Prev(ref script_index, (int)ScriptType.last),
                    () => p.Next(ref script_index, (int)ScriptType.last)

                bool hasVesselDeviceSection = false;
                bool hasModuleDeviceSection = false;

                // for each device
                for (int i = devices.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Device dev = devices[i];

                    if (!dev.IsVisible)

                    // determine tribool state
                    int state = !script.states.ContainsKey(dev.Id)
                                          ? -1
                                          : !script.states[dev.Id]
                                          ? 0
                                          : 1;

                    // create vessel device section if necessary
                    if (dev is VesselDevice)
                        if (!hasVesselDeviceSection)
                            p.AddSection(Local.DevManager_VESSELDEVICES);                            //"VESSEL DEVICES"
                            hasVesselDeviceSection = true;
                    // create module device section if necessary
                        if (!hasModuleDeviceSection)
                            p.AddSection(Local.DevManager_MODULEDEVICES);                            //"MODULE DEVICES"
                            hasModuleDeviceSection = true;

                    // render device entry
                        state == -1 ? Lib.Color(Local.UI_dontcare, Lib.Kolor.DarkGrey) : Lib.Color(state == 0, Local.Generic_OFF, Lib.Kolor.Yellow, Local.Generic_ON, Lib.Kolor.Green),
                        () =>
                        switch (state)
                        case -1: script.Set(dev, true); break;

                        case 0: script.Set(dev, null); break;

                        case 1: script.Set(dev, false); break;
                        () => Highlighter.Set(dev.PartId, Color.cyan)

            // no devices case
            if (deviceCount == 0)
                p.AddContent("<i>" + Local.DevManager_nodevices + "</i>");             //no devices
        // to be called as window refresh function
        void Window_body(Panel p)
            // outside the editor
            if (!Lib.IsEditor())
                // if part doesn't exist anymore
                if (part.flightID == 0 || FlightGlobals.FindPartByID(part.flightID) == null)
            // inside the editor
                // if the part doesn't exist anymore (eg: removed, user hit undo)
                if (GetInstanceID() == 0)

            // for each selected setup
            for (int selected_i = 0; selected_i < selected.Count; ++selected_i)
                // find index in unlocked setups
                for (int setup_i = 0; setup_i < unlocked.Count; ++setup_i)
                    if (unlocked[setup_i].name == selected[selected_i])
                        // commit panel
                        Render_panel(p, unlocked[setup_i], selected_i, setup_i);

            // set metadata
            p.Title(Lib.BuildString(Local.Module_Configure, " ", "<color=#cccccc>", Lib.Ellipsis(title, Styles.ScaleStringLength(40)), "</color>"));              //Configure
Example #11
 internal static Texture2D GetTexture(string name)
Example #12
        public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
            // everything in there will be called only one time : the first time a game is loaded from the main menu
            if (!IsCoreGameInitDone)
                    // core game systems
                    Sim.Init();                             // find suns (Kopernicus support)
                    Radiation.Init();                       // create the radiation fields
                    ScienceDB.Init();                       // build the science database (needs Sim.Init() and Radiation.Init() first)
                    Science.Init();                         // register the science hijacker

                    // static graphic components

                    // UI
                    Textures.Init();                                          // set up the icon textures
                    UI.Init();                                                // message system, main gui, launcher
                    KsmGui.KsmGuiMasterController.Init();                     // setup the new gui framework

                    // part prefabs hacks
                    Profile.SetupPods();                     // add supply resources to pods
                    Misc.PartPrefabsTweaks();                // part prefabs tweaks, must be called after ScienceDB.Init()

                    // Create KsmGui windows
                    new ScienceArchiveWindow();

                    // GameEvents callbacks
                    Callbacks = new Callbacks();
                catch (Exception e)
                    string fatalError = "FATAL ERROR : Kerbalism core init has failed :" + "\n" + e.ToString();
                    Lib.Log(fatalError, Lib.LogLevel.Error);

                IsCoreGameInitDone = true;

            // everything in there will be called every time a savegame (or a new game) is loaded from the main menu
            if (!IsSaveGameInitDone)

                    // prepare storm data
                    foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
                        if (Storm.Skip_body(body))
                        Storm_data sd = new Storm_data {
                            body = body

                catch (Exception e)
                    string fatalError = "FATAL ERROR : Kerbalism save game init has failed :" + "\n" + e.ToString();
                    Lib.Log(fatalError, Lib.LogLevel.Error);

                IsSaveGameInitDone = true;


            // eveything else will be called on every OnLoad() call :
            // - save/load
            // - every scene change
            // - in various semi-random situations (thanks KSP)

            // Fix for background IMGUI textures being dropped on scene changes since KSP 1.8

            // always clear the caches

            // deserialize our database
            catch (Exception e)
                string fatalError = "FATAL ERROR : Kerbalism save game load has failed :" + "\n" + e.ToString();
                Lib.Log(fatalError, Lib.LogLevel.Error);

            // I'm smelling the hacky mess in here.
            Communications.NetworkInitialized  = false;
            Communications.NetworkInitializing = false;

            // detect if this is a different savegame
            if (DB.uid != savegame_uid)
                // clear caches

                // sync main window pos from db

                // remember savegame id
                savegame_uid = DB.uid;

            Kerbalism.gameLoadTime = Time.time;
Example #13
        static void Render_file(Panel p, string filename, File file, Drive drive, bool short_strings, double rate)
            // get experiment info
            ExperimentInfo exp = Science.Experiment(filename);

            // render experiment name
            string exp_label = Lib.BuildString
                Lib.Ellipsis(exp.name, Styles.ScaleStringLength(short_strings ? 24 : 38)),
                "</b> <size=", Styles.ScaleInteger(10).ToString(), ">",
                Lib.Ellipsis(exp.situation, Styles.ScaleStringLength((short_strings ? 32 : 62) - Lib.Ellipsis(exp.name, Styles.ScaleStringLength(short_strings ? 24 : 38)).Length)),
            string exp_tooltip = Lib.BuildString
                exp.name, "\n",
                "<color=#aaaaaa>", exp.situation, "</color>"
            double exp_value = Science.Value(filename, file.size);

            if (exp_value > double.Epsilon)
                exp_tooltip = Lib.BuildString(exp_tooltip, "\n<b>", Lib.HumanReadableScience(exp_value), "</b>");

            if (rate > 0)
                p.AddContent(exp_label, Lib.HumanReadableDataSize(file.size), "<i>" + Lib.HumanReadableDuration(file.size / rate) + "</i>");
                p.AddContent(exp_label, Lib.HumanReadableDataSize(file.size), exp_tooltip);

            p.AddIcon(file.send ? Icons.send_cyan : Icons.send_black, "Flag the file for transmission to <b>DSN</b>", () => { file.send = !file.send; });
            p.AddIcon(Icons.toggle_red, "Delete the file", () => Lib.Popup
                          Lib.BuildString("Do you really want to delete ", exp.fullname, "?"),
                          new DialogGUIButton("Delete it", () => drive.files.Remove(filename)),
                          new DialogGUIButton("Keep it", () => { })
Example #14
        public void Render()
            // headers
            foreach (Header h in headers)
                if (h.leftIcon != null)
                    GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(h.leftIcon.texture, h.leftIcon.tooltip), Styles.left_icon);
                    if (h.leftIcon.click != null && Lib.IsClicked())
                GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(h.label, h.tooltip), Styles.entry_label_nowrap);
                if (h.click != null && Lib.IsClicked())
                foreach (Icon i in h.icons)
                    GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(i.texture, i.tooltip), Styles.right_icon);
                    if (i.click != null && Lib.IsClicked())

            // sections
            foreach (Section p in sections)
                // section title
                if (p.left != null)
                    GUILayout.Label(Textures.left_arrow, Styles.left_icon);
                    if (Lib.IsClicked())
                GUILayout.Label(p.title, Styles.section_text);
                if (p.right != null)
                    GUILayout.Label(Textures.right_arrow, Styles.right_icon);
                    if (Lib.IsClicked())

                // description
                if (p.desc.Length > 0)
                    GUILayout.Label(p.desc, Styles.desc);

                // entries
                if (p.needsSort)
                    p.needsSort = false;
                    p.entries.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.label, b.label, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                foreach (Entry e in p.entries)
                    if (e.leftIcon != null)
                        GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(e.leftIcon.texture, e.leftIcon.tooltip), Styles.left_icon);
                        if (e.leftIcon.click != null && Lib.IsClicked())
                    GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(e.label, e.tooltip), Styles.entry_label, GUILayout.Height(Styles.entry_label.fontSize));
                    if (e.hover != null && Lib.IsHover())
                    GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(e.value, e.tooltip), Styles.entry_value, GUILayout.Height(Styles.entry_value.fontSize));
                    if (e.click != null && Lib.IsClicked())
                    if (e.hover != null && Lib.IsHover())
                    foreach (Icon i in e.icons)
                        GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(i.texture, i.tooltip), Styles.right_icon);
                        if (i.click != null && Lib.IsClicked())

                // spacing

            // call callbacks
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                foreach (Action func in callbacks)
Example #15
        static void Render_sample(Panel p, uint partId, string filename, Sample sample, Drive drive, bool short_strings)
            // get experiment info
            ExperimentInfo exp = Science.Experiment(filename);

            // render experiment name
            string exp_label = Lib.BuildString
                Lib.Ellipsis(exp.name, Styles.ScaleStringLength(short_strings ? 24 : 38)),
                "</b> <size=", Styles.ScaleInteger(10).ToString(), ">",
                Lib.Ellipsis(ExperimentInfo.Situation(filename), Styles.ScaleStringLength((short_strings ? 32 : 62) - Lib.Ellipsis(exp.name, Styles.ScaleStringLength(short_strings ? 24 : 38)).Length)),
            string exp_tooltip = Lib.BuildString
                exp.name, "\n",
                "<color=#aaaaaa>", ExperimentInfo.Situation(filename), "</color>"
            double exp_value = Science.Value(filename, sample.size);

            if (exp_value >= 0.1)
                exp_tooltip = Lib.BuildString(exp_tooltip, "\n<b>", Lib.HumanReadableScience(exp_value), "</b>");
            if (sample.mass > Double.Epsilon)
                exp_tooltip = Lib.BuildString(exp_tooltip, "\n<b>", Lib.HumanReadableMass(sample.mass), "</b>");

            p.AddContent(exp_label, Lib.HumanReadableSampleSize(sample.size), exp_tooltip, (Action)null, () => Highlighter.Set(partId, Color.cyan));
            p.AddIcon(sample.analyze ? Icons.lab_cyan : Icons.lab_black, "Flag the file for analysis in a <b>laboratory</b>", () => { sample.analyze = !sample.analyze; });
            p.AddIcon(Icons.toggle_red, "Dump the sample", () =>
                          Lib.BuildString("Do you really want to dump ", exp.FullName(filename), "?"),
                          new DialogGUIButton("Dump it", () => drive.samples.Remove(filename)),
                          new DialogGUIButton("Keep it", () => { }));
Example #16
        public static void Devman(this Panel p, Vessel v)
            // avoid corner-case when this is called in a lambda after scene changes
            v = FlightGlobals.FindVessel(v.id);

            // if vessel doesn't exist anymore, leave the panel empty
            if (v == null)

            // get info from the cache
            Vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(v);

            // if not a valid vessel, leave the panel empty
            if (!vi.is_valid)

            // set metadata
            p.Title(Lib.BuildString(Lib.Ellipsis(v.vesselName, Styles.ScaleStringLength(20)), " <color=#cccccc>" + Localizer.Format("#KERBALISM_UI_devman") + "</color>"));
            p.paneltype = Panel.PanelType.scripts;

            // time-out simulation
            if (p.Timeout(vi))

            // get devices
            Dictionary <uint, Device> devices = Computer.Boot(v);

            // direct control
            if (script_index == 0)
                // draw section title and desc
                    () => p.Prev(ref script_index, (int)ScriptType.last),
                    () => p.Next(ref script_index, (int)ScriptType.last)

                // for each device
                foreach (var pair in devices)
                    // render device entry
                    Device dev = pair.Value;
                    p.AddContent(dev.Name(), dev.Info(), string.Empty, dev.Toggle, () => Highlighter.Set(dev.Part(), Color.cyan));
            // script editor
                // get script
                ScriptType script_type = (ScriptType)script_index;
                string     script_name = script_type.ToString().Replace('_', ' ').ToUpper();
                Script     script      = DB.Vessel(v).computer.Get(script_type);

                // draw section title and desc
                    () => p.Prev(ref script_index, (int)ScriptType.last),
                    () => p.Next(ref script_index, (int)ScriptType.last)

                // for each device
                foreach (var pair in devices)
                    // determine tribool state
                    int state = !script.states.ContainsKey(pair.Key)
                                          ? -1
                                          : !script.states[pair.Key]
                                          ? 0
                                          : 1;

                    // render device entry
                    Device dev = pair.Value;
                        state == -1 ? "<color=#999999>" + Localizer.Format("#KERBALISM_UI_dontcare") + " </color>" : state == 0 ? "<color=red>" + Localizer.Format("#KERBALISM_Generic_OFF") + "</color>" : "<color=cyan>" + Localizer.Format("#KERBALISM_Generic_ON") + "</color>",
                        () =>
                        switch (state)
                        case -1: script.Set(dev, true); break;

                        case 0: script.Set(dev, null); break;

                        case 1: script.Set(dev, false); break;
                        () => Highlighter.Set(dev.Part(), Color.cyan)

            // no devices case
            if (devices.Count == 0)
                p.AddContent("<i>no devices</i>");
Example #17
        public static void Config(this Panel p, Vessel v)
            // avoid corner-case when this is called in a lambda after scene changes
            v = FlightGlobals.FindVessel(v.id);

            // if vessel doesn't exist anymore, leave the panel empty
            if (v == null)

            // get vessel data
            VesselData vd = v.KerbalismData();

            // if not a valid vessel, leave the panel empty
            if (!vd.IsSimulated)

            // set metadata
            p.Title(Lib.BuildString(Lib.Ellipsis(v.vesselName, Styles.ScaleStringLength(20)), " ", Lib.Color("VESSEL CONFIG", Lib.Kolor.LightGrey)));
            p.paneltype = Panel.PanelType.config;

            // toggle rendering
            string tooltip;

            if (Features.Reliability)
            if (Features.Reliability)
                tooltip = "Highlight failed components";
                p.AddContent("highlight malfunctions", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.AddRightIcon(vd.cfg_highlights ? Textures.toggle_green : Textures.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_highlights));

            // toggle messages
            tooltip = "Receive a message when\nElectricCharge level is low";
            p.AddContent("battery", string.Empty, tooltip);
            p.AddRightIcon(vd.cfg_ec ? Textures.toggle_green : Textures.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_ec));
            if (Features.Supplies)
                tooltip = "Receive a message when\nsupply resources level is low";
                p.AddContent("supply", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.AddRightIcon(vd.cfg_supply ? Textures.toggle_green : Textures.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_supply));
            if (API.Comm.handlers.Count > 0 || HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.EnableCommNet)
                tooltip = "Receive a message when signal is lost or obtained";
                p.AddContent("signal", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.AddRightIcon(vd.cfg_signal ? Textures.toggle_green : Textures.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_signal));
            if (Features.Reliability)
                tooltip = "Receive a message\nwhen a component fail";
                p.AddContent("reliability", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.AddRightIcon(vd.cfg_malfunction ? Textures.toggle_green : Textures.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_malfunction));
            if (Features.SpaceWeather)
                tooltip = "Receive a message\nduring CME events";
                p.AddContent("storm", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.AddRightIcon(vd.cfg_storm ? Textures.toggle_green : Textures.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_storm));
            if (Features.Automation)
                tooltip = "Receive a message when\nscripts are executed";
                p.AddContent("script", string.Empty, tooltip);
                p.AddRightIcon(vd.cfg_script ? Textures.toggle_green : Textures.toggle_red, tooltip, () => p.Toggle(ref vd.cfg_script));
Example #18
        ///<summary> Initializes the icons </summary>
        internal static void Initialize()
            TexturePath = KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "GameData/Kerbalism/Textures/";

            empty        = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("empty");                           // an empty icon to maintain alignment
            close        = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("close");                           // black close icon
            left_arrow   = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("left-arrow");                      // white left arrow
            right_arrow  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("right-arrow");                     // white right arrow
            toggle_green = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("toggle-green");                    // green check mark
            toggle_red   = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("toggle-red");                      // red check mark

            send_black = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("send-black");                        // used by file man
            send_cyan  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("send-cyan");
            lab_black  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("lab-black");
            lab_cyan   = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("lab-cyan");

            applauncher = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("applauncher", 38, 38);

            small_info    = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("small-info");
            small_folder  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("small-folder");
            small_console = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("small-console");
            small_config  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("small-config");
            small_search  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("small-search");
            small_notes   = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("small-notes");

            category_normal   = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("category-normal");
            category_selected = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("category-selected");

            sun_black = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("sun-black");
            sun_white = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("sun-white");

            battery_white  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("battery-white");
            battery_yellow = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("battery-yellow");
            battery_red    = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("battery-red");

            box_white  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("box-white");
            box_yellow = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("box-yellow");
            box_red    = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("box-red");

            wrench_white  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("wrench-white");
            wrench_yellow = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("wrench-yellow");
            wrench_red    = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("wrench-red");

            signal_white  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("signal-white");
            signal_yellow = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("signal-yellow");
            signal_red    = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("signal-red");

            recycle_yellow = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("recycle-yellow");
            recycle_red    = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("recycle-red");

            radiation_yellow = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("radiation-yellow");
            radiation_red    = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("radiation-red");

            health_white  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("health-white");
            health_yellow = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("health-yellow");
            health_red    = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("health-red");

            brain_white  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("brain-white");
            brain_yellow = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("brain-yellow");
            brain_red    = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("brain-red");

            storm_yellow = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("storm-yellow");
            storm_red    = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("storm-red");

            plant_white  = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("plant-white");
            plant_yellow = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("plant-yellow");

            station_black = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/station-black", 80, 80, 4);
            station_white = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/station-white", 80, 80, 4);

            base_black = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/base-black", 80, 80, 4);
            base_white = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/base-white", 80, 80, 4);

            ship_black = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/ship-black", 80, 80, 4);
            ship_white = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/ship-white", 80, 80, 4);

            probe_black = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/probe-black", 80, 80, 4);
            probe_white = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/probe-white", 80, 80, 4);

            relay_black = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/relay-black", 40, 40, 1.75f);
            relay_white = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/relay-white", 40, 40, 1.75f);

            rover_black = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/rover-black", 80, 80, 4);
            rover_white = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/rover-white", 80, 80, 4);

            lander_black = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/lander-black", 80, 80, 4);
            lander_white = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/lander-white", 80, 80, 4);

            eva_black = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/eva-black", 80, 80, 4);
            eva_white = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/eva-white", 80, 80, 4);

            plane_black = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/plane-black", 40, 40, 2.25f);
            plane_white = Styles.GetUIScaledTexture("vessels/plane-white", 40, 40, 2.25f);